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Thread: 40 Questions, 1 User, Hopefully 1 Type

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    Default 40 Questions, 1 User, Hopefully 1 Type

    Well hello...

    So I've had many people type me as a bunch of different things. ESE-Si, SEI-Fe, IEE-Ne, EIE-something (I really don't buy being a beta though). To put it plainly, I'm confused. I decided to come to this site in part to find a new perspective. So help me out! :] I chose the 40q one, hope that's good enough for you. If you can manage to squeeze an Enneagram type out of this as well, go for it. Also, if you'd like pictures, then just ask if visual identification is your thing.

    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?

    Oh god, definitions, I'm bad at these… Personally, I'd say that work is using your time to help improve the life of yourself and the lives of others. This doesn't have to be some grandiose vision; what would this world do without garbage removal workers? I sincerely hope that many people go to work to make a difference in the lives of others and because they are proud of what they do, singing The Krusty Krab pizza is the pizza for you and me! But the truth is that we all need money to live. So there's that.

    2. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?

    The best measure of quality is how shiny something is. I mean, did you see the album cover for Drake and Future's mixtape, WATTBA? Mmmmm. Seriously though, I'd say the quality of work has to do with how much you help improve the lives of other people based on how much doing something in your field should improve the lives of others. I'll be real, I determine the quality of a purchase based on what other people think of it. I rarely have strong opinions such as, "I hate these headphones because of xyz!" All I see is, "Oooh, 4.5 stars on Amazon, gimme!"

    3. There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?

    I have a switch in the back of my head that turns me into a professional, so I'm really not insecure about that aspect of my life. But if they're constantly outperforming me, I'll sleep with their boss. Uh, I mean… Okay, seriously, I definitely try and get on their good side so that I look good based on association.

    4. If you struggle to do something, what can you say about such a task? Tell us your next steps and give examples. Compare with actions of others in a similar situation.

    I'll feel pretty shit about it, but I'll reframe it as a learning experience with rainbows and stuff. In reality, I'll kiss ass and ask someone higher up to help me with what I did wrong, and I'll tell them that I do not yet have the skills and knowledge to complete this correctly. So help a brotha out? It seems like a lot of people lose their shit over not being able to do something and I'm just here like, Get over yourself.

    5. You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?

    "Hi, Geography World? Yes, I need you to build me a pyramid, some man in a suit told me that I needed to and lifted up his coat to show me a pistol. Hm? Oh no, I have no idea why he'd want me to build one either, but y'know… Oh, let's talk price later. Okay, buh-bye!"

    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean? Give examples.

    General to specific is pretty much looking deeper into some statement or phenomenon or whatever else and picking out the details. If a teacher told students something like, "The French love their big wheels of fromage," then that's general. It's a sweeping statement that is true a lot of the time (and it is, lemme tell ya), but does not account for individual cases individually. Specific would be asking someone all about their relationship with cheese (oh là là); some people love it, others don't think much of it, and there are those few people so passionately against cheese and everything it stands for.

    2. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? Is it is easy for you to be logical?

    This question was difficult. I'd say that being logical is having a consistent thought process that reflects reality. I say the reality part because conspiracy theories are usually internally consistent, but when people start telling me about how 9/11 was an inside job, I'm always thinking, You need to go mon ami. At the same time, people can rattle off a conclusion based on a bunch of stuff that is observable, but that stuff doesn't necessarily tie together well. Yes child, that fork is bent and that man did touch his little tête, but that doesn't mean he's Alakazam.

    3. What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Give example of hierarchy of systems, what is it?

    Hierarchy is when someone started at the bottom now they here (AKA at the top). They instruct people on what to do and have their own followers, those followers have followers, and those followers have Instagram followers. There are definitely some hierarchies that should be followed. I'm one of those dreaded catholiques so I follow the hierarchy of the Church (i.e. God - Pope - something - something - something - chewed gum - moi. But there are other hierarchies that shouldn't be followed because they're full of evil people and ideas. As to why… Well, let's be honest here. Despite what your childhood bands told you, there are probably people who are not qualified than you and who really deserve to tell you what you ought to do.

