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    I stole this from a previous typing questionnaire. I have a vague idea of what type I am but I'm very curious to hear ideas.

    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is a subjective term for what you feel makes you come alive. I think you can define beauty in any way really based on what you take a liking to, which is something that forms over time and is based somewhat on trial and error. Love is a form of beauty and beauty could also be an attribute to love. Love is a feeling that you get when you form a selfish attachment to something trying to make an ephemeral thing permanent. It is a state of mind in the moment, really. You can love yourself and hate yourself simultaneously, just depends on which side of the coin you choose.

    2. What are your most important values?
    I believe firmly in trying to be the best person you can be. Sounds cheesy as shit, but I mean by doing so you truly listen to those around you. You respect everything and everyone and stay humble. You listen more than talk and stay self aware. If you cannot look at yourself with a stern eye, you are probably not going to go far in life.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm not religious at all, really. I'm very interested in spirituality but I don't subscribe to any specific ideology. I use religion as something to learn about and not apply to my personal life. I find doing anything else is somewhat limiting and you should be responsible for creating your own morals rather than adopting some system that does it for you. Listening to other sheeple that interpret texts in a way that benefits them is dangerous, you're better off thinking about what beliefs speak to you.. And you can only really do that by researching other ideologies and picking and choosing parts.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is a temporary fixed for much deeper issues things such as about land, cultural identities, social systems, money, and racism. Power lies in yourself and your internal world. Any real power is energetic, and it comes from a person that knows themselves and doesn't need anything but their bodies to create change in the world. Power is self belief,REAL self belief.. And being a rock within all chaos. It is standing up for yourself and your views no matter who or what is around and stopping you.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I'll talk about anything as long as it goes somewhere. My interests lie I'm philosophy and beauty. I am obsessed with finding what humans do to take away from their peace of mind and happiness.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Sure, I suppose. I feel most alive when I ignore my body and become apart of my surroundings. Focusing on my body quickly gets annoying and I'd rather have a diet that I stick to so I don't have to worry about it. I often get sick because I don't pay attention to my bodily limits.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    I see them as a cycle of events that I wish could be permanently done for me.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I love self help and philosophical literature. I like things that intellectualize daily life, because that's what I do. One of my favorite books is "Why We Make Things And Why It Matters" by Peter Korn. My favorite movies are Whiplash and Fight Club.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry over everything lol but I cry over social issues, peoples pain, my pain etc. i smile over corniness or just people being authentic and silly. I love watching people be themselves and shine while doing it.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    This is something that I sort of need to process for myself to really do... I think a lot about it and need to intellectualize why I need to feel apart of something. I'll tell myself like this will make me feel happy so I do it... Idk lol. I feel most this way when I'm at a huge concert where everyone's dancing and just there for the music. It's moments like these that I can finally relax because I feel like nobody's on my back or I don't have to worry about anything. I love walking on crowded streets and turning off my music and hearing all the sounds, feeling the air.

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I have issues speaking up and standing up for myself. I often wait for something to get really bad for me to say something. I dislike this because I know it's abusive only to myself. I dislike how self critical I am and how hard it is for me to relax. I try very hard to appear outwardly calm and control myself and I have a very hard time letting go and "going with the flow".

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    very creative, sees multiple ways if doing things, empathetic, good listener, have a good head on my shoulders, can see bullshit, knows motives. I like all of these things about myself! I would get made fun of as a kid because I wore things backwards but I still view the world this way. People tell us dumb things to limit us all the time, who cares how we do things if it works....

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I need someone that is good at maintaining things. I despise cooking and would like someone to take over that. I'm not very good at the minutia

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Literally all the time. I could convince myself of feeling this right now. I am often sort of beaten down in my mentality and get bogged down. I just call friends to vent and do things like take a walk to get out of my head.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Insensitivity. I'm always trying to hear what people are really trying to say and make them feel heard. If I'm met with a "lighten up" or "it's not that serious" when I'm expressing that something someone did upset me I will feel extremely upset. Nobody likes gas-lighting but that type of response drives me insane. If they're telling me that then they don't care about me and my feelings at all. I also need someone that respects me and my boundaries. I get along with most people honestly. People are always telling me things and venting to me. I am able to get "deep" (I hate that word) with most people. I will like you until I sense that you're critical, because then I probably won't want to be around you. If you start walking around and judging how people are dressed and saying things like, "but that's weird, we shouldn't sit over on that bench because that's not what other people are doing" i get reaaaalllly irritated by that kind of closemindedness.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    lol it's important. I need a muse, if I feel well loved and appreciate I am at my best. Obviously I am fine on my own but I am happiest with a partner, as most people I'm sure are. Sex is crucial, I don't understand why people wait because the sooner you know your compatibility the better. Plus I don't like those social standards of having to wait, that's bullshit to me. I want someone that listens as well as I do. I want someone that is capable of knowing me well enough to understand my actions in a way that I don't have to explain myself all the time. I want someone that actively pays attention and knows habits of mine like. I like when someone pays attention to my motives for doing something. Other than that, patience and an attitude that's positive and empowering so I can ignore my anxiety for a bit when I'm with them. It's nice being around someone that's calm externally because I'm usually trying to keep my cool.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I'm terrified of having kids. I'm afraid of the maintenance and my own moodiness. I often feel like I have no freedom already and children will only amplify that. I think that I'm too selfish to want/handle kids anytime soon. I know it sounds horrible, but I'm most afraid of them suffocating my sense of self.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I listen and ask why they believe these things. If it's a moral issue of a deep seated belief I usually get sort of repulsed but if it's something that isn't a really personal belief then I take it as a learning experience. Lol my inner and outward reactions are usually intertwined, I try to be authentic this way so if I'm turned off someone will usually know.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I'm sort of taking it in. I analyze society, as if I'm on the outside of it. I see people and how little people care and how power hungry they are without the morality to back it up. I consider it a social problem that most people don't look at the inner workings of a mind and try to figure out what a person is really trying to say. There is very little tolerance for others and most people see things only at face value.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose friends based on a sense of trust that I intuitively pick up on. It's really just a gut feeling, I know within the first 5 minutes of being around someone. If I can sense that I can be myself around them then I'll start talking about random things without a filter. I sort of push to see how far I can go with my invasiveness LOL not maliciously but out of my own curiosity to figure them out. If I don't get an immediate sense of comfort, then I'll remain very polite until the other person breaks that sort of boundary.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm very polite with all people. Strangers often talk and share things with me and I'll listen because I know they probably need to share with someone.

    i think that's it??? Thank you to whoever answers!!!

