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Thread: Why Do Catholics Do That?

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    Hm, there are still people who actually make money off of their kids; with child support, or making YouTube vids with them, etc...
    Usually those parents are lower socioeconomic status and treat their children rather poorly.
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  2. #122
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    Very often, in families which have a lot of kids, the parents are spread too thin to give each child the attention that they need. Often, the oldest girl is enlisted to be a surrogate mother at a time when she needs to have a mother herself.

    In almost every instance I know where a friend of mine came from a very large family, they described the family as disfunctional (from their viewpoint) and didn't want to have any or many kids, themselves.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Seven kids may be ideal in an agricultural society, but in today's developed world, that is a financial catastrophe for most people.
    Demographics is Destiny Adam. Those who commit to having seven kids will rule whatever nation they inhabit within the next century. Those who were "smart" and only had one or two kids are just breeding slaves to the masses who had more children in a democracy. Just look at South Africa. Yeah, those smart Boers not having a ton of kids are doing really well now aren't they? Fat load of good their farsightedness, concern, and mercy is doing them if'n ya catch my drift...

    In case ya not heard of what's going down in that place, they're getting genocided by every definition of the term. Yeah, I see that canary in the coal mine choking to death and I'm more than a little bit concerned about that for very good and demonstrable reasons .
    Last edited by End; 05-12-2017 at 04:53 AM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Very often, in families which have a lot of kids, the parents are spread too thin to give each child the attention that they need. Often, the oldest girl is enlisted to be a surrogate mother at a time when she needs to have a mother herself.

    In almost every instance I know where a friend of mine came from a very large family, they described the family as disfunctional (from their viewpoint) and didn't want to have any or many kids, themselves.
    Willing to bet that they both had full time jobs in order to secure the necessary resources to ensure they all had a comfortable existence. I mean, a full-time mother is awesome, but she doesn't exactly pull in any money. Money is needed to feed all those mouths so she is, in a real sense, a drain upon the total resources available as she must feed *everyone* off of the financial input of the sole provider.

    It is often mentioned in libertarian circles that both parents must now work full time jobs just to get the same amount of resources that would have been available to a "traditional" family a few decades ago. I mean, for god's sake, one used to be able to get enough money to put themselves through college with but a mere summer full-time Job! As the resource pie shrinks it is no wonder that things get more pear-shaped. Money can and does change the equation short term, but long term? Ho boy, will they reap the whirlwind. The cycle will not be stopped.... soft men have bred the hard times from which strong men will grow. K-selection is about to become in vogue. The shift from r to K is ALWAYS marked by a harsh culling of the r's. I don't like this fact for I feel bad for the poor rabbits, but the facts are what they are and I am powerless to stop it...
    Last edited by End; 05-12-2017 at 04:58 AM.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Demographics is Destiny Adam. Those who commit to having seven kids will rule whatever nation they inhabit within the next century.
    Yeah, but they'll likely inhabit an overcrowded nation where a good number of people are almost starving, not "whatever" nation.

    I don't know if you were drunk when you wrote this sentence because I believe it doesn't make any kind of sense.
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Yeah, but they'll likely inhabit an overcrowded nation where a good number of people are almost starving, not "whatever" nation.

    I don't know if you were drunk when you wrote this sentence because I believe it doesn't make any kind of sense.
    They'll still rule that nation though, and that's what ultimately matters. Overcrowding and other such problems are self-correcting (if only in tragic and horrific ways). End of the day, a few centuries down the road, nobody will care about that. What they will care about and what history will record is the conquest of a given land by the more fertile tribes at the expense of the ones that refused to reproduce. Again, Demographics is destiny and the only way to change that if you're on the wrong end of the equation is violent genocide.

    I don't like it, I wish it was not so, but that is an iron clad law of nature. You either out breed your enemies/competitors or you kill em' all and let God sort em' out once a critical mass is reached. Any other "solution" is unstable and unsustainable once the imbalances get big enough.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    They'll still rule that nation though, and that's what ultimately matters. Overcrowding and other such problems are self-correcting (if only in tragic and horrific ways). End of the day, a few centuries down the road, nobody will care about that. What they will care about and what history will record is the conquest of a given land by the more fertile tribes at the expense of the ones that refused to reproduce. Again, Demographics is destiny and the only way to change that if you're on the wrong end of the equation is violent genocide.

    I don't like it, I wish it was not so, but that is an iron clad law of nature. You either out breed your enemies/competitors or you kill em' all and let God sort em' out once a critical mass is reached. Any other "solution" is unstable and unsustainable once the imbalances get big enough.
    What's more likely to happen in Europe is Christianity and Islam becoming about equally dominant. Also, native European populations will likely inter-marry Arab and African immigrants. There also those that will choose not to, which will likely become a minority in the long run.

