Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
I mean, you do employ the term "r-selected" as a pejorative. The theory itself may be neutral, but your usage of it is clearly meant to be derogatory.
You're probably right, but I can at least try to explain. It came from my days as a philosophy major in college. I asked the question "Is an eternal orgasm an ultimate good/good ending for humanity"? From several angles I answered no, but too many of my piers thought that prospective fate was awesome and a thing worth sacrificing for. Hence, my disdain for the r-selected.

To their credit, my professors shared my concerns at the time with such a future. I am unsure as to whether or not they'd voice their agreement with me now. Back then, it was OK to be to the right of Mao, Stalin, or some other commie dictator. Now? Calling them out as commie dictators runs the risk of you being labeled the N-word (the one that's not a racial slur).

As we now live in a world where the mere association with a thought criminal in any scintilla of a way makes you just as bad if not worse than them... Well, I do hope this site takes privacy seriously because by merely responding to me in any form of good faith you're just as bad if not worse than myself in the moral codex of the current system. You, like me, are "far right" now. At least it seems the IQ barrier and the seeming dedication towards freedom of thought on this site has inoculated it from full on convergence. Whether or not that trend holds remains to be seen...