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    Hi sorry for the late reply. I don’t feel comfortable posting a video, sorry. If you can’t get anything from the information maybe show me a questionnaire that is more helpful?

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    I also want to add that I think I have strong Ti. I need to know why I feel what I do and why people are doing what they’re doing rather than just feel it and go on impulse. I believe this is Ti?

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    It's possibly to get assumptions about your type on almost any your behavior. The problem is - the probability to type you correctly is higher with normal typing material.

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    You said feel 18 times and think 5 times. So therefore you are more feeling than thinking, hahaha.

    But seriously, you could provide your age, gender, country of origin, what you do or want to study.

    You need to figure it out for yourself this way you will know for sure. The main thing is to decide whatever you are S/N or F/T, and usually it's not half-half but you are clearly on one side which is not true with I/E and J/P. This would limit you to 4 types only and from there it should be easy.

    Regarding your Ti, you would need a lot more of evidence to conclude that. Just being curious is not evidence of Ti but rather something common in all types. Being thinking / feeling is a big difference and you have different talents and interests, and you need to tell more about it. Being spiritual or into self-help doesn't say much because there are various types into it.

    As for thinking type, have you ever:
    * did any computer programming (except for HTML / CSS)
    * considered economy as your work / study subject
    * considered accountancy
    * debt collector
    * engineering (not because your parents told you)
    * architecture
    * science (not the social ones)
    * electronics
    * technology

    Have you succeeded in any of those fields?

    I've seen thousands of software developers and no single one was ever Feeling type. Economy is usually interest of Te types but there are some feelers too. In accounts there are some feelers but most often they despise it. There are some feelers in other professions but the whole picture should give you a clue.

    And it doesn't matter what you actually imagine doing but what you are actually doing, what you can do right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    You said feel 18 times and think 5 times. So therefore you are more feeling than thinking, hahaha.

    But seriously, you could provide your age, gender, country of origin, what you do or want to study.

    You need to figure it out for yourself this way you will know for sure. The main thing is to decide whatever you are S/N or F/T, and usually it's not half-half but you are clearly on one side which is not true with I/E and J/P. This would limit you to 4 types only and from there it should be easy.

    Regarding your Ti, you would need a lot more of evidence to conclude that. Just being curious is not evidence of Ti but rather something common in all types. Being thinking / feeling is a big difference and you have different talents and interests, and you need to tell more about it. Being spiritual or into self-help doesn't say much because there are various types into it.

    As for thinking type, have you ever:
    * did any computer programming (except for HTML / CSS)
    * considered economy as your work / study subject
    * considered accountancy
    * debt collector
    * engineering (not because your parents told you)
    * architecture
    * science (not the social ones)
    * electronics
    * technology

    Have you succeeded in any of those fields?

    I've seen thousands of software developers and no single one was ever Feeling type. Economy is usually interest of Te types but there are some feelers too. In accounts there are some feelers but most often they despise it. There are some feelers in other professions but the whole picture should give you a clue.

    And it doesn't matter what you actually imagine doing but what you are actually doing, what you can do right now.

    Thank you! That was very helpful because I have no clue what would be helpful to write about.
    I'm in my early twenties, female, from the US, and training to be an art therapist.
    I have this strong desire to help people and resonate a ton with being an NF. I am into the new age hippie bullshit but more as a curiosity not as a doctrine. Yeah, I've never doubted being a feeler haha I totally am I just am realizing that I use Ti to process my feelings. I know a ton of people that just let themselves feel and don't feel compelled to understand the feeling. I need to know and I want to understand others as well in this way.

    Hm I am mostly the listener in a conversation and hate loudness of any kind. I'm especially sensitive to people that aren't aware of how they fill up a room (if they speak loudly and people are staring cause it draws attention).
    I hate redundant statements and feel like most things have been said so I try to say what I only need to say, everything else feels kinda dumb to say out loud.
    In the same vein, I also speak up when things are not right with me. I will repeat myself over and over again if I feel unheard and get rather annoyed when I think people aren't listening and being disrespectful. I absolutely demand respect and will walk away from people that I feel aren't treating me fairly. I am patient most of the time but there is a point where I sort of crack and spew out all at once.
    i have a need for control over myself and my emotions. I don't like when people force my emotions out of me because I hate crying in front of people and if I am forced to be emotive before I feel I have a good control over the reaction I foresee I will cry and resent that I'm crying over something so dumb.
    I'm not sure if this is helpful so let me know haha.

    I'm just gonna say random things:

    I listen to my gut feelings over everything and trust my sense above all. I really sort of go by vibe and feeling.

    I want to go out and do fun things but there's a part of me that gets repulsed by it. Half of me thinks I am not meant to have fun because I feel like I don't have a right to be carefree, there's so much to be upset and angry about I'm the world and it seems to bring me guilt. I really take things seriously and feel that if I relax and let go I'm being selfish. But everyone's selfish, I somehow struggle with admitting and acting this way to myself.

    i am very internally critical of myself and want to be around people that aren't openly judgemental. I need to know I'm accepted for who I am and only then will I "let go". I hate being with people that have an idea of how I should act, I prefer to act spontaneously and from the heart, if I feel like you don't want me to be authentic I don't see why you even want my company because you don't want to know me. I value authenticity and honesty above all because of this. People that act differently from how they feel are wasting a tremendous amount of time in my opinion and these games take away from what humans as a collective desire. It seems counterproductive and I don't like lying to myself this way.

