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Thread: Likely ILI or IEI. Needing an Outsider's Perspective

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    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Default Likely ILI or IEI. Needing an Outsider's Perspective

    Tell me about yourself.
    --insert misguided babble about my self-concept--
    Honestly, you could probably sit with me for ten minutes and make better observations about my external appearance and personality than I could. I can’t see it very well.
    * I reread this beginning portion before submitting it and it evoked a sort of dramatic argument. A person asks me how I can expect to be typed when I cannot type myself. This came from first connected the idea of someone loving you before you can love yourself to the situation.
    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am in the Information Networking and Telecommunications program at university. However, my heart is elsewhere and I would rather fail at singing than wither away in a stuffy office and slit my wrists to count the days that I experience the torment of a grey-scale life that lacks all five senses.
    What are your values, and why?
    TRUTH – I hate bullshit. I hate being fake with people. I hate not knowing things. Forms of deception never felt right to me. Truth is ultimately the desire of humans. We want understanding and knowledge, yet we deceive and withhold.
    LOVE – I haven’t experienced romantic love. However, I feel that love is so much bigger and encompassing than that. I want romantic love but I desire platonic love with various friends and I know that I love ideas like music and autonomy.
    MUSIC – Any time I feel bad or am bored, I listen to music or sing. I could sing all day. It makes the time pass and brings me joy.
    SELF-EXPRESSION – I have so much going on within my mind that I want to share it. Music seems to be the medium that best suits me.
    Perseverance and wildly pursuing my desires despite the cost – I have grown to realize that I would rather fail at what I love then succeed at being bored and unfulfilled.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    My mother – She sees the forest for the trees, whereas I cannot see the indivudal specs and details that make life so sweet. She doesn’t really help me in ways that I value. I can see IEI-ESE or ILI-ESE as plausible. Both would have similar issues with an ESE. Her Si Fe is not really what I want. I don’t care about my bodily sensations. I would much rather dismiss them until they go away. She asks if people need water or are hungry, and often times I don’t know what I feel physically. She seems to be a blatant reminder of my shortcomings.
    ** I decided to go back to this section after writing what I do for a living. My mother thinks college is a panacea. I really want to do music and I think she would understand that but she thinks college leads to happiness. I completely disagree. I can understand her point of view however. She didn’t attend school and struggles to make money. I am not her though and I need to follow my desire.
    My sister – She doesn’t give me any Se. She is quite boring and responsible. She and I get along well enough, but I predict that we’ll never be super close. She and I don’t value family and tradition the way our mother does.
    My father – Rather than seizing life, he tries to drown out reality through various means. Previously, he was worthless to me. Throughout my childhood, I witnessed several occasions that demonstrated his weakness. I try to love him but I don’t think he’s fulfilled his duties and my relationship to him is one sided and fruitless. I ponder ridding myself of him but my mother says that people regret doing such things. I, on the other hand, think it would be a demonstration of my own self-love and value to excommunicate him from my life.
    Friend 1 – She feels like everything I need in my life. Yet, she wants something meaningless and I would rather have a long term relationship that could change us both and allow us to be happily in one another’s arms.
    While I don’t think I would have liked her in her youth, she has come so far and developed into a sexy, confident young lady that knows her shit and speaks the truth.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I typically don’t look for friends at all. I find that people disappoint me far too often. I can think of more interesting things in my head, than I can find coming out of the mouths of others. I am interested in friends and romantic partners that will allow me to smell the roses. I spend far too much time in my head. I am at the point where I want to LIVE and to live it fully.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    My mother and I bicker often. She bothers me with trivialities. I don’t like cleaning at all but she really pushes me to fulfill my household duties. She also asks me questions about things that don’t interest me and that is enough to upset me. I resonate with – as I went to look for the section of an ILI profile that I resonated with, I found

