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    Default Type Me

    1) Tell me about yourself.

    Isn't the entire point of this questionnaire to do just that?

    I'm new and would like to be typed.

    2) What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I formally studied psychology and religion and possess degrees in both fields. I am currently working in a well-paying but somewhat boring job in road safety investigation. It's all right but it doesn't provide me with an absolute incentive to get out of bed, beyond a paycheck. It's not exactly “purposeful” work but tr
    uth be told, it's actually a very good job. I'm not complaining; it's a stepping-stone at present.

    My ideal job would probably be either a professor of religion or psych, or perhaps a self-employed businessman.

    3) What are your values, and why?

    I value honesty, wisdom, strength, courage and power primarily. I like people who take charge and are assertive. No-nonsense types, but also types that speak their minds and the truth without reservation.

    I also value evidence and proof. If you're going to make an assertion or statement, at least back it up with something beyond, “This is what I personally feel.” Who gives a fuck, what you personally feel? Feelings are irrelevant unless they conform to objective truth. You can't base your life on subjective personal feelings, especially not when making scientific claims or attempting to "prove" something. Feelings have no place in scientific discourse.

    4) What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I work a lot, so I don't have a lot of spare time. But when I did lol, I would read, play video games, hang out with my friends, spend time with my family, go online, study typology, watch videos and streams. I would also go on hikes and spend time outdoors as well. That's about it. Oh yeah, I used to work out too, but don't have as much time now as I did then.

    I did all of those activities because I enjoyed them. I still do.

    5) Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I have a relatively small family, but we get along fine, for the most part. Growing up, things weren't always easy but now that I'm an adult, they tend to depend on me, sometimes financially and sometimes just for someone to talk to. I admit, I probably keep people at somewhat of a distance because I value my time so much (and I have so little of it) but I do love them – I'm just not always great at expressing it verbally. I prefer to speak with actions; maybe buy them something nice, or you know, something like that. Or sometimes it could even be just spending time together.

    My friends and I used to be pretty close, but with some getting married and having kids, others being busy with their jobs and me with my own, I don't have the opportunities to hang out with them as much as I used to.Which is unfortunate, but it is what it is. I try to make time to hang out with them when the chances arise, and we usually have fun.

    As for my friends and family's flaws, I don't see the point in going on about that. It doesn't seem very productive. As far as their strengths, they have many – my father is powerful,intelligent, driven, and a good man despite his flaws, and my mother,especially as a child, provided me with no end to warmth, kindness and love that most kids could only dream of. My grandmother was great to me as well; I was spoiled as a child and I loved it. I had no siblings to speak of.

    My friends are fun, easy to get along with, have good senses of humour and are some good people. They tend to understand me well and I tend to jive with them fairly well too. We rarely have disagreements and if we do, we do and we get over them. My family, on the other hand,growing up, was rather chaotic and there were lots of fights and it got ugly. I always held my ground and sometimes it turned violent but I'm still here and so are they, so life goes on. lol

    6) What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I don't really “look” for friends. I meet people, we click and that's that. There's no “selection” process. Life doesn't work that way.

    As far as romance wise, oh my... I'm very picky and have very specific standards I'm looking for. Someone kind, attractive, sweet, caring, feminine, warm. Someone I can connect with on multiple levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. I want it all (I know it's not realistic lol).

    I'd rather be single than with the wrong person. My commitment comes with a price and I won't give it away to just anyone (though I have dated some amazing girls in the past). I've kissed some princesses and probably a lot more frogs...

    7)What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    It depends on the context.

    With some people, it could be theirattitudes or simply personality differences between the two of us.Not everyone needs to get along with everyone, and that's fine.

    With family, it's different... I have a very bad temper and sometimes people push my buttons. I keep telling them not to - I always give ample warning - but some people don't listen and they pay for it later. This was more a pattern in my child and teens years than now.

    8) How would your friends describe you?

    Probably smart, articulate, stubborn as hell, insightful, a good dresser, good sense of humour maybe, good with money, good at intuitively knowing what's going on. Shit like that. They've compared me with Yoda before for how much he knows and his wisdom (not for being a green midget creature lol).

    9) What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    You'd have to ask them. I can't speak for everyone.

    I like most things about myself, to be honest. There's not much I don't like. I guess I can sometimes hesitate too much the odd time when I should make a move. That's somewhat of a flaw of mine.

    In general though, I would say my biggest strengths are honesty, having good intuition (in the colloquial sense), caring about society at large, being a romantic (deep down), being inquisitive, adaptable to social situations and being as objective as possible given a circumstance.

    10) What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I already answered part of this.

    As for criticism I get, I've been told by some close to me a couple times, I can be a tad insensitive and controlling and I can be a bit... (okay a lot lol) argumentative, which is true. I don't see challenging people's conceptions as a flaw, but some may. I have a very strong will and I don't back down easily, as a result, I can be very stubborn if I know I'm right (but otherwise, can be convinced I'm wrong, should the evidence be there). But it's usually being argumentative, difficult, interrupting people, having a bad temper, being impatient.

    I guess being impatient (I hate going at anyone's else's pace but my own... which is usually fast) is one weakness I have. I can be a bit of a perfectionist too, but not as much as some people. I am pretty conscientious so that may be where that comes from.

    11) In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I do well in every area of my life on my own. I am particularly good with money, both acquiring it and using it wisely. I can save it well and have no trouble really coming across it. But I'm not a workaholic either. My life does not revolve around work – maybe if I had an absolutely amazing career, then I might feel differently...

    I'd like someone to do chores for me. You know, laundry, cooking (I don't cook lol), clean, wash my car, get my drycleaning, etc. In fact, I do sometimes pay people to do this for me already. I don't have the time nor the interest in doing any of these boring mundane tasks. I hate drudgery and tedious garbage like that.

    Otherwise, I feel I'm good and am very independent for the most part.

    12) What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Sigh... as I said, everyday tasks; dishes, laundry, cleaning, cooking, doing taxes I just don't care. And no, I don't expect my spouse to do that for me either. I'd rather just hire a maid, accountant, etc.

    13) What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I have many but I probably won't share them here. Over the last several years, I had many, many plans but not all came to fruition, so I've learned to keep my mouth shut unless I'm in the company of those who actually share my vision for the future. A lot of it is work/career-related or financial. Some of it, relational. I guess I keep some of my more personal stuff hidden and not easily accessible for all to see. I don't wear my heart on a sleeve, as a rule.

    All my goals are tangible and can be easily observed by whether I've achieved what I want, or not. It's that simple.

    14) If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working,what would you do with your time?

    Not sure. I don't feel that's necessarily an attainable goal. I might teach courses on various topics I find interesting, maybe get into politics or travel and see the world? Who knows, the sky's the limit at that stage.

    The freedom to do whatever I wanted would be nice though. Just that concept alone sounds intriguing.

    15) What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I find femininity attractive and endearing, albeit it is a rare commodity in this day and age; at least in women.

    I find childishness and goofiness to be a bit annoying.Same with people who tell the same-fucking-jokes-every-day. Kill me now. I get really tired of that very quickly. Random off-the-wallshit tends to annoy me too. (Think of someone like Pewdiepie screaming at the camera with zany text flashing on screen.) Not my thing.

    People who nit-pick and try to correct me on small, pointless mundane tasks also get on my nerves. Like, does it "really" matter? If not, who cares?

    16) What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I don't like daily chores. I already mentioned it. Stop asking about that. lol

    As far as my home, I don't know... I put up pictures and make it look somewhat cool, I guess. I'm not great at decorating or matching paint because that's not who I am. As long as the walls aren't bright red or some crazy thing, I'm fine with whatever is there. I usually hang up inspirational pictures, like a wave hitting the rocks and the message says, “Determination” or something like that. In fact, I have that picture in my house, and another which has lightning and it says, “Energy”. I like shit like that. Keeps me motivated.