    Does this help??

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    Also want to add that I'm terrible at explaining things in ways other people understand. Everything that come scout of my mouth is either too vague or comes out the wrong way. I'll do another questionnaire tonight maybe if this isn't helpful

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    Ok!! I'm so sorry, I've been extremely busy.
    Here I'm filling out this new questionnaire right now because I would like to get to the bottom of this

    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm just an average girl. I'm always laughing at society but somehow want to be apart of it. I self sabotage a lot; I'm off social media but want to be known, I want to be connected but I hate most people and get disgusted by how shallow and mean they are. Not ever sure how to do it In a way that satisfies me. The last time I felt apart of a group was in high school when it was basically made for me and now that I'm in college I'm sort of just lost.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    i want to be an art therapist and am in training for it (about to start grad school etc) I came to that through a long process. I wanted to be an artist my whole life and then got to college and was like oh shit this isn't for me. I wasn't comfortable with how people wanted to sell themselves and had always loved the idea of art in its purest form rather than the practice of it. I'm a good artist, but feel unsatisfied when I have to work to improve my craft for others.. I prefer to work on something for myself because I view art as a tool to transmute emotions. I realized this through internships. I love the field and love working specifically with people on the autism spectrum. I dislike nothing.....perhaps the low pay but that's it. I really believe in the field and think it will eventually grow into a major need in a psychology, it upsets me that it isn't taken as seriously yet.

    What are your values, and why?
    Stick to what's important and keep only what you need. Essentials make you empowered. When you live on only a bit you realize you only need yourself to survive. This goes for everything, because most people want to consume themselves with petty bullshit. I want to grow and not stagnate. It is best to stay rootless and light with everything and keep the important things(like thoughts, sentiments) to yourself or people you trust that truly want to know. I value this because most people are fake, to be quite honest. You can't rely on them because they don't recognize the responsibility and consequences of what they're doing.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Observe, formulate my worldview, walk a ton, go to vintage stores. I love vintage things, it makes me feel connected somehow.. Not sure why
    I do these things because they make me feel full, keep me in a fresh perspective

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I love them. I have very few close, close friends and a lot of acquaintances. I prefer a lot of freedom in my friendships and see them when I see them. I love that my friends understand me, because I feel like very few people actually hear me. I love my family as well but they are dead-set on seeing me as irresponsible because I don't value the same things they do(going places exactly on time, dressing for the weather, daily practical things). It's fine, just annoying.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    Honesty and integrity. I get along with most people but trust very few so I don't open up. I am the listener mostly, I find people feel comfortable with me immediately, I just don't necessarily feel as comfortable. If I trust you, I can filter everything someone does in good faith, but that takes time for me. I don't expect most people to understand my vague statements so I will explain myself happily I just don't want to be judged so I need to sift out that you're a good person and not judgy first.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    People are always misinterpreting what I say... I get so tired of explaining myself that tbh I just let it ride. I think most people are committed to misunderstanding me and I am so bad at phrasing things so they get what I really mean.

    How would your friends describe you?
    Hypersensitive, real, philosophical, freedom-oriented, good listener, annoying at times

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I read people and their motives very well. I'm pretty flexible and patient with most people, I'm wiling to tolerate a lot. I really want everyone to feel heard by me so I make sure I listen intently, but I also crave being heard. I think I have my head on straight and I observe reality with discernment.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    overly sensitive, often bitter (sort of a buzzkill in this way when I'm not in a good mood), overthinks things and am suspicious of people and their intent

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can manage being social and normal things idk loooool
    i don't need help, I'm a one-woman show
    no but I definitely need help in practical matters; I want someone that is a maid but enjoys it hahahaahaha then I can come and bring home the bacon

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    overly explaining myself to people that are committed to misunderstanding me anyway.
    most things I find to be a chore, I don't like cleaning or cooking, etc. I enjoy walking for hours and seeing where I end up.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    To be an art therapist, but I've learned since college to not plan my life extensively because I was devastated when it fell through. What will happen will reveal itself.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Be on the beach till I get bored, then travel, then do something that is purposeful to make me feel grounded (like soup kitchen work etc)

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    i like arrogance hahaha I also really like when someone is unexpectedly bold. I like when people disrupt the social atmosphere by saying doing something sort of snarky. What annoys me is just general shallow/rude comments where there is an underlying meaning or issue that others are ignoring and it's done passive aggressively.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    My room is decorated with lots of vintage items like fans/hats/etc. I keep it nice sometimes and other times it's a total train wreck. There's very little in between. I have a hard time keeping up with daily routines. I always try to initiate them because I'd rather not have to think about it, but things like daily skincare/dishes/laundry I usually slip up and don't prioritize it.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Casually. I live in a city so I interact with strangers all day. I am okay with small talk and it's comforting sometimes.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    If the person I'm fighting with can stay composed then I deal with it quite well but the second someone raises their voice to me or creates a scene my initial response is just to stand there. I sort of freeze and keep my cool. I find it really hard to rip at the seams...but if I'm not in full control of my emotions and people pry I will cry and I hate it.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    That people know what they're doing. Most people have no idea the effect they have on you and never will until you speak up about it. Most people are not trying to bother you on purpose.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Hung out with a friend, relaxed.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Interning for an art therapy was the best experience I've had working so far.