    How would your friends describe you?
    So this question doesn’t really apply to me because I don’t have many friends. However, I can share some characteristics that have been said about me. I will mention that I hold these evaluations of my character very dear because I don’t get people to talk about me often and I cannot see myself from without. I once read a description of Ni and it mentioned an inability to see oneself from without because the individual possesses too strong of an internal world and mental landscape. I certainly relate to that idea.
    Mysterious, quiet, nice, cold,
    As I was looking for the descriptions of myself that I have recorded I saw an old journal entry:
    Another sip. I've come to recognize the significant place that coffee has in my life. I am bored. I am severely bored. Coffee is my single high of the day. The universe without it would be a cold, cold one.
    It is but an artifice. A habit of my own which simulates something real. I need people. I need experiences. Yet my life is lacking both.
    LOL at how Se-suggestive that sounds.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I feel that among other people my Ni goes unseen. I don’t express it. I can come off as inattentive and aloof but I don’t think people would know the complexities of my internal processes and the connections that I’m constantly making without me expressing something.
    I like that I see relationships between things and am able to create this inner connected ball of ideas, experiences, and such within my mind. Everything reminds me of something else and that keeps my mind busy. I think I have a very associative memory. I can forget things but then something will provoke a beautiful memory within me.
    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I suppose my chief beef with myself is that I lack a trust in myself. I often have premonitions but I don’t trust myself and so I wind up getting myself in trouble. Perhaps I get in trouble purposefully, as an escape from the monotony and blandness of my miserable existence.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I have trouble with the practical aspects. Sometimes I think this would be evidence toward lower level Te, yet I think that SLI is more practical and ILI is something else entirely.
    I really just don’t care for chores and efforts that go in vain. Cleaning the house is a temporary fix. Burn it down and your house will always be clean. Wow! I just came up with that in jest but I think I could use it in a poem or something. What a poignant expression of my trouble with things of this world.
    I hate things that require constant upkeep. I want to witness the fruits of my effort, rather than having the work be thrown down the train when everything is a mess as soon as I look away.
    Additionally, I really don’t care to do things that seem extraneous. I am economical with my energy and my time. I don’t overexert myself for trifles and meaningless crap. I think I have an ability to discern what is useful, what is not. What is a waste and what is not. This sounds like Te to me. My mother has like zero respect for Te at all. In my eyes, her priorities are whack and she lacks the wisdom that I possess. I really don’t think we value the same functions. That seems like the easiest explanation for the troubles she and I have regarding relating to one another.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    As I expressed in the paragraph above, chores are chores. Haha See what I did there?
    Honestly, house work and stupid favors for others. Today, I was upset because a girl at work told me to put something away. I am higher up on the chain of power than her and she was basically a lazy bitch for asking me to do something that she could do for herself. I am independent in the sense that I don’t try and waste the resources and precious time that others have by asking them to do stupid shit for me. I am getting mad just thinking about it but I know it was a little insignificant instance that matters little.
    My mother also pisses me off because she asks me to throw things away for her and do meaningless stupid shit like that. She can do this stuff for herself. I guess this boils down to my issue with people not valuing my time. I think others just fling their time out for whatever. I don’t view time that way. As I’ve said about my honesty and discover that I need to pursue my passion, I don’t have long enough on this earth to do stupid shit for others. I don’t even like doing the stupid shit that I have to do for myself. It is an insult for others to not value my time. This seems like an Ni qualm to me.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I want to sing, perform, and produce music. Over the past few years, I have become quite interested in singing and critiquing the performances of artists. I really love 60’s jazz and blues as well as more contemporary music.
    The event that acted as a catalyst for my sureness about my future desires was the concert that I attended on Friday. I was in awe at what the artists were able to stir within me. The overarching ideas within the performance that affected me were striving to create, love of it
    music, autonomy, confidence, and of course, Se powers.

    It was funny that I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. One theme that I picked out from the film was Jack Sparrow’s inability to do the very things that he desired and brought him down. I related to this, as I have always known that I want to sing, however I’ve put it off and tried to love other things out of fear.
    The sticker on my cup of coffee said, “Behind the clouds, there is sunshine”. While this may seem like a trite sentiment, it felt like a message that after all of my efforts to become a singer, I will find success and achievement. I may have cloudy days but I will ultimately subdue the hunger of my heart.
    Very small things connected to my inner world can be isolated and assigned value and meaning very easily and naturally by me.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I would get with other artists and put out music. I would write music with people that inspire me. I would spend days traveling with a lover. I would shake off my ennui by doing risky things that give adrenaline rushes.
    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Around strangers I am more reserved. However, after attending the concert I have been more open with others and approached people. I no longer feel like I have time in my life to not talk to people and be open. I want to know others and I will have to make the first move. I often find that people are put off by my perceived imperturbability but I am friendly and expressive when I get to know people.
    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I don’t encounter this issue often because I stick to myself. However, when I argue with my sister, I intentionally escalate my emotions and act like a dramatic scene in a movie because I think arguing is stupid and excessive expressions of any emotion are tacky and out of style.
    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    I am interpreting this two ways to provide more information. One common misconception that people have with me is

    One common misconception that people have is they think that whatever they hear word-of-mouth is true. I am studious and I examine aspects of my life. I think most people find it suffice to be unintentionally mislead by others. I find things out for myself and attempt to check my sources and find credible information. I often take the subjective musings of others as a grain of salt. I take interest in pure knowledge rather than someone’s unsubstantiated and misguided thoughts.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Last Friday, I did something amazing! I went to a concert. While I hate the loud music, as I think about the long term effects of hearing loud sounds because I would like to have hearing at an old age, I get uncomfortable. However, I had an exquisite time. I saw the artist at the merch table. She actually sold me the tour shirt that I bought and she called me cute. :3 I was a bit start struck but I complimented a song on her album that brought me to tears. About the song bringing me to tears: -- I was sitting in the car listening to it, with my mother beside me. The main theme expressed through the song was a love of music and a fidelity to creating music.
    Anyway, attending the concert seemed to be the kick of Se that I needed. She was incredible and she opened my eyes to something that I’ve always known yet has terrified me. My love and my lust for life is music. While I can go on, fearing rejection and putting off my one true desire, I will only hinder my happiness and my potential. I have sat on a gift and done very little.
    I surmise that if I had a powerful Se ego in my life, I would be further developed than I am now. However, I cannot shake this dissatisfaction that has been awakened within me and this love of singing and music.
    This last Friday was a treat though. A typical Friday for me consists of work and then driving around listening to these lyrics. “Walking through the city streets
    Is it by mistake or design
    I feel so alone on a Friday night
    Can you make me feel like home if I tell you you're mine
    Honestly, that Friday helped me grow. I feel the change within me. Where I once was inhibited and afraid, I realize that life isn’t long enough to not pursue my goals and my happiness. I won’t let shyness or any other inhibition stymie my progress toward my goals.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    This is truly the area where I see Ni within myself. While I am less sure of my creative function, I know wholeheartedly that I love and admire Se. Confident, powerful people who pursue their desires and know how to have a good time excite me beyond belief. I am so boring and inactive when I’m alone. One of my few drives is to find someone to lighten me up and to do crazy shit with.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I was raised Christian. I am really in a wish-washy spot right now. I don’t know what I believe. I feel like I would need signs and wonders to take place, in order for me to truly believe the Christian doctrine. If I wasn’t Christian, I would probably be atheist or agnostic. I truly cannot know whether there is a God or not, so I cannot be either. I can’t say for certain either way. To limit the possibilities by saying there is a God or there is no God seems foolhardy to me. The lack of proof keeps me from asserting either claim.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I don’t particularly care about politics. When I was younger, I was full of opinions but as I have gotten older I see too many perspectives to have an opinion of my own.
    I feel that I am slowly coming out of this phase of lacking opinions. Perhaps, all it would take is external volitional force to shake me from my apathy.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I have done retail since high school. I am definitely tired of it and want to do something that fulfills me. Retail and menial jobs are where the creative desires of people go to die. I know that I can’t do this forever, as it wears me thin often.
    I want to do something that doesn’t require me to feign emotion and closeness to people that I either dislike or don’t know at all.
    I want to tour the world, singing and connecting to people. I want the albums and bodies of work that I create to resonate with the alienate, with the depressed, and with the broken. I want to be an uplifting force. That is what music has been for me and I want to provide that same experience to others.
    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I am quite averse to responsibility more often than not.
    To me, it is an external expectation and I focus mainly on my internal processes. I think that people often assume various things. My mother will say “I need” or “I must” and I just rarely see the world that way. There is a choice within each statement. There is a condition at the end of each declaration of necessity or responsibility.
    I can see the power strings in between the sentences. I need… to work. However, one must not work. You can sit on your bum and do nothing for the rest of your life. That is an option and I see that possibility. Most others, however don’t see the world this way. I think my feeling that I won’t ever be understood keep me from seeking friendships and hinder me from opening up around others.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern for the child would be to prepare it for the future. I think that my mother and father lacked the intuitive finesse to prepare for a child or to parent well. They didn’t think about things that seem obvious to me.
    I would make sacrifices in the present to ensure that my efforts to allow my children to flourish into adults would not go in vain.
    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I think that everyone has been given desires and aspirations. I realize that the meaning of life is to pursue the things that please you. I mean this in a way far more true and pure than hedonism. Activities such as sex and drug use often fill holes and gaps within people. Rather than allowing them to pursue their true desires, they mitigate the pain and make you feel better temporarily. The urge and desire for ideas and the metaphysical always prevails and cannot be truly quenched by a bottle or a blowjob.

