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Thread: Discussion of LSI-ISTj Subtypes

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    ...... The -Se subtype might be one reason I initially got typed SLI by some people (including you) here.
    I wouldn't trust my online typing; I'm only able to see people through a description of what they themselves see, which often has some sort of bias. I also wouldn't trust my typing from videos unless perhaps the videos were taken without any of the participant's knowledge......

    a.k.a. I/O

  2. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Behavioural differences between the two subtypes can be traced to Se-subs spending a lion's share (2/3 or more) of time on acquiring input while Ti-subs spends most of their time rationalizing; however, their processing priorities and structures are identical so cognitive processes are identical even though outcomes may vary slightly. The former may have more information to work with while the latter may have given more thought to a lesser data set; the ideal input-output balance is 50-50. Deep down (90% of an Ij is below the surface), ISTjs all think the same but in MBTI, some Se-subs may appear like ISTPs because MBTI is all about appearances (the 10% of an Ij)......

    a.k.a. I/O
    Their IQ test scores/cognitive profile (Ti sub almost always has has below average performance IQ and average to high verbal IQ, Se sub always has high performance iq and medium to high verbal IQ), mannerisms, demeanor (Se sub is goofier/less serious, has softer/gentler, quieter vibe), word usage (more feminine/elegant, original, less dry, less commanding in Se sub), movements and average physical appearance are pretty different (the LSI-Se have much more physically/sexually attractive features including more feminine looking bodies, more elegant/feminine movements, more beautiful faces including more feminine/high cheekbones, and softer, better voices, but both do tend to have large/masculine foreheads though, although again it's even more common in the Ti subtype). And the Se sub both acquires more input and reasons/understands more (not sure what you meant by rationalizing). Ti sub males generally aren't interested in philosophy, religion, science, humor/comedy (especially dark comedy), and history and so many technical details and thorough understanding of them (anywhere near as much as LSI-Se males) and they also miss and forget way more details (of what they read) and are incorrect more often... they're really pretty Te/Fi. It's the same way with ILE-Ne and ILE-Ti, just because one is supposed to have boosted intuition doesn't mean that the opposite isn't true... the Ne subtype is much less open to possibilities (I was just reading an article by an ILE-Ti, Ilana Mercer, where she points out that an ILE-Ne, Stefan Molyneux, didn't realize that there was more than one possible reason for something and that he had made an assumption), much less able to actually create new research, tools, and art forms, much less flexible (they don't consider new input as much, so they change their opinion less), much more racist (from what I've observed they are not tolerant of people of "different races" and unlike ILE-Ti when they're scientific racists, ILE-Ne don't look at the individual, they're not as objective in their treatment of people or at least in what they say), and much less original (their work/what they do/their behavior). Even though I disagree with your conclusions, reading what you say is interesting, however. Sorry. Thank you.

  3. #83
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    @Disturbed Most of these conclusions about type being related to such things as IQ, body shape and intolerance seem to have been derived from quite limited data sets and using methodologies that are less than scientific. I can certainly understand why I wouldn't be believed because I haven't done any rigorous studies and my experience is nothing more than anecdotal, but I wonder why many others, who present equally doubtful work, are believed simply because they purport themselves as being (scientific?) experts. From my perspective, the Socionics models are naive and belief in them by many seems somewhat like a religion or something like the anti-vax movement.....

    a.k.a. I/O

  4. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    @Disturbed Most of these conclusions about type being related to such things as IQ, body shape and intolerance seem to have been derived from quite limited data sets and using methodologies that are less than scientific. I can certainly understand why I wouldn't be believed because I haven't done any rigorous studies and my experience is nothing more than anecdotal, but I wonder why many others, who present equally doubtful work, are believed simply because they purport themselves as being (scientific?) experts. From my perspective, the Socionics models are naive and belief in them by many seems somewhat like a religion or something like the anti-vax movement.....

    a.k.a. I/O
    I've personally observed those things about many, many ILE-Ti and people of many other types as well.

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    Giving a shit about IQ in 2020

  6. #86
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    Hey why not?

    They still do 40 yard dash, vertical leap jumps, bench-press for professional sports... they are all measures of athleticism.

