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Thread: Your typing of forum members (archived '15-'17)

  1. #561
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    Here are the rest of the subtypes for Gamma and Beta. I’ll include them with the entire list:

    ILE-Ti: Myst, Transkar, LuchoisLurking
    ILE-Ne: Geneiouws, Lagerdemon, Cubazoan

    ESE-Fi: Chipsnunderwear, Suz, Inumbra, Subteigh
    ESE-Si: Mu4, Wacey, Xerx, Esaman, KrigtheViking, Hacim

    LII-Ti: N0ki, MuddyTextures, Reactance
    LII-Ne: Kimuchi

    SEI-Si: misterni, johannesbloem, chriscorey, scarletluxx, the whole english
    SEI-Fe: BnD, crazedrat, dinki

    SLE-Se: herzy, mercutio, ananke
    SLE-Ti: agee, gummi, kill4me

    LSI-Se: Spider, Missbabydoll, Discojoe
    LSI-Ti: Stray, Rocky

    IEI-Fe: Allie, Pink, SisofNight
    IEI-Ni: Starfall, Glam, Elina, Strrrng, Velvet

    EIE-Fe: DJ Arendee
    EIE-Ni: Gilly, Darya, Bain, Sarinana

    SEE-Se: Aquagraph, JMC, Woofwoofl
    SEE-Fi: Lucas

    LIE-Ni: Ineffable, Moonraker
    LIE-Te: Ashton, Expat, FDG, Invisiblehim, Narc

    ESI-Se: Amber, Kore, Ouronis, Radio, Suedehead
    ESI-Fi: Lungs, Golden

    ILI-Ni: Marie, Mensupermateriam, InvisibleJim
    ILI-Te: Krieger, Scapegrace, Cpig, Eyeseecold, Aestrivex

    SLI-Si: pookie, jessica, may
    SLI-Te: kim, daft punk, directorabbie

    LSE-Te: Timmy, Smilingeyes, Laurie’s Crusader
    LSE-Si: William, JackOliverAaron, BurningIce

    IEE-Ne: Elizathomason, UDP
    IEE-Fi: Finale, Airman, Adam Strange

    EII-Ne: aylen
    EII-Fi: maritsa, silke, sol, zero, mikemex, IBTL

    I burnt the midnight oil on this one and am happy to report on this sunday afternoon that it came out perfect. No loose ends, no members that can’t be easily fit into one of the designated groupings. That’s because my list is so accurate and on point. All the intelligent design hurdles have been cleared. This project also confirms the importance of subtypes. Subtypes is the bomb. I encourage members to derive their core ideas about the types from the list itself. A core tenet in Socionics New Wave is that descriptions about types don't equal distinctions between types. The best insights come from the ground up. Believe me when I tell you that you don’t need any more than the examples on my list to learn about each socionics type, so long as you have a sense for the people on the list. As you read these members also try to divine the cognitive features that got them to where they are on the list.My list provides you with a basis for typing new members, as well. Learn the list like the back of your hand. Commit it to memory and in no time you will develop a fingertip feel for these types. It’s a total winner, and one to hang up on the fridge.

  2. #562
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    First let me reiterate...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    He types according to the vibes he gets from someone, and what the iris of their eyes look like. Ti ignoring might be tripping him up with that iris theory. Look at what he types people and you will know what he thinks about them. If you are in his conflictor, or super-ego, category he probably has some disdain for you. He has typed me both since I joined. I am at the point where I find it amusing now. At one point he was doing halfway decent on some enneagram typings but you can tell he also lets emotion/anger/need for revenge overrule when you offend him. He lacks control of his Fe (which is already very weak) and it is sort of random. He needs some Fi in his life to make it all easier for him.

    If you make him feel good about himself, or somehow fit into his narrow perception of a type, he will type you with a closer psychological distance. If you anger him he will retype you until he finds the right fit for you. The person he nominated most likely to be his dual, on this forum, a few months ago, has now been typed SEI. Something must have changed. He was so sure of that person's type until now.

    He clearly thinks he is SLE-Ti so all mistypings, of others, starts there.