    What is something you regret?
    Regrets are stupid.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    I admire in different ways all of the people I'm in close contact with. I view my friends and family as all great people and I have something to learn from each and every one of them.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Getting finals done so I can be free for the summer. I mostly just worry about gaining a sense of freedom because something always seems to get in the way of it.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I believe in the flow of the universe and possibly karma. I hold these beliefs because if i don't live by the mentality of things naturally working their own way out I would probably get horribly depressed for so many reasons.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Liiiiiberalllll. I care about people and their rights to have what they need to survive, no matter where they came from. I am fairly into politics.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Yes, I eventually want to have my own therapy firm. I would be a lead therapist.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I like a calm work environment with lots of space. I hate feeling like people are on top of me and watching what I'm doing. The environment has to be comfortable and not uptight. I look for a job that allows me to work at my own pace. I can have things I need to do and I choose when I fit them in. I prefer a lot of autonomy.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Art, for reasons aforementioned. I guess I'm quite simple haha

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I hate responsibility. I want as least as possible. I expect a lot from myself and have a perfectionistic streak when it comes down to it. I expect the same from others.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    The beach for my birthday! We relaxed and explored the area, went shopping, etc. I loved it because I needed an escape from my city.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    Serious. I would organize things a lot lmao. I also made a drama club where I wrote a play and wanted people to act it out with me. Nobody took it as seriously as me looool I was also at the same time very rebellious and always running away. I didn't like rules at all

    What was your high school experience like?
    I hated high school like probably everyone else. I had a good group of friends and we kept quiet from the rest of the grade. We were friendly with everyone but still were very much quiet art students.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    Leaving art school. It sort of broke me. I had lived my entire life identifying with this very particular image of myself and then having to admit that I wasn't who I thought I was was really difficult. I felt like I completely lost my foundation. I've been rebuilding and trying to fit in somewhere but feel still very disconnected from the world. I seem to tie my career very much with my identity (could just be American culture lol)

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    Yes! I love getting to know them and see how their minds work. I don't talk down to them..I try to understand them like I would anyone else. I find that a child's perspective is always refreshing to hear and I always appreciate the uninhibited candor.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I want them to have an ease of mind. I want them to have the mental freedom that I never had because I live in a sort of constant state of anxiety, always picking up on so much information. I want my kids to see and experience the world, and not be afraid of it.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    All the time. I get upset, let myself be upset... Then I get sick of being upset and try to figure out a solution that will make me feel better immediately. Something to gain a sense of control over the situation.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I see most people as lazy and willing to settle in life. I have big goals and want to achieve them. I think a social problem is just that people don't care enough to even want to achieve something. They're easy on themselves and pat themselves on the back for doing everyday work.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I look at a different way to approach the problem. If it's something I truly want, I will find a way to get it. I just haven't thought of the right solution yet. If I don't make it happen, I didn't want it that badly (but I think that's true for everyone) and I sort of leave it up to fate. I fight for very few things, love being the main one.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    If I have to, but I'd prefer not to. I like being friends with my coworkers.. I wouldn't enjoy telling them what to do and critiquing their work.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    I'm angry all the time. If im my awake I'm angry. Social issues. Lack of consideration, thoughtlessness. Most people want to be ignorant and don't question themselves or their life... I have a hard time not saying something about it.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Job training for this company that empowers people with disabilities. I'm very excited to start, but afraid that I'm under-qualified.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Don’t recall. I try my best not to get caught up in most things.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    To serve a cause bigger than yourself. To not be too self important but grow and be self confident on your own as well. If you need to be apart of a machine, your part has to work as well. I find meaning in groups, I live for moments where people and things all come together to serve a purpose.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    I've been to Rome and stayed in tons of really beautiful, old hotels run by families. I loved the architecture, unfortunately I was young so the memory is a bit foggy, but I know I need to go back.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I love dressing up everyday. I dress in vintage clothing because I like to stand out and I'm an attention whore *flips hair* . I like wearing sort of strange, bold outfits. I wear what I like and don't actively follow trends... I have some friends that make playful jokes about how I dress but I don't care. I like clothes with a bit of a Victorian feel.

    Do you like surprises?
    Not really, I prefer being able to anticipate things

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    Dunno, but feel free to ask me anything!
    Last edited by sifting; 05-15-2018 at 01:29 AM.

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    Most likely, EII.

    Less likely, ESI.

    Least likely, ILI.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-15-2018 at 04:37 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Most likely, EII.

    Less likely, ESI.

    Least likely, ILI.

    Oh, wow. I didn't think that I would be pegged as an introvert. Thanks for the feedback! Can I ask why EII?

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    Many things, but mostly your preference for lace and Victorian houses. Delta NF IEE's are probably more likely to be caught wearing outdoor gear, in case an SLI suddenly wants to drop everything and take a trip to God knows where. He's been planning that trip for months, every stop, the mileage, everything he needs is packed and loaded in the car, but he didn't mention it until ten minutes before it starts.

    EII's are dressed to live in that huge old Victorian house that the LSE bought and is constantly working on.

    I thought I also detected clear introversion and lots of Fi.

    Disclaimer: Most people hate my methods of typing, and to be frank, I'm not that good at it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Many things, but mostly your preference for lace and Victorian houses. Delta NF IEE's are probably more likely to be caught wearing outdoor gear, in case an SLI suddenly wants to drop everything and take a trip to God knows where. He's been planning that trip for months, every stop, the mileage, everything he needs is packed and loaded in the car, but he didn't mention it until ten minutes before it starts.

    EII's are dressed to live in that huge old Victorian house that the LSE bought and is constantly working on.

    I thought I also detected clear introversion and lots of Fi.

    Disclaimer: Most people hate my methods of typing, and to be frank, I'm not that good at it.
    lol interesting.. I just like to look regal hahahaahaha. Ooh I would also get annoyed if someone expects me to drop everything just to go on a sudden trip with them. I would hate to be living in that kind of anticipation.. (I know you didn't mean that literally but just the scenario sort of irritates me). I would obviously appreciate someone spending that kind of time planning though

    what do you think @falsehope and @Sol ?