    In other words, in the future, Europe will likely not become an Islamic Middle East of the North, but a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious continent in the same way the US/Canada are becoming IMO.

    Islamic birth rates are projected to decline in future generations as they adapt to Western culture. Number of immigrants accepted will decline as well once the ideal amount is met.
    Last edited by Raver; 05-12-2017 at 04:49 PM.
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  8. #128
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    Gonna elaborate to ya @Aylen, about the girl that made me damn sure that is my mobilizing function. She was the literal embodiment of the "welfare queen" archetype as Jung and/or right wing demagogues would understand it. A "true" parasite, a disgusting ingrate beggar without any sliver of shame yet got to live outside the "ghetto" due to her mastery of gaming the various systems that enabled her to be a parasite in this corrupted modern world. She would show up and disrupt the workplace of the "father" of one of her kids just to max out the amount of crap she got for free from people who actually worked for a living. She always knew what to say and who to say it to. Knew exactly when to cry crocodile tears to get a few more dollars to buy shit she wanted that in no way benefited her progeny. She always complained, never looked inward, never tried to do anything for herself except blame others. She, to her discredit, didn't work in the traditional sense at any time I can remember for any real length of time (i.e. she could never hold a job). Again, she was a true hardcore parasite, a disgusting existence for me from a very instinctual level. I still question how the fuck she could sleep with herself at night. I'd at least have the goddamn common decency to try and make my crappy ass backyard into a garden so as to lessen the burden of feeding my "brood" if'n ya catch my meaning. Plus I'd do it out of outright concern for them. GMO's are bad news, I gotta at least feed em' one meal a day that's not pure friggin' poison if I can in any way help it!

    Point is, I was exposed to the very worst aspects of humanity save death and torture very early in my life. I saw that, and I knew damn good and well I was staring my shadow in the face. "She" was everything I was not, and would never wish for anyone to be. I hated her then, and I hate her more now. Yet I also know that there before the grace of God go I. Your shadow *is* a part of you. While it is everything you are not and everything you hate it is still, ultimately, you. That's what I can become, that's the depths to which I can sink. That's my abyss, and it stares into me as I stare into it. What you hate most about those you hate is that, at the end of the day, you're just one bad day from becoming that. That thing you hate so much? Yeah, that's YOU if your life turned out differently. YOU are that thing you wish the world would crush out of existence. You are both angel and demon, divine and demonic. It's a hard thing to come to terms with, which is why Jung harped so much on how hard it is to embark upon the path of self-knowledge. You don't just integrate your shadow without a great deal of hardship. To integrate it, you gotta stare into that abyss, and not letting it consume you is a Herculean task that perfectly reflects the words of Christ.

    "Many are called, but few are chosen"

    Many stare into that abyss, but few are not consumed by it in doing so...

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Gonna elaborate to ya @Aylen, about the girl that made me damn sure that is my mobilizing function. She was the literal embodiment of the "welfare queen" archetype as Jung and/or right wing demagogues would understand it. A "true" parasite, a disgusting ingrate beggar without any sliver of shame yet got to live outside the "ghetto" due to her mastery of gaming the various systems that enabled her to be a parasite in this corrupted modern world. She would show up and disrupt the workplace of the "father" of one of her kids just to max out the amount of crap she got for free from people who actually worked for a living. She always knew what to say and who to say it to. Knew exactly when to cry crocodile tears to get a few more dollars to buy shit she wanted that in no way benefited her progeny. She always complained, never looked inward, never tried to do anything for herself except blame others. She, to her discredit, didn't work in the traditional sense at any time I can remember for any real length of time (i.e. she could never hold a job). Again, she was a true hardcore parasite, a disgusting existence for me from a very instinctual level. I still question how the fuck she could sleep with herself at night. I'd at least have the goddamn common decency to try and make my crappy ass backyard into a garden so as to lessen the burden of feeding my "brood" if'n ya catch my meaning. Plus I'd do it out of outright concern for them. GMO's are bad news, I gotta at least feed em' one meal a day that's not pure friggin' poison if I can in any way help it!

    Point is, I was exposed to the very worst aspects of humanity save death and torture very early in my life. I saw that, and I knew damn good and well I was staring my shadow in the face. "She" was everything I was not, and would never wish for anyone to be. I hated her then, and I hate her more now. Yet I also know that there before the grace of God go I. Your shadow *is* a part of you. While it is everything you are not and everything you hate it is still, ultimately, you. That's what I can become, that's the depths to which I can sink. That's my abyss, and it stares into me as I stare into it. What you hate most about those you hate is that, at the end of the day, you're just one bad day from becoming that. That thing you hate so much? Yeah, that's YOU if your life turned out differently. YOU are that thing you wish the world would crush out of existence. You are both angel and demon, divine and demonic. It's a hard thing to come to terms with, which is why Jung harped so much on how hard it is to embark upon the path of self-knowledge. You don't just integrate your shadow without a great deal of hardship. To integrate it, you gotta stare into that abyss, and not letting it consume you is a Herculean task that perfectly reflects the words of Christ.