    I think IQ can be used *as a tool*, along w many others, to assess future potential similar to SAT/ACT scores. And of course, there are many elements/facets IQ may not measure, thus just a tool

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synchrony View Post
    MBTI ISTP is more correlated with LSI in socionics. Same functions but different theories and explanations. The J/P get switched. In MBTI, the J/P refers to the orientation of the extroverted function (Se - extroverted perceiving function) while in socionics, the J/P refers to the orientation of the leading function (Ti - introverted judging function). MBTI has more theory to it than people give it credit for but socionics has a bit more meat. Neither are widely accepted in the scientific community though other than those studying it.
    e_e LSI is ISTJ and SLI is ISTP..

    MBTI and Socionics interpret J-P differently. The abstract logic behind the same type is different, but both systems are describing the same type.

    Example why Einstein is typed INTP under MBTI and ILI by socionks practitioners such as Gulenko.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synchrony View Post
    The J/P thing is about whether the extraverted function is perceiving or judging with MBTI while socionics factors in the first function. But it doesn't seem as clear cut with the introverts. Some MBTI ISTJs (Si Te Fi Ne) will fit more with LSI - ISTj (Ti Se) while others will align more with SLI - ISTp (Si Te). They are related but different systems at the end of the day.

    I was just trying to align the function order between the two systems but that's faulty thinking. On that note, I don't want to think about
    TFW I was LSI all along..

  9. #89
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    Thank you for posting your results. Much appreciated.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synchrony View Post
    LMAO congrats!

    That type conversion still boggles my mind. I know some people who fit fairly well into the MBTI ISTJ type but they also have a strong individualist, adventurous streak and seem to rebel against Fe-based expectations. The kicker is they do highly value order, comfort, and external structure. In MBTI land, ISTJs and ENFJs tend to have friction because of a disconnect in understanding. Funnily ISTJs devalue Fe and have aspirational Ne. And the ideal types for the ISTJ are seen as ESTP, ESFP or ENFP.

    On the other hand, ISTPs are seen as the practical, logical, "in the moment" adaptable doers who rebel against too much imposed structure but at the end of day wanted to embrace healthy Fe group cohesion. They devalue Ne and have aspirational Fe. The ideal types are seen ESTJ, ESFJ, or ENFJ.

    The odd thing is that I have seen both MBTI and Socionics type relationships play out in real life. I am hard-pressed to say which one is more valid.
    I think ISTP would fit more, but mainly due to Harmonizing as I have some ISJ-ish tendencies.. however both ISTJ and ISTP are a kind of melancholic. One pure, the other

    It would explain why I test ILI & INTP.. but when I interact with actual type 5 INTPs Its like I'm an alien. Most 6w5s seem to either be ISTJ or ISTP.

    Tbh kinda scared of misidentifying IEE for EIE...

  11. #91
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    This paints me in a bad light. Why do LSI have this villain reputation?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Synchrony View Post
    That makes a lot of sense. The LSIs I know are very rule-abiding in accordance to THEIR own internalized logic and constructs. ISTPs, in MBTI, are considered rebels who go to the beat of their own drum because they go do their own thing based on their internalized logic and constructs (without too much interference from outside influences and structures). If there is too much outside pressure, they will tend to react and rebel (via MBTI's version of Se). But Se and Si are defined differently in the two systems so it's pretty muddy.
    Yep... God damn, school sucked so much ass. Literally just a daycare asylum where you're expected to act like a good little Delta all the time.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synchrony View Post
    That makes a lot of sense. The LSIs I know are very rule-abiding in accordance to THEIR own internalized logic and constructs. ISTPs, in MBTI, are considered rebels who go to the beat of their own drum because they go do their own thing based on their internalized logic and constructs (without too much interference from outside influences and structures). If there is too much outside pressure, they will tend to react and rebel (via MBTI's version of Se). But Se and Si are defined differently in the two systems so it's pretty muddy.

    In MBTI, ISTJs are rule-abiding in accordance to external standards and metrics but are fluid in their internal processing. They are very much about empiricism and how the logic fits into the data.
    Imo "authority" is chosen by level of trust and it mostly just benefits me, my allegiance does not exist for the benefit of the authority tbh. and this is true for all sixes both phobic and CP. The reasons why I chose one over the other have a lot to do with my perspective on things, how I think about the situation.
    I don't really bend the knee to the zeitgeist / the current ethos tbh, in many ways I oppose it and a lot of my thoughts regarding these things usually revolve around how to contribute to the gradual erosion of the status quo.. attempting to push things in a direction I'd consider more beneficial overall for the majority of ppl involved, including myself.

