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Thread: Help narrowing down sociotype

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    Muddy's Avatar
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    Default Help narrowing down sociotype

    Alright, so I already filled out the member questionnaire earlier but I think I was too self aware of how my answers related to my type and I biased myself towards IEI. I'm going to start off by stating what I'm 99% certain of and give you some of descriptions of myself. (I have no way of providing VI at this moment).

    I am an INTP in MBTI and am most likely an enneagram 5w4 sp/sx. I considered e4 and e9 for awhile but after deep thought I came to the conclusion I was mostly likely over-analysising and had it right the first time with e5. Physically I'm probably the skinniest tallest person you would have seen, at 6'5 140lbs. I've got a bit of a jew fro (I'm not actually jewish, I'm atheist) and moderate dark circles under eyes.

    In school I easily passed most subjects though I hated having to go to school in the first place. I don't place much value at all an expanding my social network and even take a little pride in being a loner. Still a virgin, never even interacted with females very much at all with anything except for with mom of course. I spend the vast majority of my time either playing video games, looking up random things on the internet or listening to music (liquid DnB, chillstep, and video games OSTs are my type of music). I also greatly enjoying traveling to wild places/the beach, however I lack confidence in organizing and more so executing such events myself and usually rely on others to make such things possible. My family consist of my LSI brother whom I share many similar interest with, my SEI mother whom does things that I appreciate but also annoys me with a lot of minor things, and my LSE step father who always tries to get me to do work for him and we occasionally get into a verbal quarrel.

    Now I going to discuss the sociotypes I am torn between and I why think I might and might not be that type. For starters and 99.9% certain I am an INxx type. I easily identify as an introvert and an intuitive. The only extraverted type that has even a sliver of chance is ILE, but again, very unlikely. The only INxx type I can safely rule out is INFj because I've seen the heavily moral judgemental attitude of this type has and don't relate to it at all. So that leaves us with INTj, INFp. and INTp.


    Why I might be this type: This is the type I thought I was originally and usually get on test get on test.(If I don't get INTp) The main reason I believe I might be this type is because of my ease of understanding most concepts(Ti leading), which I know is true since others often seem to struggle at understanding things that come natural to me. People around me, if they give praise, is always about how smart I am. I can relate to alot of Se polr things such as hating being forced to do things and being insecure about my own physical strength. I'm very receptive to displays of kindness which could be Fe suggestive. When I look at Renin Dichotonomies and follow them INTj fits the most. Physical descriptions of INTjs also fit me.

    Why I might not: While I relate alot to Se polr, I could also see it as the suggestive function since action and thrills has an intoxicating effect on me. I also skeptical of some parts of being Fe suggestive, since I dislike people who are overly bubbly and sure as hell hope they they don't expect me to join in on their stupidity. I don't relate to being a "work-aholic", in fact I'm more lazy then most. Si also fits better as the role function then mobilizing, while I understand the importance of health, I generally don't care about it any further then necessary requirements.


    The main basis for the possibility of being IEI is how I relate to the members of my family and relating alot to being Ni ego. I get along best with LSI brother, indifferent with SEI mother and conflict prone with LSE step father (I've also had some conflicts with my SLE biological father FYI). I think tons about the past and daydream all the time. I could be Te polr in much how I hate doing mundane work and being productive. I relate to the unseriousness of INFps and given the right conditions love to fool around.

    Why I might not: I very doubtful about being an Fe ego as I care very little about creating positive social atmosphere, I much rather just withdraw and follow my own interest. I'm very uncomfortable expressing strong emotions and surpress them most of the time. While I relate to the laziness part of Te polr, I've have no problem gathering facts from external sources such as books. I don't relate much with most socionics descriptions of INFps, the Ni-sub sounds possible but if I am I would have to be on the far, far end of it. I don't give one flying f**k about poetry of creating art.


    The strongest reason for possibility of being INTp is how combines the logical strength I relate to with INTj with the aspects of Ni that relate to with INFp. Fi also comfortably fits as the HA function since I secretly want "To love" but hide this from others. I'm lost in virtual space like alot of INTps tend to be. The Ni- sub descriptions fits well though I don't relate to the Te-sub at all. I am extremely aware the past and how events are likely to unfold.

    Why I might not: While I believe my Fe is weak, I wouldn't go as far to say its my polr. As said above I love displays of kindness just as long as it doesn't go overboard with bubbliness. I'm not critical of others with others with anything except for the quality of food. In fact I hate the excessive criticism of others. Again, as said above, I'm not much concerned with the Te ascepts of things like productivity.

    Well that's enough for now. I'd really appreciate some input about what you think is most likely. Questions intended to help narrow down my type are more than welcome.
    Last edited by Muddy; 06-25-2015 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Haha your username is sweet.