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Since no one else is answering I'll just say this: Overall you sound kinda ILI-ni ... or maybe IEI. Ennegram 5w4?

    I'm 5w4, ILI-ni and most of your writing resonates with me FWIW.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I think mothers might naturally are built to be annoying/depressing/clash-y as motivation to live one's own life when they are an adult and not really interact with their mom anymore. Really, what's the point once their motherly roles have been fulfilled and they cared for you your first 13 years of life. This sounds a little mean but I went out of her vagina, I don't wanna go back into it. lol.

    (I related to your mom issues and I think a lot of people can.) So maybe you are IEI.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    I think mothers might naturally are built to be annoying/depressing/clash-y as motivation to live one's own life when they are an adult and not really interact with their mom anymore. Really, what's the point once their motherly roles have been fulfilled and they cared for you your first 13 years of life. This sounds a little mean but I went out of her vagina, I don't wanna go back into it. lol.

    (I related to your mom issues and I think a lot of people can.) So maybe you are IEI.
    Mothers want to push you back in though, like their vagina is an alligator's mouth, and they'll try to tear you apart to get you back in. Better you than them.

    ...OK, there's no way everyone's mother can work like that and the species still exist. But at least now we know: everyone's mother is their conflictor, supervisor, or supervisee!

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    ...OK, there's no way everyone's mother can work like that and the species still exist.
    haha I don't know, it sounds brutal but there is a lot of truth to it. It's like a predator/prey balance type of thing and a test to see if you can outrun the incestous alligator vagina for more independent freedom lol.

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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    from a brief glance, ILI. IEI couldn't write with so much verbosity in such a stilted way.

  7. #7
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    from a brief glance, ILI. IEI couldn't write with so much verbosity in such a stilted way.
    Styled like an Uncovered Type Comment.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    my writing is amazing ok

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    my writing is amazing ok
    As my SLE son says, "Whatever..."
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    sounds ILI, or trying to sound ILI for some reason. but ILI nonetheless

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    summerprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    from a brief glance, ILI. IEI couldn't write with so much verbosity in such a stilted way.
    I sometimes write that way! OP sounds a little aspergers-ish (this isn't meant to be offensive it just sounds that way from the post - dislike of loud music, narrow intense focus on studying music, the seriousness of the language, dislike of emotional expression, etc) So you could just be seeing ILI from that vibe. Anyway, I also come across as "inattentive and aloof" OP, so IEI is possible but your narrow focus and interests, & apathy towards people (?) say "ILI" to me. For instance, I wouldn't get mad at someone for asking me to put something away at work because I see it as a sign that they will help me later, if I do something for them. IF I helped them and then they never helped me, I would be mad. I think maybe ethical types put more emphasis on reciprocity.