    The irony is that is he is most probably Ni polr himself, specifically LSE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Here are the rest of the subtypes for Gamma and Beta. I’ll include them with the entire list:

    ILE-Ti: Myst, Transkar, LuchoisLurking
    ILE-Ne: Geneiouws, Lagerdemon, Cubazoan

    ESE-Fi: Chipsnunderwear, Suz, Inumbra, Subteigh
    ESE-Si: Mu4, Wacey, Xerx, Esaman, KrigtheViking, Hacim

    LII-Ti: N0ki, MuddyTextures, Reactance
    LII-Ne: Kimuchi

    SEI-Si: misterni, johannesbloem, chriscorey, scarletluxx, the whole english
    SEI-Fe: BnD, crazedrat, dinki

    SLE-Se: herzy, mercutio, ananke
    SLE-Ti: agee, gummi, kill4me

    LSI-Se: Spider, Missbabydoll, Discojoe
    LSI-Ti: Stray, Rocky

    IEI-Fe: Allie, Pink, SisofNight
    IEI-Ni: Starfall, Glam, Elina, Strrrng, Velvet

    EIE-Fe: DJ Arendee
    EIE-Ni: Gilly, Darya, Bain, Sarinana

    SEE-Se: Aquagraph, JMC, Woofwoofl
    SEE-Fi: Lucas

    LIE-Ni: Ineffable, Moonraker
    LIE-Te: Ashton, Expat, FDG, Invisiblehim, Narc

    ESI-Se: Amber, Kore, Ouronis, Radio, Suedehead
    ESI-Fi: Lungs, Golden

    ILI-Ni: Marie, Mensupermateriam, InvisibleJim
    ILI-Te: Krieger, Scapegrace, Cpig, Eyeseecold, Aestrivex

    SLI-Si: pookie, jessica, may
    SLI-Te: kim, daft punk, directorabbie

    LSE-Te: Timmy, Smilingeyes, Laurie’s Crusader
    LSE-Si: William, JackOliverAaron, BurningIce

    IEE-Ne: Elizathomason, UDP
    IEE-Fi: Finale, Airman, Adam Strange
    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post

    EII-Ne: aylen
    EII-Fi: maritsa, silke, sol, zero, mikemex, IBTL

    I burnt the midnight oil on this one and am happy to report on this sunday afternoon that it came out perfect. No loose ends, no members that can’t be easily fit into one of the designated groupings. That’s because my list is so accurate and on point. All the intelligent design hurdles have been cleared. This project also confirms the importance of subtypes. Subtypes is the bomb. I encourage members to derive their core ideas about the types from the list itself. A core tenet in Socionics New Wave is that descriptions about types don't equal distinctions between types. The best insights come from the ground up. Believe me when I tell you that you don’t need any more than the examples on my list to learn about each socionics type, so long as you have a sense for the people on the list. As you read these members also try to divine the cognitive features that got them to where they are on the list.My list provides you with a basis for typing new members, as well. Learn the list like the back of your hand. Commit it to memory and in no time you will develop a fingertip feel for these types. It’s a total winner, and one to hang up on the fridge.

    It took you long enough. I thought you were going to have this completely done before the New Year. Tighten up.

    So, you "burnt the midnight oil"? Is that code for smoking mind altering substances? I guess I should be flattered or something that you type me this Mythological EII-Ne, sx/so, 9w1, humanist creature. Why am I the only "EII-Ne" on your list? My guess is that you typed me Ne subtype to explain why I am so different from the other EII on this forum. Apparently you assume I fit the following description in some way?