    "Many are called, but few are chosen"

    Many stare into that abyss, but few are not consumed by it in doing so...
    I don't hate anyone.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    What's more likely to happen in Europe is Christianity and Islam becoming about equally dominant. Also, native European populations will likely inter-marry Arab and African immigrants. There also those that will choose not to, which will likely become a minority in the long run.

    In other words, in the future, Europe will likely not become an Islamic Middle East of the North, but a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious continent in the same way the US/Canada are becoming IMO.

    Islamic birth rates are projected to decline in future generations as they adapt to Western culture. Number of immigrants accepted will decline as well once the ideal amount is met.
    Nah, the Coudenhove-Khalerghi plan will fail and one of those factions will succeed in eliminating the others. I don't know which one but a hardcore civil war is in the cards and I can't tell ya who's gonna win but that "blending" ain't gonna happen. Look up Haiti. That's kinda what happens. One ethnicity *will* dominate and it's black and white (literally in that example). The mixed race people, well... didn't make it ifn' ya catch my drift. Once one side wins, the "happas" get purged too if the winning side doesn't like em' enough and lemme tell ya. The "darker" races don't much like those of "lighter" skin tone ifn' ya understand what I'm getting at. Too bad the "happas" in that example picked the wrong side as I bet they were really nice people but, well, they just weren't "dark" enough in the eyes of the victorious side they actively supported and helped win and so they had to die a horrible death.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I don't hate anyone.
    Oh yeah ya do. Everyone does. Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin. To "love" one thing you must "hate" another. It's the contrast that gives the world meaning. Light is nothing without dark. Love is nothing without hate. If you love "beauty" you hate "ugliness" and you have those concepts fully formed in your mind. In the depths of your heart you know someone you'd gladly and gleefully kill if it meant the survival and happiness of one you "loved". That's the contrast. That's the score.

    Hate it all you want but in the end we all have that. Again, our shadows stare us in the eyes, our own abyss is ever present. Few will turn and look it back in the eyes, even fewer will actually accept it and embrace it with love and understanding. It's everything we are not, everything we hate, yet... yet it's still us. It's what we thankfully avoided becoming thanks to those who cared about us and loved us as we were. Again, there but before the grace of God go we. That "monster" is still us. It's still part of who we are. We can either reject it and become it by proxy, or we can stare it in the face, accept it, and overcome it. Sadly, the latter option is exactly what the modern world is trying to keep us all from doing...

  12. #132
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    Why do Catholics always feel guilty? What's with all the guilt?

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh yeah ya do. Everyone does. Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin. To "love" one thing you must "hate" another. It's the contrast that gives the world meaning. Light is nothing without dark. Love is nothing without hate. If you love "beauty" you hate "ugliness" and you have those concepts fully formed in your mind. In the depths of your heart you know someone you'd gladly and gleefully kill if it meant the survival and happiness of one you "loved". That's the contrast. That's the score.

    Hate it all you want but in the end we all have that. Again, our shadows stare us in the eyes, our own abyss is ever present. Few will turn and look it back in the eyes, even fewer will actually accept it and embrace it with love and understanding. It's everything we are not, everything we hate, yet... yet it's still us. It's what we thankfully avoided becoming thanks to those who cared about us and loved us as we were. Again, there but before the grace of God go we. That "monster" is still us. It's still part of who we are. We can either reject it and become it by proxy, or we can stare it in the face, accept it, and overcome it. Sadly, the latter option is exactly what the modern world is trying to keep us all from doing...
    This is your worldview. I have a different relationship with my shadow. I am not trying to push it away from me or deny it is there. I definitely don't go around projecting it on others in the way you do. I didn't say I have never felt hate. I have, to a certain extent. I didn't say I couldn't be a monster because I can. Hate is a waste of energy best spent elsewhere. There are far too many emotions in between those extremes to keep me busy.