    4. Choose one of the following tasks and give a detailed answer. Explain your choice.
    - How notions of “flatware” and “spoon” relate to each other?
    - If A is not B, and B is not C, therefore A is C. Is it correct? Why?
    - Choose one of the following terms and classify it: musical styles; means of transportation; taxes; fuel materials; animals.
    - What is classification? How does classification work? What is it needed for and where is it applied? Give example.
    - "The vegetable is not what is here shown. For a vegetable existed ten thousand years ago, therefore this here is not a vegetable"(Diogenes Laertius). Find logical fallacy.
    - Analyze famous phrase of Socrates: “I know that I know nothing”. Is it logical?

    I really like this phrase because it sends some people into a rant about how he's contradicting himself, but I'm just here like, "Calm down, he's making a point about how smarter people don't claim how smart they are, they are humble and interested in the thoughts of others." Or something like that. Socrates is Kierkegaard's homeboy, so he's mine, too.

    5. Do you frequently feel the need to structure information? For what purpose? How do people usually do it? How do you do it?

    I mostly structure information when I need to, like when I'm writing a paper or when I'm teaching. But when I'm actually in the process of researching for the paper, or when I'm preparing my lesson, structure goes out the fenêtre. I just google a bunch of shit, say, "Oh this looks nice, i'll put it in!" And when the paper is complete, it's somehow cohesive. And when I'm preparing for my lessons, I'm always like, "Oh this'll be great, I'll include it!" And when I actually teach, I just cut some of it out and somehow again the lesson flows well. It seems like people always categorize information based on its theme, which is what I guess I do in the end. I just feel a lot less organized than most people in this respect, even though my final product usually has the information structured well enough. Or at least, my professors give me stickers for it.

    1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? If so, how does it happen?

    My name is no, my number is no, my sign is no, you gotta let it go. But seriously, I'm a pretty gentle person and I'd never try to press people in an intimidating way. I mean, sometimes I joke around and act like a spaz & make stupid comments to get a comedic reaction out of people, but that's it. I don't try and act like a tough guy, and I usually find it funny when people try to be one. We see right through ya my man.

    2. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified? Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?

    Is this question global or what? I'm pretty much a pacifist, so I don't like being on the offensive, and I find it pretty clownish and childish when people are super macho and shit. What are we in? Middle school? Globally, I don't like the idea of occupying someone else's territory without their permission ever. I mean, maybe if it was your last resort, but still… Let other people be and stop whipping your dick around, hun.

    3. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    I just avoid being a target, it's not that hard. I don't have any enemies, so I don't really have a need to protect myself or my interests… Hahaha I just imagine someone boarding up their windows and setting up a sniper rifle on their roof, waiting for someone to threaten their "interests" when I read this question.

    4. Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    I've literally never had this happen to me. I don't think I've ever been aggressive toward anybody and no one has ever threatened me. I get along with everybody and I've been fortunate enough to not run into some kray kray stranger who wanted to hurt me. Or worse… My interests (I can't get over that lol).

    5. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?

    Not particularly, I don't have anchor arms though, so I'm already handicapped in that department. I'll ask Mega Swampert where to get them the next time I see him. People might think of me as strong because I have my shit together in life and despite my quirkiness I'm a fairly grounded person when I need to be. It's like I gracefully float through life without making enemies and I like it that way. People certainly look up to me a lot.

    1. What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?

    My definition of beauty has to do with the five senses. Something that is pleasing to the eye, ears, touch (ooooh ;]), taste (ooooooooooh ;]) and nose is beautiful. This can be a painting by my man Monet, Drake's newest hit single, a magically fluffy kitty, the best lobster dinner you've had in your life, or that nice lavender soap, really anything like that. I think that in general my concept of beauty corresponds with others, but I personally don't find negative emotions beautiful. They're important, but I don't find them strictly beautiful.

    2. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classic beauty"? If so, what is it?

    Not really, I think that beauty is largely subjective, but there are some things that everyone seems to find beautiful, like Spongebob. At least from culture, there are things that people generally find beautiful. But then there are things that some people find beautiful and others don't. It's not my job to determine who is right and who is wrong in that situation hahaha. Classical beauty makes me think of older fashion, but I can't say that I've heard the term before and it'd be cheating if I entered it into Google.

