Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
I could understand needing in some cases to initiate, but if you have to chase (ie repeatedly ask, put forth romantic intentions on several separate occasions), it seems an "aggressor" must have not been interested and thus see you as pestering? As for the inertia..I saw you marked my post constructive a long time ago,
Link? Not sure what you are referring to.

Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
but you must have decided it should be overwritten based on your experiences with ESIs not pursuing you.
ESI's do seek me out, but so far, they have all been male. It's easy to tell when a guy is making an excuse to talk to you about some work-related subject.
I haven't seen many female ESI's doing the same thing, but I haven't been interacting with age-appropriate ESI's very much, so it's no surprise that they aren't stepping in front of me.

Lol at the "pestering" comment. The magnificent EJ Arendee said that in order to seduce an ESI,
"Hit on them once or twice, until they know that you exist, then ignore them. Never look at them again. They no longer exist. They'll do the rest of the work."

No pestering allowed, obviously.