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    Also this may be my own crap but the idea of catering to my partner like that in general irritates me. I like things to be super clear and direct. Living In anticipation and making everyday choices like how to dress for another person seems like a waste of time. I'd rather just know what's happening

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    Also this may be my own crap but the idea of catering to my partner like that in general irritates me. I like things to be super clear and direct. Living In anticipation and making everyday choices like how to dress for another person seems like a waste of time. I'd rather just know what's happening
    And the LSE's Te explains that stuff in clear language. It's looking more and more like EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    what do you
    Good planing to reduce the unexpected and issues from it is what I prefer in serious tasks as J type. It's about J, mostly. T-J are also better at thinking to find and calculate the needed data.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Good planing to reduce the unexpected and issues from it is what I prefer in serious tasks as J type. It's about J, mostly. T-J are also better at thinking to find and calculate the needed data.
    Fair point. I feel like an old lady lol

    ive read a lot on delta NF though and I dislike adhering to feminine roles tbh.
    i also refuse to just blindly accept someone's opinion without them explaining "why"
    LSEs are all stereotyped as being super bossy I feel.
    and I HATE being commanded to do something. When people say things like "do this" I get super internally snobby and I'm like how dare you lol -_-
    im such a snob

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    ive read a lot on delta NF though and I dislike adhering to feminine roles tbh.
    i also refuse to just blindly accept someone's opinion without them explaining "why"
    LSEs are all stereotyped as being super bossy I feel.
    It depends. We prefer the reason and pleasant polite relations. If LSE is assured in own opinion, your abbility to understand and the use for this, they'll try to explain you. To press just by will - is Se, it's our secondary and not valued way. We may be bossy too, but are not fan of this. We prefer to be liked by people, but not scare and press them.
    When LSE see the relations go wrong way - we feel badly, the shame and try to adopt and understand, as having suggestive Fi and want good relations and sympathy from others. At 1st we may go bossy way and like ignore emotions of others, but as we notice we feel badly and people do not do what should or do worse - we reduce our "bossy" style. The more mature LSE are, the softer they may _look_ like a kind father, meanwhile they stay highly principled in important (Te objective reason is are leading function).

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    Fair point. I feel like an old lady lol

    ive read a lot on delta NF though and I dislike adhering to feminine roles tbh.
    i also refuse to just blindly accept someone's opinion without them explaining "why"
    LSEs are all stereotyped as being super bossy I feel.
    and I HATE being commanded to do something. When people say things like "do this" I get super internally snobby and I'm like how dare you lol -_-
    im such a snob
    FWIW, I have issues being controlled, too. I think some of it stems from my family of origin, particularly how my parents expressed love via control. But some of it is probably type-related as well. And, yeah, the rebellion is mostly internal, lol, until I either stage a full-blown coup or just walk away and block everything and everyone out. Ok, it's not always that extreme (therapy helps), but the point is I don't react well to someone bossing me around. The instances where I will even partially happily take it is if I already trust the instruction-giver to a) know what they're doing / talking about and b) have my and everyone else's best interests in mind.

    Examples of me being ok being told what to do:
    - Police officer who's doing traffic control
    - A teacher showing me how to do something I'm learning
    - Someone asking me to pass the salt at the table
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I like your questionnaire )) I'm uncertain between Ti/Fi... the answers seem so heartfelt and genuine, they give me a F vibe over T, but who knows.. you say you need to know why people and yourself do and feel what you do, I agree it's a rational approach, but it would be totally comprehensible even for a Fi. I'd exclude S because of your approach to your body, you say you feel better when you're apart of your surrounding and find it uneasy to stand for yourself, and that you want someone to care for things, doesn't seem very Se/Si. Ni is more focused and set on some plan, Ne is more open to expanding what comes, which suits you better? I'd say EII / IEE / EIE are not too off, in this order... I'm tempted by IEE but you say you use Ti, so maybe EII is a better compromise.

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    wow everyone i'm soooo soosso sorry. i've been in my own world because of school etc.
    Anyways thank you for all of the responses!! I thought a lot about this and think I can be either EII or IEI.
    I am absolutely an NF, no question. I don't feel extraverted, and find I do need to have people show external interest for me to open up.... but I can't help but think that I value Fe??
    And Se.
    I'm not afraid of confrontation.. at all. I used to be, but I've learned more and more how to speak up for myself..
    I definitely have issues speaking up on my own behalf and find that people are always sort of stepping in for me, which I appreciate but also find annoying because I don't want to be babied. I want to be able to hold my own and appreciate someone speaking to me as they would anyone else.
    I also don't know if this is type relevant at all but I hate being held to a different standard as anyone else. I want to be treated like everyone else and want everyone to expect the same from me as they would anyone.

    also my thoughts are consumed by the human condition
    I get super irritated when people talk over me, and get easily overpowered by people. If people interrupt me as I speak, I'll let them talk because clearly they want to talk to themselves anyway ))

    i admire people that are strong and can handle life in a way that I simply can't. I feel beaten down by most things and want someone who brings me places so I can get out of my head. I think the only true freedom there is is having the ability to express yourself in a complete raw, unfiltered state. I don't think much else matters. You need to express your whole truth so others can understand where you're coming from.. so you can better understand each other. Just seems to make things easier when you approach it honestly on the outside. Being around a lot of people who would never address how they really felt towards me always annoyed me.. I'm very simple and transparent this way. How I feel about you is expressed very clearly in how I talk to you. If I dislike you I will likely stay far from you. It is a fear of mine to be around people who secretly feel angry toward me and then express it in passive aggressive ways. I don't like passive aggression really at all.