    3. How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?

    Step 1: Buy a comforter. Step 2: Nickname said comforter. Step 3: Put it on whenever you can. Step 4: Find some tea. Step 5: Put on some Drake. Okay, seriously, I love being comfortable and I'm pretty particular about what that is. It designates what I wear a lot, how my area smells, whether or not I wear socks to bed, etc. I think that people find me cozy enough, but sometimes my space is too cluttered for other people's tastes. I can also become lazy about maintaining an optimally comfortable space, but it works for me!

    4. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?

    I pick my own clothes based on whether or not they look completely ratchet, how comfortable they are, what kind of look I'm going for, and the advice of people I trust on this subject. I'm decent at picking out clothes if I don't go too crazy. I'm pretty conservative about the way I dress, but making sure from other people can help me. I'd die if I went out in public looking like even more of a clown than I already seem because of my personality, lemme tell ya lol. I wasn't always good at picking stuff out, I was a fashion disaster in middle school, but I'm learning!

    5. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?

    Make that shit purple. Okay, seriously. I love a sleek, modern look with pastel colors, so that's usually what I go for. I like bright and sunny; darkish reds make me uncomfortable because it feels "country-ish." Oh I definitely trust other people if we're working together, and it's mostly that I'm too lazy to implement it. My roommate and I are a great decorating pair because of this haha. Again, my love and interest in stuff like this was not always a part of me, and I'm still learning. But I've gotten decent at it!

    1. Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.

    Yeah, it usually is with a couple of exceptions. PDA is a big one, I just can't. Holding hands? Perfectly fine. Hugging? Werrrrk! Sneaking a kiss? Acceptable. But please, for the love of all that is holy, sucking face and groping your partner is weird and it makes me and everyone else uncomfortable. There are things called hotel rooms dear. Sadness is fine, but it can make me a bit uncomfortable personally when someone is sobbing in public. But the big thing that I hate hate hate is when people get into heated arguments in public. Good god I just want to disappear when that happens. I really get embarrassed for them, especially if I'm associated with the group they're in. Bleh.

    2. Think of such negative emotional states as sadness, gloom, and despondence.
    - Can you, at your own will, enter these states? If not, then when do you feel them?

    I'm not sure, I've never tried… Why would someone want to be experiencing these emotions for no reason? I prefer my emotions like my eggs: sunny side up s'il vous plaît!

    - How long can you stay in such states?

    I went through depression in my wee middle school years, so I was in that state for a while, and I'm not interested in staying long again, thanks! I try to snap out of sadness as soon as I can so I can be my happy, giddy self!

    - How can you withdraw from them?

    As in not feel them? How about… forever! People say that you can learn a lot from negative emotions, but all my depression did was waste a chunk of my life and childhood. I was picking up the pieces of that for a while, lemme tell ya. I usually just find ways to brighten my day to get over them. Talk to people, laugh with my friends, etc. I have a friend with whom I watch Drake music videos and giggle like a child.

    - Can they be pleasant, soothing?

    They've literally never been soothing in my entire life hahahaha.

    - How do you feel after you have experienced them?

    "Mom, I wanna go home now!" But really, pretty empty and happy to be out of them.

    3. How quickly can you change emotional state? To what side – positive or negative?

    I can change pretty quickly from negative to positive. My day is literally the easiest to brighten. It takes next to nothing, such as a small compliment or just saying hi to the right person in passing. On the other hand, it takes a devastating life event to get me down for a long period of time. There's probably a happy-go-lucky anime character that could be based directly on my personality.

    4. What emotional state is usual for you? Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?

    I'm that one dude who is always in a weird and wacky mood, and I'm always happy. My friends in college say that they've never seen me angry, so I have that going for me! I remember reading an Onion article titled something along the lines of, "Of course that one happy, well-adjusted guy is starting to fucking meditate now!" That would be me, except I hate meditating. Maybe… joining a recreational volleyball league. Love that sport so much. My internal state generally matches up pretty well with my external emotional state, but I do overdo my outward expression sometimes. I'm happy, but can mans be that happy all the time?