    My desk at work is very organized and doesn't have anything I don't need on it. No weird notes, no family pictures, no clutter. I keep it simple, straight-forward and relatively free of clutter.

    17) How do you behave around strangers?

    Depends on the people themselves. Do I like them, do I not? Context matters too, is it atwork, is it on the street, where am I? So this question is difficult to answer, because if I want someone to like me I might respond differently than if I don't give a shit who they are. I can“somewhat” modify my facade on the outside to match that of what others expect, but it's short-lived and not something I could do forever. It would drain me to do all the time.

    18) How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact, I generally think it's better to get it all out than be passive-aggressive and take little digs at people behind their back or even to their face. Just be a man and say what's on your mind. I can take it.

    I've had a lot of conflict with bosses, co-workers, family (!) etc. over my life. I'm used to it. I don't love it but it's an inevitable part of life and I rarely back down unless I have good reason to.

    If somebody insulted me, I'd probably insult them back. I don't care. Though it is hard to offend me, so I might just laugh at them or mock them for being a moron, that's usually how it starts. If someone hit me, I'd probably get angry and do the same. That doesn't happen much, but it has happened in the past a few times.

    19) What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    That life is random and things happen for no reason. Everything happens for a reason and nothing is left to chance (aside from maybe gambling lol).

    I guess maybe I believe in “Fate” though I'm not sure if I'm called it that.

    I can't intuitively explain why their view is wrong. It's very difficult to explain beyond personal experiences. Therefore, I would probably not make a formal argument around that topic. A better example to disprove would probably be organized religion or feminism, for example. Evidence clearly is not on their side.

    20) What did you do last Friday?

    I don't remember. Probably worked or maybe I was off actually? I forget.

    21) What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Probably graduating in my program with high grades and getting the position I currently have. I beat out over 700 candidates to get this position I currently have, so that was not easy. Part of it was my skills, and being right for the job, the rest was my ability to talk my way in. I can be charming when I need to be. (It's like a switch I can sometimes turn on if the situation calls for it.)

    22) What is something you regret?

    Wasting too much time in my younger days not taking advantage of opportunities. I try not to think about it much, since the past is gone and the present is all we have.

    23) Who do you admire, and why?

    I have a few role models, and people who inspire me, whether through deeds, words, their influence on my life or some other measure.

    Interestingly, as far as I know, they are all exclusively Gamma NTs, aside from maybe my dad.

    24) What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Nothing much, beyond being excessively busy and not having enough time to do everything I want. Sometimes work can feel a little overwhelming in how much time it eats up. But otherwise, I'm fine.

    I've never been one to whine over my personal problems, especially not online. I tend to have broad shoulders and I don't bemoan shit that happens in life much. But because of that, some tell me I can lack sensitivity. Maybe they're right? lol

    25) What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Hard to explain. I'm into gnosticism, esoteric areas of belief, the law of attraction/intentional manifestation, witchcraft/the occult and even some degree of paganism. I also love the figure of Jesus and Christ but not the christian church. I hate organized religion despite being spiritual myself. I'm not fully sure who or what God is, but I know it's not the one found in religion. God is probably much, much bigger and more powerful and amazing than any human mind can comprehend.Perhaps God is the Light within all of us, or some abstract concept that judges and sets karma for all? I cannot say and I do not believe God would condemn me for using my mind to question these things.

    I share Gandhi's thoughts, “I like your Christ but I do not like your christians. They are too much unlike your Christ.” That about sums it up. I highly doubt Jesus would be too impressed with the shit done in His name. Most preachers are nothing but snake-oil salesmen who rip off old women from their social security. Not cool.

    26) What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I'm mostly a centrist, with some values on the right, some on the left. I feel modern day politics is becoming too polarizing in both directions. It's literally a mess and is being done intentionally to divide people (“Divide and conquer” as Caesar said).

    I generally never did care much for politics, until a few years ago when it was constantly being brought up in non-political forums. After a while, you begin to see patterns and the threads all lead to similar conclusions. It has become so much in the forefront these past few years, you literally cannot ignorant politics anymore.

    27) Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not?What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    Absolutely. I'd love to and have even drawn up plans to do it.

    I'd be the one running it and mostly doing everything too. I'm not going to share what my plans are, but it's definitely always percolating in the back of mind. I'm just waiting to see if it's actually viable financially and a few other factors. But it is a definite long term goal, provided it can actually work.

    28) What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    Somewhere that pays well, gives me lots of time off, somewhere without micromanagement and lets me do what I want. I'd like to be in charge ideally, but that said, it's not always easy to procure said positions. We'll see...

    29) What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    Religion, psychology, science and maybe English. Social studies was interesting too, but now it's all SJW propaganda so it's pure garbage now.

    30) How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I don't know. I am pretty responsible as a rule. I expect others to do what they say. Nothing more, nothing less. Just do it. Just give it to me straight.

    Have some integrity and honour your word. Others will respect that.

    31) Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    Can't remember the last time I've ever had a vacation. Next question.

    32) What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was like the way I am now, only smaller. lol


    I was smart, strong-willed, argumentative, stubborn, liked video games,science, had weird occult interests even then (the paranormal, UFOs, ghosts, etc.), liked hanging out with my friends, riding bikes, playing outdoors. A good student, but very, very pushy at home. I got pushed, I pushed right the fuck back, every time. Some of that may have been the family dynamic at the time, but I always stood my ground.

    33) What was your highschool experience like?

    I rarely went, but when I did, I did well and rarely studied. Got good grades but rarely went to class at all. My friends were all either jocks or stoners. They thought I was funny. I don't know, I guess I could make people laugh with my dry, sardonic humour and wit. I use a lot of irony with humour. I was not an athlete, to be clear. Never liked sports, though I was never in bad shape. I just found them boring and uninteresting. When I did play sports, I wasn't bad at them I just didn't care about them as a hobby.

    34) Talk about a significant event from your life.

    Many are too painful and negative. But I've grown from them, learned and moved on. Mostly relationship stuff where things didn't work out and someone got hurt... Humans are truly strange creatures, in how we hurt others so much, sometimes without even realizing it. And hindsight is 20/20. I definitely try not to live in the past.

    35) Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Not really. I don't even know if I'd like my own. I treat kids like adults. No baby talk or stupid shit.

    Deep down though, I guess I do value their innocence. No one should harm them or abuse them. I hate child abusers more than anyone on earth.

    36) If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?


    Time would be the biggest factor for me. I'd have to get help to raise a kid on my own. This is why two parents always work better than one.If I ever had kids, I'd intend on being married first since that is the best way to do things, from a societal perspective. It's not fair to never have time for your kids.

    37) Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Sure, it happens.

    I try not to think about it and focus on what I
    can change, as an individual. I see little value in wallowing in despair and things you can't change, so focus on what you can change and work towards it.Most of my ruts I've conquered and bettered myself. Sometimes I had to get help though, from outside sources.

    38) How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I used to like people as a whole, now I'm not so sure. Maybe I've become jaded and cynical over time. I used to be quite the optimistic when it came to humans and their potential... now, though, I wonder. You might even have thought of me as a "humanist" at the time.

    There's a lot of stupidity in this world, but there's also a lot of good aswell. Not everyone is an idiot and I've met some good people as well. These days I need to remind myself of that a bit more, to be honest.

    I will say though that modern day identity politics is absolute cancer and needs to stop.

    39) What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    I change my approach and get it. lol Provided it's feasible, which most things are, I make the necessary changes and go for it. Even if you fail initially, it doesn't mean you won't get it. Sometimes you just have to be persistent and not give up. And persistence and determination are not things I normally lack.