    Sorry that was word vomit lol
    Ok i'll respond to your posts now!! Thanks again

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    @Sol Yes, to blindly follow anything is idiotic in my opinion

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    @Sol what is the type of sympathy you seek? I find that sympathy makes me uncomfortable most of the time, I like when people let me talk and then we deal with an issue in a constructive way rather than get any form of pity

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    FWIW, I have issues being controlled, too. I think some of it stems from my family of origin, particularly how my parents expressed love via control. But some of it is probably type-related as well. And, yeah, the rebellion is mostly internal, lol, until I either stage a full-blown coup or just walk away and block everything and everyone out. Ok, it's not always that extreme (therapy helps), but the point is I don't react well to someone bossing me around. The instances where I will even partially happily take it is if I already trust the instruction-giver to a) know what they're doing / talking about and b) have my and everyone else's best interests in mind.

    Examples of me being ok being told what to do:
    - Police officer who's doing traffic control
    - A teacher showing me how to do something I'm learning
    - Someone asking me to pass the salt at the table
    Interesting, so you'd comply based on an authority position? For me it is all context-dependent. I pay attention to the reasons of why I'm being told to do things and if it makes sense to me. If it doesn't, then I get angry. Mind explaining what would give you an extreme reaction? I never lash out, I'm patient to a fault. I wish I lashed out more lol it's probably healthy

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    I like your questionnaire )) I'm uncertain between Ti/Fi... the answers seem so heartfelt and genuine, they give me a F vibe over T, but who knows.. you say you need to know why people and yourself do and feel what you do, I agree it's a rational approach, but it would be totally comprehensible even for a Fi. I'd exclude S because of your approach to your body, you say you feel better when you're apart of your surrounding and find it uneasy to stand for yourself, and that you want someone to care for things, doesn't seem very Se/Si. Ni is more focused and set on some plan, Ne is more open to expanding what comes, which suits you better? I'd say EII / IEE / EIE are not too off, in this order... I'm tempted by IEE but you say you use Ti, so maybe EII is a better compromise.
    Thank you!!! Yeah I'm sure I'm a feeler but I'm having a lot of trouble distinguishing which type of feeler I am. I am very in tune with feelings but It takes me a ton of time to process how I feel. I have a bad habit of absorbing others emotions and taking them on as my own... only to find that days later I realize I feel differently. I find it hard to reach how I feel and it takes a bit longer. I'd say I have an open approach but I need a far-off direction to feel stable. I like using a planner so I know where and how to spend my time for instance. I need to know what I plan on doing in a vague sense in 10 years (even if it might not be true) for me to feel stable. I do think I have a more linear approach and follow my own long-term plan. It's really important that I'm building on some idea of mine for my self-esteem. Not sure, hmm.. I would say Ti PolR is a long shot. But..... I am also not sure about Si PolR. What would be an example of that?

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    Thank you again!!

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    Also wanna add which makes me think I don't value Si-

    I get seriously irritated when people don't want to do things spontaneously. When I suggest going places (which actually is really rare) and someone answers with an answer essentially meaning they're too lazy to do it, i get really turned off. I like knowing I can go out, do anything, and be ready. I highly value living this way and wish I were more spontaneous. I like people that completely ignore their own laziness and can go out and just live their lives without a care in the world. If I'm being totally honest I just want to have fun more than anything and find that I feel like sometimes I'm not meant to have fun because I get bogged down by life/responsibilities/social issues/feeling like I have to be a dumb martyr sometimes idk

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    Yes, to blindly follow anything is idiotic in my opinion
    People follow to authorities/trusty ones and to own reasons. It's always two ways in the same time to accept any opinion.
    T types prefer more to think themselves about logical regions, but are more naive or indifferent about ethical/relations. F types are more flexible in ethical/relations perception, but lean to more trust opinions of experts. It's because harder to do own work in weak regions, to be critical there, so people seek the ways to give it to others.

    But there is the dialictics. F types are more manipulative by ethical factors in logical regions, where they are lesser sure in themselves. For example, they easier trust to pleasant emotional advertising what product is more useful for them. They easier trust to logical opinions of those to which ones they feel good emotions. In the same time - T types are easier to trust to logical explanations and rationalizations about peoples relations (like Socionics ). It's because people like the possibility to make decisions about own weak regions by their strong regions. It's like T and F types use the own specific kind of the "language".
    But this is more about conscious and surface influences - which are eaiser to do, which people understand in themselves. You may make deeper and more stronger influence/change through weak regions, through unconscious regions. Though the effects may appear not quickly, not directly and clearly, as the conscious and unconscious have an opposing, so the unconscious may to use partly partisan ways.
    For example. You say to T type his behavior is ethically incorrect. If you are not a friend to him, mostly this will change nothing in near time as it's not conscious region. The T type dude may give you logical reasons why to acts such is ok. But what you said was accepted by his unconscious and some later you may notice the changes happen in the way of your advice. That man may even to do no link the changes with what you said to him - as it's covered unconscious work.
    The similar is with the logical opinions influence on F types. If F type do not like you much personally or your that opinion - they'll reject it "just because", openly or not. But later you may notice the changes - you may notice the doubts F type got in own opinion, and after own slower thinking may accept it - it's his unconscious hold the energy for changes all that time and they manifested.

    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    Sol what is the type of sympathy you seek?
    Unconditional and full acceptance by two people of each other. When you like dissolve in each other. When you become like one being without borders between you. When thoughts, wishes and (in case of woman) bodies become the ones of other human in the same degree, are accepted by both and perceived like of both ones.
    Such is the ideal of Fi love, sympathy, compassion.

    > I find that sympathy makes me uncomfortable most of the time

    Fi mb not your valued. Your talking style reminds F type. So Fe type mb suspected.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    I would say Ti PolR is a long shot. But..... I am also not sure about Si PolR. What would be an example of that?
    hey there! eheh it seems like you've narrowed it down to the 2 extroverted NF, not bad! The things you say about the kind of person you'd like to have at your side, someone strong and that can take you away from daily things, can easily seem like a Se, Si is not too different but it doesn't have that innate strength you're looking for...

