• Socionics

    by Published on 10-03-2011 05:38 PM  Number of Views: 38102 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Visual Identification
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    Gulenko VI Method

    Gulenko's symbols for the IEs are as follows:
    S = sensus/sensing (Si)
    I = intueor/intuition (Ne)
    L = lex/law/logic (Ti)
    E = emoveo/emotion (Fe)
    T = tempus/time (Ni)
    F = factor/force (Se)
    R = relatio/relations (Fi)
    P = profiteor/profit/production (Te)

    Note: The demonstrative function or 5th function in Gulenko's energy model = (roughly) the creative function in Model A. So whenever Gulenko says demonstrative or 5th, you can safely interpret that as creative for today's purpose.

    Demonstrative Intuition

    In the model of the TIM, the 5th position is called demonstrative function. This is the most powerful internal function, ...
    by Published on 10-02-2011 06:06 PM  Number of Views: 67575 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Social Progress,
    5. Quadra
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    +/- signs have seen various interpretations and changes over time. Please refer to this article for further information: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...unctions-Eglit

    Discussion thread - http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...042#post584042
    Original article - http://socioniko.net/ru/articles/quadra-soc-psy.html

    Notes: Remember. These are +/- descriptions. They're not descriptions of the full functions, which ...
    by Published on 10-02-2011 05:58 PM  Number of Views: 22193 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Semantics,
    5. Information Aspect
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    Aspect Semantics

    T. Prokofieva
    Source: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...254&Itemid=137
    You know, we cannot foresee
    The echo of words pronounced.
    F.I. Tyutchev

    The matter of aspects semantics is one of the main matters of socionics. If socionics is the science of information metabolism, then its subject is the information exchange. Certainly, we communicate with each other both verbally and non-verbally. And a great role in information transfer belongs to gestures, mimics, and also the very image of the person speaking. But we can not deny the most important role of words in the information exchange.

    Watching attentively the representatives of different types of information metabolism (TIM) we notice typical words for each TIM and reactions to them. One and the same word will activate one TIM, will cause irritation with another one, will upset the third one and so on in accordance to the force and deep understanding of the corresponding function.

    According to this a socionics expert should know the results of his influence. Then we can foresee the effect of our words on different TIM representatives or at least understand post factum what happened when people did not understand each other, got insulted and quarreled not intending to do so. Analyzing all this “mess” caused by misunderstanding we give them a chance to reconcile with each other and not make such mistakes again. This can be called socionic diagnostics or even wider – socionic conflictology allowing to find a way out of conflicts or to prevent them.
    by Published on 10-02-2011 09:21 AM  Number of Views: 23108 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics

    Just a piece I found in Russian and Babelfish-translated. Kempinsky was the Polish psychiatrist Augusta got the idea of information metabolism from.
    Here's a short article by Dmitri Lytov on "information metabolism".

    by Published on 10-01-2011 03:56 PM  Number of Views: 22988 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics

    Original Article in Russian here.
    Translator's Note: Gulenko uses his own form of notation for the Information Elements, as follows:

    Se = F (factor, force)
    Ne = I (intueor, idea)
    Te = P (profiteor, profit)
    Fe = E (emoveo, emotion)
    Si = S (sensus, sensation)
    Ni = T (tempus, time)
    Ti = L (lex, logic)
    Fi = R (relatio, relation)

    He has also renamed the blocks of Model A to base them on Jung instead of Freud, as follows:

    Ego = Ego
    Super-Ego = Persona
    Super-Id = Anima/Animus
    Id = Shadow

    However, this is somewhat odd, as he also refers to the "Ego Type" as the traditional Socionics type, and the "Persona Type" as his new "energy type". He doesn't seem to explain this discrepancy anywhere.

    V. Gulenko; Man as a System of Types. The Problem of Diagnosis of the Ego and Persona
    This article was published in the sixth issue of “Socionics, Mentology and the Psychology of Personality” in the year 2000.

    This article has led me to engage in fierce debates in recent years, which has led to an ideological schism among the socionics schools. The crisis of diagnostics, which we are currently experiencing, will either completely undermine faith in socionics among professionals and our potential clients, or will give birth to a new comprehension of the phenomenon of human personality as a polysystematic object, exchanging energy and information with the surrounding environment.
    by Published on 10-01-2011 03:51 PM  Number of Views: 33487 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Model A,
    4. Additional translation required,
    5. Small Groups

    Socionics: Typology - Small Groups
    [See attachment for full text]

    Socionics is defined and taught in many different ways. To me, it is defined as the science of types of individuals and their relationships. I would not separate it from psychology. It is the part of personality psychology that deals with personality classification, the study of relationships and laws of forming of groups with a wide spectrum of personality characteristics.

    Psychologists practicing Socionics are often asked to analyze relationships in existing groups, to build teams for certain tasks, or to review conflicts.

    Socionics has a wide spectrum of application to different areas of psychology – from career-guidance to family counseling and personal advice.