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    I sometimes write that way! OP sounds a little aspergers-ish (this isn't meant to be offensive it just sounds that way from the post - dislike of loud music, narrow intense focus on studying music, the seriousness of the language, dislike of emotional expression, etc) So you could just be seeing ILI from that vibe. Anyway, I also come across as "inattentive and aloof" OP, so IEI is possible but your narrow focus and interests, & apathy towards people (?) say "ILI" to me. For instance, I wouldn't get mad at someone for asking me to put something away at work because I see it as a sign that they will help me later, if I do something for them. IF I helped them and then they never helped me, I would be mad. I think maybe ethical types put more emphasis on reciprocity.
    I do see the OP as ILI most likely, but not aspergers-like, the format was 'answering a Questionnaire' so ... fragmented, or whatever one can call it, is not cause for calling it "stilted" at all, IMO either. It's very read-able. In any case, usually reading through these types of posts they are not always so read-able, also my own opinion.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

  13. #13
    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    my writing is amazing ok
    What does this have to do with typing me? Please only make relevant comments.
    For the inconvenience and attempt to derail my thread, I would appreciate a typing from you. Thanks

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    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    I sometimes write that way! OP sounds a little aspergers-ish (this isn't meant to be offensive it just sounds that way from the post - dislike of loud music, narrow intense focus on studying music, the seriousness of the language, dislike of emotional expression, etc) So you could just be seeing ILI from that vibe. Anyway, I also come across as "inattentive and aloof" OP, so IEI is possible but your narrow focus and interests, & apathy towards people (?) say "ILI" to me. For instance, I wouldn't get mad at someone for asking me to put something away at work because I see it as a sign that they will help me later, if I do something for them. IF I helped them and then they never helped me, I would be mad. I think maybe ethical types put more emphasis on reciprocity.
    If I do something for someone, I don't expect something back. I find the idea repulsive and childish. Favors and expecting favors in return will only leave an individual disappointed. Better to expect nothing and be surprised.
    Regardless, thank you for your feedback.
    Last edited by happytobestraining; 06-01-2017 at 09:20 PM.

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    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    from a brief glance, ILI. IEI couldn't write with so much verbosity in such a stilted way.
    What's wrong, Satan? You aren't getting duality vibes?

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    I do see the OP as ILI most likely, but not aspergers-like, the format was 'answering a Questionnaire' so ... fragmented, or whatever one can call it, is not cause for calling it "stilted" at all, IMO either. It's very read-able. In any case, usually reading through these types of posts they are not always so read-able, also my own opinion.
    Oh I think it's very readable but I believe that is just because @happytobestraining is good with words and has a rich vocabulary. I think the stilted-ness of the writing would be the same regardless of the format. This all isn't thaaaat related to figuring out whether OP is IEI or ILI bc both can be verbose imo

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    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    If I do something for someone, I don't expect something back. I find the idea repulsive and childish. Favors and expecting favors in return will only leave an individual disappointed. Better to expect nothing and be surprised.
    Regardless, thank you for your feedback.
    I think this is a difference of opinion that, despite being small, makes me lean more towards typing you as ILI. I don't think of it as me expecting a favor per se, but like helping others out and then they help me out as a way to develop comraderie and liking towards each other. With my best friend for instance, I will pay for our dinner one night and then there's pretty much an unspoken rule that she pays next time. Etc

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    If -lead, IEI, too emotionally aware, performative, and in the Beta NF identity drive. You use your understanding of functions to construct how you come across already, that's why it's difficult to see through... maybe that's a sign of high already.

    What bothered me in the questionnaire was the recurring language - take maybe something like EIE-Ni into account as well. is strong but appeared more, proportionally. The chores section could be PoLR or at least weak , and I mean, the last sentence! Whenever you denounce comfort, you start talking about ideas, that's how your demonstrative could cover up for your vulnerable.

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    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    If -lead, IEI, too emotionally aware, performative, and in the Beta NF identity drive. You use your understanding of functions to construct how you come across already, that's why it's difficult to see through... maybe that's a sign of high already.

    What bothered me in the questionnaire was the recurring language - take maybe something like EIE-Ni into account as well. is strong but appeared more, proportionally. The chores section could be PoLR or at least weak , and I mean, the last sentence! Whenever you denounce comfort, you start talking about ideas, that's how your demonstrative could cover up for your vulnerable.
    Thank you for your input. The main reason why I haven't typed EIE is that my internal world is central and paramount to my life and the way that I process information. The profiles for any extravert seem to talk about having tons of friends and especially. I suppose I should look at the raw functions rather than profiles, but the mention of gregariousness has always kept me from relating to EXX socionics types.
    I do have one question. Does my writing seem stilted? I've never gotten the idea that I lack the awareness of time or rhythm within my writing. However, several other forumites have made that comment in this thread.
    I have never typed as Delta NFs because
    Wow. I just read this sentence: Many IEEs share a common pattern in that for them mental stimulation is often interpersonal; they may extensively enjoy interacting with many different people and find a situation boring if there are no interesting people with whom to engage in conversation. It made me think that perhaps my reticence has hindered me from enjoying the entertainment of conversation. I am less certain that EIE or IEE is implausible.

    One thing that I will mention about the timing of my writing is that, once I have a new idea or am reminded of something, my topic is likely to shift and I will go so far as not finishing sentences. I never dismiss the trail that my mind chooses.

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    There are two things Only You can do:
    1)Determine your type
    2)Prevent forest fires
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    If I do something for someone, I don't expect something back. I find the idea repulsive and childish. Favors and expecting favors in return will only leave an individual disappointed. Better to expect nothing and be surprised.
    Regardless, thank you for your feedback.
    This is more a sign of maturity than anything. I dreamt about you last night. You looked just like you do, irl (no symbolic substitution, it was exact). You were really tall though. Like over 6'0. You came home from school and seemed so sad. I motioned for you to bend toward me, then I went up on my toes and kissed you on your left cheek and said, it will be fine. That is when I woke up. Your face felt so cold but there was a red mark where I kissed your cheek.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Woooooooooo romanncceeeee!!! Where is my "I support you" sign