    I suppose one could also determine whether the end goal is really worth the sacrifice, but in my experience, it usually is. If it wasn't, I'd re-evaluate my current goals and maybe make some changes in that case.

    40) Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Sure, I'm fine with it.

    It doesn't always happen, but I like having power, authority, respect. I'd rather be respected than loved (in general terms anyway).

    I grew up as an only child so being around adults and not having siblings made me naturally independent and able to make tough decisions without deferring to everyone else. A leader needs to be strong, courageous and determined to actually do shit. They have to take the heat when the ship goes down, too. I'm fine with that.

    I find leadership appealing at work, in relationships and in general. I don't ever want to be the guy on the bottom getting screwed, no pun intended.

    41) How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Enough, for sure.

    As mentioned earlier, I do have an explosive temper, but it doesn't go off all the time, thankfully. I'm usually pretty calm unless I'm having a very bad day and someone is getting on my last nerve, etc,etc. It takes a lot to make me completely lose it, but when I do, look out. I'm probably capable of anything when I'm angry. It's one time when I lose complete reason and objectivity and just become...animalistic and belligerent. I've had shouting matches with former prinicipals, family members, bosses, customers at former jobs, etc.It hasn't been pretty.

    Stupidity, ignorance, absolute rudeness and belligerence tend to irritate me the most. So does anyone with an entitlement mentality, as if they're owed something simply by virtue of existing. Reality doesn't work that way. If you want something,work for it. Get it by your own hand. Don't expect handouts. I hate that mentality; same for people with perpetual victim mentalities (I don't mean the romance style lol). It grates on my patience more than anything. Ingrates. Don't be ungrateful for what you have and envy everyone else; it's petty and small.

    42) What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I got a transfer from divisions at work so I'll be doing more rewarding, challenging and engaging work now. So I'm excited about that. It's nice how things work out for me.

    43) What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Can't really think of anything...

    44) What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    It's different for everyone. Everyone must find their own path. I am still searching for mine, but I've seen supernatural glimpses into it and I'm not completely blind.

    I find becoming my higher self to be the most rewarding thing. What I was put here to do. Transcending the physical, engaging with the unknown, achieving what people didn't believe was possible, bonding with others, finding true love and companionship. Creating a life together.

    Growing, becoming more than you were, self-improvement, connecting with the supernatural, God, higher realities... all of these things are important. Anything that produces a feeling of “awe”, which is that response you get when the hairs of the back of your neck stand up, that feeling that brings you to your knees; I've experienced it on starry nights, just gazing up into the wonders of the's intoxicating and surreal. I fell on my face once, just losing myself in something that is greater than myself. 'The Numinous'. It transcends you entirely.

    For other people though, their purpose could be completely different. You must find your own meaning. Don't look to others to be your guru, look within.

    45) What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    I'm not sure. I need to travel more. I've seen Niagara Falls and it's cool. Everyone needs to see it at least once in their lifetime.

    46) How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I like to dress nice. That is, with style. I like the clothes to fit,to impose an image of power, wealth, control, style, and cohesiveness. I guess I dress to impress, usually. I generally dress pretty well, with brand names and fairly stylish, though classically so, clothing. I wear leather jackets, jeans, dress shirts, deck shoes, suits if this situation calls for it; somewhat a cross between preppy and classically fashionable I guess. I've been told by many of my friends and family I dress well. Hell I've gone to job interviews dressed better than the president of corporations... maybe that was too much...? But that said, I had to learn how to dress from watching others I admired or thought looked cool. It was not natural to me,though I do take great pride in getting looks and attention from women for looking put together. Women love a well-dressed guy.

    If someone wanted to insult me, insulting my style or fashion sense is probably one way to do it (provided they had better style themselves; an insult from some bum or poorly dressed slob would just elicit a laugh from me lol).

    47) Do you like surprises?

    No. lol

    I find them annoying. I'd rather know what's coming beforehand so I can prepare in advance.

    48) Is there anything else important about you that we should know?

    No. If you want to know, just ask. I realize some of my answers were a bit short. I didn't want to write a book by any means. Thought about making a video, I simply don't have the time right now. Maybe in the future.
    Last edited by Retsu77; 10-27-2017 at 02:57 AM.

  2. #2
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    Your answers were thorough

    -"Feelings are irrelevant" - not a lot of Fi here
    -explosive temper - Se valuing for sure, most typical of Betas
    -strong will (strong Se)
    -dressing to impress (attention to Se)
    -interest in spirituality and deeper meaning (Ni)
    -disliking surprises (Ne vulnerable?)
    -finds putting up a "facade" draining - low Fe
    -dislikes "childishness and goofiness", "off-the-wall" stuff (Ne, with Fe)

    Most likely LSI or SLE. LIE might also be worth considering.

    One thing I'm not clear on is just how much you actually do take leadership roles and/or are enterprising. You mention wanting to be the guy at the top, starting your own business etc. but is this something you would actually do rather than just "find appealing"?

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Your answers were thorough

    -"Feelings are irrelevant" - not a lot of Fi here
    -explosive temper - Se valuing for sure, most typical of Betas
    -strong will (strong Se)
    -dressing to impress (attention to Se)
    -interest in spirituality and deeper meaning (Ni)
    -disliking surprises (Ne vulnerable?)
    -finds putting up a "facade" draining - low Fe
    -dislikes "childishness and goofiness", "off-the-wall" stuff (Ne, with Fe)

    Most likely LSI or SLE. LIE might also be worth considering.

    One thing I'm not clear on is just how much you actually do take leadership roles and/or are enterprising. You mention wanting to be the guy at the top, starting your own business etc. but is this something you would actually do rather than just "find appealing"?
    Thanks. I tried to be thorough, but I don't like to be overly wordy in surveys like this.

    I would definitely love to be my own boss. I hate taking orders from anyone; it's the number one cause of conflict at work for me. It's just a question of how financially feasible is it? I've looked into advertising, drawn up business plans to get government grants (I was turned down lol) and considered renting space to get started. I wouldn't employ a large group of people; it would likely just be me and maybe an assistant or secretary. I'm just not willing to take that step right at the moment, since I could lose a lot and I have other priorities at the moment. Quitting a great job for an unsure venture right now... is not a good idea. Perhaps in the future, it will be?

    The only thing truly stopping me right now is not being sure it would be financially viable at the moment. I can't go into any more details without divulging my plans.

    I'm pretty sure of being either beta or gamma, I think the Se/Ni valuing stuff is accurate. It's just a question of Te vs Ti and Fe vs Fi.

    I appreciate your thoughts though.

    edit: Also, it's interesting how you type Beta as having the worst tempers. Both my parents have violent tempers, my dad even worse than mine. He often physically attacks people (never me, fortunately) in conflicts. That's specifically a Beta thing?
    Last edited by Retsu77; 10-27-2017 at 12:20 AM.

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    Maybe later, if time allows. Just don't have it right now to re-iterate what I just wrote. I'll keep it in mind though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    Thanks. I tried to be thorough, but I don't like to be overly wordy in surveys like this.

    I would definitely love to be my own boss. I hate taking orders from anyone; it's the number one cause of conflict at work for me. It's just a question of how financially feasible is it? I've looked into advertising, drawn up business plans to get government grants (I was turned down lol) and considered renting space to get started. I wouldn't employ a large group of people; it would likely just be me and maybe an assistant or secretary. I'm just not willing to take that step right at the moment, since I could lose a lot and I have other priorities at the moment. Quitting a great job for an unsure venture right now... is not a good idea. Perhaps in the future, it will be?

    The only thing truly stopping me right now is not being sure it would be financially viable at the moment. I can't go into any more details without divulging my plans.
    okay, I think extroversion is more likely. And rereading your questionnaire, preferring a fast pace, having many plans, "I want it all", also points more towards an extroverted Se valuer. SLE seems best IMO but I wouldn't rule out Gamma extrovert.