    Why would I hate what is "ugly" (which is subjective af)? I might not want to look at it but it doesn't mean I hate it. There is absolutely no one I would kill with glee in my heart. NO ONE! You are sharing your truth. It isn't mine. I am not trying to talk you out of your hate.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Nah, the Coudenhove-Khalerghi plan will fail and one of those factions will succeed in eliminating the others. I don't know which one but a hardcore civil war is in the cards and I can't tell ya who's gonna win but that "blending" ain't gonna happen. Look up Haiti. That's kinda what happens. One ethnicity *will* dominate and it's black and white (literally in that example). The mixed race people, well... didn't make it ifn' ya catch my drift. Once one side wins, the "happas" get purged too if the winning side doesn't like em' enough and lemme tell ya. The "darker" races don't much like those of "lighter" skin tone ifn' ya understand what I'm getting at. Too bad the "happas" in that example picked the wrong side as I bet they were really nice people but, well, they just weren't "dark" enough in the eyes of the victorious side they actively supported and helped win and so they had to die a horrible death.
    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one End. Look at Haiti's neighbor, the Dominican Republican, a mixed mulatto country right next door. Perfect example of a mixed/blended country. Brazil is another good example, there's a minority of Europeans and other ethnic groups, but the vast majority are mixed European/African/Native American. Other Latin American countries are mixed between European and Native American.

    This all happened in a time span of hundreds of years of European colonization of such countries. Europe is heading towards a similar direction, but with European and Arab or African mix. For every country like Haiti where one ethnic group dominates, there are several which became mixed. Only time will tell though what truly happens.
    Last edited by Raver; 05-13-2017 at 04:20 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    This is your worldview. I have a different relationship with my shadow. I am not trying to push it away from me or deny it is there. I definitely don't go around projecting it on others in the way you do.
    Well at the end of the day we both have our own dreams, our own hopes and desires. I have mine, and you have yours. They, sadly, seem to conflict on a fundamental level. I want X, and you want Y. X can only be realized if Y is obliterated, and vice versa. I'm afraid it really is just that simple. I really do shed tears over this fact, but only on the inside ...

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    Well, I would say that love and hate are not exactly fixed concepts. People swear that they hate each other and wish to rip each other to pieces today, tomorrow they are the best of friends. France and Germany were sworn enemies mere 70 or so years ago, today one of greatest allies. People of lighter and darker shades or skin color or whatever may hate each other because they somehow perceive each other to be their "enemies", perhaps because one hurt another at some point and vice versa. But if they somehow become friends, then they would go on about how great their lighter or darker skinned colored brothers and sisters are. Or perhaps they would not bother to create such identities around their own skin colors in the first place.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Gonna elaborate to ya @Aylen, about the girl that made me damn sure that is my mobilizing function. She was the literal embodiment of the "welfare queen" archetype as Jung and/or right wing demagogues would understand it. A "true" parasite, a disgusting ingrate beggar without any sliver of shame yet got to live outside the "ghetto" due to her mastery of gaming the various systems that enabled her to be a parasite in this corrupted modern world. She would show up and disrupt the workplace of the "father" of one of her kids just to max out the amount of crap she got for free from people who actually worked for a living. She always knew what to say and who to say it to. Knew exactly when to cry crocodile tears to get a few more dollars to buy shit she wanted that in no way benefited her progeny. She always complained, never looked inward, never tried to do anything for herself except blame others. She, to her discredit, didn't work in the traditional sense at any time I can remember for any real length of time (i.e. she could never hold a job). Again, she was a true hardcore parasite, a disgusting existence for me from a very instinctual level. I still question how the fuck she could sleep with herself at night. I'd at least have the goddamn common decency to try and make my crappy ass backyard into a garden so as to lessen the burden of feeding my "brood" if'n ya catch my meaning. Plus I'd do it out of outright concern for them. GMO's are bad news, I gotta at least feed em' one meal a day that's not pure friggin' poison if I can in any way help it!

    Point is, I was exposed to the very worst aspects of humanity save death and torture very early in my life. I saw that, and I knew damn good and well I was staring my shadow in the face. "She" was everything I was not, and would never wish for anyone to be. I hated her then, and I hate her more now. Yet I also know that there before the grace of God go I. Your shadow *is* a part of you. While it is everything you are not and everything you hate it is still, ultimately, you. That's what I can become, that's the depths to which I can sink. That's my abyss, and it stares into me as I stare into it. What you hate most about those you hate is that, at the end of the day, you're just one bad day from becoming that. That thing you hate so much? Yeah, that's YOU if your life turned out differently. YOU are that thing you wish the world would crush out of existence. You are both angel and demon, divine and demonic. It's a hard thing to come to terms with, which is why Jung harped so much on how hard it is to embark upon the path of self-knowledge. You don't just integrate your shadow without a great deal of hardship. To integrate it, you gotta stare into that abyss, and not letting it consume you is a Herculean task that perfectly reflects the words of Christ.

    "Many are called, but few are chosen"

    Many stare into that abyss, but few are not consumed by it in doing so...
    You hate woman because of your own Mother. You have Mother issues. Have you ever been with a woman before? If yes or no, you have a lot of baggage from your childhood. I do not envy this girl you meet for she will have to bear the weight of all your misguided childhood, some of which will be ligitimate baggage, and some of which is clearly wrong (the wrong bits found a home and voice in the dissatisfied Red piller societies online).