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    This is more a sign of maturity than anything. I dreamt about you last night. You looked just like you do, irl (no symbolic substitution, it was exact). You were really tall though. Like over 6'0. You came home from school and seemed so sad. I motioned for you to bend toward me, then I went up on my toes and kissed you on your left cheek and said, it will be fine. That is when I woke up. Your face felt so cold but there was a red mark where I kissed your cheek.
    Aww! I actually am 6'2.5
    I am trying to connect dots and assess the meaning of this.
    You mentioned school. I am thinking that I want to tend to my creative pursuits rather than continue going to school. I am realizing the limited time on earth and I don't want to spend it bogged down by monotony.
    The cold may be a lack of feeling within me. I need the gentle kiss of someone, or perhaps more generally, the human contact, physically or emotionally to warm myself and feel alive rather than cold and dead.
    I don't know. Share with me your thoughts and interpretation if you have one.
    Thank you, @Aylen

    Now, now how come your talk turn cold?
    Gain the whole world for the price of your soul
    Tryin' to grab hold of what you can't control
    Now you all floss, what a sight to behold
    Wisdom is better than silver and gold
    I was hopeless, now I'm more hopeful

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    Quote Originally Posted by Envisioner View Post
    There are two things Only You can do:
    1)Determine your type
    2)Prevent forest fires
    I will not prevent the very thing I need.

    To burn it like cedar
    I request another dream
    I need a forest fire
    To burn it like cedar
    I request another dream
    I need a forest fire
    I'm saved by nature
    But it always forgets what I need
    I hope you'll stop me before I build a wall around me
    We need a forest fire
    You're thicker than you think
    You know that money bought your name
    Caution, swelling, can I repay you with some blame?

    To burn it like cedar
    I request another dream
    I need a forest fire
    To burn it like cedar
    I request another dream
    I need a forest fire
    To burn it like cedar
    I request another dream
    I need a forest fire
    Stop before I build a wall around me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Woooooooooo romanncceeeee!!! Where is my "I support you" sign
    Heh, as adorable as he is I think it is a different kind of connection but thank you for your support! I feel more like his older sister who wants the best for him. <3

    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    Aww! I actually am 6'2.5
    I am trying to connect dots and assess the meaning of this.
    You mentioned school. I am thinking that I want to tend to my creative pursuits rather than continue going to school. I am realizing the limited time on earth and I don't want to spend it bogged down by monotony.
    The cold may be a lack of feeling within me. I need the gentle kiss of someone, or perhaps more generally, the human contact, physically or emotionally to warm myself and feel alive rather than cold and dead.
    I don't know. Share with me your thoughts and interpretation if you have one.
    Thank you, @Aylen

    Now, now how come your talk turn cold?
    Gain the whole world for the price of your soul
    Tryin' to grab hold of what you can't control
    Now you all floss, what a sight to behold
    Wisdom is better than silver and gold
    I was hopeless, now I'm more hopeful
    I think your interpretation is what is important. You have an ability to reveal the deeper meaning for yourself and I knew you would. I did have a general feeling after it that goes well with what you just said. In the end you will be fine.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Heh, as adorable as he is I think it is a different kind of connection but thank you for your support! I feel more like his older sister who wants the best for him. <3
    /changes chant/ Woooohooooooooo family bonds and platonic friendship!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    This is more a sign of maturity than anything. I dreamt about you last night. You looked just like you do, irl (no symbolic substitution, it was exact). You were really tall though. Like over 6'0. You came home from school and seemed so sad. I motioned for you to bend toward me, then I went up on my toes and kissed you on your left cheek and said, it will be fine. That is when I woke up. Your face felt so cold but there was a red mark where I kissed your cheek.
    It has nothing to do with maturity. I never said I expected favors back from every single person I do something for, but it's part of being polite and the reciprocal nature of things. It's a social more and I appreciate *some* social mores and rituals for their predictability and give-and-take nature. Most cultures work this way

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    It has nothing to do with maturity. I never said I expected favors back from every single person I do something for, but it's part of being polite and the reciprocal nature of things. It's a social more and I appreciate *some* social mores and rituals for their predictability and give-and-take nature. Most cultures work this way
    not this culture, muahaha (LIE). what you're describing is a covert contract and it drives me nuts

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    not this culture, muahaha (LIE). what you're describing is a covert contract and it drives me nuts
    Good luck in an awful lot of countries

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    slight beta NF vibe despite the "stilted" stuff so IEI-Ni>ILI-Ni

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    slight beta NF vibe despite the "stilted" stuff so IEI-Ni>ILI-Ni
    Do you think SEI or LII is plausible?

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    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    Do you think SEI or LII is plausible?
    Not really?...

    "My mother – She sees the forest for the trees, whereas I cannot see the indivudal specs and details that make life so sweet. She doesn’t really help me in ways that I value. I can see IEI-ESE or ILI-ESE as plausible. Both would have similar issues with an ESE. Her Si Fe is not really what I want. I don’t care about my bodily sensations. I would much rather dismiss them until they go away. She asks if people need water or are hungry, and often times I don’t know what I feel physically. She seems to be a blatant reminder of my shortcomings."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Not really?...

    "My mother – She sees the forest for the trees, whereas I cannot see the indivudal specs and details that make life so sweet. She doesn’t really help me in ways that I value. I can see IEI-ESE or ILI-ESE as plausible. Both would have similar issues with an ESE. Her Si Fe is not really what I want. I don’t care about my bodily sensations. I would much rather dismiss them until they go away. She asks if people need water or are hungry, and often times I don’t know what I feel physically. She seems to be a blatant reminder of my shortcomings."
    Some people think I give off Alpha vibes. Thanks for your input.

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    Alright, this one is actually pretty tricky. A lot of conflicting information (at first).

    I find Enneagram easier to tell here. 4 fix, 9 fix, and 6 fix. The Seeker tritype. Likely SO blindspot - Sx/Sp.