    5. Tell us about your moods over the last day.

    Well, I woke up in a good mood, as I slept very well and had a great night before with my friends. We're just waiting here until graduation, so we just hang out all day for the last few times. It's bittersweet definitely, but I cannot wait to move on and see what's up for the future. I also saw my students again yesterday because I went back to help my mentoring teacher grade and stuff. So it was nice to talk to them! Anyway, I networked a little, looking for teaching jobs and had a couple of nice conversations with principals. But there was one position where another applicant was selected the day before I sent in my supplies, so I was like shieeeet. After that I was on the internet for a while just browsing, so I was quite neutral y'know. I just got back from a senior dinner with all of my friends and that was absolutely amazing. It was so nice to see everyone and people looked amazing in their dresses and suits! Plus, I love an excuse to wear a suit for an hour. :]

    1. Tell us how did you build relationships with others over the last day.

    In a few ways. I usually just tell people how much they mean to me. I can be gushy in that way and I love giving hugs. I also have a friend who lives far away and we had a nice heart-to-heart on the phone for like 2 hours and it was great. So I think we caught up for a lot of lost time together, which was nice. But a lot of people have been busy today, so not a whole lot otherwise unfortunately.

    2. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to? How do you express it?

    Sympathy, in my eyes, is expressing to somebody that you're incredibly sorry for what they're going through and that you feel terrible for what they are going through. I think that expressing it is generally a good idea, but not always. Like if someone is whining to you just to get affirmation, then sympathy might not be what is best for them.

    3. Are there any standards of behavior or interpersonal relationships in the society? If so, do you adhere to them? Do people always have to maintain them? Why?

    Not quite sure what the question is asking, but… yes? Maybe it should be "for interpersonal." If so, then yes, there are. You shouldn't just be saying sweet nothings to your boss or treating your marriage like a boss-employee relationship (unless, y'know, you're into that kinda thing ;]). I adhere to them pretty well, but sometimes I let my joking and oddball side come out when speaking with superiors. Just a little bit though… People don't always need to maintain them, but they're a good general rule. If you're very close and both people agree to have something more casual or more professional than the conventional relationship, I'm not going to stop them hahaha.

    4. What does moral mean? What is immoral? How do you understand these terms and does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?

    Moral means that you're doing the right thing. Of course, what the "right thing" is is a bit tricky to pin down. Because I'm Catholic, I follow those morals, but it can still be pretty hairy. Immoral is just the opposite of moral, or the lack of moral. I personally think that not doing anything is the same as doing the wrong thing, not that that stops me from trying to be completely neutral on the outside so as to not step on any toes. But it is what it is. I think that my understanding corresponds with most people, especially Christians, but a lot of people seem to think that way. I personally evaluate my understanding based on the most recent and orthodox theology as espoused by the Church, call me a sheeple.

    5. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you feel ill-disposed towards somebody for a long time? How easily do you forgive people?

    My reaction is usually, "Wait, why are you mad? What did I do???" I hate when people are mad at me and I try and smooth things over as much as possible and compromise. Like I said, I like to be liked by pretty much everybody. I'm bad at showing negative emotions toward other people. I'm known to not show any ill will toward people, but one of my weaknesses is that I talk behind people's backs a lot. It sucks, but I'm trying to improve. I'm pretty good at forgiving people; holding a grudge isn't my thing and I always end up feeling guilty when I hold onto one. So why even bother with that stuff?

    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?

    I think there is a general meaning in life, which is finding happiness and helping improve the lives of others and being responsible. But you can find other personal meanings, you don't need to fully invest your life into just one thing. Happiness and genuine connections with others can be found in a variety of places, careers, and leisurely activities, so why not explore? I had three majors in college and traveled, so I feel as though I was very fortunate to find a bunch of different ways to feel fulfilled. So, generally, the goal is similar, but the methods are different.

    2. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's traits?

    I like to think that I'm decent at reading people, which has been very helpful as a teacher. I look at a lot of things such as their expressions, general demeanor, a lot of things. I can't say that I'm always right, but I get a good ballpark estimate of whether or not someone is genuine and whether or not it's a problem that they are or aren't genuine. Because, believe me, sometimes it's better that way lmao. It can take me a little bit of time to understand everything, but not terribly long. It's just noticing patterns and knowing how to read emotions.

