• IEE (ENFp) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya

    IEE (ENFp) Profile by Stratiyevskaya

    Socionics IEE ENFp Charlotte Gainsbourg.png

    See also:
    Extended IEE Profile by Stratiyevskaya
    Wikisocion - IEE profiles
    IEE observations
    IEE in pictures
    Socionics Type Tests
    Type examples in videos
    Type and Intertype Descriptions by Stratiyevskaya

    Ego Block: 1st Program Function - Ne Extroverted Intuition

    The IEE is characterized by exceptional insight into people and events. They are capable of evaluating the nature of a person almost at first glance and immediately giving a short but comprehensive characteristic this person**. The IEE is able to foresee the development of a situation in an ethical sense. Not seldom he or she is capable of sufficiently accurately predicting the course of events in the future.
    [**Editor's note: This happens to varying degrees of accuracy. It happens that the IEE mis-characterizes a person by attributing to him or her personal qualities that they doesn't have, or exaggerating and blowing up minor qualities out of proportion, doing so either by mistake or on purpose due to personal enmity. With age and practice the IEE becomes more accurate in making these assessments, or more shrewd in using them.]

    The IEE is an astute psychologist who notices the slighted changes in attitudes and relations.

    IEEs work wonderfully well with people - they easily come into contact and communicate, sensitively feeling their conversations partners. IEE actors and performers easily find contact points with their public and keep them for the duration of their performance. They work well in show business, moreover, they often act better on the actual stage than at rehearsals. They typically don't feel afraid of their audience or experience significant "stage fright" - the presence of the public only tends to pleasantly excite them.

    Due to their developed intuition, representatives of this type also work well in medicine. They, as a rule, are great diagnosticians, capable of diagnosing sicknesses at the earliest stages of their development by their most remote and subtle symptoms.

    The IEE knows how to use those possibilities and opportunities provided to him or her by chance. Due to their ability to choose the most promising opportunity for the realization of their wishes, representatives of this type can achieve great success without applying excessive effort. They know how to derive benefit and advantage for themselves from each situation.

    IEEs are characterized by constant and ubiquitous testing of their potentialities and comparison of their possibilities to those of people around them. They enjoy creating competitive situations for themselves and improvised tests, checks, and examinations for other people. Huxley is usually sufficiently jealous of the achievements of other people and unwillingly recognizes another person's superiority. If the IEE does complement and flatter another person, it is usually someone who is of no challenge and measure to themselves, or whose positive deposition the IEE is trying to win over.

    Heightened expectation of his own possibilities and potential leads the IEE to acknowledge the significance of such factor as success. Success, for the IEE, is the norm. The absence of success usually makes the IEE feel apprehensive that something isn't right. Such "program" function demand towards themselves does not allow representatives of this type to make mistakes or miscalculations - they cannot afford this, as realization of failure greatly lowers their self-esteem and their perception of their own possibilities. Thus, in any situation and under any circumstances, the IEE tries to "be at a height", or at least create an image of it for the public. ("How you present yourself is how other people will perceive you.") Moreover, the IEE often tries to claim the reputation of a person "without any deficiencies and faults". The IEE very much dislikes it when another person criticizes his or her behavior. Even though the IEE theoretically understands that "no person is without a sin", he doesn't admit to any serious personal faults or flaws. Thus, at times he may say in half-seriousness: "If you see any flaws in me, tell me about it, and I will correct them."

    The methods of attaining success always excite and interest representatives of this type. Many of them becomes the authors of the books about reaching success in one or another field or sphere.

    The IEE has a phenomenal ability to never reveal or admit to own awkwardness, and to never admit him or herself to be defeated under any circumstances. The need to always and everywhere be at a height makes the IEE put claim to a prize or a reward in any situation and with any outcome. Hopeless, dead-end situations, in IEE's opinion, simply must not exist. It's not possible to put any of representatives of this type into an awkward position, since they simply don't recognize any faults after themselves, and in any situation behave themselves as if nothing special has happened.

    The prospect of achieving success by means of long-term, tedious work does not seem attractive to the IEE. In part, this is because they know too well that popularity is short-lived popularity and public interest is changeable. Thus, is a minute of fame and glory worth slaving away fro many years, being occupied only by one matter and missing other possibilities?