    I typically don’t look for friends at all. I find that people disappoint me far too often. (...) I am interested in friends and romantic partners that will allow me to smell the roses.
    Leaning towards 4w3 core type (desire for fame etc), but 4w5 is another option. The description includes a lot of longing phrases, disdain for the mundane, disappointing experiences, unique expressions, and the idea of some "powerful Se person" being a savior from this mundane world, all of which is rather Type 4-like.

    Socionics-wise, I know this may be odd to you, but I get the impression OP could be one of these three types: EII, ESI, IEI.

    I am not sure whether his Ti is his Role or his HA. I am leaning towards the former.

    A lot of the writing is about his "subjective impressions", which are essentially Fi and Ni musings; personal feelings and impressions.

    I don't see any kind of Creative Te/Demonstrative Ti. There is no sign of strong Logic, apart from the occasional Ti comments (which as I said earlier, seem rather like Role than anything else). The writing is rather unstructured; this kind of thing is usually a sign of weaker Ti, ime.

    Then there are these aspects that seem rather Te valuing/unvalued Ti and Fe to me:

    I am economical with my energy and my time. I don’t overexert myself for trifles and meaningless crap. I think I have an ability to discern what is useful, what is not. What is a waste and what is not.(...)
    One common misconception that people have is they think that whatever they hear word-of-mouth is true. I am studious and I examine aspects of my life. I think most people find it suffice to be unintentionally mislead by others. I find things out for myself and attempt to check my sources and find credible information. I often take the subjective musings of others as a grain of salt. I take interest in pure knowledge rather than someone’s unsubstantiated and misguided thoughts.
    ^ This basically rules out Te PoLR/ Ti HA (or any kind of Ti valuing).

    So I am technically left with EII vs ESI.

    This sounds Gamma (valued Se and Te):

    Honestly, house work and stupid favors for others. Today, I was upset because a girl at work told me to put something away. I am higher up on the chain of power than her and she was basically a lazy bitch for asking me to do something that she could do for herself. I am independent in the sense that I don’t try and waste the resources and precious time that others have by asking them to do stupid shit for me.
    That kind of awareness of power dynamics seems rather like Creative Se than Seeking.

    So I am only left with ESI-Fi; an ESI whose HA and hence also PoLR are boosted; who is additionally Type 4, and hence sees themselves as Intuitive and needing someone powerful to "save them"; who is stuck in a rut of Fi-Ni, which is common for many introverts – our introverted functions being "bold" and not "cautious", we tend to use them more often, especially if we are the Inert subtype – all that can lead to the neglect of the Creative function, though I see that the OP is striving to use their Creative more often perhaps, because it does yield better results in their life.

    I had suspected this might be another ESI, or that I would type this individual as ESI. That's why I avoided this thread. And I was really trying to see signs of not-ESI here. I am not even entirely satisfied with the ESI typing myself, but based on the above this is the only conclusion I can arrive at for the time being. What I've gotten from the description is Gamma values, Type 4, Ethical, Introvert. And that can only be ESI. If I had gotten more hints of strong Logic and more hints of 5 core, I possibly would have went with ILI. If there had been hints of Si valuing, I would have went with EII. IEI got thrown out because of the apparent lack of Ti valuing and the valuing of Te.
    Last edited by Olimpia; 06-27-2017 at 06:57 PM.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Alright, this one is actually pretty tricky. A lot of conflicting information (at first).

    I find Enneagram easier to tell here. 4 fix, 9 fix, and 6 fix. The Seeker tritype. Likely SO blindspot - Sx/Sp.

    Leaning towards 4w3 core type (desire for fame etc), but 4w5 is another option. The description includes a lot of longing phrases, disdain for the mundane, disappointing experiences, unique expressions, and the idea of some "powerful Se person" being a savior from this mundane world, all of which is rather Type 4-like.

    Socionics-wise, I know this may be odd to you, but I get the impression OP could be one of these three types: EII, ESI, IEI.

    I am not sure whether his Ti is his Role or his HA. I am leaning towards the former.

    A lot of the writing is about his "subjective impressions", which are essentially Fi and Ni musings; personal feelings and impressions.

    I don't see any kind of Creative Te/Demonstrative Ti. There is no sign of strong Logic, apart from the occasional Ti comments (which as I said earlier, seem rather like Role than anything else). The writing is rather unstructured; this kind of thing is usually a sign of weaker Ti, ime.

    Then there are these aspects that seem rather Te valuing/unvalued Ti and Fe to me:

    ^ This basically rules out Te PoLR/ Ti HA (or any kind of Ti valuing).

    So I am technically left with EII vs ESI.

    This sounds Gamma (valued Se and Te):

    That kind of awareness of power dynamics seems rather like Creative Se than Seeking.

    So I am only left with ESI-Fi; an ESI whose HA and hence also PoLR are boosted; who is additionally Type 4, and hence sees themselves as Intuitive and needing someone powerful to "save them"; who is stuck in a rut of Fi-Ni, which is common for many introverts – our introverted functions being "bold" and not "cautious", we tend to use them more often, especially if we are the Inert subtype – all that can lead to the neglect of the Creative function, though I see that the OP is striving to use their Creative more often perhaps, because it does yield better results in their life.

