I have gotten typed as an INFP in the MBTI but when I look in socionics at what is supposed to be the INFPs correspondent (the INFj), I'm not really sure that I relate to it. I took a socionics online test and got INTp. However at this point I really don't know, so I'm going to include some photos of myself here and I guess write a little about myself!
Ok so I am 18 years old and recently finished high school; I had a really rough time the first couple years of high school because I was very shy and never felt like I fit in. As a result of this, I did a foreign exchange year for my third year of high school and I started taking antidepressants; both of those life changes have had great effects on me and as a result of them I feel like I can actually live to my fullest potential. My foreign exchange year was v. difficult but as a result of it I have become a lot more outgoing and I am guessing at this point a lot of people would mistake me for an extrovert. My senior year of high school was fine, I enjoyed it more or less but at this point I am kind of between crossroads in my life and not sure what I'm going to do; I have one job in retail and i'm looking at getting a second one waitressing; I live with my parents and after I take some time off (hopefully to travel a little in Turkey or Latin America after I work for a few months) I would like to go to school for some kind of interdisciplinary degree dealing with urbanism/sociology/anthropology. I am especially interested in cities and the people in them; how cities function and how to keep up sustainable cities. I welcome any other questions you may have so that you guys can type me as well as possible! Thanks