    The IEE considers it necessary to win over the attention of surrounding people and keep it at any price - this for him is a kind of training of his "intuition of success". Many representatives of this type, particularly in the childhood and in the youth, constantly "pull" attention to themselves. The IEE feels irritated and nervous if his presence is ignored, while being successful at gaining the attention of others Huxley literally "blooms": he tries to show himself in the most interesting and original light (and in this it's better to not compete with him). But if the IEE, nevertheless, does not feel sufficient level of interest in himself, he demonstratively ignores all those being present, which constitutes a kind of a challenge thrown to society, as well as another method of drawing attention to himself.

    "To enjoy success", "to win over popularity", "to retain popularity and keep at a height" - all of these "exploits" of same order are achievements that have paramount significance for representatives of this type. For this very reason, many IEEs have a tendency toward audacious, provocative, extravagant behavior and staging daring "ethical experiments". Many of them, even at an old age, have the ability to ridicule, to tease, to mimic, to play tricks and make jokes. (Which is not always done sensitively and appropriately.)

    IEEs love to boast. They frequently tell stories of their successes with representatives of the opposite sex, or how they have easily found an original way out of a difficult situation. An impression arises that the IEE doesn't even realize that such stories inspire his listeners to follow his example, although they are told precisely to this end. Even if IEE's "exploits" and "successes" are imagined from the beginning to the end, it is nevertheless interesting for him to look at how others will attempt doing what he, in reality, wouldn't dare to try (but which he has described very colorfully from his imagination).

    IEEs are constantly "investigating" the potential possibilities of people in various situations. Moreover, their entire surrounding environment serves as their "laboratory". The IEE knows wonderfully well how to "probe out" a situation by someone else's hands, and how to learn on mistakes and experiences of other people.

    Each time a representative of this type gets any "original idea", he sufficiently rapidly visualizes who from his environment could become its executor and its tester. The IEE knows how to find those people who will with interest receive his ideas and agree to realize them. He knows how to convince any, even the most careful and prudent person, that the proposed project is to the benefit and interests of the proposed "executor", that it doesn't promise any troubles, but to the contrary - only significant and obvious benefits for its realizer. Of course the IEE almost always accurately determines precisely which "bait" to use, which argument will "buy" the interest and attention of the person whom he has selected for his "experiment". If his experiment or project is realized successfully, bringing in some reward or benefit, the IEE will be sincerely glad about this, although he won't miss out on the opportunity to extract from it some concrete benefit for himself (for example, the IEE may hint to the "implementer" that he or she is now somehow obliged to him or owes him something).

    In the case of failure of IEE's "experiment", last of all he will think about the fact that he has "set" somebody up, and that he is now the culprit of someone else's troubles. (The IEE generally tries not to think about failures: "Do not saw the sawdust", as advises Dale Carnegie.) Inspiring another person by his new idea, the IEE does not completely exclude its successful completion, although in any event and with any outcome he doesn't personally risk anything: if the project is successful, the other person will be grateful and even obliged to him, and if the outcome is unfavorable, at least there is experience and expertise gained, which was worry-free and painless for IEE personally. Such conditions for his "experiments" are explain by the fact that IEE, in his or her essence, is a pessimist. With all his seeming outward light-mindedness and recklessness - he is actually very careful and prudent; therefore, he prefers to travel by the beaten paths, but even in such case he tries to arrive first at any cost and "get the prize". (He may also "intercept" prize just before the finish line, which, in his eyes does not in any shape or form diminish the value of the victory, but, on the contrary, only increases it.)

    Since the successes, merits, and achievements of other people do not leave the IEE to rest, the IEE frequently gets the wish to re-check another person's success. For example, if one of IEE's friends has bragged about the possibilities present at new workplace, her IEE friend won't rest until he or she makes someone familiar "verify" whether these prospects actually exist and if they are all that tempting. Any information that concerns potential and possibilities is extremely important for the representatives of this type. If to them this information seems improbable, they will try to verify it, to test or check it one more time. While at this, they themselves are highly unwilling to take on the role of the "intelligence agent": at the smallest danger to themselves they "break down", and from their "soulful simplicity and sincerity" reveal those who have sent them. Thus, sending the IEE on a critical mission is very risky. This only seems that in any situation they behave in a manner that cannot be predicted - there is always something constant in their behavior: under any circumstances they try to act in a way that guarantees the smallest losses to themselves.