    Ti polr is in trouble when has to provide logical explanations for the subjects he's not accustomed to, and he needs to know that all the passages are right before exposing his thoughts.

    Si polr results in a carelessness for the small details, either aesthetic or practical, like bureaucracy, taking care of one's daily needs, not knowing what tshirt to wear etc..

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    @sifting, I just revisited this thread and skimmed through it, and the impression I got this time was more IEI.

    You are studying to become an art therapist. Let me say that I think there are large differences in the type of images that IEI's and EII's prefer. Would you consider picking out an avatar picture that will represent you (you can always change it if you want) and posting it? That could be very helpful in figuring out your type.

    There are also large differences in Erotic Attitudes between IEI's and EII's, with IEI's being Victims (as am I - these are types with Ni in their ego) and EII's being Infantiles.

    In practical terms, an IEI thinks of herself as a deer in the forest, surrounded by tigers. She shows them her little white tail and then bounces away, easily out of reach. She is the one to decide which tiger gets to catch and over-power her, and she's usually looking for the "strongest" man.

    An EII wants to be taken care of. Someone should bring her a blanket, maybe a cup of tea, ask about her health, and tuck her into bed at night. Her ideal is John Wayne, a solid, taciturn man who has traditional values and is always a gentleman and who treats women as if they were delicate teacups.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-27-2018 at 02:14 PM.

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    @Sol all very interesting, i definitely didn't think about the T/F clash like that.
    With wanting love without borders.. isn't that most people? I definitely want love like that but to also be my own person as well

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    hey there! eheh it seems like you've narrowed it down to the 2 extroverted NF, not bad! The things you say about the kind of person you'd like to have at your side, someone strong and that can take you away from daily things, can easily seem like a Se, Si is not too different but it doesn't have that innate strength you're looking for...

    Ti polr is in trouble when has to provide logical explanations for the subjects he's not accustomed to, and he needs to know that all the passages are right before exposing his thoughts.

    Si polr results in a carelessness for the small details, either aesthetic or practical, like bureaucracy, taking care of one's daily needs, not knowing what tshirt to wear etc..
    Ooooh thank you so much!!!! Those descriptions helped a lot. I relate much more to Si PolR lol I have serious issues with taking care of my body and maintaining myself. I care a lot about my appearance and find that my self-esteem is hugely tied to looking good (but I think, to an extent that's everyone). I dont dress based on what is objectively nice to other people, my style is very much based on what I like. When people point out that I don't catch small details or do something ditzy like forget to bring an umbrella when it's raining I get easily upset or irritated.

    AHHH now I need to read about Te PolR too. Thank you!! Your descriptions were very helpful and concise

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @sifting, I just revisited this thread and skimmed through it, and the impression I got this time was more IEI.

    You are studying to become an art therapist. Let me say that I think there are large differences in the type of images that IEI's and EII's prefer. Would you consider picking out an avatar picture that will represent you (you can always change it if you want) and posting it? That could be very helpful in figuring out your type.

    There are also large differences in Erotic Attitudes between IEI's and EII's, with IEI's being Victims (as am I - these are types with Ni in their ego) and EII's being Infantiles.

    In practical terms, an IEI thinks of herself as a deer in the forest, surrounded by tigers. She shows them her little white tail and then bounces away, easily out of reach. She is the one to decide which tiger gets to catch and over-power her, and she's usually looking for the "strongest" man.

    An EII wants to be taken care of. Someone should bring her a blanket, maybe a cup of tea, ask about her health, and tuck her into bed at night. Her ideal is John Wayne, a solid, taciturn man who has traditional values and is always a gentleman and who treats women as if they were delicate teacups.
    I'm leaning more toward IEI too. Can you elaborate on the difference in terms of me being an art therapist? Would an EII not want to pursue this career? I would love to hear the differences on their images.

    I identify way more with the IEI description. I want someone that can handle me and my moodiness. Sometimes I feel like I'm internally bold and when I show this side of myself it is shocking and too much for a lot of people. Being treated as if I was delicate would be insulting to me as I hate to be babied. I want to be treated like I can handle things... I basically would like the opposite treatment lol and I am way more excited by a partner who is extremely unconventional and does things on his own terms. If anything, I play it safe and sometimes do things to align with how others want me to be, and I would feel more free with a partner that does that he wants so I could feel more empowered this way also. Bonus points if they bring me on their adventures.

    Yes I'll definitely add an avatar!
    Thank you for your help. Your descriptions were super helpful

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    With wanting love without borders.. isn't that most people?
    All 8 functions are needed to live. But some are more valued, we get more pleasure from them.
    Unconditional acceptance if to link it with the compassion more relates to Fi. Fe valued types seek _more_ for worthy ones to love, to love for something objectively good in people, the ones to admire and to praise them. While Fi valued more seek for "your people" fitting good to their personalities, the ones to accept them "as is" as much as possibly.

    There can be similarity on practice. Mb it's the same from different sides. To more admire someone for objectively good you'll need also to forgive his bad traits and to accept "as is" anyway. To have personal sympathy is easier if he has the objectivly good traits (as people are much similar). But those processes are the shadow, - people do not think or perceive them by those ways, in general. So Fe valued types are lesser possibly will tell they seek for unconditional and full acceptance, they'll more possibly will praise own pair as objectively good person. While Fi valued will tell you "it's just my man/woman".