    Imposing one's will over me in general is a bad idea as I react vindictively, especially to coercion. e_e and I can be unforgiving if a certain line is crossed / slam the door, burn the bridge and move on.

    These are rather stereotypical traits of type 6. Imo a lot of LSIs are E6.. either MBTI ISTP or ISTJ.. as the type goes back and forth between loyal guardian and rebellious skeptic.

    LSI 2 Force source:

    In service of the ideology they commit themselves to, LSIs make ready enforcers, intensely disciplining themselves to fulfil their duties while making sure that all who are similarly obligated fall closely in line. For this reason, LSIs are very capable of making sure the rules are followed and are able to take action to resist miscreants or punish heretics according to just sanctions. As such, LSIs can become a force of order against chaos and anarchy, even putting themselves at risk to defend their beliefs and the rights people are owed. Furthermore, LSIs are readily assertive when approaching clashing ideologies and systems, knowing how to attack lines of reasoning that seek to dismantle their structure. In this way, LSIs often see their ideology as an allegiance, with those pushing contradictory views as foes to be resisted. When they perceive such a threat, LSIs become unmovable objects, staring down the opposition with iron conviction and speaking with the confidence of absolute certainty until the less committed opponent backs down. Although many LSIs at peace with their surroundings become its ardent defenders, less satisfied LSIs may be zealous revolutionaries, seeking to tear down the old order to create one anew.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-03-2020 at 01:26 PM.

  14. #94
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    It is easy to drive a Maxim to aggression, just tell them: “Your teacher has no idea what he is talking about!” Their reaction may be absolutely inadequate. And since their creative function is physical action, anything within their hand's reach may be hurled at you. I tried talking to a Maxim in the same manner and was nearly hit by a heavy object thrown at me.
    Reinin description is funny, cus I actually do this :/.. sometimes worse.

    once me and my father were selling metal scrap to roma ppl (this was almost a decade ago)... >.> and they started going into the house (where there is no scrap) asking for more .. e_e I got paranoid because that's not normal behavior, one does not just enter the house and attempt to go for the bedroom looking for scrap.

    .. so I grabbed a pipe and threatened them (with physical violence) till they left. I made sure they coughed up the money the owed us.. before threats were issued.

    If I lived in the US I would probably own a shotgun for sure.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-09-2020 at 06:10 AM.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    @shotgunfingers: From my impressions, ISTJs/SLIs (and LIIs) tend to veer towards the phobic side of 6 because the Si function prefers finding comfort and stability and mixed with T function values efficiency (not rocking the boat too much to ensure things run more smoothly and less drama). ISTPs/LSIs (and ILIs) veer towards counterphobia because the Ni function prefers finding meaning and understanding and mixed with a T function values accuracy (fight tooth and nail on inconsistencies in the name of truth).

    This isn't to say that ISTJs/SLIs can't be counterphobic but it usually takes a helluva a lot for them to lash out at you. I rarely see ISTJ/SLI 6s test authority figures quite like ISTP/LSI 6s do. lol

    What are your thoughts on this?
    Hmm from theoretical understanding and personal experience imo a 6 is not always phobic or CP. In some situations I react CP, in others phobic.
    Not sure IF you mean MBTI type by ISTJ and ISTP, imo its not as simple and clear as a J/P switch. Even EIEs are considered more ENFP than ENFJ or ESFP.

    Here is the correlation table from an actual study done in Kiev asking socionicst experts to type the MBTI descriptions:

    Imo Si-Te is more gut triad, so type 9 & 8 would be more likely for SLI than type 6. ESI & LSI imo are more likely type 6 due to IJ temperament and Ne PolR, but any type can be really, especially Ti valuing, example Ben Vaserlan INTP-LII is a sx 6. LIIs and ILIs however seem to be more type 5 in my experience.

    In terms of LSI vs SLI imo I'm not more willing to rock the boat.. its more like a compulsive need to rock the boat, whereas the SLI at least by description just wants to live and let live, to have ease and comfort.

    I want to struggle and fight, to have certainty and accuracy, to figure things out :-P.. imo its a rather big difference. To poke and prod, test authority, if unreliable to replace, to challenge social structure and systems e_e.. mhm.