    You havent been with a woman long enough to know why its a good thing and not at all like how its been described to you.

    Further, if self sufficiency is a virtue you think a woman needs in order not to be a mooch, maybe you want to take a look in the mirror and ask in what ways you yourself leech off others. Projection is a pillar of hypocrisy and me thinks I'm getting a whiff of a hypocrite.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Hm, there are still people who actually make money off of their kids; with child support, or making YouTube vids with them, etc...
    Usually those parents are lower socioeconomic status and treat their children rather poorly.
    And the cycle repeats for that reason. I mean, it's a thing for a reason. The abused abuse their progeny/vulnerable people in society and thus the cycle of abuse self-perpetuates. I don't like that fact but it sure as heck explains a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    You hate woman because of your own Mother. You have Mother issues. Have you ever been with a woman before? If yes or no, you have a lot of baggage from your childhood. I do not envy this girl you meet for she will have to bear the weight of all your misguided childhood, some of which will be ligitimate baggage, and some of which is clearly wrong (the wrong bits found a home and voice in the dissatisfied Red piller societies online).

    You havent been with a woman long enough to know why its a good thing and not at all like how its been described to you.

    Further, if self sufficiency is a virtue you think a woman needs in order not to be a mooch, maybe you want to take a look in the mirror and ask in what ways you yourself leech off others. Projection is a pillar of hypocrisy and me thinks I'm getting a whiff of a hypocrite.
    Typical leftist response, try harder won't you? Refuting Freud's bullshit gets tiring after the 10,000th time I've had to do it. Chew on this fact though o' holy moral executor. Hypocrites, though loathsome I admit, can and do often have worthwhile points. The man who smokes 10 packs a day telling you to not take up smoking is not wrong in telling you to not start smoking. Yeah, he's a giant hypocrite, but is he wrong to tell others to not be like him? No, he's damn right and I'd pray for every hopelessly addicted "hypocrite" to follow their example! Facts supersede emotions. Sadly, the "left" is all emotion and no logic. The right's sin is the opposite, we're all facts and no emotion (and as emotion/perception>facts in politics it's no wonder how and why your side utterly destroyed us in the culture wars). Both paths lead to hell, but in different ways. Whether a sterile and robotic world of facts or the absolute savagery and chaos of pure emotion it's still a hell.

    We could, *could* learn from each other, but since your side is fully convinced my side is evil incarnate and thus not worth even talking to in a constructive way you're locking us into a war of annihilation I'd rather avoid because I'm a merciful bloke. Believe you me, if it comes down to that war of utter annihilation my side wins hands down. Noam Chomsky even gets that, look up what he had to say about the recent uptick in political violence. End of the day, the "right" is the most savage and brutal and that side wins if all restraints are released. You are not as brutal and savage as we can be, and you will lose if you bring the conflict down to that level of basic animal-level survival. K-selection species EAT r-selection species, capiche? Predators eat prey, do not bring the battle into that arena. For your own sake...

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    The only people I know who wouldn't use birth control are neocatecumenal ppl i.e catholic "fundamentalists". It's not like if the catholic church has a specific opinion about something, every catholic person is going to do it?
    Well I am better informed now, because I wasn't sure.

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    Relevant quote that you wrote:

    Otherwise the r-selected can act and fuck like rabbits without the logical outcome of them having 5 kids by 4 fathers and having most of them starve to death. I grew up next to such a woman, small wonder I hate em' so much. I saw first hand how screwed up her kids were and forgive me for not wanting others to suffer their fate!
    So you want to tell me you don't have personal hangups about woman that come from your Mom?

    Sorry look I don't mean to make this personal and seriously we don't need to go there. It's just, you kinda started it. Do you want to talk about a hundred "outside" sources for dissatisfaction? Or do you want to talk about what is really going on here?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post

    Relevant quote that you wrote:

    So you want to tell me you don't have personal hangups about woman that come from your Mom?

    Sorry look I don't mean to make this personal and seriously we don't need to go there. It's just, you kinda started it. Do you want to talk about a hundred "outside" sources for dissatisfaction? Or do you want to talk about what is really going on here?
    I will admit freely that I do NOT want to be with a girl who reminds me of my mother. However, I cannot say I blame her for anything. My dad was an r-selected cheat, and she hated that parasitical welfare queen I mentioned just as much as I did for much the same reasons I did. I was more hardcore in my hatred but she didn't reprimand me harder than one would expect a boomer to be capable of. I mean, the "boomer" generation is the "weak men/women" who have brought about the hard times we are currently/about to experience and she sees herself as part of it. Small wonder she wants no part of my "critique" of her generation to pass between her ears.