    I'm pretty sure of being either beta or gamma, I think the Se/Ni valuing stuff is accurate. It's just a question of Te vs Ti and Fe vs Fi.
    Yes, I agree.

    edit: Also, it's interesting how you type Beta as having the worst tempers. Both my parents have violent tempers, my dad even worse than mine. He often physically attacks people (never me, fortunately) in conflicts. That's specifically a Beta thing?
    Gammas are somewhat more prone to passive-aggression, due to valuing Fi which means generally seeing attitudes as fixed, or preferring not to try to influence them. I wouldn't describe LIEs as "very, very pushy", pushing back every time they get pushed. Maybe SEE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    okay, I think extroversion is more likely. And rereading your questionnaire, preferring a fast pace, having many plans, "I want it all", also points more towards an extroverted Se valuer. SLE seems best IMO but I wouldn't rule out Gamma extrovert.
    I walk and talk fast, does that count? lol (I have read that Sociotype is related somewhat to bodily movement and speech speed.) I am usually almost mowing people down on the sidewalk. I walk faster than most people run - but I am tall so...

    Yes, I agree.

    Gammas are somewhat more prone to passive-aggression, due to valuing Fi which means generally seeing attitudes as fixed, or preferring not to try to influence them. I wouldn't describe LIEs as "very, very pushy", pushing back every time they get pushed. Maybe SEE.
    Is that right? Passive aggressive, eh? I hate passive aggressiveness. For example at work... my coworkers are mostly, as far as I can tell, alphas and deltas and they won't tell me if I did something they dislike, instead they whisper behind my back (and I can usually hear them). I hate that; it pisses me off. If you have something to say, say it to my face and if I get mad, I get mad. I think a good fight always clears the air; but I guess they don't see it that way. More the most part, I'm pretty live and let live myself, but I do absolutely hate passive aggressiveness in people. The only time I ever appear that way is if I like someone romantically, it tends to cause me to hold back a bit with them initially, so I don't scare them off. (I want them to like me.)

    Hmm, interesting analysis. I'd like more opinions, but if I have you correctly, you are thinking likely SLE or SEE correct?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    I walk and talk fast, does that count? lol (I have read that Sociotype is related somewhat to bodily movement and speech speed.) I am usually almost mowing people down on the sidewalk. I walk faster than most people run - but I am tall so...
    I guess you're joking, but I was talking about pace of activity and lifestyle.

    Is that right? Passive aggressive, eh? I hate passive aggressiveness. For example at work... my coworkers are mostly, as far as I can tell, alphas and deltas and they won't tell me if I did something they dislike, instead they whisper behind my back (and I can usually hear them). I hate that; it pisses me off. If you have something to say, say it to my face and if I get mad, I get mad. I think a good fight always clears the air; but I guess they don't see it that way. More the most part, I'm pretty live and let live myself, but I do absolutely hate passive aggressiveness in people. The only time I ever appear that way is if I like someone romantically, it tends to cause me to hold back a bit with them initially, so I don't scare them off. (I want them to like me.)
    Yes, some Alphas can be passive aggressive but they are more likely than Deltas to voice their opinions or be direct as they value communication. For Gammas, fighting is not about "clearing the air" (an emotional effect), it's about getting what you want. If it has no productive outcome, then why do it? Might as well just go your separate ways.

    Hmm, interesting analysis. I'd like more opinions, but if I have you correctly, you are thinking likely SLE or SEE correct?
    Pretty much, with SLE as being more likely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    but they are more likely than Deltas to voice their opinions or be direct as they value communication
    Delta has at least LSE, which are direct. Also all E types "value communication", while Fi are masters of it.
    Sometimes you say so strange things in a try to argument your opinion. I understand why so happens - there are no good ways to base the opinion and you adopt to speculations, the degree of which with practice tend to grow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by muisgod View Post
    ILE ti subtype
    Alpha, eh? I don't know. I don't really relate to that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I guess you're joking, but I was talking about pace of activity and lifestyle.
    Kidding somewhat. I've seen shit like that passed around as truth on these and other forums.

    Yes, some Alphas can be passive aggressive but they are more likely than Deltas to voice their opinions or be direct as they value communication. For Gammas, fighting is not about "clearing the air" (an emotional effect), it's about getting what you want. If it has no productive outcome, then why do it? Might as well just go your separate ways.

    Pretty much, with SLE as being more likely.
    All right. Got it, thanks.

    Hopefully more people will answer. I'd like more thoughts on my type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    1) Tell me about yourself.

    Isn't the entire point of this questionnaire to do just that? Te?

    I'm new and would like to be typed.
    fair point lol

    2) What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I formally studied psychology and religion and possess degrees in both fields. I am currently working in a well-paying but somewhat boring job in road safety investigation. It's all right but it doesn't provide me with an absolute incentive to get out of bed, beyond a paycheck. It's not exactly “purposeful” work but tr
    uth be told, it's actually a very good job. I'm not complaining; it's a stepping-stone at present.

    My ideal job would probably be either a professor of religion or psych, or perhaps a self-employed businessman.
    seems ni + te to me

    3) What are your values, and why?

    I value honesty fi, wisdom te, strength se, courage se and power se primarily. I like people who take charge and are assertive. se valuing No-nonsense types, but also types that speak their minds and the truth without reservation.

    I also value evidence and proof.Te If you're going to make an assertion or statement, at least back it up with something beyond, “This is what I personally feel.” Who gives a fuck, what you personally feel? Feelings are irrelevant unless they conform to objective truth. You can't base your life on subjective personal feelings, especially not when making scientific claims or attempting to "prove" something. Feelings have no place in scientific discourse. Te+Ti, apparently no fi valuing

    4) What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I work a lot, so I don't have a lot of spare time. But when I did lol, I would read, play video games, hang out with my friends, spend time with my family, go online, study typology, watch videos and streams. I would also go on hikes and spend time outdoors as well. That's about it. Oh yeah, I used to work out too, but don't have as much time now as I did then.

    I did all of those activities because I enjoyed them. I still do.

    5) Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I have a relatively small family, but we get along fine, for the most part. Growing up, things weren't always easy but now that I'm an adult, they tend to depend on me, sometimes financially and sometimes just for someone to talk to. I admit, I probably keep people at somewhat of a distance because I value my time so much ni (and I have so little of it) but I do love them fi– I'm just not always great at expressing it verbally.weak fi I prefer to speak with actions; maybe buy them something nice, or you know, something like that. te/si kind of way to express love Or sometimes it could even be just spending time together. ni

    My friends and I used to be pretty close, but with some getting married and having kids, others being busy with their jobs and me with my own, I don't have the opportunities to hang out with them as much as I used to.Which is unfortunate, but it is what it is. I try to make time to hang out with them when the chances arise, and we usually have fun.

    As for my friends and family's flaws, I don't see the point in going on about that. It doesn't seem very productive.te As far as their strengths, they have many – my father is powerful,intelligent, driven, and a good man despite his flaws, and my mother,especially as a child, provided me with no end to warmth, kindness and love that most kids could only dream of. My grandmother was great to me as well; I was spoiled as a child and I loved it. fi I had no siblings to speak of.

    My friends are fun, easy to get along with, have good senses of humour and are some good people. They tend to understand me well and I tend to jive with them fairly well too. We rarely have disagreements and if we do, we do and we get over them. My family, on the other hand,growing up, was rather chaotic and there were lots of fights and it got ugly. I always held my ground and sometimes it turned violent strong sebut I'm still here and so are they, so life goes on. lol

    6) What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I don't really “look” for friends. I meet people, we click and that's that. There's no “selection” process. Life doesn't work that way. te>ti

    As far as romance wise, oh my... I'm very picky and have very specific standards I'm looking for. Someone kind, attractive, sweet, caring, feminine, warm. Someone I can connect with on multiple levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually ni,possibly ne valuing, intellectually. I want it all (I know it's not realistic lol).

