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Thread: Little crisis of certainty - LSI or not LSI [photo]

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    Just from that pic I'd say EIE. But it would be better if you make some good tests like the one in aim2know and, also you can provide information like questionnaire and/or video.
    Last edited by Hope; 06-14-2019 at 07:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Ilamatecuhtli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    Just from that pic I'd say EIE. But it would be better if you make some good tests like the one in aim2know and, also you also provide information like questionnaire and video.
    All right, I have filled up a questionnaire.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I was studying civil engineering, because I used to like mathematics and history most and I figured out that it makes sense (it doesn’t, can see that now – very Te dom industry). I also didn’t want to do something I would not consider useful. And what do people need the most? Food, health and shelter. Now I temporary work stocktaking old buildings. I enjoy both bureaucracy and contacts with people in it, and that I can logistics myself when I call whom and so on. Dislike lack of daily routine.
    Previously I worked as assistant constructor. Didn’t like that assistant part, complete submissiveness to some grumpy guy. I feel much better being more independent in my small sphere of expertise.

    What are your values, and why?
    I was always crazy about justice and correctness. I used to point out teachers mistakes – I didn’t mind personally but I couldn’t allow them to mislead others. I like politeness and reliability in people. Hate breaking promises, not taking responsibility and changing plans. But I basically believe in personal freedom of everyone – as long as it doesn’t interfere with other’s freedom and isn’t publicly vulgar. Like f.e. I do not see anything wrong in LGBT but I consider such propaganda exaggerated and sort of nasty at the moment. Or woman rights. I think genders are equal, so what feminism is fighting for? If you have to ask for better position you admit you do not have it... I have always acted as an equal (as human) in any company and somehow people treated me accordingly, they might want to try it out.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I spend most time at home with books, music, movies and cooking. I’m snobbish about what I read, listen or watch. I could spend 1 hour reading and 10 hours thinking about that. I quite like cooking but I do it quick. I have always consider myself introvert because as far I enjoy human interaction I need a lot of time alone. I also prefer conversations one to one. I guess I like to these things because I think that they develop my mind and world view. It is not about relax.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    Do not like my family. All serious, we do not understand eatch other at all. I try to avoid them without breaking relations. They would want me to be an entrepreneur and I really can’t.
    I have a few close friends, I like to talk to them about my problems. And listen to theirs but let’s be honest, I have like ten times more (pity, I like listen to people, especially about interpersonal problems). I love their patience with me. Everyone I’m close with is kind and somewhat reasonable. I dislike indecisiveness and laziness about some of them.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I used to think I seek for Fe (but not so sure anymore). As above, my friends must be kind and patient, any rudeness toward me is unacceptable. I also do not like those who enforce their will on me. Dislike to be treated as helpless, but I like to follow others, I like them to be hospitable.
    I’m not sure what I look for in romantic partner. I try to figure it out actually. They must be on time, honest and ready to assist me, always. I don’t want to be ordered around. I won’t tolerate inconsistency. I’ll also not try to bring up anyone a new, they must be fine already. Idea of being with someone just for sake of being in relationship is disgusting.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    My SLE-Se coworkers annoys me as he is reckless, can’t plan good enough and when I go somewhere with him I have to guard others against his rudeness.
    A acquaintance promised me a little cat two weeks ago and then told she will not give it away because her little sister cried. I pretended it’s cool but then managed to find another by myself out of rage more than a sincere wish to have that cat. I like cats though.
    In a constant conflict with my mother about her nitpicking and lecturing.
    I try to avoid conflicts actually. They are usually about others behaviour I dislike.