    I had suspected this might be another ESI, or that I would type this individual as ESI. That's why I avoided this thread. And I was really trying to see signs of not-ESI here. I am not even entirely satisfied with the ESI typing myself, but based on the above this is the only conclusion I can arrive at for the time being. What I've gotten from the description is Gamma values, Type 4, Ethical, Introvert. And that can only be ESI. If I had gotten more hints of strong Logic and more hints of 5 core, I possibly would have went with ILI. If there had been hints of Si valuing, I would have went with EII. IEI got thrown out because of the apparent lack of Ti valuing and the valuing of Te.
    Initially I completely dismissed everything you were saying because I was aware of the trend of you typing self-typed Ni egos as ESI. However, I calmed down and tried to read your post objectively and I'm beginning to see plausible validity. I will formulate a proper response and post tonight.
    Thank you for your posting! I think it will be very helpful to me.
    Last edited by happytobestraining; 06-28-2017 at 04:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    at first I completely dismissed everything you were saying because I was aware of the trend of you typing self-typed Ni egos as ESI. However, I calmed down and tried to read your post objectively and I'm beginning to see plausible validity. I will formulate a proper response and post tonight.
    Thank you for your posting! I think it will be very helpful to me.
    I know that it is getting a bit ridiculous with the ESI thing, and I really did not want to disappoint you or anything, but you asked me for a typing...
    So I decided to post it after all.

    I am glad you could get over the initial annoyance and see some validity in what I was saying. =)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Alright, this one is actually pretty tricky. A lot of conflicting information (at first).

    I find Enneagram easier to tell here. 4 fix, 9 fix, and 6 fix. The Seeker tritype. Likely SO blindspot - Sx/Sp.

    Leaning towards 4w3 core type (desire for fame etc), but 4w5 is another option. The description includes a lot of longing phrases, disdain for the mundane, disappointing experiences, unique expressions, and the idea of some "powerful Se person" being a savior from this mundane world, all of which is rather Type 4-like.

    Socionics-wise, I know this may be odd to you, but I get the impression OP could be one of these three types: EII, ESI, IEI.

    I am not sure whether his Ti is his Role or his HA. I am leaning towards the former.

    A lot of the writing is about his "subjective impressions", which are essentially Fi and Ni musings; personal feelings and impressions.

    I don't see any kind of Creative Te/Demonstrative Ti. There is no sign of strong Logic, apart from the occasional Ti comments (which as I said earlier, seem rather like Role than anything else). The writing is rather unstructured; this kind of thing is usually a sign of weaker Ti, ime.

    Then there are these aspects that seem rather Te valuing/unvalued Ti and Fe to me:

    ^ This basically rules out Te PoLR/ Ti HA (or any kind of Ti valuing).

    So I am technically left with EII vs ESI.

    This sounds Gamma (valued Se and Te):

    That kind of awareness of power dynamics seems rather like Creative Se than Seeking.

    So I am only left with ESI-Fi; an ESI whose HA and hence also PoLR are boosted; who is additionally Type 4, and hence sees themselves as Intuitive and needing someone powerful to "save them"; who is stuck in a rut of Fi-Ni, which is common for many introverts – our introverted functions being "bold" and not "cautious", we tend to use them more often, especially if we are the Inert subtype – all that can lead to the neglect of the Creative function, though I see that the OP is striving to use their Creative more often perhaps, because it does yield better results in their life.

    I had suspected this might be another ESI, or that I would type this individual as ESI. That's why I avoided this thread. And I was really trying to see signs of not-ESI here. I am not even entirely satisfied with the ESI typing myself, but based on the above this is the only conclusion I can arrive at for the time being. What I've gotten from the description is Gamma values, Type 4, Ethical, Introvert. And that can only be ESI. If I had gotten more hints of strong Logic and more hints of 5 core, I possibly would have went with ILI. If there had been hints of Si valuing, I would have went with EII. IEI got thrown out because of the apparent lack of Ti valuing and the valuing of Te.
    While I relate to the Fi of ESI, the Se seems to be lost on me. I'm not a particularly physical person and I would argue that my Ne abilities are more capable than my Se. Therefore, EIE have higher Ne and they still have good Ni. They have Si PoLR and Se HA which I relate to. It could account for why you saw Se has creative rather than suggestive. I assure you I am not Se-ego. Se HA presents a beautiful middle ground between the two. It seems to take into consideration my ability to see the power structure and be a decent leader, while *gasp* accounting for my weakness.

    Additionally, Ti Se more appealing to me than the blah that a Te Ni could offer. I wouldn't want to be with LIE because my Ni and Te are fine.
    This sounds like the perfect way for someone to address my Si woes: STFU about it and don't mention it. Just turn on the damn AC because I can't deal with life.
    I think EIE also explains the poor relation between my mother and I. We hit each others' PoLRs with our creative functions. She is ESE and I feel it every time she asks me if I enjoyed the meal. I don't really enjoy food. I eat to be fed. She expects me to say something so I tell her, "you mentioning this only reveals my deficiency." I have recently begun to explain to her how poor my sense of smell and taste is. I think skunks don't smell bad. They smell like Frosted Mini Wheats to me. I can't really taste flavor so I like a lot of seasoning or I like super spicy stuff. It is the only thing that tastes to me ;-;. She wants to eat out a lot. I think it is a waste of money. Peanut butter sandwiches shall suffice. She wants to savor and I want to get the fuck up and leave as soon as I'm done eating. She is slow and cares about comfort and my Se HA makes me want to go-go and do something with the damn day.
    Your quotes IME, were not very substantive. It doesn't prove a lack of Ti valuing at all. Rather, you didn't have a wide enough scope. You began with too few possible types for me. I think EIE-Ni would account for more of my characteristics than what you have proposed.
    You went very high concept and made this odd narrative for me. LOL Anyway, here is some explanation as to why I choose EIE. Also, I understand a little why my writing is so awful to you. I just add random thoughts here and there and I forget that other people don't know everything that I'm thinking. To me, the context and meaning that exists within my mind is so innate and fundamental that I forget others aren't aware of it.