    I'd rather be single than with the wrong person. My commitment comes with a price and I won't give it away to just anyone (though I have dated some amazing girls in the past). I've kissed some princesses and probably a lot more frogs... fi?

    7)What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    It depends on the context.

    With some people, it could be theirattitudes fi or simply personality differences between the two of us.Not everyone needs to get along with everyone, and that's fine.

    With family, it's different... I have a very bad temper se? and sometimes people push my buttons. I keep telling them not to - I always give ample warning - but some people don't listen and they pay for it later. This was more a pattern in my child and teens years than now.

    8) How would your friends describe you?

    Probably smart, articulate probably te, stubborn as hell se/si, insightful high logic, a good dresser good sensing, good sense of humour maybe fe valuing?, good with money good te, good at intuitively knowing what's going on. Shit like that. They've compared me with Yoda before for how much he knows and his wisdom (not for being a green midget creature lol).

    9) What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    You'd have to ask them. I can't speak for everyone.

    I like most things about myself, to be honest. si There's not much I don't like. I guess I can sometimes hesitate too much the odd time when I should make a move. That's somewhat of a flaw of mine.

    In general though, I would say my biggest strengths are honesty, having good intuition (in the colloquial sense), caring about society at large, being a romantic (deep down) fi valuing for sure, being inquisitive, adaptable to social situations and being as objective as possible given a circumstance.

    10) What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I already answered part of this.

    As for criticism I get, I've been told by some close to me a couple times, I can be a tad insensitive and controlling and I can be a bit... (okay a lot lol) argumentative, which is true. I don't see challenging people's conceptions as a flaw, but some may. I have a very strong will and I don't back down easily, as a result, I can be very stubborn if I know I'm right (but otherwise, can be convinced I'm wrong, should the evidence be there). But it's usually being argumentative, difficult, interrupting people, having a bad temper, being impatient.

    I guess being impatient (I hate going at anyone's else's pace but my own... which is usually fast) is one weakness I have. I can be a bit of a perfectionist too, but not as much as some people. I am pretty conscientious so that may be where that comes from.

    11) In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I do well in every area of my life on my own. I am particularly good with money, both acquiring it and using it wisely. I can save it well and have no trouble really coming across it. But I'm not a workaholic either. My life does not revolve around work – maybe if I had an absolutely amazing career, then I might feel differently...

    I'd like someone to do chores for me. You know, laundry, cooking (I don't cook lol), clean, wash my car, get my drycleaning, etc. In fact, I do sometimes pay people to do this for me already. te/ni I don't have the time nor the interest in doing any of these boring mundane tasks. I hate drudgery and tedious garbage like that.

    Otherwise, I feel I'm good and am very independent for the most part.

    12) What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Sigh... as I said, everyday tasks; dishes, laundry, cleaning, cooking, doing taxes I just don't care. And no, I don't expect my spouse to do that for me either. I'd rather just hire a maid, accountant, etc.

    13) What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I have many but I probably won't share them here. Over the last several years, I had many, many plans but not all came to fruition, so I've learned to keep my mouth shut unless I'm in the company of those who actually share my vision for the future. A lot of it is work/career-related or financial. Some of it, relational. I guess I keep some of my more personal stuff hidden and not easily accessible for all to see. I don't wear my heart on a sleeve, as a rule.

    All my goals are tangible and can be easily observed by whether I've achieved what I want, or not. It's that simple.

    14) If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working,what would you do with your time?

    Not sure. I don't feel that's necessarily an attainable goal. I might teach courses on various topics I find interesting, maybe get into politics or travel and see the world? Who knows, the sky's the limit at that stage.

    The freedom to do whatever I wanted would be nice though. Just that concept alone sounds intriguing.

    15) What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I find femininity attractive and endearing, albeit it is a rare commodity in this day and age; at least in women.

    I find childishness and goofiness to be a bit annoying.Same with people who tell the same-fucking-jokes-every-day. Kill me now. I get really tired of that very quickly. Random off-the-wallshit tends to annoy me too. (Think of someone like Pewdiepie screaming at the camera with zany text flashing on screen.) Not my thing.

    People who nit-pick and try to correct me on small, pointless mundane tasks also get on my nerves. Like, does it "really" matter? If not, who cares?

    16) What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I don't like daily chores. I already mentioned it. Stop asking about that. lol

    As far as my home, I don't know... I put up pictures and make it look somewhat cool, I guess. I'm not great at decorating or matching paint because that's not who I am. As long as the walls aren't bright red or some crazy thing, I'm fine with whatever is there. I usually hang up inspirational pictures, like a wave hitting the rocks and the message says, “Determination” or something like that. In fact, I have that picture in my house, and another which has lightning and it says, “Energy”. I like shit like that. Keeps me motivated.

    My desk at work is very organized and doesn't have anything I don't need on it. No weird notes, no family pictures, no clutter. I keep it simple, straight-forward and relatively free of

    17) How do you behave around strangers?

    Depends on the people themselves. Do I like them, do I not?si Context matters too, is it atwork, is it on the street, where am I? So this question is difficult to answer, because if I want someone to like me I might respond differently than if I don't give a shit who they are. I can“somewhat” modify my facade on the outside to match that of what others expect, but it's short-lived and not something I could do forever. fe role It would drain me to do all the time.

    18) How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I'm perfectly fine with it.(strong se) In fact, I generally think it's better to get it all out than be passive-aggressive and take little digs at people behind their back or even to their face. Just be a man and say what's on your mind. I can take it.

    I've had a lot of conflict with bosses, co-workers, family (!) etc. over my life. I'm used to it. I don't love it but it's an inevitable part of life and I rarely back down unless I have good reason to.

    If somebody insulted me, I'd probably insult them back. I don't care. Though it is hard to offend me, so I might just laugh at them or mock them for being a moron, that's usually how it starts. If someone hit me, I'd probably get angry and do the same. That doesn't happen much, but it has happened in the past a few times.

    19) What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    That life is random and things happen for no reason. Everything happens for a reason and nothing is left to chance (aside from maybe gambling lol).

    I guess maybe I believe in “Fate” though I'm not sure if I'm called it that.

    I can't intuitively explain why their view is wrong. It's very difficult to explain beyond personal experiences. si>ni Therefore, I would probably not make a formal argument around that topic. A better example to disprove would probably be organized religion or feminism, for example. Evidence clearly is not on their side. te

    20) What did you do last Friday?

    I don't remember. Probably worked or maybe I was off actually? I forget.

    21) What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Probably graduating in my program with high grades and getting the position I currently have. I beat out over 700 candidates to get this position I currently have, so that was not easy. Part of it was my skills, and being right for the job, the rest was my ability to talk my way in. I can be charming when I need to be. (It's like a switch I can sometimes turn on if the situation calls for it.)

    22) What is something you regret?

    Wasting too much time in my younger days not taking advantage of opportunities. I try not to think about it much, since the past is gone and the present is all we have. si, weak ni

    23) Who do you admire, and why?

    I have a few role models, and people who inspire me, whether through deeds, words, their influence on my life or some other measure.

    Interestingly, as far as I know, they are all exclusively Gamma NTs, aside from maybe my dad.

    24) What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Nothing much, beyond being excessively busy and not having enough time to do everything I want. Sometimes work can feel a little overwhelming in how much time it eats up. But otherwise, I'm fine.