    Socionics is one of the most effective tools of self-development useful for revealing personal problems, determining strong and weak traits of one's personality and correcting behavior. Socionics allows an individual to look at oneself from outside. I have a personal conviction that every psychologist before he/she begins helping people with their problems should acquire clear understanding of him/herself and have a professional attitude towards one's own personality.

    Any expert's authority in a given sphere of knowledge depends on his/her skill of discernment of objects in the given field of study. An experienced steel maker can tell the exact metal temperature by simple observation; likewise an optic lens polisher who is an expert in his field can discern the precision of polishing by touch, and etc.

    A psychologist's expertise is revealed primarily in discerning people's characters, their motives, problems, fears and behavioral reactions. I believe that Socionics helps its practitioners to considerably progress in this direction and widen the horizons of psychology as a science in general. On the other hand, Socionics – and here I absolutely agree with Igor Kalinauskas - is a science of banalities. But the knowledge of the banal, behavioral stereotypes, of standard reactions and standard scenarios in relationships, helps to sort through and set these things aside when dealing with people and their problems.....
    by Published on 10-01-2011 03:10 PM  Number of Views: 28619 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Semantics
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    About Aspects and Functions in Socionics

    by T. N. Prokofieva

    Would everything on Earth be dead,
    As if the world has never had
    The life in it that flowered,
    If no living person yet
    The source of life discovered.
    S. Marshak

    Basing on psyche functions Jung described psychological types, but he did not put in terms diagnostic method for real people. That’s why Jung’s typology was considered for long years to be working only when used by its author and is not good for practical work. As we see that this typology is very effective in practice and is certainly needed both for a psychologist and an average person, it would be good to find the means and tools for defining, diagnosing psychological types.

    Till the present time a lot of not ...
    by Published on 10-01-2011 03:01 PM  Number of Views: 27616 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Information Aspect

    Psychological functions and Information metabolism models

    Tatyana Prokofieva
    Marina Kuzmina

    In the previous article we told you, dear readers, about the connection between socionics and psychology. And now it’s time to describe the connection between socionics and informatics, to tell you about that information system which, as it tuned out, all of us have. Recently people could not even imagine that there is some kind of a “trip computer” in our psyche which determines our talents, preferences, spheres of interest, professional inclinations, the mode of life. The ability to know it in details helps to consciously manage our life, not to make same mistakes again and again, to secure ourselves against troubles in time.

    What do we know about the exchange processes?

    There is a term in biology – metabolism, which literally means exchange, assimilation and processing. The food received by an organism is decomposed into numerous components and gets into ...

    by Published on 10-01-2011 05:50 AM  Number of Views: 47627 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Semantics
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    Semantics and Vocabulary of Information Elements

    Cognitive linguistics is the field of research that studies the relationship between language and cognition.

    Information Element Semantics by L. Kochubeeva, V. Mironov, M. Stoyalova

    The tables below present phrases, topics, themes, and words that are commonly associated with different socionics information elements. They was taken from a book published in 2007 titled "Semantics of Information Elements" authored by L. Kochubeeva, V. Mironov, M. Stoyalova, and translated to English language by Rick. More on this study's methodology is covered here.

    Introverted Intuition

    Socionics.us - http://www.socionics.us/works/semantics.shtml

    Information Aspect Semantics by Prokofieva

    Full article: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...254&Itemid=137

    Logic of Actions Te

    – movement, activity, transfer, deed, achievement.
    Knowledge – qualifications, method, skills, fact, erudition.
    Work – business team, instrument, mechanism, process of production, technology, ability to work, functioning.
    Reason – adequacy, profit, common sense, use, pragmatism, reasonable actions, rationality, rationalism, expediency, effectiveness.
    Economics – enterprise, worth, ability to do with money, price.

    Logics of Relationships Ti

    Dimension – more-less, long – short, parameter, distance, commensurability, comparison, standard.
    Understanding – analysis, detail, synthesis, universality.
    Order – leveling, classification, control, sequence, to range, strictness, register.
    System – regularity, hierarchy, organization, cause and effect relations, theory.
    Structure – positional relationship of objects, interrelations, construction, subordination, position, correlation, chart.
    Formal logics – algorithm, distance, proof, “if – then”, law, instruction, informatics, cybernetics, mathematics, official relations, rights and duties, rules (including etiquette), programming, equality, justice, statistics, equation.

    Ethics of Emotions Fe

    Agitation – fervour, indignation, nervousness, dormancy, pressing, emotional experience, depression, calmness, passion, ecstasy.
    by Published on 09-30-2011 04:17 PM  Number of Views: 20898 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Quadra

    Quadral Estafette: Silhouettes of Time Through Progression of Types

    - by V. V. Gulenko , 25.07.1995, Kiev.

    automatic translation--further translation needed
    http://www.socioniko.net/ru/articles/quadral-est.html ...