Particularly to those who are interested in such things (Rocky):

-What are the things you look for when visually identifying people? I know I look at the eyes, nose, and jawline more than other things, but I'm no expert by any means.

-On that note, how do you use said characteristics to differentiate?

-Do you feel that each individual type has unique physical features, or do certain things point to E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P?

-How effective do you really think VI is? Should it ever take precedence over testing, or should it just be used to tip the scales?

Just for clarification, I'm looking for personal responses/techniques, not just those prescribed by socionists (unless, of course, you really do go by the book). I know VI is a pretty fuzzy area, but I'm trying to see if there is really a general consensus on any of this.