    I've never been one to whine over my personal problems, especially not online. I tend to have broad shoulders and I don't bemoan shit that happens in life much. strong se But because of that, some tell me I can lack sensitivity. Maybe they're right? lol

    25) What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Hard to explain. I'm into gnosticism, esoteric areas of belief, the law of attraction/intentional manifestation, witchcraft/the occult and even some degree of paganism. I also love the figure of Jesus and Christ but not the christian church. I hate organized religion despite being spiritual myself. I'm not fully sure who or what God is, but I know it's not the one found in religion. God is probably much, much bigger and more powerful and amazing than any human mind can comprehend.Perhaps God is the Light within all of us, or some abstract concept that judges and sets karma for all? I cannot say and I do not believe God would condemn me for using my mind to question these things.

    I share Gandhi's thoughts, “I like your Christ but I do not like your christians. They are too much unlike your Christ.” That about sums it up. I highly doubt Jesus would be too impressed with the shit done in His name. Most preachers are nothing but snake-oil salesmen who rip off old women from their social security. Not cool.

    26) What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I'm mostly a centrist, with some values on the right, some on the left. I feel modern day politics is becoming too polarizing in both directions. It's literally a mess and is being done intentionally to divide people (“Divide and conquer” as Caesar said).

    I generally never did care much for politics, until a few years ago when it was constantly being brought up in non-political forums. After a while, you begin to see patterns and the threads all lead to similar conclusions. It has become so much in the forefront these past few years, you literally cannot ignorant politics anymore.

    27) Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not?What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    Absolutely. I'd love to si and have even drawn up plans to do it.

    I'd be the one running it and mostly doing everything too. I'm not going to share what my plans are, but it's definitely always percolating in the back of mind. I'm just waiting to see if it's actually viable financially and a few other factors. But it is a definite long term goal, provided it can actually work.

    28) What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    Somewhere that pays well, gives me lots of time off, somewhere without micromanagement and lets me do what I want. I'd like to be in charge ideally, but that said, it's not always easy to procure said positions. We'll see...

    29) What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    Religion, psychology, science and maybe English. Social studies was interesting too, but now it's all SJW propaganda so it's pure garbage now.

    30) How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I don't know. I am pretty responsible as a rule. I expect others to do what they say. Nothing more, nothing less. Just do it. Just give it to me straight.

    Have some integrity and honour your word. Others will respect that.

    31) Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    Can't remember the last time I've ever had a vacation. Next question.

    32) What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was like the way I am now, only smaller. lol


    I was smart, strong-willed, argumentative, stubborn, liked video games,science, had weird occult interests even then (the paranormal, UFOs, ghosts, etc.), liked hanging out with my friends, riding bikes, playing outdoors. A good student, but very, very pushy at home. I got pushed, I pushed right the fuck back, every time. Some of that may have been the family dynamic at the time, but I always stood my ground.

    33) What was your highschool experience like?

    I rarely went, but when I did, I did well and rarely studied. Got good grades but rarely went to class at all. My friends were all either jocks or stoners. They thought I was funny. I don't know, I guess I could make people laugh with my dry, sardonic humour and wit. I use a lot of irony with humour. I was not an athlete, to be clear. Never liked sports, though I was never in bad shape. I just found them boring and uninteresting. When I did play sports, I wasn't bad at them I just didn't care about them as a hobby.

    34) Talk about a significant event from your life.

    Many are too painful and negative. But I've grown from them, learned and moved on. Mostly relationship stuff where things didn't work out and someone got hurt... Humans are truly strange creatures, in how we hurt others so much, sometimes without even realizing it. And hindsight is 20/20. I definitely try not to live in the past.

    35) Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Not really. I don't even know if I'd like my own. I treat kids like adults. No baby talk or stupid shit.

    Deep down though, I guess I do value their innocence. No one should harm them or abuse them. I hate child abusers more than anyone on earth.

    36) If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?


    Time would be the biggest factor for me. I'd have to get help to raise a kid on my own. This is why two parents always work better than one.If I ever had kids, I'd intend on being married first since that is the best way to do things, from a societal perspective. It's not fair to never have time for your kids.

    37) Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Sure, it happens.

    I try not to think about it and focus on what I
    can change, as an individual. I see little value in wallowing in despair and things you can't change, so focus on what you can change and work towards it.Most of my ruts I've conquered and bettered myself. Sometimes I had to get help though, from outside sources.

    38) How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I used to like people as a whole, now I'm not so sure. Maybe I've become jaded and cynical over time. I used to be quite the optimistic when it came to humans and their potential... now, though, I wonder. You might even have thought of me as a "humanist" at the time.

    There's a lot of stupidity in this world, but there's also a lot of good aswell. Not everyone is an idiot and I've met some good people as well. These days I need to remind myself of that a bit more, to be honest.

    I will say though that modern day identity politics is absolute cancer and needs to stop.

    39) What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    I change my approach and get it. lol Provided it's feasible, which most things are, I make the necessary changes and go for it. Even if you fail initially, it doesn't mean you won't get it. Sometimes you just have to be persistent and not give up. And persistence and determination are not things I normally lack.

    I suppose one could also determine whether the end goal is really worth the sacrifice, but in my experience, it usually is. If it wasn't, I'd re-evaluate my current goals and maybe make some changes in that case.

    40) Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Sure, I'm fine with it.

    It doesn't always happen, but I like having power, authority, respect. I'd rather be respected than loved (in general terms anyway).

    I grew up as an only child so being around adults and not having siblings made me naturally independent and able to make tough decisions without deferring to everyone else. A leader needs to be strong, courageous and determined to actually do shit. They have to take the heat when the ship goes down, too. I'm fine with that.

    I find leadership appealing at work, in relationships and in general. I don't ever want to be the guy on the bottom getting screwed, no pun intended.

    41) How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Enough, for sure.

    As mentioned earlier, I do have an explosive temper, but it doesn't go off all the time, thankfully. I'm usually pretty calm unless I'm having a very bad day and someone is getting on my last nerve, etc,etc. It takes a lot to make me completely lose it, but when I do, look out. I'm probably capable of anything when I'm angry. It's one time when I lose complete reason and objectivity and just become...animalistic and belligerent. I've had shouting matches with former prinicipals, family members, bosses, customers at former jobs, etc.It hasn't been pretty.

    Stupidity, ignorance, absolute rudeness and belligerence tend to irritate me the most. So does anyone with an entitlement mentality, as if they're owed something simply by virtue of existing. Reality doesn't work that way. If you want something,work for it. Get it by your own hand. Don't expect handouts. I hate that mentality; same for people with perpetual victim mentalities (I don't mean the romance style lol). It grates on my patience more than anything. Ingrates. Don't be ungrateful for what you have and envy everyone else; it's petty and small.

    42) What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I got a transfer from divisions at work so I'll be doing more rewarding, challenging and engaging work now. So I'm excited about that. It's nice how things work out for me.

    43) What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Can't really think of anything...

    44) What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    It's different for everyone. Everyone must find their own path. I am still searching for mine, but I've seen supernatural glimpses into it and I'm not completely blind.

    I find becoming my higher self to be the most rewarding thing. What I was put here to do. Transcending the physical, engaging with the unknown, achieving what people didn't believe was possible, bonding with others, finding true love and companionship. Creating a life together.

    Growing, becoming more than you were, self-improvement, connecting with the supernatural, God, higher realities... all of these things are important. Anything that produces a feeling of “awe”, which is that response you get when the hairs of the back of your neck stand up, that feeling that brings you to your knees; I've experienced it on starry nights, just gazing up into the wonders of the's intoxicating and surreal. I fell on my face once, just losing myself in something that is greater than myself. 'The Numinous'. It transcends you entirely.

    For other people though, their purpose could be completely different. You must find your own meaning. Don't look to others to be your guru, look within.

    45) What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    I'm not sure. I need to travel more. I've seen Niagara Falls and it's cool. Everyone needs to see it at least once in their lifetime.

