Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
Damn all of you have such a dim fucking view of SEEs. But it's probably true, except I'm not a normie SEE considering I'm on this forum, so I can't really relate to it. I relate to the more innocent version of that which is white lies to make the other person feel better, though.
I didn't say all SEEs...one of my closest friends now is a SEE guy and he still constantly lies or covers up the truth about a load of small things, I don't fully understand his behavior, i prefer people to know where I stand so they can adjust, but anyway it's never over the top. Another SEE E3 I work with - she can really completely lie in your face and you have to show her an e-mail or something written where she wrote the opposite of what she is saying. She's still quite well-liked and can work very hard and has many positive qualities...