    The IEE won't miss the opportunity to try everything that seems attractive and tempting. He magnificently knows how to "to hold his nose downwind", how to be up to date on all events, opinions, and movements. He knows which opinion should be supported, which movement it is necessary to join, moreover, he will always be among the first ones. (Many others may view the IEE as sneaky and shrewd due to this ability.)

    The IEE knows how to present his own abilities, possibilities, degrees, merits and qualifications in the most advantageous light, irrespective of their actual level and value. Frequently he "bluffs" and does not fear to be exposed at this, since he considers his actions to be a kind of test or experiment: if his self-advertisement is successful - all is well, if not - this is also not terrible. The experience acquired in the process may also prove useful some time.

    The IEE is inclined to over-estimate his own capabilities while underestimating the capabilities of others. He frequently takes up work, chores, or assignments that exceed his actual abilities and competence, counting on being able to figure things out in the process of work and thus doing it no worse than others, or at least find some opportunity to promote and recommend himself. The IEE does not fear to be exposed in his incompetence, since he can magnificently "present" himself and paint a favorable image. Furthermore, as was already mentioned, the IEE does not acknowledge or become fixated on his mistakes and failures, even if they are openly and publicly exposed - he simply turns around and leaves, not troubling himself with giving explanations and apologies. If he decides that he does need to justify himself, he will do so with ease: "Let's assume I haven't been successful at this job, but I am ready to learn and don't consider myself hopeless!"

    The IEE, in certain cases, is not worried that he seems incompetent, especially before a person who loves to explain and to teach, such as his dual the SLI. This ease in acknowledgement of his errors is explained by the fact that the IEE, generally speaking, never considers himself to be at fault or guilty of anything, but he willingly creates an outward image of repentance and self-criticism when he considers it necessary to "play along" with another person. Sometimes the "acknowledgement of his own errors" - is an advantageous ethical trick or tactical catch for him.

    Modesty, in IEE's eyes, is not a virtue, although absence of modesty in other people he sharply condemns (which is means for him to slow down someone else's initiative-taking). And even though the IEE tries to show and broadcast his own individuality at every convenient (and inconvenient) situation, he critically refers to any manifestations of individuality from other people. In any sphere of his activity the IEE makes notes to himself which person is a competitor for him and who does not present any challenge. Those persons whom he does not see as his rivals, and whose attention and support he intends to gain, the IEE knows how to cheer up, to support, to inspire. But he will for sure find means and methods "to cut the wings" of any person who is able in any way to stand in his way.

    The IEE knows how to turn the attention of people around him to his even insignificant achievement, how to give it weight and significance, how to "blow it out" into a serious victory or attainment. Due to this quality the IEE is capable of affirming his authority in a new position or place, consolidating his position, or repairing his reputation in case that it was damaged.

    He likes to teach the "losers" and "unlucky wretches", making an example of successes and achievements of others. Negatively judges any notes of indifference towards a successful career, popularity, fame, glory, achievement and competition, because he views these as signs of weakness and light-mindedness. (Sometimes he sees this as undue manifestation of someone else's individualism: "Everyone wants this, and you, for some reason, don't?!")

    The IEE tries not to tell anything in excess about himself, at least not in a big group of unfamiliar people: fears that this information could potentially be used against him. If one of his friends or family members "blabs out" anything extra about him, will reprimand this person about it, although he himself can hardly keep anyone's secrets, especially if he has been asked about this. Sometimes, not giving it much thought, may mention something "compromising" in a slip of the tongue.

    IEEs love to create "ticklish" and "edgy" situations (indeed, it is so interesting to watch them happen!). He may, with the most innocent look, place someone in an awkward position, later being puzzled by why this person was offended by him. (Because for the IEE this is nothing more than a game: it would seem that there are no such awkward situations out of which the IEE couldn't find a way out.)

    And nevertheless, under any circumstances the IEE try not to place themselves in danger or under the wave of possible troubles, and for this reason they don't like to "cover" for anybody. They fear taking excessive responsibility onto their shoulders. Therefore, they may calmly forego all their previous promises, if these oblige them to some difficult or risky steps.

    IEEs love being friends with famous, capable, and talented people, or at least making their acquaintance or being their relative. They don't miss an opportunity to talk about their bright and influential "friends" and contacts. Indispensable participants and regulars of the most popular social events and gatherings (particularly in young age).