    Serious and fastidious, prefers to hold himself with some reserve and subtlety. Dresses simply, adhering to classical styles, often conservatively. His mimicry and gestures are weakly expressed. Speech is emotional and slightly inhibited; its tone is often didactic. Frequently has a disproportionate figure, often squat in physique and prone to corpulence. Gait may be a bit clumsy and waddling.
    WTF? Are you calling me serious, fat, and waddling? I assure you I am not and my choice in clothing is anything but classical or conservative. Ne-way I looked over EII-Ne and can see why you might type me that. Your intuition and ethics are very weak so you rely on descriptions to superficially cherry picked behaviors, from the EII descriptions, to turn me into this super humanist. I am definitely interested in the occult and the supernatural but does that make me EII-Ne? Examples of my use of Ne and Fi would be appreciated since it is quite a stretch to type me an Fi base. You could have cherry picked from the IEI description and came to a different conclusion, you know? None of these things have anything to do with my cognitive abilities which is purely Ni base. This is something you have trouble distinguishing.

    I also know you type me with a tinge of vindictiveness since I typed you LSE on my list. Yes I did that in a vindictive way since you think you know me better than I know myself. If we are conflictors, as you claim. that can only mean that you are LSE. I still don't believe you know the difference between Ni and Ne or Fi and Fe. At least your typing me as my quasi-identical but you weren't even close on some of your other typings. I think a lot of of your typings have an emotional component to them. I can almost pinpoint the moment where you typed some of these people because of how they made you feel when responding to you. Your ego makes you prime manipulation material for the right person.

    I am going to take a wild guess and say your mistypings give you an accuracy rating of less than 25%. (see what I did there? ) You got a few right but I think that is only because you have not stalked their past posts for some "facts" you can use against them later.. You just agreed with their self-type, for the most part. I hope you didn't quit your day job so you could sit around your basement and imagine you know how we all process information... Your typings are based on what? Your Te, or are you psychic? Seems the "official" descriptions are a form of Te, which is something you value very much Sherlock. You take your clues way to literal though.

    Incidentally, you also type me conflictor to the person I interact with most on this forum. If I am EII and they are SLE intertype relations is a huge failure and socionics is broken.

    Sol and Mikemex are my identicals??? Seriously. what kind of oil are you burning...

    You typing me your conflictor says way more about what you feel toward me and nothing about how I process information. I know you have searched my old posts for information to back up your perception. It's all superficial though. I would prefer that you see me as your nemesis instead of you conflictor, sweet pea. What we have is way too special to be reduced down to an ordinary conflictor relations.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  3. #563
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    WHATS MY TYPE??????

  4. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    I burnt the midnight oil on this one and am happy to report on this sunday afternoon that it came out perfect. No loose ends, no members that can’t be easily fit into one of the designated groupings. That’s because my list is so accurate and on point. All the intelligent design hurdles have been cleared. This project also confirms the importance of subtypes. Subtypes is the bomb. I encourage members to derive their core ideas about the types from the list itself. A core tenet in Socionics New Wave is that descriptions about types don't equal distinctions between types. The best insights come from the ground up. Believe me when I tell you that you don’t need any more than the examples on my list to learn about each socionics type, so long as you have a sense for the people on the list. As you read these members also try to divine the cognitive features that got them to where they are on the list.My list provides you with a basis for typing new members, as well. Learn the list like the back of your hand. Commit it to memory and in no time you will develop a fingertip feel for these types. It’s a total winner, and one to hang up on the fridge.
    You are deluded.

  5. #565

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    From my perspective, it is so obvious that people's styles of applying the system are different that it's almost more useful to me to hear someone's position on what the system means to them than it is to hear of how they'd type someone.

  6. #566
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    I won't do a breakdown for every person’s type like i have done with Jack Oliver Aaron, Inumbra, Myst and Silke. Know that I could do one for each person. Socionics New Wave has to keep moving forward, so I am not going to spend time trying to convince you mistyped individuals of your types. It’s just not workable time wise and it’s better that you come to things in your own words. If you don’t care much about being any particular type, that will make it possible for you to see your type more clearly. I’m just saving you time. You can cut your type journey in half significantly by using the list to work out your type yourself. I may do a breakdown or two in the future for a couple people on the list but it will be for somebody that I choose to do it for, not because somebody keeps asking me to do it for them. You can also pick up various clues from my posts on various threads about types and examples that I choose.