    Fun note: here's a song about em' that made me laugh my ass off:
    Last edited by End; 05-16-2017 at 04:36 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I will admit freely that I do NOT want to be with a girl who reminds me of my mother. However, I cannot say I blame her for anything. My dad was an r-selected cheat, and she hated that parasitical welfare queen I mentioned just as much as I did for much the same reasons I did. I was more hardcore in my hatred but she didn't reprimand me harder than one would expect a boomer to be capable of. I mean, the "boomer" generation is the "weak men/women" who have brought about the hard times we are currently/about to experience and she sees herself as part of it. Small wonder she wants no part of my "critique" of her generation to pass between her ears.

    Fun note: here's a song about em' that made me laugh my ass off:
    Lol, oh brother.

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    id rather ppl have empathy than be guilty, but guilt is like the beginning of empathy. Guilt is also highly uncomfortable (as it should be). I can feel almost suicidal if I'm guilty enough lol.

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    This thread has become some silly End debate that has nothing to do with Catholicism. Anyone with an actual question about Catholicism, ask it and change this back, and mods, split the thread so we can hear this without censoring them or the OP.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    This thread has become some silly End debate that has nothing to do with Catholicism. Anyone with an actual question about Catholicism, ask it and change this back, and mods, split the thread so we can hear this without censoring them or the OP.
    Sorry, I let my feelings carry me away at times and I can do and say dumb things because of that tendency. Say no more, I will stop and refocus on my faith as it pertains to the modern world in this thread once another question comes forth (not taking back my comments on the Evil Clown though, this current anti-pope needs to go ASAP and I stand by that sentiment).

    I admire your intent to prevent censorship of anyone's opinions and posts however. Such sentiment is to be lauded in these times of intensifying radicalization. As I've said before, I wanna avoid a binary survival conflict but those who stand against me seem quite intent on forcing the matter into that realm. I mean, I'd rather talk to the heathens and heretics and convince them of the truth of the salvation offered by Jesus and how his holy "Catholic" church's teachings are the most legitimate option in regards to attaining it but if it comes down to brass tacks well, we've launched "crusades" before and don't think for a minute we can't launch one more. It took hundreds of years of abuse of our Christian brothers and sisters to get us into that mindset but, boy oh boy, did the world *know* the worm turned when we first uttered the immortal battle cry of DEUS VULT!

    God willed it then, pray he does not will it again if you happen to stand on any side opposing his holy word...

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Why do catholics refuse birth control? ...
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Do they?
    I seems like an overwhelming topic to try to explain but I ought to try. This guy gives a great 2 minute explanation.

    The highly lauded Theology of the Body by John Paul II explains it well - well enough that there are many books summarizing it and then also many testimonies why it has changed their lives... like these:

    I read a book long-explanation of Theology of the Body and what I remember most from it is that the act of love says "I love you and I give all of myself to you" and when you withhold, when you say, "I give all myself to all of you, except, if you get(I) pregnant - I don't want that", its like your body is telling a lie. Sex with contraception is lying with your body. That idea really stuck with me. Yes, and to lie with your body damages your body and soul.

    There are some things that are God's alone. Life. Death. Vengeance. Only God's.

    Another truth is that God does not limit us to make life harder and less fun for us. He limits us so that we do not get hurt and wounded by doing things that are not good for us, that hurt us to the depths of the soul. He designed us, He designed sex, and He makes it clear to us in what context sex is designed for. So we do not hurt, and so we can ultimately enjoy sex to the ultimate. Its to be that, or not at all. A state of virginity or chastity. And that is not a negative state. That is another thing I have learned. Its a positive state. Not a state of loss like it is presented by our culture.

    SO many are damaged today by doing the opposite of God's best for them. Many are in denial but that doesn't make it go away. It just suppresses it. But Jesus makes things whole, and no matter how we have abused ourselves Jesus can touch us with His love and His healing hands and make us whole.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Why are women not allowed to become priests?
    For some reason, when Jesus chose His Apostles, who became his first priests, He chose only males. And we follow Jesus' model in this. Jesus did it not because of culture of the day, because Jesus did everything with eternal meaning. He was unafraid to go against culture, like when he spoke to the woman at the well. He also elevated Mary Magdalene, who had only until recently been living a life of extreme sexual sin, when he told her good sister Martha that Mary had exceeded her in love - His central teaching. And He honored the once-fallen Mary Mary Magdalene by appearing to her after His Resurrection, before he appeared to His Apostles. So Jesus is not against women, not even fallen ones.

    The priestly role is a role of a life of service. It seems some see it as a role of power and authority and so they lust after that, considering its unfair that they cannot be in the position of power than they believe the priesthood to be. I have not met a women who wanted to be a priest that did not seem "off" or at least have an "off" idea of what a priest does. A priest is a servant, who makes a vow of obedience, to serve for life. If a woman who wants to serve Christ and His church and live out a vow of obedience there is a place for her for that - she can be a nun. If she wants power as a nun, she can serve so excellently that she can be a mother superior some day...