    46) How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I like to dress nice. That is, with style. I like the clothes to fit,to impose an image of power, wealth, control, style, and cohesiveness. I guess I dress to impress, usually. I generally dress pretty well, with brand names and fairly stylish, though classically so, clothing. I wear leather jackets, jeans, dress shirts, deck shoes, suits if this situation calls for it; somewhat a cross between preppy and classically fashionable I guess. I've been told by many of my friends and family I dress well. Hell I've gone to job interviews dressed better than the president of corporations... maybe that was too much...? But that said, I had to learn how to dress from watching others I admired or thought looked cool. It was not natural to me,though I do take great pride in getting looks and attention from women for looking put together. Women love a well-dressed guy.

    If someone wanted to insult me, insulting my style or fashion sense is probably one way to do it (provided they had better style themselves; an insult from some bum or poorly dressed slob would just elicit a laugh from me lol).

    47) Do you like surprises?

    No. lol

    I find them annoying. I'd rather know what's coming beforehand so I can prepare in advance.

    48) Is there anything else important about you that we should know?

    No. If you want to know, just ask. I realize some of my answers were a bit short. I didn't want to write a book by any means. Thought about making a video, I simply don't have the time right now. Maybe in the future.

    All in all I think you might be a Gamma NT type 8, or a delta ST type 1. you seem to already think youre gamma, but the fact that you always stand your ground in arguments to the point of physical violence makes me think that you have strong se. My first impression was SLI, maybe SLI-Te type 1w2 sp,so, wanting to be gamma NT, but i dont see anything ''victimlike'' or any weak se. Most of the ni stuff you wrote seemed like a facade leading to confirmation bias. You unconsciously used a lot of terms of ''i like this and dislike that'' which seems very Si.
    i also see proactiveness, so ILI would probably be eradicated, because ILI has 1d Se.
    *if*you were gamma, it would be ENTj, but i think you lean more to delta, considering you also seem to be pretty aristocratic compared to democratic. writing of certain characteristics of people as inherently weak. You could also be an extrovert, because you said you could be charming if you wanted to, which leads me to believe Fe role.
    Last edited by Number 9 large; 11-03-2017 at 07:02 PM.

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    I think LSE is possible besides LIE or beta ST.

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    47) Do you like surprises?

    No. lol

    I find them annoying. I'd rather know what's coming beforehand so I can prepare in advance.
    Rational yo

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    Well I am biased because I have known @Retsu77 personally for a few years...

    In that time, I have typed him as LIE-Ni 8w9 Sx/So.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    All in all I think you might be a Gamma NT type 8, or a delta ST type 1. you seem to already think youre gamma, but the fact that you always stand your ground in arguments to the point of physical violence makes me think that you have strong se. My first impression was SLI, maybe SLI-Te type 1w9 sp,so, wanting to be gamma NT, but i dont see anything ''victimlike'' or any weak se. Most of the ni stuff you wrote seemed like a facade leading to confirmation bias. You unconsciously used a lot of terms of ''i like this and dislike that'' which seems very Si.
    i also see proactiveness, so ILI would probably be eradicated, because ILI has 1d Se.
    *if*you were gamma, it would be ENTj, but i think you lean more to delta, considering you also seem to be pretty aristocratic compared to democratic. writing of certain characteristics of people as inherently weak. You could also be an extrovert, because you said you could be charming if you wanted to, which leads me to believe Fe role.
    LSE, huh? I like dat.

    I do feel, at least in socionics anyway, my Se is too good to be a Gamma NT. In MBTI, it's commonly understood I'm Te+Ni, but if you take the systems separately, then LSE, SLE or God knows what is entirely possible.

    I'd have to disagree about Si being the function that is tied to having likes and dislikes. That is Fi.

    Overall, interesting post though. Appreciate the response.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
    Rational yo
    Quite, in the Jungian sense. Very "J".

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    Seems pretty LIE to me. Not at all ILI, and the part about the house decoration means not LSE. So LIE for sure.

    In fact, I don't think my answers to these questions differed by more than 1% from @Retsu77's responses. So if I'm LIE, then he is, too.

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    Whoops. I just read through some of the more recent posts, and Retsu77 is considering LSE because his Se is too good to be a Gamma NT.
    I also have enhanced Se, and I sure as hell am neither LSE nor SLE, so it's possible to have good Se and still be LIE. Here is my profile:

    Let me ask a question designed to separate LSE and LIE. How do you imagine the future, when you form an image of it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Whoops. I just read through some of the more recent posts, and Retsu77 is considering LSE because his Se is too good to be a Gamma NT.
    I also have enhanced Se, and I sure as hell am neither LSE nor SLE, so it's possible to have good Se and still be LIE. Here is my profile:

    Let me ask a question designed to separate LSE and LIE. How do you imagine the future, when you form an image of it?
    Yeah whenever I do this test I always score as either LIE (with very high Se) or SLE (with very high Ni).

    Te and Se tend to score very high. My Si is so far off the charts (in the negative) that it's basically rock bottom.

    I tend to think in pictures primarily, as far as the future goes. I always tend to think about what is happening in 5, 10, 20 years down the road. Hell, I used to ask everyone I met what they planned on doing or where they saw themselves in 5 years from now. I guess I visualize it or see it within my mind's eye. It just happens, I don't consciously think about "how" I visualize. I just do.

    I always try to plan for the future. That said, my dad does the same as I've been mostly pushed in the direction of him being LSE over LIE. And this is a guy who prepaid his own funeral by over 25 years. lmao

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Seems pretty LIE to me. Not at all ILI, and the part about the house decoration means not LSE. So LIE for sure.

    In fact, I don't think my answers to these questions differed by more than 1% from @Retsu77's responses. So if I'm LIE, then he is, too.
    Hmm, interesting.

    What if NEITHER of us are LIE? Would that shatter your world, Adam? lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    Hmm, interesting.

    What if NEITHER of us are LIE? Would that shatter your world, Adam? lol
    Well, just like you, I like who I am and have no desire to be a different type. I actually like almost everything about me, except my complete lack of Si taste, which I view as a disturbing flaw.

    As for shattering my world if I were not an LIE, No. However, I do like Strat's description of LIE, even with the flaws. I secretly smile at the description of LIE's as supermen because it is nice propaganda, but I have to say, most days I feel like a very ordinary guy who is screwing up and doesn't realize it, but is trying to do the best he can after having won a small prize in the lottery of life.

    I've wondered before if my attraction for IEI's and my ability to get along well with EII's for years at a time might mean I'm either SLE or LSE, but then the IEI's and EII's do something that makes me sure that we are not on the same wavelength. I feel that I completely click with ESI's (IRL). My best and oldest friend is ESI. I also work with SLE's, LIE's, and LSE's, and it is clear that I communicate best with LIE's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, just like you, I like who I am and have no desire to be a different type. I actually like almost everything about me, except my complete lack of Si taste, which I view as a disturbing flaw.

    As for shattering my world if I were not an LIE, No. However, I do like Strat's description of LIE, even with the flaws. I secretly smile at the description of LIE's as supermen because it is nice propaganda, but I have to say, most days I feel like a very ordinary guy who is screwing up and doesn't realize it, but is trying to do the best he can after having won a small prize in the jackpot of life.

    I've wondered before if my attraction for IEI's and my ability to get along well with EII's for years at a time might mean I'm either SLE or LSE, but then the IEI's and EII's do something that makes me sure that we are not on the same wavelength. I feel that I completely click with ESI's (IRL). My best and oldest friend is ESI. I also work with SLE's, LIE's, and LSE's, and it is clear that I communicate best with LIE's.
    I like Ni ego types myself. It is what it is.