    3. What is imagination? Do all people have imagination and can fantasize? What is your fantasizing like?

    Imaggginaationnn! Rainbows So, imagination is thinking about what could potentially be, whether in this universe or in a separate framework of reality. It brings you into a new world or enhances the current one in your perception. I think that everybody can have imagination. I can't say that mine is amazing, but it helps me out sometimes. My fantasizing usually is based off of something I did, read, or watched recently and it puts a different spin on it, or creates a world based on that idea. So if I was watching baseball, I consider what it'd be like to be a professional baseball player and what my life would be like. Not in a whole lot of detail, but some aspects.

    4. What do you think of people (or yourself) who distinctively stand out in a crowd, differ from others? What is a measure of such distinction, how can this difference be feasible and how not?

    This is something that I have a pretty serious opinion on. There is a good way and a bad way to stand out from the crowd. You can easily let the world know that you are unique without causing a scene, alienating people, or looking like an asshole. That's when it's great! You can measure it based on how they "conform" to the non-essential rules of society and how tactfully they go about this. But it's when you start making a scene and look down on your fellow man that it pisses me off. It just shows a complete lack of perspective.

    5. Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good. What's your attitude towards this statement?

    Sure, there are a few instances when this is true. Ideas don't need to be framed around reality. You can be imaginative and think of ideas that don't have to do with reality, but are used for storytelling, for example. In addition, many systems of beliefs can't be true at the same time, but bring good moral statements to the table. On the other hand, some harmful conclusions can come from these. So it's a fine line, but I generally am okay with this statement.

    1. How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    It's hard for me to think of how people change as it's happening. It's like one minute they're one way, the next minute they're a completely different person. It leaves me like what the actual... Kind of like when you have summer vacation and suddenly this one person you knew just acts completely differently. It's weird. I feel as though others are more aware of these changes than I am. I guess I'm not too amazing at seeing how these kinds of things progress.

    2. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you waste time?

    Ummmmm. I mean, I could google the scientific definition, but that's not happening, everyone, I'll tell you right now, because that isn't me. So I really don't know how to answer this exactly. I have trouble wrapping time around my head, I'd need a flexible clock and I don't have the money or the connections to get that shit. I don't really feel time; it just suddenly hits me that a lot of time passed. It happened to me after student teaching… It just kind of happened, now it's over, and I'm like, "Huh??" Happened with graduation. Wasn't I just a freshman? I think you can waste time, but maybe not in the traditional sense. I think that a lot of "time wasters" such as pointless socializing are fine ways to build good relationships. But it's dangerous to let it just slip away, and this can stress me out sometimes.

    3. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?

    Hunny, I ain't no weatherman! But seriously, I'm not very good at seeing how things end. I never see things coming in movies, I'm always super surprised when anything happens in a movie, but I'm still better than some people. Once in a while I pull some kind of premonition out of my ass and it'll be spot on. I can also be insightful sometimes as well! Who would have thought.

    4. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?

    I'm always very early without fail. I hate being stressed out by racing the clock, so when I mobilize, I do it early and get it over with quick so that I can be where I need to be with time to spare. I have no idea how people who leave at the last minute do it. On the other hand, I don't really care if other people are late. I'm lenient like that.

    5. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions:
    a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts,

    Can't usually think of anything else except the meeting at this point. It's always the only thing on my mind. Let's do this thing!

    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,

    Nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves, can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait. Butterflies are in my stomach oooo

    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,

    No worries, I'm always freakishly early for everything because I don't trust my sense of time when commuting or whatever so I'm always waiting there and twiddling my thumbs. Plus, I like to get the transportation out of the way and be in the environment in which we're meeting for a few before. I know that most people don't operate like that, it's no biggie. I know that I'm a clown, it's nothing new hahahaha.

    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,

    Did something happen? Oh god, something happened… I should probably try to contact them and see what's up… It's probably nothing, but you never know…

    e) more time and the person is still not here…

    If I know why, it's all good on my end. If not… Well shit, I either hope they're okay, or I feel like poopy.


    Thank you so much for taking the time to type me. I appreciate it!

