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    Introduction to Socionics

    Socionics is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche, called Model A, and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions. These functions process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.

    Socionics was developed in the 1970s and '80s, primarily by the Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, an economist, sociologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical University's department of family science. A. Augustinavičiūtė has later shortened her last name from "Augustinavichiute" to "Augusta" to make it easier to spell for foreigners. The name "socionics" is derived from the word "society", because A. Augusta believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics. Augusta created symbols to represent the functions described by Carl Jung and — together with a circle of fellow researchers/hobbyists — eventually created what is known as the "socionic model of the psyche" — a description of the psyche where each of the 8 information elements has its place in each person's psyche.

    The central idea of socionics is that information is intuitively divisible into eight categories, called information aspects or information elements, which a person's psyche processes using eight psychological functions. Each sociotype has a different correspondence between functions and information elements, which results in different ways of perceiving, processing, and producing information. This in turn results in distinct thinking patterns, values, and responses to arguments, all of which are encompassed within socionic type. Socionics' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types.

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  • Crispy

    by Published on 10-04-2011 08:44 PM     Number of Views: 19217 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element
    Article Preview

    Random Indicators of Information Elements by Meged VV, Ovcharov A


    - Fantazer
    1. I am very interested to tackle difficult issues and to unravel the tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to their imagination and vision of the various solutions to the problem I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations, such provision, which others seem to be hopeless.
    by Published on 09-30-2011 05:26 AM  Number of Views: 24936 
    1. Categories:
    2. IEI - INFp,
    3. ILE - ENTp,
    4. SEE - ESFp,
    5. SLI - ISTp,
    6. SEI - ISFp,
    7. SLE - ESTp,
    8. ILI - INTp,
    9. IEE - ENFp,
    10. LSI - ISTj,
    11. LSE - ESTj,
    12. LIE - ENTj,
    13. LII - INTj,
    14. EIE - ENFj,
    15. ESE - ESFj,
    16. ESI - ISFj,
    17. EII - INFj
    Article Preview

    Profiles of 16 Socionics Types by Tatiana Prokofieva and Marina Kuzmina

    Taken from the series of articles "Psychology in the New Era", that were published in application to the newspaper "September ...
    by Published on 09-12-2011 07:37 PM     Number of Views: 23855 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Intertype Relations

    Filatova's: Duality as Complementation between Strong/Weak Functions

    There are Filatova's descriptions from her English Socionics book. She describes how each type's weakest function (Suggestive) works like a lock, and each type's strongest function (Base) works like a key.

    Discussion threads:



    ILE - The Seeker
    :Burning curiosity for everything new, inquisitiveness; unpredictable behavior; creative excitement; ability to recognize essence under the surface.
    : Need for support in everything that concerns health, well-being, and leisure activities.

    SEI - The Epicurean
    : Focus on well-being and physical comfort; ability to create comfortable and pleasant feelings; good cooking capabilities.
    : Seeing the surface rather than the essence; need for help in foreseeing potential outcome of actions and in evaluation of his/her potential capabilities.

    LII - The Analyst
    : Analytic thinking, classification, generalization; striving to understand general principles, for creating a model of the world systematization.
    : Reserved and cautious in relations with others poorly understands emotional nuance; fears looking obtrusive and therefore prefers keeping a distance in communication.

    ESE - The Enthusiast
    : Cannot live without people and communication with them; creates atmosphere of an emotional feast for self and others; charges people with enthusiasm and good tonus.
    : Difficulty in prioritization and information structuring; often makes precipitate decisions based on emotions.