    > I definitely want love like that but to also be my own person as well

    To be "own person" and "unconditional love" are antagonisms.
    To love unconditionally is to accept the other one _like yourself_. His personality becomes for you not lesser important than your initial own, the border between two persons disappears. You perceive yourself and the other one like equal parts of the one being. Like halfs of this being, you live by "we" categories, not by "me + he/she". The deeper love - the more you'll think as "we".
    In case of duals love - you introject his traits in yourself, become like him, study to be such - this develops your weak functions, makes you better, type reduces. Without love duals may accentuate each other, to make more childish in weak regions.

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    @sifting, your avatar looks IEI-Fe to me. It isn't dark or mysterious enough to be IEi-Ni, but neither is it very EII-like.

    More like an outwardly bold woman who presents simply and well in public but who has a retreating, repressed side. There's also a fair amount of not-so-subtle sexuality there.

    For what it's worth, I dated an IEI-Fe for a couple of years. When I first met her, I immediately knew she was IEI and she was living at the time with a very rich LSE. I stuck around because I knew that would be a fail, and it was. He kicked her out two years after they started their romance, and the field was then open to me.
    I still see her occasionally, but our relationship has always been platonic (on her side) because I lack sufficient Se. Lol. I'll PM you her picture for reference.

    I also know an IEI-Fe woman who is a therapist. Her ESI daughter was involved with an art therapist when she was young. It was interesting to me to see the picture the ESI drew. It was very LIE-like in many ways.
    This particular IEI-Fe woman is married to an SEE lawyer/musician. They are social equals, but he has complained to me in the past that she is not exactly what he needs in the private-affection realm. So, buyer, Beware. Your dual may not seem perfect (especially if you haven't met a few of them), but they might be the best that you can do, especially in the long run.

    Incidentally, I also dated a second IEI-Fe, and she has these mirror neurons which enable her to basically read my fucking mind. We were out in the woods one afternoon, I was describing something that I'd seen and was looking away from her, and when I looked back at her, her face looked like mine! and then quickly melted back to her own face. It was surprising as hell, and I instantly realized where all of those legends of someone taking over your soul and replacing you came from.
    I like her a lot, and she likes me, but I know that a Supervision relationship is not the way you want to spend your life.

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    @sifting - Hi there. My husband is an EII and I've known him well over 10 years. Everything, like 98% of what you have said (and I did read it all) is exactly like him. I mean exactly. Every post you wrote just added to the list of ways I could describe my EII and how he would definitely describe himself. LOL. Enjoy being an EII! ;->

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsTortilla View Post
    @sifting - Hi there. My husband is an EII and I've known him well over 10 years. Everything, like 98% of what you have said (and I did read it all) is exactly like him. I mean exactly. Every post you wrote just added to the list of ways I could describe my EII and how he would definitely describe himself. LOL. Enjoy being an EII! ;->
    What makes you so certain? This site is so vague. What @Adam Strange posted, if it is accurate, makes it clear in my head that I lean towards IEI. (Referring to the post where it is about what IEI thinks about herself vs EII)

    I don't want to be treated delicately at all. And I want someone that motivates me into action. Even on this thread, @ooo is an EII and says I'm looking for something different than her.. and I believe it's true. I understand having certainty in the system but I don't feel like I am sure of my Fi really at all.

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    One thing that makes me irritated are assumptions. I can't assume anything and I want to know the whole truth, all the information.

    Also, I find that when people outwardly express dislike I get put off. I'm not sure of what I like and don't like.. even when I listen to music I try to give it a chance as opposed to evaluate it's quality. I don't even understand how people distinguish a "good song" or "good food" as if it's an objective thing. How do people determine if something is of bad taste?

    In addition, with the sympathy thing. How I define sympathy at least is not in the terms stated above. When people outwardly express things that sort of exaggerate the emotion I get insanely irritated. I don't need the feeling to be even worse... I'd rather just skirt past it and move on. For instance when I'm upset and someone says "aw" or "that sucks" i get really upset. I don't want that as a response, it's not helpful. I'd rather it not be treated as a problem at all but rather a fact of how I feel... hope that makes sense.

    I don't even know if this information helps, it's just been what I've been thinking about

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I still see her occasionally, but our relationship has always been platonic (on her side) because I lack sufficient Se. Lol. I'll PM you her picture for reference.
    I'd look her photos too. You have good relations with possible subrevisie. It's so interesting.

    > This particular IEI-Fe woman is married to an SEE lawyer/musician.

    have imagined how a lawer sings at a court. in opera style. with an orchestra situated somewhere among the chairs
    they could to sell the tickets and spend those money on preventive maintenance of crimes among children

    > Your dual may not seem perfect (especially if you haven't met a few of them), but they might be the best that you can do, especially in the long run.

    type is only one of factors for relations

    > I like her a lot, and she likes me, but I know that a Supervision relationship is not the way you want to spend your life.

    in these IR to see people which like each other a lot is rather strange. if you have good long relations - mb it's better IR than you think. her photos would be interesting too

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    Quote Originally Posted by sifting View Post
    I don't want to be treated delicately at all. And I want someone that motivates me into action. Even on this thread, @ooo is an EII and says I'm looking for something different than her.. and I believe it's true. I understand having certainty in the system but I don't feel like I am sure of my Fi really at all.
    aha uh, Idk really, I just wanted to help you figure out your type, @sifting. The impression I got was shifting based on what you were saying that you relate to or not, I was leaning towards EII too initially, 'cause I've read all and could recognize myself in many parts, but then you were suggesting to be extrovert, so I've left the initial idea. I'm not a fan of stereotypes, and although they're vastly used to get typed 'round here, I suggest you focus instead on the very functions. Read about the socionics functions, their order, and perhaps you'll be able to figure out your type. You can't get the ultimate typing accuracy for an avatar you choose, and from experience I can tell you that I recognize myself in a good half of the types, depending on the time I ask myself who am I. There's a common belief around here that EIIs have basically no back bone and want someone to preach upon them all the time, but that couldn't be further from the truth. have a look at this page, every function is described in its particular position.

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