    I'm supposed to like Fi leads but many are just whiny little SJW snowflakes that get triggered over gay jokes. I hate that crap. That said, I know not all Fi leads are like that, so I am overgeneralizing like a good aristocrat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    I like Ni ego types myself. It is what it is.

    I'm supposed to like Fi leads but many are just whiny little SJW snowflakes that get triggered over gay jokes. I hate that crap. That said, I know not all Fi leads are like that, so I am overgeneralizing like a good aristocrat.
    Yeah, I have a lot of friends and associates who are either IEI or ILI. I love their Ni, but I've found that I can't form an intimate (sexual) relationship with them.

    Lol. Some Fi leads really are hard to take, for exactly the reasons you stated. However, not all of them are like that.

    I've been chasing ESI's of the Se subtype recently because they seem more rational and reasonable than the Fi-subtypes*, who seem to be nesters and super-faithful. Nothing wrong with that, but it strikes me as boring. I've been telling myself I prefer the former, but really, humans are complex and maybe boring is good.

    I need to gather more info in this area from experience.

    *According to @Olimpia, enhanced Se means enhanced Te, so the Se-subtypes should be more logical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. Some Fi leads really are hard to take, for exactly that reason. However, not all of them are like that.

    I've been chasing ESI's of the Se subtype recently because they seem more rational and reasonable than the Fi-subtypes, who seem to be nesters and super-faithful. Nothing wrong with that, but it strikes me as boring. I've been telling myself I prefer the former, but really, humans are complex and maybe boring is good.

    I need to gather more info in this area from experience.
    Apparently gammas are boring, Adam.

    Boring workaholics. Do you relate...?

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    how would you describe Ni?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    Apparently gammas are boring, Adam.

    Boring workaholics. Do you relate...?
    Yse. I work all the time, and while I could get on a plane to Europe tomorrow, I won't because I have work to do.

    I sometimes worry that this is going to make it nearly impossible to find a mate. She's going to have to settle for a guy who is "home" one or two days a week, and wants to go out and do something on one of those days. Otherwise, I'm not available.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    how would you describe Ni?
    I'd probably go by Jung's definition, as with any function.

    But for my own definition, I would say it is the function that governs making predictions about the future based on introverted subjective perceptions, often tying in various seemingly unrelated threads into an overarching cohesive whole. It tends to primarily be concerned with having a vision or a mission, though on its own, it fails to achieve it more often than not, since it is a reflective function, not an active one. It tends to think mostly in pictures, symbols, the abstract and goes by odd "unctions" or hunches that are poorly defined by words. Jung described Ni leads as "cranks, artists or prophets" and he was probably right. In my experience, Ni types rarely come across as entirely "normal" in the everyday sense of the term. They often have some eccentricity or quirk about them that makes them seem odd to the casual observer. I also find that Ni valuing types, or maybe Ni egos I'm not sure which, tend to often have an interest in the occult or esoteric phenomena. In the colloquial usage of the term, some might refer to Ni types (IEIs probably more than any) as "psychic" (in that they are able to often make fairly accurate predictions about the nature of events and/or people).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    how would you describe Ni?
    I would describe Ni as knowing the best use that something can be put to. Ne is knowing all the uses of something.

    In practice, this is not how I recognize Ni-users. To me, they have the same "feel" as the painting "The World of the Naive".

    This image is so suggestive of the many meanings that objects can have, and induces a person to try to find that one meaning that is correct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yse. I work all the time, and while I could get on a plane to Europe tomorrow, I won't because I have work to do.

    I sometimes worry that this is going to make it nearly impossible to find a mate. She's going to have to settle for a guy who is "home" one or two days a week, and wants to go out and do something on one of those days. Otherwise, I'm not available.
    That's okay. ESIs like a guy who works, brings home the bacon and gives them plenty of cash to spend. So I'm told.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    I'd probably go by Jung's definition, as with any function.

    But for my own definition, I would say it is the function that governs making predictions about the future based on introverted subjective perceptions, often tying in various seemingly unrelated threads into an overarching cohesive whole. It tends to primarily be concerned with having a vision or a mission, though on its own, it fails to achieve it more often than not, since it is a reflective function, not an active one. It tends to think mostly in pictures, symbols, the abstract and goes by odd "unctions" or hunches that are poorly defined by words. Jung described Ni leads as "cranks, artists or prophets" and he was probably right. In my experience, Ni types rarely come across as entirely "normal" in the everyday sense of the term. They often have some eccentricity or quirk about them that makes them seem odd to the casual observer. I also find that Ni valuing types, or maybe Ni egos I'm not sure which, tend to often have an interest in the occult or esoteric phenomena. In the colloquial usage of the term, some might refer to Ni types (IEIs probably more than any) as "psychic" (in that they are able to often make fairly accurate predictions about the nature of events and/or people).
    sorry, I should be more clear; how would you describe it to an ESI girl who knew very little of typology, was smart, but not particularly educated or up on the jargon but sincerely interested and willing to hear you out

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    That's okay. ESIs like a guy who works, brings home the bacon and gives them plenty of cash to spend. So I'm told.
    If only it were that simple.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    sorry, I should be more clear; how would you describe it to an ESI girl who knew very little of typology, was smart, but not particularly educated or up on the jargon but sincerely interested and willing to hear you out
    Probably the same way. lol

    My explanations are Te and wooden.

    After telling her to read Jung's work and then having her return even more confused than before, I would say, it refers to making predictions about the future and tends to enjoy occult or unusual topics or interests. It's sort of like "psychic" if you want to think of it that way. A visionary. Someone who plans way ahead and envisions the future based on how he would like it to be.

    If she's too stupid to understand that, I'm glad I'm not pursuing any ESIs. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    If only it were that simple.
    Threads I've read around here make it sound like it is. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    Threads I've read around here make it sound like it is. lol
    the part about giving them cash to spend isn't specific to ESI's. Some other types like that.

    If ESI's have a reputation for that, then I think is is due to a fairly strong correlation between some sociotypes and some enneagram and instinctual types. I feel that a lot of ESI's are e6's (which is the "not-so-easy" part) and Sp-Sx, which is where a person is apt to use one-on-one relations to help to ensure material security.

    My own instinctual stack of Sx-So has some fairly poor associations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    the part about giving them cash to spend isn't specific to ESI's. Some other types like that.

    If ESI's have a reputation for that, then I think is is due to a fairly strong correlation between some sociotypes and some enneagram and instinctual types. I feel that a lot of ESI's are e6's (which is the "not-so-easy" part) and Sp-Sx, which is where a person is apt to use one-on-one relations to help to ensure material security.

    My own instinctual stack of Sx-So has some fairly poor associations.
    No way. SX/SO is awesome.

    We're the revolutionaries! The "gods" of the stacking. I'd say it's pretty sweet.

    I tend to find types with SP, esp. SP first, to be the most dull and uninteresting types. I don't care what you had for dinner or how good it tasted. Nobody does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    the part about giving them cash to spend isn't specific to ESI's. Some other types like that.

    If ESI's have a reputation for that, then I think is is due to a fairly strong correlation between some sociotypes and some enneagram and instinctual types. I feel that a lot of ESI's are e6's (which is the "not-so-easy" part) and Sp-Sx, which is where a person is apt to use one-on-one relations to help to ensure material security.

    My own instinctual stack of Sx-So has some fairly poor associations.

    They haven't had a reputation for that. Not until around the time you and sis started posting here.

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    I know what I believe to be 2 LIEs in real life. I wish I had access to their online personas so as to compare because I can't tell whats real

    Im not sure if this is how LIE just comes across online or something else is going on but it doesn't add up for me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I know what I believe to be 2 LIEs in real life. I wish I had access to their online personas so as to compare because I can't tell whats real
    Name a celebrity you think is Te+Ni.

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