  3. #3
    Muddy's Avatar
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    Lol thanks. Especially fitting now with the disastrous PC port of Batman Arkham Knight.

  4. #4
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    IMO you have convincing arguments why you're not IEI. Figure out if you're more Alpha or Gamma.

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    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Lol thanks. Especially fitting now with the disastrous PC port of Batman Arkham Knight.
    For suuuuuure............

    Last edited by wacey; 06-25-2015 at 04:13 PM.

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    I get why intuitive and ethical might confuse themselves for being logical and intuitive but it kind of puzzles me when a logical personality has trouble deciding between ethics and logic. I guess being intuitive base might be a reason since intuition is often judged more feminine or soft as is being ethical?

    Hmm, the real "logical" base types I know in real life do not seem to struggle with this. They know they are logical. I can see why LII (Fi role) might have a more difficult time deciding, I guess. Nevermind, I was trying to say something and said nothing at all.

    I agree with what @DaftPunk said...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Sound ili
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    It seems to me that you're using every detail from every description you've found to relate to yourself. Try abstracting and focusing on the theory a bit more. It seems very clear to me that you are an introverted type, probably intuitive, etc., as you've stated. I'd research quadra values if I were you.

    I also wouldn't equate Fe-PoLR with a distaste for friendly people, it's more of a dislike for "pointless" enthusiasm and/or extreme optimism. The opposite is Fe-DS (in INTjs specifically); we tend to be relatively sensitive inside, but hide it, appearing cold and awkward, with a passive, subconscious want for positivism and warmth that can "melt" our ice.

    As a sidenote, INTjs are not "workaholics" unless we are doing something that we love. I know that you probably got that from Wikisocion; it's a good site for general descriptions and theory, but the "type stereotypes" are very poorly worded.

    I wish you well on your quest!
    Last edited by ghost of forum past; 06-26-2015 at 12:54 AM.

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    I'm thinking the culprit for my confusion is either Ne creative playing mind tricks, or heavy emphasis on Fi HA that may be making me think I'm on ethical type. At first I certain I was logical but then over-analysis must of took hold. I know I'm weak with Se and Fe ,the problem is I'm finding it hard to distinguish Polr/DS with them. I'm receptive to some parts of each, while also vulnerable to both. I never been close friends with an ESE or SEE. I knew one textbook Se-sub SEE at work briefly whom I could see being both my conflictor and dual in ways, but never had enough interaction to tell. I suspect my grandmother was ESE and got along fine with her, but I was very young then. My interactions with my SEI mother fit the business intertype relation well which again brings up the possibility of INFp.

    On the subject of Fe, in crowd celebrations like a sports game (I've only been to few, never my idea to go to them), I rarely clap and never cheer and don't have any desire to. However, at places like work I've seen people way more colder and asshole-ish then me and even been complemented for my consideration for others. Te is also up for grabs, I've haven't really been tested with it yet. My LSE step-father is one big chunk of pure Te who might be making mine feel smaller then it is. (Reverse supervision maybe?)

    Still a bit uncertain, but ILI is looking more possible.

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    Quadras and temperaments, my friend. Quadra and temperament are crucial for understanding types and relationships. As a bonus, getting those two accurately is all you need to type yourself (or anyone).

    Save the Reinin stuff and more esoteric groups for later. They're more useful once you have a solid grasp of Model A as well as how the different types and subtypes present in real life. I have a guess about your type but I'm not about to defend it, so I won't post it.

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    Looks like I overlooked temperaments, just gave this a read:

    IP definately fits the most. The line between IJ/IP can be hazy but thankfully I have my clear-cut IJ bro to refer to and compared to him I don't give a crap about stability. He always goes on about how society is going to end and that we are going to to go to war with China/russia etc, etc and I'm just like "mmmm k". So I guess that means we can rule out INTj?

    That leaves us with ILI and IEI, and between those ILI seems more likely. I have looked at the quadras but I don't easily identify with one, might be because I don't have much experience with interacting in groups.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I have looked at the quadras but I don't easily identify with one, might be because I don't have much experience with interacting in groups.
    Sounds ILI to me. Te/Fi types tend to have little interest in group interaction.

    I do not mean to imply that Te/Fi types won't ever have group experiences, rather that they won't seek them out, and are thus less likely to have experience.
    Last edited by ghost of forum past; 06-26-2015 at 06:51 PM.

  13. #13
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    Yeap, situations where I'm forced to interact with people I don't know cause me a great deal of discomfort and I feel much better when I'm completely alone. An ESE that had to live with the same amount social isolation as I did would probably develop a mental illness, but for me it brings peace.

    Looks like it makes the most sense to settle with ILI then. Definitely Ni sub. Thanks for clearing up a few misconceptions I had.

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