    In this sense LSI is more on the offense all the time, which seems CP.

    There is a big difference between Delta and Beta mentalities, fire and earth, summer and winter:

    Beta people of this small group are characterized by the following qualities: active, passionate, goal oriented, and power driven. They are figuratively “boiling” with passionate, dramatic, and turbulent emotions. They are disciplined and organized with a developed sense of duty. They seek and find things to do, especially where they can implement their energy and where they can feel the spirit of competition. They avoid previously made mistakes. They are confident in extreme situations. They value experience, know-how, and sophistication. The element “Fire” has a social mission - the introduction of new orders and organizational structures especially in the resisting environment. Historically, members of this element would be creators of new governments, empires, political parties etc. Their mission is to overcome obstacles. If there is a choice, members of this element will prefer to attack vs. defend. They are enthusiastic about both victories and losses.
    Delta members of this small group are the most conservative people, but at the same time the most productive ones. The perception of the world is firm and realistic. They prefer stability of the existence and immutability of proven traditions. This group values positive and warm relationships. They will recognize positive ethical values, such as uniqueness of others, religion and spirituality, non-interference in others’ lives, humanism, unusual talents etc. They prefer to use resources rationally, prefer high-quality and long-lasting products. They will avoid risk and chaos. This group values comfort and will not change their routines. The mission of this element is to ensure the sustainable development and reasonable usage of accumulated resources, slowly preparing ways for some new development. This element values a stable consumption of material and spiritual products. Only in conditions of stability, it is possible to develop and disseminate some new initiatives, which are very fragile and vulnerable and need to be cherished. Wisdom and experience lie in the basis of respect for tradition and a significant proportion of conservatism of these people.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-10-2020 at 01:27 PM. Reason: was a bit too cringe for my taste

  16. #96
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    imo this is a good description of LSI: at least one where I relate to the tendencies.

    Mental note: LSI & EIE seem to be prime examples of "The road to hell is paved by good intentions." ... e_e fuck

  17. #97
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    My LSI boss is Se. He’s aggressive and he’s like a bull in a china shop. He also makes his business run like a well oiled factory. He’s also a micromanager and he also trusts me because I am solid and reliable and I do as I say. But he makes a lot of people at work cry and I have to do a lot of soothing and make people understand that he’s being pushy because he’s trying to communicate his thoughts in his head which often do not come out kindly.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    My LSI boss is Se. He’s aggressive and he’s like a bull in a china shop. He also makes his business run like a well oiled factory. He’s also a micromanager and he also trusts me because I am solid and reliable and I do as I say. But he makes a lot of people at work cry and I have to do a lot of soothing and make people understand that he’s being pushy because he’s trying to communicate his thoughts in his head which often do not come out kindly.
    I have a similar boss, stuff irritates her, especially if "It isn't logical!" as she puts it, a kind of Dolores Umbridge if you will. She grates on people and is clumsy.. not necessarily in relationships (that too), but in how she makes grown men fear her lol and alienates most other people. Nobody wants to mess with her, because she'd argue and yell them into the ground. Not sure about her type tbh, she gets on my nerves as well, but I do most things it seems enough to her liking where she leaves me to deal with her job and goes on vacation for 3 weeks without issues. So I guess she trusts me and thinks I do a good job compared to other ppl. Initially the relationship started off bad as I immediately remarked that she'd be a very difficult person to work with and she did the same thing she does with other ppl... but my reaction to that kind of thing is to snap back and get aggressive as well, so it never worked on me as well as on other ppl. She does require me consulting with her on certain things and I have learned the pattern, to where I know exactly how to "deal with her".. to keep everything running smoothly.

    I as a LSI am weirdly liked by almost everyone at the company.. :/ IF there is a problem they come to me for some reason to "fix it" or just to talk.. e_e the boss has developed this tendency as well. I noticed this when I made the VI for the forum as well, ppl said I'm likable or something to that degree. I personally noted this when it comes to kids and animals, they somehow instinctively gravitate towards my "likable presence" .. and all of this is kinda strange for me, because I never considered myself a sociable person.. but I make jokes and ppl laugh. I told this to Gulenko during the typing video too... very strange. In his improvement section he advised me to be even more social and acquire confidence in this region.. to get to LSI-C from LSI-H. Come to think of it ppl always seemed to like me >.> even as a kid, teachers as well.. wtf. Yhats how I found my cat lol, my brother and friends spotted the lil guy wandering the streets.. brought him inside. <.< and ofc the lil fucker took to me instantly.

