hELLO. mY NAME IS JONAS. oops caps lock on...

I am here to learn something new--- Socionics stuff. A friend of mine once mentioned something about it, and I googled it and found this forum.
My life has been filled with food, food and more food, theres nothing else that makes me feel so happy. Now I weight 280 lbs, and I need some other intrests, so I could lose some weight. (Doctor recommended looking for some new intrests or hobbies so I wouldn't concentrate only on food) I am a very
energetic and happy man, I like to cook food, and videochat with my friends about making food and also whats been happening. I am feeding myself with
the thought that there is no need to worry about mere size, it doesn't change me as person, so thats how I keep my passion and love to food. But now it's
time for change!

Sorry for my bad grammar, I am not native speaker.