    How would your friends describe you?
    Most of all that I’m precise and they can depend on me. And I make them laugh. Closer ones that I worry far too much and often (source of my doubts about type actually). I can ponder who we are and where are we going in the middle of the night. But except that I come across as very calm and calming.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Best compliments ever:
    “I believe in democracy but if one person would have to rule the world it should be you. You are the only one wise and strong enough, from people I know.” – probably ILE.
    “You are the storm. It’s others that should be afraid, never you.” – also probably ILE.
    “I think it is sweet how you care” – probably LII. Though I used to think he is an EIE. I’m so bad in typing
    “I do not have a plan how we will conquer the world but WHEN we do, I’ll do all those unpleasant stuff: shake hands and manage people. You will have a real power, writing better laws” – SEE.
    “I have always admired how you can logically consider a problem, make a plan and stick to it.” – IEE.
    I like my ability to be merry and calm-in face of worlds dramas. I could find something nice in funeral. I guess I think that world is a very tragicomic thing and I choose to smile most of time. Why to be serious, it is all way to absurd and sad when you think. Aren’t we all fellow-prisoners in a way? (I like that Schopenhauer’s thought). And plans. I do make good plans, also about little problems of everyday life. When to cook to have it prepared on time and so on. When I make up my mind I’ll execute every plan, this way or another. Except public appearances I’m rather daring.
    I sense false people. I rarely get cheated or disappointed because I always know what to expect from whom, in what exactly area I can trust them. I also sense lies and truth hiding. I could define what is the problem with every person I know a bit. I wish I could help them but nobody listens to my insights and I do not want impose my ideas about someone’s soul.
    All little children tend to look at me with silent amaze. I count it as strength, because I can’t stand them crying. When our eyes meet they always stop. I can’t explain that. I’m not fond of babies.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I do not like to remember a lot of facts. Depending on who is criticising me I have heard that I’m to detached from reality, too concrete, too smothering or too harsh, too insecure or too self-confident. IEE-s and SLE-s tell I’m too inflexible, because I do not like when they try to change my plans. I think I’m flexible in sense I can fast adhere to new circumstances but I want to do it myself. I also heard an opinion I apologize too much.
    I suppose I mostly dislike physical complexes. Lots of it. I wish I could just make a video for you but I’m too shy. I don’t like to present, when everyone is looking at me.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    ...I barely manage on my own when I think now I seem to somewhat hate everything except logistics, philosophizing in search of some sense and going to philharmonic. When I have a real problem I often call SEE and ask what to do. But when I have problem with relations I call EII. Actually I always know who to call for advice, I am aware of others capabilities. Thanks God I’m not poor so I can call for professionals too. On my own I can cook, do basic cleaning, go shopping, make any decision. I need help with failures at home. I can’t fix things very well. I mean I can get quite creative with tape but I do not know how real things work. I’d need a manual for everything (then I can proceed, I quite like do things with my hands).

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    These questions are repeating themselves, you know.
    I enjoy managing my time, talking about issues and hedonistic activity on some level of culture. I love food and feeding my friends. They say I completely overdo with snacks and compulsive checking, when have they eaten last time.
    I do not like listening about stories told without emotion, technical facts. I also dislike to tell good things about myself. This is not an answer for this question but I hate braggarts.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I would want to stabilize my work situation and get some routine. Then get more fit.. I think I want to be self-sufficient person with better body. I will be necessary in the future I can’t predict precisely now but I need to be prepared. I guess I should find a husband but I need to construct a better set of expectations (you are helping right now) and be ready to fulfill more by myself before I enter another romantic relation. That must be planed.
    And I need to teach my new cat to bite less.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Watch all old movies, go for more live music and change most of my clothes. And other stuff. I love pretty stuff. Every new thing must be better than a previous one and present is never good enough. Maybe I’d try to socialize more or go study psychology.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I like when others are fighting for justice, even when they do it a bit rough or dramatize. There is not such a thing as too emotional person. It is lack of emotional responsiveness I find disturbing.
    I also dislike any overprotective acts towards me and suggestions I should be less perfectionistic . I do not really value ability to improvise. I am not impressed by good memory of others.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I have on my own designed all home decorations in my apartment. Almost everything is white/black or sky blue. No white elephants. I easily get rid of old items. I like to get things that are needed, nothing is lacking.
    Chores are necessary to keep things clean and in order. I need that, order more than clean, so I perform but without pietism. I do not enjoy chores so they must be done efficiently.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I usually pretend more shy than I really am to observe them and then know what to expect from them. I always attempt to establish nice, light tone of conversation. When it fails, I quickly adhere to most people to some extent, however there are ones (some types) I just can’t get along. In such a case I try make our contacts short. I try to seem kind and benevolent but when it is not welcome I can rapidly change this tactic.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I try to keep a poker face and persuade those about whom I think that can change their minds. I want to stabilize any conflict before it grows. When I sense that any pleads would be pointless I just keep my dignity and let others disgrace themselves. I believe insulters are pathetic, I’d maybe frown at them. Unless they are right, then I’ll apologize for my mistake. It is rather hard to make me explode with rage and actually I think I let my emotions out on purpose even then, when I see that may work on someone. Otherwise I suppose it is better to coldly dismiss an offender. Such situations are sad and unpleasant but I realize when someone is right and when not and nobody will make me feel guilty when I can’t see guilt in myself.

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    Just one, really? What to pick...
    Maybe that ostentatious egoism is a good thing and leads to success. I think cooperation and fairness towards others are not only nice but actually pay off more than being jerk.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Can’t remember. Seriously. I have terrible memory about past. I focus on future plans.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I have managed to get my furious supervisor (at uni) convinced that I have had come to his collegue for advice because I knew how little time and what health troubles he has and I wanted to spare him some inconvenience. He has bought it and almost apologized me, then super admired me for over a year. Actually my supervisor was pointless and I hoped to find some better help.
    I wish I could obtain everything lawfully but I often end up getting things by charm when official path fails me.