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Why are the bishops super rich? ..
    I don't think they are supposed to be. But many are. Like those infamous German ones. Bishops are considered princes of the Church. They are in positions of power, so, unfortunately, that can get to people.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Why is sex forbidden for clergy? ..
    In imitation of Christ, in whose place they serve? Jesus' bride was the Church, and they imitate Him. Those who are unmarried when they are ordained make a vow to stay ordained. In Scripture Paul speaks on it being better not to marry, as he did not: "For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am..."
    There is strength in chastity, and also whenever we make a vow to God and it is His will, He gives us strength to keep it. As to priests that are already married, like many Anglican priests who convert to Catholic, if they are ordained, of course they keep their previous vow to their wife as well. I was at the ordination for a new Catholic priest who had been a protestant minister, and he was married with 5 children.

    A priest makes His vow believing, "I can do all through Christ Who strengthens me", and God never lets him down. He is a Father Who keeps His promises.

    In our culture we are inundated with the idea that to be in a state of not having sex is a terrible thing. Well that is just a lie. To be having sex in the wrong state is deeply damaging to your soul. Its not how we were designed to have sex. But people can be well meaning and loving and truly think that that's all they need - to have such good intentions. And it is certainly better than many things, but it is not the best that God, in His love, desires for us. Plus, sex makes babies and every baby most desires a mother and a father forever - preferably his own! That matters.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Why is baptism essential to get into heaven?
    Baptism is essential because God pours out true Heavenly graces through this Sacrament and they change us forever, on earth and in the eyes of Heaven. It removes the stain of Original Sin that we are all born with. If you have been baptized even as a little baby then you have received a GREAT grace. Those baptismal graces can call at you all your life even if you are going the other way. Its a good thing. All who are saved are saved by Jesus; there is no other way to Heaven. However, those who do not know Jesus or ever recognize Him as their Savior, that He is, can also be saved (by Him) by following what is true and right about God in their heart and in their religious practice. God's words and truth are written on every heart. Those who desire to know and do what is true and listen to those words can be saved too, even without the extraordinary graces that come through Baptism. Because the mercy of God is endless and inexhaustible.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    re: above image quotes
    @Eliza Thomason
    I am wondering how many homeless and improverished YOU could feel and cloth if YOU gave away everything you have and everything you earn? Do that, and then speak what others should do. Its easy to sit in an armchair and talk about sacrifices others should make. What about YOU? What sacrifices do YOU make?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Is there a difference between sex with a condom and tracking your cycle and only have sex on "safe" days to avoid getting pregnant?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Is there a difference between sex with a condom and tracking your cycle and only have sex on "safe" days to avoid getting pregnant?
    There is a big difference. One works and one doesn't.

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    Or what about the partner withdrawing before ejaculation to avoid pregnancy? Is that wrong, too?

    Adam, I am quite aware of the efficacy of different methods, thank you very much.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I am wondering how many homeless and improverished YOU could feel and cloth if YOU gave away everything you have and everything you earn? Do that, and then speak what others should do. Its easy to sit in an armchair and talk about sacrifices others should make. What about YOU? What sacrifices do YOU make?
    About 35% of the UK's GDP is given to the government in tax for the purposes of taking care of society. I don't feel obliged to declare what I do with the remainder of my wealth, whether before or after Death. However, this does not mean that I cannot offer constructive advice for what public organizations should be doing, especially if they are engaged in harmful and/or unproductive activity.

    It was Christ who is quoted as saying that to be perfect, you should give everything to the poor and follow him - not me. I was merely pointing out that most Christians do not do this, and yet feel they can dictate what even non-Christians should do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Or what about the partner withdrawing before ejaculation to avoid pregnancy? Is that wrong, too?

    Adam, I am quite aware of the efficacy of different methods, thank you very much.
    Catholic practices, of all sorts, have one goal; to make more Catholics. Pedophile priests? NP. Ten kids in a poor family? NP.

    It seems to have worked, certainly better than the Shaker practices. There are 800 million Catholics now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Is there a difference between sex with a condom and tracking your cycle and only have sex on "safe" days to avoid getting pregnant?
    Yes because condom sex is not open to the gift of life. Catholics have reasons like everyone else to limit family size and NFP is approved for that. NFP is a more reliable birth control than a condom, and, the divorce rate of couples who use NFP is extremely, extremely low. Maybe because this natural kind of family planning makes the woman happier? Because its more natural? Happy wife, happy life...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Catholic practices, of all sorts, have one goal; to make more Catholics.
    All you have to do is listen to the two minute video to understand the real reason. Also see my link in this post. Artificial birth control seems like a necessary thing these days because for-profit companies and agencies like Planned Parenthood have sold that bill of goods for their own profit. But its not best for you, or the quality and longevity of your marriage.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post

    All you have to do is listen to the two minute video to understand the real reason. Also see my link in this post. Artificial birth control seems like a necessary thing these days because for-profit companies and agencies like Planned Parenthood have sold that bill of goods for their own profit. But its not best for you, or the quality and longevity of your marriage.
    How about masturbation?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    @End, I had a lot of thoughts, and it took me a long time to write them out and then edit them down, and I spent a long time on it, was finally satisfied, then hit "post", finally, but because it was too long the16types logged me out, and when I logged back in, it as all lost... so, I will have to find time later next week to once again gather and rewrite my thoughts on the topic from the beginning... Very frustrating...