  7. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Here are the rest of the subtypes for Gamma and Beta. I’ll include them with the entire list:

    ILE-Ti: Myst, Transkar, LuchoisLurking
    ILE-Ne: Geneiouws, Lagerdemon, Cubozoan

    I burnt the midnight oil on this one and am happy to report on this sunday afternoon that it came out perfect. No loose ends, no members that can’t be easily fit into one of the designated groupings. That’s because my list is so accurate and on point. All the intelligent design hurdles have been cleared. This project also confirms the importance of subtypes. Subtypes is the bomb. I encourage members to derive their core ideas about the types from the list itself. A core tenet in Socionics New Wave is that descriptions about types don't equal distinctions between types. The best insights come from the ground up. Believe me when I tell you that you don’t need any more than the examples on my list to learn about each socionics type, so long as you have a sense for the people on the list. As you read these members also try to divine the cognitive features that got them to where they are on the list.My list provides you with a basis for typing new members, as well. Learn the list like the back of your hand. Commit it to memory and in no time you will develop a fingertip feel for these types. It’s a total winner, and one to hang up on the fridge.
    Why am I a Ti-user? How am I somehow a Logical? I'm pathologically unstructured and chaotic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Filatova
    Ti – Vulnerable function. Represents “working activity” and always supposes a definite organization. By this is meant punctuality, the function of responsibilities, instruction, regulation, the hierarchy of subordination, accountability… And these are all which serve to drive the IEE away – any weighty framework that dictates to her “to fulfill responsibilities.” Her creativity sees nothing as predetermined. Therefore it is especially important that she find work in which her gifts are revealed.

    The nontrivial course of thoughts characteristic for many representatives of this psycho-type may lead them to realize themselves in scientific research work, where with ease they propose unexpected views on problems. However, they poorly respond to manual labor and logical analysis. Anything that requires they be thorough and systematic in their investigations will lead them to quickly tire. They prefer to hand these aspects of scientific work to others and instead assume the role of “generator of ideas.” However, when they fail to find creative work, in which something new can always be seen, their previously indefatigable inquisitiveness severely weakens.

    After having tried 10 – 15 different specialties she may prove to be without anything, to have attained nothing in life, the entirety of her talent gone unrealized. After completing necessary preparations in a new project, if she sees something, which she finds more attractive, she may throw away everything. She prefers not to plan, but to improvise; it is dangerous to rely on her business qualities for she can get caught up in the moment.

    She doesn’t respond well to templates and standards. IEE recognizes no formal subordination, feels no piety towards authorities; this may lead to trouble. The observations of authorities, especially if they, in her opinion, are wrong, are answered to sharply disregarding of who they are. It is therefore understandable that she is not at place in conditions subordinate to strict authority.

  8. #568
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    Horrible typings nice try though

  9. #569
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post

    IEI-Fe: Allie, Pink, SisofNight

    At least you got my general type right, ha.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  10. #570
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    Btw, I feel like mu4 is actually LII-Ne 5w6 Sx/Sp.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  11. #571

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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Btw, I feel like mu4 is actually LII-Ne 5w6 Sx/Sp.
    pretty sure on mu being 1) not Fe DS 2) an Irrational type

    ILE works for him

  12. #572
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    pretty sure on mu being 1) not Fe DS 2) an Irrational type

    ILE works for him
    Fair enough.
    Everyone has their own opinions. This thread is showing that pretty clearly.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Fair enough.
    Everyone has their own opinions. This thread is showing that pretty clearly.
    I think he's...

  14. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by carrina View Post
    Horrible typings nice try though
    At least my quadra is right.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  15. #575
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    jaein, according to video and her impressions from my types examples may to be IS*P

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    At least my quadra is right.
    it's not hard, as in the signature you have types from 3 quadras

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    jaein, according to video and her impressions from my types examples may to be IS*P

    it's not hard, as in the signature you have types from 3 quadras
    Why don't you start a thread for video typing by you? You always link to a post in a thread. Seems kinda goofy.

