I've recently been paying attention to instictual stackings, which I usually ignored.

After reading the different stackings descriptions and commenting them, I would say sx/sp is the option that fits better for me. I quite like this description in particular:

Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
Sx/Sp- muddy, lava-like, piercing

Energetic qualities associated with sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting

Why do sx/sp's seem saturated with intensity?
-sx/sp's gain stability by withholding strong sexual impulses sp ---> into ---> sx

Sx/Sp Writing Style: Intense, often a stab-in-the-chest sensation, leaving me in tears without knowing why. Fantastical but much more concentrated in a few inner images. Can be abstract, animating dead objects into their field of contemplation. Embodiment of another human, thing, or idea is common in their writings.

Picture a lightning bolt captured in a bottle. The energy is always there but it's contained in a glass jar and only breaks free once in a while. The sx/sp is boxed in energy, self-contained, cutting, and focused. Sx/sp types will often look angry even when they are not. There is a certain reality of emotion which they display that is due to their social obliviousness. Most sx's will be honest almost to a fault. Sx/sp want to choose their friends wisely. A "with me or against me" attitude reminiscent of 6 and 8s. The least inhibited of all stackings. Cares less of what others think of them. The most likely to get into physical altercations, and may even enjoy fighting. Healthy sx/sp's will display a playful selfishness.

Although there are still certain things that make me doubt between sx/sp and "its mirror" sp/sx. sp/sx descriptions I have found are not so rounded and a bit more like an hodgepodge of different aspects, so I'm not sure if I'm really getting its essence. And of course, after you read this:

Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
sp/sx also has an inverted narcissism (perhaps distorted exhibitionism is more accurate). There's an impulse to open the raincoat and reveal cancerous lesions covering the torso and genitalia. Festering wounds with a stench. It sometimes seems to be a challenge issued around deep, deep bonding: This is me; How real are you willing to be? Psychic nudity/revelation that, in itself, threatens the sp/sx with self-destruction....or at least social self-destruction, which is part of the distilling process toward the one-to-one uber-bond. There's an element of all that with sx in general but sp/sx, in this mode, prefers it truly organically grotesque, leaving a stain and a scar that's hard to interpret.
I understand this is intended to me metaphorical, a sort of "look at me, this is how I am, accept me or leave me alone", but my reaction after reading this is... wtf?

Let's see if I understand these keypoints about instinctual stackings correctly:

  • The strongest stacking is supposed to to be the most deeply rooted in the psyche. Due to this, it's not so [externally] obvious as you could expect for it, as it's "too personal" so to speak. It belongs to the user and it's for the user, not for other people (directly). The second and last stacking are less rooted and therefore more openly exposed. As the last one is too weak, all thing equals the sencond one would be the "most visible" or superfically apparent. But once you're closer enough to a particular person and intimacy could be more openly shared, you will notice that the strongest impulses lives in another dimension of the person's psyche.
  • A simple comparsion of this effect could be socionics leading versus creative function. Creative is weaker, but it's also the main way of interacting with the external world.

This "contradiction" will cause unexpected results. For example, an sp/so would be more social than assumed, [relatively easily] willing to engage in groupal activities and experiences. The main sp stacking could manifest in the form of an extremely reserved person, who has certain personal (mental) space so private it's very difficult (very high degree of confidence is required) for being shared, even the closest friends. This would the the "archetypal" stacking at first for strong introverts.

Whereas an sx/sp, which is so-last, will refuse to engage in most social/gropual activities, being a natural isolacionist. Technically the most isolacionist, because although his energy levels are higher than in the case of sp/sx, this "energy" is held back due to a "defensive" creative (more externally directed) dimension. It would mostly be addressed in a personal fashion: the object of desire (a person, a project, a lifegoal, etc), that once found, will receive all this energy in the form of intense discharge (focus). sp/sx should share his/her energy more easily and in a broader sense. Higher energy but more concentrated should give to sx/sp an higher contrast than sp/sx in relation to personal distance. For outsiders, a true introvert, but once a close bond is formed, the person "explodes" with an energy level that can catch by surprise his more social friends.

Another contrast would be a potential higher level of frustration in sx/sp than sp/sx. The "I want what I want" nature of sx-first makes the user unsatisfied with less than this, not easily accepting compromises or alternatives of any kind for the object of desire. More internal pain, suffering, due to the higher difficulty for fullfilling the critical needs of his psyche.

What I do not clearly understand is why an sp/sx would react in the fashion described by the quoted comment (the "distorted exhibitionism"). They're supposed to be less isolationists than sx/sp, as the "external function" is not "defensive". But simultaneously, they should be by default more reserved than sx/sp, as they're sp-first. Sx/sp has the contrast of being an isolacionist who wants to meld with the object of desire, whereas an sp/sx would keep an higher barrier between himself an such object. It seems an sx/sp should share more easily his essence once opening up, and this include the dark aspects of the soul.

This being said, I find the imageniery showed in the sp/sx thread somehow a bit dirturbing and quite less appealing than in the case of sx/sp thread. And by the way, they have a sort of strong Ni-ish aura (more in a beta fashion than gamma one methinks).

Regarding how different stackings interact with each other, the "reverse stacking" is supposed to be "the conflictor" whereas the "dual" would be simultaneously the "identical" (same stacking). If this is correct and the people referred in the Pinterest link contained in the first quote are accurately typed, then this is another clue for picking sx/sp in my case. They have an extremely similar facial expression when compared to my own. I find the so/sp examples particularly disgusting, repulsive, more than so/sx. Nicole Kidman seems hollow, substanceless (regardless it's quite possible she's LII), Wes Bentley will eat your children, Blavatsky seems what she was, a cult leader, and that woman Fiona Apple... I do not know even how to describe the repulsion I feel looking at her pictures.

Despite of this, I suspect the combo of two sp/sx could be more troublesome than it seems. Not due to "natural repusion" (this is not the case), but because the natural intensity could magnify potential conflicts.

Considering the "Ni resemblance" that sp/sx imagery has, I wonder how it could be perceived by sx/sp from different sociotypes and enneatypes. For example, is it possible that a LII (4D Ni) sx/sp will "tolerate/digest" sp/sx essence more easily than an ILE sx/sp (Ni ignoring)?