    I am economical with my energy and my time. I don’t overexert myself for trifles and meaningless crap. I think I have an ability to discern what is useful, what is not. What is a waste and what is not.(…)
    This statement was made, knowing that it sounded like Te values and would be interpreted as Te values. I think I may have subconsciously tried to write dryly and express Te stuff to make it harder to tell that I am Beta NF over Gamma NT. I think I have good enough Fe Ni to foresee and predict the way that I will appear to others. A better way to word this — that may not trigger your Te sensors — would be I see what is useful for the future. I have a view that is very certain of what makes sense for the future. Cleaning the house won’t make a lasting impact. Focusing on details extensively will not make a difference. Rubbing my mother’s feet, rather than allowing her pain and suffering to motivate her to eat better, to exercise, and to care for herself, will not matter. I don’t feel an affinity for Si creature comforts or Te effectiveness. EIEs have a keen sense of the significance of the moment, life's flow of events, and the past and future evolution of things. Wouldn't all intuits be economical with energy? They have less of it so they should value it more and use it more effectively than a sensor.

    It is funny to me. Others overlooked this wording and were still able to see Beta NF.

    One common misconception that people have is they think that whatever they hear word-of-mouth is true. I am studious and I examine aspects of my life. I think most people find it suffice to be unintentionally mislead by others. I find things out for myself and attempt to check my sources and find credible information. I often take the subjective musings of others as a grain of salt. I take interest in pure knowledge rather than someone’s unsubstantiated and misguided thoughts.
    I feel like Alpha SFs act like word of mouth is substantive. To me, it is not. I would much rather look up something on the internet than believe someone’s opinion. I recognize that both are bias and opinion-based, but I trust the internet more. I am studious and I do examine aspects of my life. I think that is 4w5 or 5w4 rather than whatever you tried to turn it into. Rather than believe whatever I hear, I will research something. I will read conflicting information and finally come to a conclusion once I have sufficiently researched my topic.
    Te isn’t that much of an issue for me. I think Role is the perfect spot for my Te. I use it, I can find valid sources but I don’t value it and I’m not interested in it. What I was hoping to describe “I take interest in pure knowledge rather than someone’s unsubstantiated and misguided thoughts.” Could easily be Ti. You just get caught up in semantics and allow my wording to deceive you. I suppose I understand how you came to this conclusion, considering you found my writing to be illegible.

    That is, he personally is persuaded by concrete logical arguments, but himself may like a child reference some irrelevant or made-up fact, especially if this information cannot be verified. He can often manipulate arguments and facts at his own discretion and to support his own statements, but he really dislikes and fears it when someone does this to him.
    This doesn't sound far off.

    "I am not sure whether his Ti is his Role or his HA. I am leaning towards the former."
    No! No! Try Role Te on for size! HAHA I fooled you with my knowledge of the functions and my ability to create a more competent, well-rounded person than I really am.

    My statement: I am higher up on the chain of power than her and she was basically a lazy bitch for asking me to do something that she could do for herself.
    You reply:That kind of awareness of power dynamics seems rather like Creative Se than Seeking.
    The awareness of his own authority greatly inspires and activates him. (However, such awareness of his limitless power and authority is dangerous for Hamlet - it converts him into an evil demon, who entertains himself by ruling fates and lives of people.) (

    Overall, what I have described seems more plausible, it seems more me, and it seems like a description that doesn’t require me to be a Fi Ni looping ESI. Thank you for your typing. It allowed me to fully switch from IEI to EIE and it allowed me to justify why I type EIE now. The functions just fit me better EIE than IEI. @Chae did a better job of typing me. Nice try though.

    Thinking about it makes me feel so happy! I played a role and was convincing.

    This seriously sounds like what I did: painful inability to follow logic (weak function) sometimes hypertrophies as an accentuated desire to be taken as a serious, logical, business-like man or woman. In this case, the EIE may have many notebooks, calling cards, and piece of notes in his pockets, which he will present at the slighted occasion
    Also Beta NF erotic attitude fits way more. I told you that I was open to my femininity and you tried to type me as an aggressor. What were you thinking? Anyway, you mentioned some reservation about ESI for me. Did EIE cross your mind at all?
    Last edited by happytobestraining; 06-28-2017 at 08:53 AM. Reason: The formatting looked like shit.
    Beta ST or smd! ...Actually, suck my dick either way.

  38. #38
    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    If -lead, IEI, too emotionally aware, performative, and in the Beta NF identity drive. You use your understanding of functions to construct how you come across already, that's why it's difficult to see through... maybe that's a sign of high already.

    What bothered me in the questionnaire was the recurring language - take maybe something like EIE-Ni into account as well. is strong but appeared more, proportionally. The chores section could be PoLR or at least weak , and I mean, the last sentence! Whenever you denounce comfort, you start talking about ideas, that's how your demonstrative could cover up for your vulnerable.
    I am thinking that I am EIE. Thank you for showing me what I could not see!
    Did you ever think I was ESI?
    Beta ST or smd! ...Actually, suck my dick either way.

  39. #39
    strainingtobehappy happytobestraining's Avatar
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    @GuavaDrunk Are we identicals?

    @Viktor Beta quadra vibes?
    @niffer Oh lovely! You're Ti subtype. We can make it work. Chase me. Pin me down and let us role play.

    @Tearsofaclown Hey boo. Getting identical vibes?

    @End Hey lovely. Do you feel my supervision?

    @justsomedude Your honesty and self-effacing is kind of endearing. Type me, my king!

    @Tigerfadder Baby! I'm a deceased tiger in the sack. Touch my shell and let us ascend to the heavens. Type me, sugar!
    Beta ST or smd! ...Actually, suck my dick either way.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
    I am thinking that I am EIE. Thank you for showing me what I could not see!
    Did you ever think I was ESI?
    Nope, not enough and . I'm glad it helped! And I see you are very happy with your type, cool

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