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    Farewell, comrades Not A Communist Shill's Avatar
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    I hate typing via these questionnaires. I think I could believe you being SEI, or IEE, out of the types you suggested, and probably in that order. You seem like a rather amenable person, and someone who knows their inner state well. I don't like reducing your lengthy answers to such a brief response on my part, but I am of the view that these questionnaires are a somewhat unnatural and "forced" assessment of who you are. I think it more productive (and quicker) to take some Socionics tests (, read type descriptions for the most likely candidates (as well as the general theory), and perhaps post a little in topical threads here (I think such responses are likely to be more natural).

    ( hello!)

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    Thanks for the reply :] I took a few of those tests, got a few different results (SEI, IEE), it depends on how the question is being asked, but having to choose between weak Si, strong Ne and weak Ne, strong Si is a bit difficult.

    I'll look for into it and I'll definitely post around. Even though I understand Socionics to a point, it seems like I'm in over my head though haha!

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    Farewell, comrades Not A Communist Shill's Avatar
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    @tenefix one thing you could do is look at the dual-types for SEI & IEE (but you may have the same problem!).
    These pages may be helpful also:
    (as well as the pages for other Information Elements, as it suits you (e.g. you might wish to attempt to establish quadra values: although there are also specific page/s on such subjects)
    (although I suspect you may still feel like you are unsure if have an "objective" sense of how you are)

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    It's difficult if not nearly impossible to type someone by these questions. I'm working on my own Meanwhile please read my signature on the functions and let me know why and how you relate to them
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    @Subteigh looked at that, I found it easy to relate to most of Ne as suggestive, but there were a couple parts of Si suggestive that I related to (not emphasizing attractiveness). And I half relate to dominant Si. My biggest hang up is this:

    It seems like Si values and knows how to have a pleasant internal state and eliminate bad sensations and all that. I'm definitely pretty good at, or I've learned to be good at it. But the descriptions make it seem like Si users are very picky about what makes them feel good and what makes them feel bad. I'm not like that, a lot of things feel good to me, so I don't seem quite as picky. For example, my family always complains about hotel beds and how they aren't like the ones at home. I'm always fine with them, I know how to get comfortable. Same goes with food, I'm not that picky about only having the best, and I'm quite satisfied with "meh" food. But I'm still very aware of this state of pleasure.

    Not sure if I made sense with that... Hope I did. You're right that one of my problems is that I don't have the best sense of self...

    Damn, I spent a lot of time on it as well haha. I'll read the descriptions and get back to you, but they seem so abstract at first glance. Is there a way that you'd prefer to type me? Ask and I'll give! EDIT: I have a video and pictures if that's a good way.
    Last edited by tenefix; 05-12-2016 at 09:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post
    @Subteigh looked at that, I found it easy to relate to most of Ne as suggestive, but there were a couple parts of Si suggestive that I related to (not emphasizing attractiveness). And I half relate to dominant Si. My biggest hang up is this:

    It seems like Si values and knows how to have a pleasant internal state and eliminate bad sensations and all that. I'm definitely pretty good at, or I've learned to be good at it. But the descriptions make it seem like Si users are very picky about what makes them feel good and what makes them feel bad. I'm not like that, a lot of things feel good to me, so I don't seem quite as picky. For example, my family always complains about hotel beds and how they aren't like the ones at home. I'm always fine with them, I know how to get comfortable. Same goes with food, I'm not that picky about only having the best, and I'm quite satisfied with "meh" food. But I'm still very aware of this state of pleasure.

    Not sure if I made sense with that... Hope I did. You're right that one of my problems is that I don't have the best sense of self...
    I can only suggest that things may become clearer to you with time. In regards whether you have a good sense of self, I meant it in terms of the Individual not always being able to evaluate whether they are a particular type or not, as we are naturally subjective beings (it may nonetheless be an easier process for some individuals than others). From your answers to your questionnaire, I thought that you had a good sense of self in terms of knowing your own mind (I don't know if this could be described as "introspective", or "in tune between their mind and body", or perhaps "a good assessor of human psychology" etc. .

