Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
The LII I know also loves other cultures. In fact, she did a master's degree in international studies and knows about 8 languages! Loves to travel and now takes extensive family vacations all over the world (married ILE and they have a lot of money). Problem in their marriage, though, is that it lacks Fe big-time and she feels it. She has complained that although they are VERY good friends and have, in every other way a very good marriage, the expressing feelings part and the sex has been lacking. Anyway, the other thing I was going to say is that she also has felt quite guilty about not working since she had kids. They don't need her to earn money but it's like she wants to fill a role in society, the way you mentioned. I have no such guilt.
i can totally believe it about this marriage...i just can't imagine being married to an LII, although i think one would make a great friend. i mean, there's no S and there's no F....where do you go from there? you at least need one or the other, at least i would.