    What is something you regret?
    Becoming an engineer.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Basically people who are kind and calm. Also those who fight for something or sacrifice themselves in some way for good of others. I have no clue why I am like that. I just dislike anyone else.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    To be or not to be. And who to be, if. And what makes sense. Is there any? Maybe becoming a better person but I do not know how to do that.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I used to be an atheist but now I consider myself more agnostic. Sometimes such “accidents” happen, that it is hard not to believe in some powers on heaven and earth.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Liberal, a bit socialistic but not very modern. Not “patriotic”. A country is an artificial formation which only purpose is to provide for people basic needs like security, equal chances in education and free health care. No sentiments. I do not think that f.e. name of the country is worth a single human life. I wrote already I do not fully support that gender stuff. I consider it actually non political problem if any problem at all. The state should not be occupied with citizens bedroom activities. I wish to be more interested and involved politically but there is no party in my country I agree with. I find it quite stressful.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Not really. I am a bit afraid of business activities. It would be stressful for me, I prefer to work for someone.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I think I’d like to have calm, rather static environment, were things can be thought through. May be with people but not on a stage. I’d like to have job with clear rules, routine and do something useful.
    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Always two, almost opposite: mathematics and history. Mathematics because I actually didn’t need to learn that and I quite like to solve theoretical problems. History, because it helps me to understand everything better and some books are greatly written. I’m vividly interested in people’s views during past centuries.
    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I always feel very responsible for my tasks and other people I meet even briefly. I see duties everywhere. I wish others perceived world more like me so I didn’t end up as the only one who delivered on time or kept a word.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    Prague. I like sightseeing old cities, especially all the churches. There were horribly many people though and things appeared kind of commercial. I guess I’ll pick some less popular place next time.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I used to be more strict and prone to enter conflicts. I lectured others, sometimes harsh. Now I’m more considerate and strategic about it. I wasn’t very diplomatic kid. I was also much more demanding, I used not to take others abilities into account, but a common good was always my modus operandi (I considered myself LSI because of my character in childhood more than actual).

    What was your high school experience like?
    Positive? I generally used to like school during all my life and was one of best students. I don’t know what to say.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    Shortly before picking a college I took part in history contest. I have got best topic for an essay I could dream about, really something I have knew a lot about and have had an opinion. Jury has given me a poor grade because they didn’t like my approach (I believe humans are creating history and their personalities matter, what was very obvious in that topic – but now it is fashionable to claim that everything was ever ruled by global economy, not passions and connections of a single person, even a king. Idiots.). So I have decided I don’t want to be ever again dependant on someone’s taste and have chosen a technical university.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    Not really, especially very little ones and all the loud ones. Or rude. I suppose it is not their fault but I can’t stand naughty ones.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    To learn them proper manners without limiting their freedom and turning them against what I believe. It would be a disaster for me if my child chosed to be something I couldn’t respect. I’m afraid my love might not be unconditional. But I wouldn’t want to impose my world view, I’d really want the child to see it is the best one and follow willingly. I guess I’d try to show, persuade and explain everything. No unreasoned rules.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Often. I do aim for it. It gives me sense of stability and efficiency.
    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Bunch of protein units, generally sick, sad and hopeless, from which maybe 1/10 seems to actually have some soul, if soul exists. All that stress, struggle and probably pointless suffer.
    Prevalent social problem... maybe a poverty that makes people, usually both parents, spend about 9, sometimes more, hours a day far from home, so they have to leave little children in nurseries and kindergartens, where they do not have in my opinion enough personal attention and such long time without parents is not good for their development. Especially nurseries seem horrible idea. I see them as repositories.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    Sad puppy eyes of deceived innocence.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I think I’m good at making schedules and work distribution for a team. That sort of leader I may be. Or kind of idealist, who writes up his views at home. Not a leader in the spotlight.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    The best way to trigger me is to move my possession without asking or making some decision about me without me. The benevolence will be over. Or cruelty, injustice and indifference towards others.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Kitten fell asleep on my knees.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Couldn’t find my kitten. She has proven to be liquid and came under kitchen lockers. I was afraid I failed as cat’s mother and in complete panic before I realized where she is.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I have no clue. Experiencing those little happy moments and trying to understand the world. Meeting interesting people and asking them, what is the purpose.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    I do not consider places as interesting. They are may be nice or beautiful.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    Like LSI. My favourite coat looks like military uniform. No weird cuts, I try to dress in convenient, classical, sometimes too elegant for an occasion way. Rather dark colors, not many at once. Or some defined ones – red, white, green. I do not like sporty style, colors of earth and too many patterns. I’d rather go out in a bit dull set of clothes than in unmatching one.
    Very little make up or jewellery.

    Do you like surprises?
    No, unless they are nice, insignificant and do not collide with my plans.

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