    So yeah.. I don't relate to being a dick.. basically.. ... sometimes I'll have the "Fi PolR" moments, but that only happens if I consider that the other person deserves a callous response.. such as my boss sometimes does, as I said here be4, its intentional on my part.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-15-2020 at 06:26 PM.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I have a similar boss, stuff irritates her, especially if "It isn't logical!" as she puts it, a kind of Dolores Umbridge if you will. She grates on people and is clumsy.. not necessarily in relationships (that too), but in how she makes grown men fear her lol and alienates most other people. Nobody wants to mess with her, because she'd argue and yell them into the ground. Not sure about her type tbh, she gets on my nerves as well, but I do most things it seems enough to her liking where she leaves me to deal with her job and goes on vacation for 3 weeks without issues. So I guess she trusts me and thinks I do a good job compared to other ppl. Initially the relationship started off bad as I immediately remarked that she'd be a very difficult person to work with and she did the same thing she does with other ppl... but my reaction to that kind of thing is to snap back and get aggressive as well, so it never worked on me as well as on other ppl. She does require me consulting with her on certain things and I have learned the pattern, to where I know exactly how to "deal with her".. to keep everything running smoothly.

    I as a LSI am weirdly liked by almost everyone at the company.. :/ IF there is a problem they come to me for some reason to "fix it" or just to talk.. e_e the boss has developed this tendency as well. I noticed this when I made the VI for the forum as well, ppl said I'm likable or something to that degree. I personally noted this when it comes to kids and animals, they somehow instinctively gravitate towards my "likable presence" .. and all of this is kinda strange for me, because I never considered myself a sociable person.. but I make jokes and ppl laugh. I told this to Gulenko during the typing video too... very strange. In his improvement section he advised me to be even more social and acquire confidence in this region.. to get to LSI-C from LSI-H. Come to think of it ppl always seemed to like me >.> even as a kid, teachers as well.. wtf. Yhats how I found my cat lol, my brother and friends spotted the lil guy wandering the streets.. brought him inside. <.< and ofc the lil fucker took to me instantly.

    So yeah.. I don't relate to being a dick.. basically.. ... sometimes I'll have the "Fi PolR" moments, but that only happens if I consider that the other person deserves a callous response.. such as my boss sometimes does.
    You’re likely not in the position of power and would be different if you were
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    You’re likely not in the position of power and would be different if you were
    its possible. I can get irritable and critical when others either don't seem to give a fuck about what they do or they screw up badly and don't hurry to fix it..

    \o/ in those kinds of situations I can be critical and forceful :/.. as in the "wtf are you doing!?"... "get me x and y, get out of my way I'll do it myself!" .."why hasn't this been done the x way...where the fuck is y tool!?" and then I get real angry lol.

    More often tho I get the complaint that "I shouldn't break the door in" when I walk in a room... that I need to slowly open it and not just come through a door as if it was in my way e_e cus I startle ppl in the office.. the criticism and arguing is less common.

    EDIT: its funny, when the administrator leaves for lunch or massage, the ppl in production decide to chillax.. :> so I just go downstairs and barge through the first production room's door.. hahaha, everyone in there jumps to their feet in fear that its the admin 8DDD.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-16-2020 at 05:27 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    male Ti-ISTjs
    **relatively talkative. Characteristically, in conversation, they can offer strong opinions on many subjects. One could mistake them for extroverts. (Think Dr. Phil McGraw.)
    **Defying the sociotype's stereotype, they often laugh and smile easily. They are peoples' people. Often popular.
    **Very generally, (and relatively,) they seem more 'laid back,' ('comfortable in their own skin') than the other subtype. (Relatively) self-assured.

    male Se-ISTjs
    **Generally, one would not mistake them for extraverts. At all.
    **They can look relatively sullen, serious, even scoffing (Think Lou Reed or James Dean.) Can seem like 'loners.'
    **Based on the above characteristics, people can (very generally) consider them hard to get to know.
    **Stormy emotional life.
    Ti subtype is a talkative extrovert, Se is a sullen loner? How did you come up with this?

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    imo this is a good description of LSI: at least one where I relate to the tendencies.