  17. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Why don't you start a thread for video typing by you?
    Because this would be redundantly. And it's better to write all opinions about someone's type in one theme wich people create in "What's my type section".
    As for recommendations in that post, the best place for them is a sticky thread like "Recommended materials for typing" in "What's my type section". Where 1st message would describe main things like video, questionnaires people use here, links to tests etc. And everyone could post there his views about best typing materials or links to them, besides on 1st main post. I've offered mu4 to create such thread, but he've rejected this idea.
    Anyway, this theme is offtopic flood in this thread wich is intended only for opinions about member's types.
    Last edited by Sol; 02-13-2016 at 04:31 PM.

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    Yaaroslav - ENFP
    based in his videos and expressive chaotic behavior

  19. #579
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Why don't you start a thread for video typing by you? You always link to a post in a thread. Seems kinda goofy.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  20. #580
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    Here's a shorter video of me:
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Which one is you? Lol

  22. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Which one is you? Lol
    What? Both those videos are of me. I'm Laura.

    Why? Did you think I was Jack Oliver Aaron?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    What? Both those videos are of me. I'm Laura.

    Why? Did you think I was Jack Oliver Aaron?
    I have no idea lol. I watched the first one, and by watched, I mean I randomly clicked the time bar and looked at random snippets lol.

    ESFJ or ESTJ.

  24. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    I have no idea lol. I watched the first one, and by watched, I mean I randomly clicked the time bar and looked at random snippets lol.

    ESFJ or ESTJ.
    Reasoning? I've never had someone type me as ESTJ, and only kill4me has ever typed me as ESFJ. You know how 'random' kill4me's typings are.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Reasoning? I've never had someone type me as ESTJ, and only kill4me has ever typed me as ESFJ. You know how 'random' kill4me's typings are.
    High emotional expression, which would either be a Role, a Leading, or a Demonstrative. Several times you made negative self assessments related to Ni, immediately followed by increased emotional expression, which is shifting from Ni to Fe, which could be to Role or to Leading. Generally speaking, if someone you don't know seems one way, they are probably actually the other. That leads me to think ESTJ.

    I should also mention that I don't actually care, but you're nice and you posted it, so I figured I'd give you some sort of feedback lol

  26. #586
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    My typing of forum members is whatever type they say they are because I assume they got it right, is mistyping super common?
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

  27. #587


    Quote Originally Posted by LSI Pole Ninja View Post
    My typing of forum members is whatever type they say they are because I assume they got it right, is mistyping super common?
    idk if super common is the word, it's more like retyping is militarized.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Reasoning? I've never had someone type me as ESTJ, and only kill4me has ever typed me as ESFJ.
    Time to make supplements in the Club 16 thread With my main version IEI.

    Quote Originally Posted by LSI Pole Ninja View Post
    is mistyping super common?
    try to guess it if average typing match is <30%

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Time to make supplements in the Club 16 thread With my main version IEI.

    try to guess it if average typing match is <30%
    How can it be <30% or any percent at all, if TIM is made-up and there's no way to verify it.

  30. #590
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Time to make supplements in the Club 16 thread With my main version IEI.
    Reasoning for IEI?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  31. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    High emotional expression, which would either be a Role, a Leading, or a Demonstrative. Several times you made negative self assessments related to Ni, immediately followed by increased emotional expression, which is shifting from Ni to Fe, which could be to Role or to Leading. Generally speaking, if someone you don't know seems one way, they are probably actually the other. That leads me to think ESTJ.

    I should also mention that I don't actually care, but you're nice and you posted it, so I figured I'd give you some sort of feedback lol
    Where are you seeing the negative self-assessments for Ni?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by LSI Pole Ninja View Post
    My typing of forum members is whatever type they say they are because I assume they got it right, is mistyping super common?
    No, but retyping others to fit perfectly into your own system with little regard for reality is rampant in these parts. (sarcasm)

    To avoid being a hypocrite, I must say that I am not immune to these temptations, but I do hold in higher regard the right of every individual to think independently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Where are you seeing the negative self-assessments for Ni?
    I didn't time stamp it. One was something about books. The other two were jokes about surprises or something.