    The IEE is always in a search of something new, interesting, and promising. Thus, his interests are extensive and diverse, but superficial and unstable. Everything new and unusual attracts him, alas, only temporarily. The IEE is quick to get interested and involved, but his interest cools and vanishes just as quickly. His interest in new people, new acquaintances, and new relationships is just as superficial and short-lived. Similar to a child who takes apart a new toy, in order to explore it by looking into its inner workings, and then losing all interest in it, so does the IEE rush to "take apart" and figure out the core or essence of each person: superficially or deeply it's not important - as soon as his purpose is achieved and his curiosity is satisfied, the IEE ceases to be interested in this person, and becomes completely indifferent to the the fate of their further relations. (The IEE sometimes brags by the fact that he has "sent someone away", turned somebody down, expelled, led on and tricked someone.)

    The IEE knows how to quickly assess people with respect to their possibilities and abilities. He always knows what to expect from a person, and whom he can use to which purpose. He possesses the ability to see in each person their most vulnerable point, their "Achilles heel". The IEE magnificently plays on these weaknesses of others, and uses this ability to achieve his own purposes, building to this purpose his own system of relations, which will be examined in the next section.

    Ego Block: 2nd Creative Function - Fi Introverted Feeling

    A characteristic feature of IEE's ethical function is the ability to adapt to his conversation partner, "to tune into his frequency": a quality that helps the IEE attain positive consideration of practically anyone, even those the most unsocial and quiet person, and "to peer into his soul" as deeply as it satisfies the IEE's interest.

    The IEE is endowed with the ability to "find a master key" to any person and to each soul - even the most distant, closed off, and mysterious one. To accomplish this, the IEE is in possession of a mass of means and methods:

    - The ability to boisterously and openly admire an interesting to him person and become charmed by him or her. To learn everything about their habits, preferences, interests, likes and dislikes, and with readiness adapt and mimic their style of living.

    - The ability to agree with the opinion of the majority (and "seniority"). Ability to adapt his views to changing circumstances, influences, and movements.

    - The ability to see the degree of self-confidence of lack of thereof in each person - a quality that allows the IEE to manipulate people very well, to play on their own ambitions, desires, flaws, and complexes.

    - The ability to offer his help and his services, or to impose them: to make a person interested in IEE's possibilities, influence, and connections. (Even though the IEE won't allow anyone close to his valued connections - he is very much apprehensive that someone else may intercept a good opportunity or a chance he could have used himself, i.e. his own winning ticket.)

    Nevertheless, it would be incorrect to consider the IEE to be so cunning and insidious in creating intrigues, cleverly using his own capabilities for satisfaction of selfish goals. This form of building relations simply supports his own "program" and ensures realization of his conceived plans.

    Can the IEE offer his help just because, from altruistic motives? Yes, of course he can! And he does this quite often. IEE's offers of help should be understood precisely as demonstrations of his sympathy and well-wishing towards a particular person, as well as the expression of sensitivity and consideration for that person's problems. However, the IEE does not hurry to extend real help. Moreover, as soon as the person accepts his proposal, the IEE starts to feel nervous concerning this new responsibility that he has tooken onto his shoulders, and concerning the possible difficulties and dangers that accompany it. He begins to feel afraid of unnecessary expenditures of his time and forces. Now the IEE no longer feels glad that he has offered his aid, and even upset with the person who has so literally understood his offer. It starts to seem to him that this unfamiliar person wants too much from him. Trying to somehow correct this awkward situation, the IEE often creates distance between himself and the other person whom he has offered to help: he puts on a haughty look, with which he underscores the value of his help or service, letting the other person know that he will be obliged for this help - in short, the IEE starts to behave in such a way that the other person no longer feels comfortable using his services, and either forgo it, or never remind the IEE of it again. The IEE, on his end, does not forget about his offer of help and fulfills it at the first opportune moment, i.e. when it costs him the least of his efforts or troubles, and almost happens by itself.

    Another ethical quality that is characteristic of representatives of this type: the IEE is the unsurpassed master of "false hopes and ditches", and, once again, there is no intentional insidiousness or cunning within this behavior - this is nothing more than a method of regulating and adjusting psychological distance, during formation of relations, done for the purpose of generating a stable interest from the side of his partner, and testing the depth of his partner's feelings. The necessity of such an approach to relationships is determined by the fact that IEE is oriented as such dual as the SLI, who often very quickly transfers relations from the field of ethics and feelings to there sphere of sensual pleasures, satisfying which he sufficiently rapidly loses interest in a partner. Therefore this tactic is necessary, first of all, for the SLI, since it constantly fuels and inspires his interest, and stabilizes their dual relations. (Otherwise, the SLI risks remaining without a satisfactory partner. Only the insightful and prudent IEE is capable of forming a worthy match for him in every respect.)