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    @Sol would like a video (dynamic observations)

    I would like pictures (static)
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post

    It seems like Si values and knows how to have a pleasant internal state and eliminate bad sensations and all that. I'm definitely pretty good at, or I've learned to be good at it. But the descriptions make it seem like Si users are very picky about what makes them feel good and what makes them feel bad. I'm not like that, a lot of things feel good to me, so I don't seem quite as picky. For example, my family always complains about hotel beds and how they aren't like the ones at home. I'm always fine with them, I know how to get comfortable. Same goes with food, I'm not that picky about only having the best, and I'm quite satisfied with "meh" food. But I'm still very aware of this state of pleasure.
    I think that means that your are -Si and those Si users are +Si

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I can only suggest that things may become clearer to you with time. In regards whether you have a good sense of self, I meant it in terms of the Individual not always being able to evaluate whether they are a particular type or not, as we are naturally subjective beings (it may nonetheless be an easier process for some individuals than others). From your answers to your questionnaire, I thought that you had a good sense of self in terms of knowing your own mind (I don't know if this could be described as "introspective", or "in tune between their mind and body", or perhaps "a good assessor of human psychology" etc. .
    Okay I gotcha! I'll keep researching and posting around here, that sounds parfait! I can describe myself well enough, but I somehow just can't do it well when answering questions on a test. No idea why. I'll figure it out, though! I think that I'm between those two types, but maybe it's way off base! I'll try and keep an open mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexV View Post
    I think that means that your are -Si and those Si users are +Si
    sweet I'll keep that in mind and I'll read the link soon!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    @Sol would like a video (dynamic observations)

    I would like pictures (static)
    Great! Tell me if you want any more; these are the ones I had on my phone.

    Hope that's good!

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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post
    @Subteigh looked at that, I found it easy to relate to most of Ne as suggestive, but there were a couple parts of Si suggestive that I related to (not emphasizing attractiveness). And I half relate to dominant Si. My biggest hang up is this:

    It seems like Si values and knows how to have a pleasant internal state and eliminate bad sensations and all that. I'm definitely pretty good at, or I've learned to be good at it. But the descriptions make it seem like Si users are very picky about what makes them feel good and what makes them feel bad. I'm not like that, a lot of things feel good to me, so I don't seem quite as picky. For example, my family always complains about hotel beds and how they aren't like the ones at home. I'm always fine with them, I know how to get comfortable. Same goes with food, I'm not that picky about only having the best, and I'm quite satisfied with "meh" food. But I'm still very aware of this state of pleasure.

    Not sure if I made sense with that... Hope I did. You're right that one of my problems is that I don't have the best sense of self...

    Damn, I spent a lot of time on it as well haha. I'll read the descriptions and get back to you, but they seem so abstract at first glance. Is there a way that you'd prefer to type me? Ask and I'll give! EDIT: I have a video and pictures if that's a good way.
    About the hotel bed situation and how that's related to Si Since Si is highly subjective what is comfortable or viewed as comfortable by one Si doesn't mean it's the same for all.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Thanks! Fingers crossed that @Sol will agree their analysis of the video (if it's not too much trouble for them). :] Then I'll be able to put my type to bed and just work on understanding this theory for the sake of understanding it! Is a subtype apparent or not from the pictures? No problem if it isn't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    About the hotel bed situation and how that's related to Si Since Si is highly subjective what is comfortable or viewed as comfortable by one Si doesn't mean it's the same for all.
    Okay! So the fact that I'm not too particular about it because I can be comfortable in a variety is situations is fine then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post
    Okay! So the fact that I'm not too particular about it because I can be comfortable in a variety is situations is fine then.
    Yes. You maybe comfortable in a bad hotel room only because you are more willing to put up with it because you are going to experience being in a pleasant city on vacation. That's still Si
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Yes. You maybe comfortable in a bad hotel room only because you are more willing to put up with it because you are going to experience being in a pleasant city on vacation. That's still Si
    Thanks for clarifying that makes sense! I'm isually so jazzed about staying in a hotel that I find ways to make it comfortable. But one of my best talents is being able to sleep anywhere hahaha.