    I consider LSE, LII, IEI, and SEE to all be holographs of each other, btw. LII H is basically IEI, which is basically INFP a lot of the time. I can see how you would float through all 4 types easily.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    No, but retyping others to fit perfectly into your own system with little regard for reality is rampant in these parts. (sarcasm)

    To avoid being a hypocrite, I must say that I am not immune to these temptations, but I do hold in higher regard the right of every individual to think independently.
    It's all made-up anyways lol. It's like being a kid and arguing who gets to be the cops and who gets to be the robbers lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    I didn't time stamp it. One was something about books. The other two were jokes about surprises or something.

    I consider LSE, LII, IEI, and SEE to all be holographs of each other, btw. LII H is basically IEI, which is basically INFP a lot of the time. I can see how you would float through all 4 types easily.
    How are LSE, LII, IEI, and SEE holographs of each other? What do these types have in common? The only thing I can think of is that they are all 'asking' types in Reinin dichotomies. Also there are two pairs of conflicting relationships here. LSE/IEI and LII/SEE. Are you trying to suggest that types can sometimes look like their conflictors?

    LII H is LII with strengthened Ni and Si. So an LII with this subtype can under some circumstances look like IEI, ILI, SLI, or SEI. Not just IEI. An LII doesn't become any of these types anyway, just displays behaviors that can look like these types. At least that's my understanding of it.

    I can see why someone might guess IEI as a type for me, if I am LII-H and I happen to be strengthening Ni and showing some Fe expressiveness. But I still don't understand why that would imply LSE.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    How are LSE, LII, IEI, and SEE holographs of each other? What do these types have in common? The only thing I can think of is that they are all 'asking' types in Reinin dichotomies. Also there are two pairs of conflicting relationships here. LSE/IEI and LII/SEE. Are you trying to suggest that types can sometimes look like their conflictors?

    LII H is LII with strengthened Ni and Si. So an LII with this subtype can under some circumstances look like IEI, ILI, SLI, or SEI. Not just IEI. An LII doesn't become any of these types anyway, just displays behaviors that can look like these types. At least that's my understanding of it.

    I can see why someone might guess IEI as a type for me, if I am LII-H and I happen to be strengthening Ni and showing some Fe expressiveness. But I still don't understand why that would imply LSE.
    Well, to start with, they're all people. Also, TIM's aren't real; they're just a set of static lenses through which you can choose to look at the dynamic world with. If you fracture "person" into 16 parts, you can also recombine them into 8, 4, 2, and back to 1. Everyone is their own worst enemy, this is a basic philosophy concept, so that's the conflictor thing. The adjacent Quadra is inversing E/I with the romance styles. I recombine along these lines for practical purposes with relationships; if someone is one type under Alpha conditions, they become another type under Beta conditions, etc. The four I listed behave the same from a relationship perspective under the varying environments. That's from real life observations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mylittlechina View Post
    Is this the way to Amarillo?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Well, to start with, they're all people. Also, TIM's aren't real; they're just a set of static lenses through which you can choose to look at the dynamic world with. If you fracture "person" into 16 parts, you can also recombine them into 8, 4, 2, and back to 1. Everyone is their own worst enemy, this is a basic philosophy concept, so that's the conflictor thing. The adjacent Quadra is inversing E/I with the romance styles. I recombine along these lines for practical purposes with relationships; if someone is one type under Alpha conditions, they become another type under Beta conditions, etc. The four I listed behave the same from a relationship perspective under the varying environments. That's from real life observations.
    I understand there is a one type for alpha, one for beta, one for gamma, and one for delta. But why those types? Why does LII go to IEI in the beta state and not EIE or LSI for example?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I understand there is a one type for alpha, one for beta, one for gamma, and one for delta. But why those types? Why does LII go to IEI in the beta state and not EIE or LSI for example?
    Why do you bother with trying to find any real reasoning there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I understand there is a one type for alpha, one for beta, one for gamma, and one for delta. But why those types? Why does LII go to IEI in the beta state and not EIE or LSI for example?
    *shrug* that's just what happens lol. If a type visits another Quadra, they remain a visitor. If a type shifts into another Quadra, that's what happens lol.

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