    One ought not to view the intentions behind IEE's behavior as poor also because initial well-wishing is included into the system of values of all types of the fourth quadra. The IEE is thus initially friendly and cordial towards a person when getting introduced to them, and will keep in touch and maintain relations for as long as that person is interesting and attractive to him. Problems start when the IEE loses all interest in the person, which may happen right after introduction, at the very beginning of their acquaintance. The question is, how does judicious and insightful IEE circumvent this tricky and potentially troublesome situation, when he doesn't want to make enemies, when he wishes to forgo any scandals and not draw somebody's ire onto himself?

    The first goal the IEE sets for himself is to immediately soften and suppress any created awkwardness. To calm the person by any means possible, to dispel any suspicions, to make whichever promises came to his mind, and try to persuade the person of his best intentions. To avoid a quarrel or falling out by all means possible, and delay the sorting out of relations to some indeterminate future date, hoping that eventually there won't be any need for it, or that some future events will change and correct the situation. IEE's striving to soften and diffuse any emotional tension is oriented at the weak and vulnerable emotional function of his dual, the SLI. For this reason the IEE typically tries not to let his relations get to the point of open conflicts and discord.

    This is not the end, however, because the absence of IEE's interest in someone is also inconstant. Therefore, he never allows anyone "to disappear forever". Regardless of the fact of how far the IEE has distanced and expelled his partner, he will always find an opportunity or occasion to remind about himself and to renew relations in a form that is most convenient to him. For him this is an additional method to adjust and regular the interpersonal distance. (The SLI regulates personal distance by analogous method - for his it is necessary in order to balance out the emotional pressure exerted by his ethical partner.)

    The IEE tries under no circumstances to remain alone, to end up in solitude. (A lonely person looks like a "loser", which repulses all people around him, and, correspondingly, deprives him of chances of success). For these reasons, and also in view of his exceptional communicability, the IEE prefers to have "spares" and "options" of partners for any form of relations. (These "fallback" or "spare" partners fulfill the function of "distracting maneuvers" in the ethical games of IEE and SLI: the SLI is not very interested in a partner who completely fixates on him. This form of relations to him seems too burdensome, too dull, predictable, and boring, while relations that include "other options" on one side calm him down, and from the other side lull to sleep his vigilance, which prepares him for the new ethical tricks and catches of the IEE.)

    The IEE sometimes creates a "myth" of another partner, a "spectre" of a rival. For example, he likes to introduce all the people who are interested in him to each other ("to pit them face to face"), and coming to a meeting with one the IEE begins to tell about his feelings and relations with another. Why? - again, because the IEE is "programmed" for relations with a SLI, who feels activated, intrigued, and excited by such "ethical games", and who sometimes approaches the ethics of relationships from the stance of: "If this woman doesn't have anyone, this means nobody needs her, and so why is she needed to me?"

    This creates another motivation for the IEE to simultaneously start several relationships: under any circumstances the IEE tries not to focus his attention on one partner (remember that the SLI doesn't like it if anyone "gets stuck" on him). Thus the IEE starts several relationships with several partners, so that each of them feels a little "neglected" and "passed by" IEE's attention. If the IEE creates a relationship with one partner, then the others are simply imagined, but his real partner must feel a certain absence and diffusion of attention from IEE's side.

    Representatives of this type frequently make the impression of being extremely light-minded and inconstant in their attachments people, of people who constantly initiate close relationships but will avoid or evade any physical closeness in the last moment. This inconsistency is also explainable: the IEE does not set a clear-cut and obvious distance in his relationships - he is simultaneously both near and far - creating a certain uncertainty and incompleteness in his relationships. This form of behavior creates a psychological regime that is convenient to his dual, the SLI, who poorly endures rigid and bounded by a preset distance relationships.

    Besides this, the IEE loves titillating risky adventures and enjoys complicating an ethical situation to its limit, then finding a way out by the most unexpected and original manner. Why is this needed? - This is one of the requirements of IEE's "program" intuitive function - the search for the boundaries of their own ethical possibilities, and subsequent expansion of these boundaries. This is something the IEEs are constantly occupied by in any (not only ethical) situation.