    But for now I can say at least, if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly. The Sign of the Cross, practiced by Christians these 2000+ years, is a powerful and worthy practice. It is a protection from evil (so we all need it) and it is a truthful reminder of who you really are and an acknowledgment of to Whom you belong. A lot of times when we know something is important we don't do it because we feel that important things should be done right. But no, because too often the good thing never gets done. So better to do it poorly than not at all. And anyway, its humbling to go ahead and do it poorly because then your focus is on the worth of the thing, vs. your own self.
    The Sign of the Cross is pure superstition and contrary to Christian dogma which says that Christ alone is the intercessor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I read a book long-explanation of Theology of the Body and what I remember most from it is that the act of love says "I love you and I give all of myself to you" and when you withhold, when you say, "I give all myself to all of you, except, if you get(I) pregnant - I don't want that", its like your body is telling a lie. Sex with contraception is lying with your body. That idea really stuck with me. Yes, and to lie with your body damages your body and soul.
    Why is it always old religious men who try to teach young impressionable women virtues about sex? (In general. Not just I-make-shit-up-Matthews here)Why do old religious people care so much about the private parts of young women and men? And concerning anyone's body and mine for that matter: I do with my body whatever the f I want and there is no religious industry or its consumers who can hold me back from that or give me (or others) guilt for that. It is no ones business to decide when and when not I gave everything, my feelings, my love, my body to someone. The very idea that someone says I wasn't loving my partner with all my heart (and body) because I did not give him the chance to impregnate me is sickening.

    "Do it -insert male name-! I want you to come inside me, otherwise it means you are lying with your body! And I want you to do me in missionary position. That's the only position God likes. He is watching us, you know"

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Sex with contraception is lying with your body. That idea really stuck with me.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 08-26-2017 at 10:20 PM. Reason: typo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The Sign of the Cross is pure superstition .
    So you say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    and contrary to Christian dogma which says that Christ alone is the intercessor.
    What? The sign of the cross is a reference to the work of Jesus that saves us. It is many things, including a prayer, "Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. "
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    Why is it always old religious men who try to teach young impressionable women virtues about sex? (In general. Not just I-make-shit-up-Matthews here)Why do old religious people care so much about the private parts of young women and men? And concerning anyone's body and mine for that matter: I do with my body whatever the f I want and there is no religious industry or its consumers who can hold me back from that or give me (or others) guilt for that. It is no ones business to decide when and when not I gave everything, my feelings, my love, my body to someone. The very idea that someone says I wasn't loving my partner with all my heart (and body) because I did not give him the chance to impregnate me is sickening....
    I can't watch this - a lot of people on this site post really offensive things and I don't like to watch something if I don't know have any idea what I am getting into. Especially here on the16types which can reach lows I am not accustomed to. You know, garbage in, garbage out. I try to monitor what goes in. (And nothing in your post gives me any reason to think there might be something good, right, true or beautiful in your video...).

    That old man you refer to is full of wisdom, and was far wiser than you or me. The wisdom he left behind for mankind in his written words continues to enlighten minds and will for ages because it is truth for those who seek truth. His works are full of wisdom because his life is a witness that he was a truly good man, who truly sought God's wisdom -- and God promises that those who seek wisdom will be given it in abundance.

    But you are quick to lay judgment on a thing that you know nothing at all about and have not bothered to learn about. Probably at this point do not want to learn about it. To not want to learn about it is understandable, but to judge that what you don't examine is ignorantly foolish. But, you are not alone in this. Also you are not alone in the thinking that you have all the wisdom there is about yourself for yourself, and that there is no wisdom out there higher than yours on the matter...

    [This "position" you refer to - you must be confusing my post with someone else's. Either that or you just naturally base your thinking in unexamined stereotypical judgments...]
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    So you say.
    The power of Christ is supposed to be in every believer, and god is supposed to be omnipotent. Christians are supposed to be saved by the grace of Christ, not through hand gestures or symbols around their neck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    What? The sign of the cross is a reference to the work of Jesus that saves us. It is many things, including a prayer, "Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. "
    The Second Commandment says that "You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them."

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