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    This is synonymous with SEI

    Is this question global or what? I'm pretty much a pacifist, so I don't like being on the offensive, and I find it pretty clownish and childish when people are super macho and shit. What are we in? Middle school? Globally, I don't like the idea of occupying someone else's territory without their permission ever. I mean, maybe if it was your last resort, but still… Let other people be and stop whipping your dick around, hun.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    without videointerview it's rather doubtful to be typed correctly

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    This is synonymous with SEI

    Is this question global or what? I'm pretty much a pacifist, so I don't like being on the offensive, and I find it pretty clownish and childish when people are super macho and shit. What are we in? Middle school? Globally, I don't like the idea of occupying someone else's territory without their permission ever. I mean, maybe if it was your last resort, but still… Let other people be and stop whipping your dick around, hun.
    Haha love it! SEI seems good to me at this time, it's such a sweet type! :]

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    without videointerview it's rather doubtful to be typed correctly
    Sorry about that! I'll be home from university in a couple of days so I'll record a different one. Thanks in advance as well. :]

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    without videointerview it's rather doubtful to be typed correctly
    I made a video, I hope that it meets the requirements for you! :] This is the best camera I have for videos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post
    I made a video
    EJ. most probably ESFJ
    you may check how INTJ girls look in examples in my signature and to compare with impressions from other types

    @Persephone this is the example of good picture in videointerview

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    EJ. most probably ESFJ
    you may check how INTJ girls look in examples in my signature and to compare with impressions from other types

    @Persephone this is the example of good picture in videointerview
    Thanks for that! ESFJ is definitely one of the top choices! I looked at them and they seemed attractive overall. They appealed to me more than some of the other photo sets at least.

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    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Non Fi base ethical most likely Si valuer. SEI? Pretty cool type IMO. But I'm not so sure if we can yet rule out multiple personality disorder...
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenefix View Post
    I made a video, I hope that it meets the requirements for you! :] This is the best camera I have for videos.
    I am starting to wonder about extraversion because you ramble a lot. Doing things for people and talking for 22 minutes lol
    you seem like an ESFj or ESTj

    I found this video that is a better indication of you type as ESFj

    I'm sorry for posting it. If you feel violated lol let me know and I'll delete it.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    Non Fi base ethical most likely Si valuer. SEI? Pretty cool type IMO. But I'm not so sure if we can yet rule out multiple personality disorder...
    LOL what?
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 06-01-2016 at 04:35 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    I want to say ESTj and final almost

    "when I get stressed out I write a paper and get in the zone' yeah you put your feelings aside successfully to get things done. You put work and logic first to get through the work fast so you don't get stressed.
    And you like optimistic people me memememememememememememem

    I mean ME

    YEAH ME read the obesity rant thread because you'll see "what are you going to do about the problems that are in the world instead of complaining about them."

    You observe social order and politeness, consideration. etc. I feel like you put your best foot forward in public and I don't know how grumpy you are haha

    People find you reliable. "That makes me feel bad" so you have submission to your guilt and internal feelings ethics "this was wrong, I shouldn't do this and I did so that made me feel bad"
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 06-01-2016 at 05:34 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    But I'm not so sure if we can yet rule out multiple personality disorder...
    Huh why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I want to say ESTj and final almost
    Interesting, no one has ever typed me as a Thinking type with strong Te or Ti.

    "when I get stressed out I write a paper and get in the zone' yeah you put your feelings aside successfully to get things done. You put work and logic first to get through the work fast so you don't get stressed.
    And you like optimistic people me memememememememememememem

    I mean ME

    YEAH ME read the obesity rant thread because you'll see "what are you going to do about the problems that are in the world instead of complaining about them."

    You observe social order and politeness, consideration. etc. I feel like you put your best foot forward in public and I don't know how grumpy you are haha

    People find you reliable. "That makes me feel bad" so you have submission to your guilt and internal feelings ethics "this was wrong, I shouldn't do this and I did so that made me feel bad"
    I'll definitely keep mulling this over. It just seems a bit out of left field (not as much as the personality disorder comment though). Was actually quite comfortable with SEI lol. Not quite sure what you're saying about the "me" part? Is it about being self-referencing? It was a questionnaire to be fair. And what is the obesity rant thread? Those types of threads are kinda mean, why would I want to read one?

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