    But how does one explain IEE's tendency to avoid physical proximity? - Again by the primary orientation of his dual, Gabin, who quickly grows satiated by sensual relations (and, as is known, the feeling of satiation for Gabin is associated with unpleasant sensations, which he tries to avoid at any cost). Additionally, the IEE is a judicious "program" intuitive type, who tends to place the prospects of further development of relations above immediate physical and emotional needs.

    From this come certain stereotypes of behavior: "A woman must be mysterious and inaccessible. If she too quickly yields to a man, he will lose all interest in her, and she will be alone once again". (And this Huxley always fears.)

    In any event, IEE's creative "ethics of relations" primarily serves to realize the basic requirements of his intuitive "program" function - the search for new, better, promising possibilities, for which it is very important that the IEE does not remain in solitude and does not cut off already created contacts and established relationships, but uses them to search for other options and other possibilities. This is one of the reasons that the IEE tries not to lead his relationships to a final breaking point, but to remain with his former partners on friendly basis: the IEE turns to his former partners for help if needed, "cries on their shoulder" when IEE's current relationships with their next partner suffers complications, gets them involved in resolution of his current problems, uses their connections, interacts and associates with their friends and familiars. (One of the representatives of this type was asked a question: could he give his life for a night with a loved woman? - "No, I couldn't," he answered, "because then I would betray one of my main principles: to remain friends with former beloveds. And what kind of friend would I be if I die?")

    The IEE does not exclude "friendship" existing between a man and a woman. Offer of his "friendship" for the IEE is, in actuality, a subtle and sophisticated "ethical game", the essence of which lies once again in establishing the necessary psychological distance with a partner. By "friendship" the IEE typically means certain ethical prospects that hint at some far-reaching and promising relations. Such ethical game, as is all of IEE's creative ethics, is once again constructed with the aim at the weak ethics of his dual Gabin, who is repulsed and scared off by any straightforward and direct manner of relations.

    It is exactly this "ethical cobweb" that is created by the IEE that to the SLI seems to be the most attractive, tempting, and intriguing, and at the same time not burdensome, imposing, or obliging form of relations. (And that representatives of other types fall into this "cobweb" and become stuck in it, the IEE is certainly not at fault by any means.)

    Super-Id Block: 6th Activating Function - Te Extroverted Logic

    The IEE is captivated by any opportunity to demonstrate his practicality. He refers with interest to practical recommendations provided in magazines and television programs. Before throwing a thing out, the IEE thinks whether it's possible to convert it into something necessary. (Sometimes he can give it as a present exactly to this purpose.)

    The IEE visits thrift stores and sales events. A thing that has been put out for a cheap price to IEE's eyes immediately becomes attractive. In such minutes he doesn't think about its aesthetic qualities, but only considers it from the point of its functional and useful properties (which he, however, doesn't consider necessary to test).

    Thus, the "practical" Huxley sometimes accumulates an enormous quantity of cheap and not very attractive things, to which he almost immediately loses interest and persistently proposes them as gifts or tries to resell them as "good deals" to people in his environment. Moreover, the IEE wouldn't be such a "practical" person if he didn't check whether his "gift" is being used. If it's not being used, the "gift" should be returned: it will be given to someone other.

    The IEE takes up new work with much enthusiasm, but soon loses interest in it. He prefers to get to work without preparation, as preparatory process siphons off his enthusiasm and makes him indifferent. If the preparatory stage includes physical exertion and efforts, such as moving, hauling, ordering or cleaning, and other boring and tiresome tasks, the IEE begins to fuss around, feels irritates, frustrated, and generally unconsciously behaves in such a way that someone else would do this part of the work for him.

    As has already been mentioned, representatives of this type find it difficult to force themselves to do something, to be responsible, to work hard for a long time, to work under a strict schedule. Once the IEE ensures his position, he tries to create a more beneficial working conditions for himself. He prefers to have a flexible schedule or non-standardized schedule of work. Generally the concept of "work discipline" tends to greatly complicate his life.

    In the process of the work, the IEE can (and loves to) get frequently distracted and is able to simultaneously work on different assignments. And this does not seem it burdensome to him.

    The IEE feels glad if he invents some new method or procedure. Loves to instruct others by his own "methods". Feels offended if his methods evoke criticism or are simply rejected without a clear and visible reason.

    In work the IEE tries to reach high professional level, but only if this doesn't require great effort.

    The IEE dislikes having to work through details. Any tedious and meticulous work is irritating to him. He hates having to go back, re-do, correct, and work further on something that has already been done and finished.

    Representatives of this type love to combine working process with various physical and respiratory exercises. Sometimes they like to sing at their work place, tell jokes and anecdotes. They feel annoyed by an environment that is overly quiet and serious.

    The IEE finds it difficult to be attentive, organized, and focused for a long time. They clean and organize their workplace only when the necessity arises. At the end of the work day, the IEE throws the tools in their places only if his type of employment requires it.

    Encountering the need to do some unpleasant or uninteresting work, the IEE first of all thinks to whom he can pass it on. Representatives of this type are characterized by letting things go to such an extent that they "grow" into a seemingly big and unsolvable problem. In this situation, IEE's dual the SLI comes to his rescue - the patient, measured, and methodical SLI, with enviable patience, is capable of sorting out the most complicated and entangled matter.

    Super-Id Block: 5th Dual-Seeking Function - Si Extraverted Sensing

    The IEE shows a lively interest towards any information on this aspect. Any news concerning culture, arts, health, and sports are extremely involving for representatives of this type. The IEE may talk about health and sports willingly and at length. The IEE is interested in all possible diets, exercises, gymnastics, and, not yet having had the time to try them on himself, will actively recommend them to others. Attentively listens to advice about healthy lifestyle, and having once adopted some recommendation or instruction the IEE follow it without fail.

    The IEE usually does not speak or complain about his own health, but he readily and openly discusses various prophylactic, preventative methods.

    With aesthetic taste of representatives of this type not everything is alright, although the IEE may try to closely follow fashion and meticulously carry out all beauty recommendations and instructions. In questions of aesthetics and beauty the IEE is highly suggestible and easily influenced by another's opinion. Moreover, once suggested and absorbed information on this aspect reaches axiomatic level for him. Thus, the IEE is characterized by certain conservatism in his tastes, which combines with inherent to him originality in the most unexpected forms.

    In dressing the IEE tries to adhere to "a personal style", which is not always successfully put together. Frequently in IEE's appearance there can be observed something illogical, for example, a felt cap and chamois boots in 30C degree heat. This "combination" is completely explainable from IEE's point of view, since it was chosen and put together by matching colors, and the fact that this is causes unpleasant sensations is not important: "beauty requires sacrifices".

    Representatives of this type also have difficulties with using make-up: either it's not used entirely ("natural beauty is the best"), or the IEE uses it in an unfavorable and uncomplimentary way. Same happens with dyeing hair: they can exchange their beautiful, natural hair color for some obvious and crude chemical dye, only because "this is how it's colored nowadays".

    The interior of IEE's home is typically organized not in the best and most rational way: frequently it is overloaded and cluttered. Sometimes interior organized by an IEE has a kind of gypsy-like, crude style. Cleaning and ordering things in his home the IEE does not like. Frequently the IEE does this only from a sense of habitual responsibility, and not from an internal desire for aesthetics. (With the exception of self-dualized representatives of this type.)

    In visual art there may also be some problems with the perception of color, form, and lines. Often the IEE uses combinations of too saturated colors, or vice versa - monotonous and dull. (They love to use color combinations that, in their opinion, and generally considered to be successful: red-white-black or blue-grey-violet, and so on.)

    In questions of aesthetics, rationally organized convenience, organization of convenient uncluttered living environment, in questions of food preparation and bases of beneficial diets, in the organization of reasonable work and leisure schedule - in all these questions the IEE has a suitable adviser - his dual SLI. Because it is precisely at SLI's "program" sensing function that the IEE is subconsciously oriented. Opinions of other sensing types to IEE don't seem as convincing and of less weight and authority than Gabin's.

    Source - http://socionika-forever.blogspot.co...blog-post.html
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Stratiyevskaya: ENFp started by Transigent View original post
    Comments 21 Comments
    1. Zero's Avatar
      Zero -
      Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post

      "They enjoy creating competitive situations for themselves and improvised tests, checks, and examinations for other people. Huxley is usually sufficiently jealous of the achievements of other people and unwillingly recognizes another person's superiority. If the IEE does complement and flatter another person, it is usually someone who is of no challenge and measure to themselves, or whose positive deposition the IEE is trying to win over." - Se valuing
      Not true, Te hidden agenda comes into play. It is indeed true of all IEEs that I know.