    Mental note: LSI & EIE seem to be prime examples of "The road to hell is paved by good intentions." ... e_e fuck
    i created a thread for this lol
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    @shotgunfingers: From my impressions, ISTJs/SLIs (and LIIs) tend to veer towards the phobic side of 6 because the Si function prefers finding comfort and stability and mixed with T function values efficiency (not rocking the boat too much to ensure things run more smoothly and less drama). ISTPs/LSIs (and ILIs) veer towards counterphobia because the Ni function prefers finding meaning and understanding and mixed with a T function values accuracy (fight tooth and nail on inconsistencies in the name of truth).

    This isn't to say that ISTJs/SLIs can't be counterphobic but it usually takes a helluva a lot for them to lash out at you. I rarely see ISTJ/SLI 6s test authority figures quite like ISTP/LSI 6s do. lol

    What are your thoughts on this?
    ISTJ seems very LSI-Ti to me, especially sp-first or soc-first, sx-last LSI-Ti.

    I don't know about your dual's MBTI (LSI-Se)

    For more clarification. The LSI stereotype - and thus the Ti subtype - is about stability and maintaining all those petrified/ossified systems. Ti lead with Si demo is about rigid rules for a comfortable life. They care about efficiency but only if the efficiency can be achieved with an explicitly rules based consistent system (the Ti). Essentially, they show a very high focus on a rational lifestyle, more focus on Si than Se, and even Te gets more (not conscious) focus than Se. And yes, they are more unemotional than Se subtype, while Se will enter fights - tooth and nail - about their opinions just fine, is what the descs say lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    @Disturbed Most of these conclusions about type being related to such things as IQ, body shape and intolerance seem to have been derived from quite limited data sets and using methodologies that are less than scientific. I can certainly understand why I wouldn't be believed because I haven't done any rigorous studies and my experience is nothing more than anecdotal, but I wonder why many others, who present equally doubtful work, are believed simply because they purport themselves as being (scientific?) experts. From my perspective, the Socionics models are naive and belief in them by many seems somewhat like a religion or something like the anti-vax movement.....
    Damn I love your post. (I also have had too much coffee so you get my emotionality now, too)

    Even if your pov is likely not popular by others on here. : P Esp the ones that pay through the nose to the "scientific experts"

    Why don't we rename it as Astronics already.

    I am on here only bc of the pattern finding that I'm interested in with regard to people.

    I'd just feel way more comfy with it if there weren't all these type labels but I make do with what's actually available

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Behavioural differences between the two subtypes can be traced to Se-subs spending a lion's share (2/3 or more) of time on acquiring input while Ti-subs spends most of their time rationalizing; however, their processing priorities and structures are identical so cognitive processes are identical even though outcomes may vary slightly. The former may have more information to work with while the latter may have given more thought to a lesser data set; the ideal input-output balance is 50-50. Deep down (90% of an Ij is below the surface), ISTjs all think the same but in MBTI, some Se-subs may appear like ISTPs because MBTI is all about appearances (the 10% of an Ij)......
    Gonna post more here; I don't really see how with the idea that Se subs spend 2/3 of the time acquiring input rather than rationalising, the cognitive processes would still be identical to what Ti subs do. Or what substantiates the idea that the ideal balance is 50/50. In my opinion, it's the adaptation to the environment that dictates what the ideal balance is.

    Now, temporarily I did type as LSI-Se, and I certainly didn't see my cognitive processes identical to the LSI-Ti's I know, far from it actually, but as you can see I no longer see that type as fitting for myself anyway; but looking at others who typed on here as LSI-Se, they still seem to differ from LSI-Ti's cognitively.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Gonna post more here; I don't really see how with the idea that Se subs spend 2/3 of the time acquiring input rather than rationalising, the cognitive processes would still be identical to what Ti subs do. Or what substantiates the idea that the ideal balance is 50/50. In my opinion, it's the adaptation to the environment that dictates what the ideal balance is....
    I agree that adaptation may play a part in subtype development; as well, people search for niches to accommodate their subtypes. I have said in other posts that although very difficult, it's likely alterable - like kicking a bad habit. A Ti-subtype may be ideal for a laboratory-like environment but did that person choose that type of job because they were that way or did they have to become that subtype - chicken and egg perhaps; I know that I was such a subtype from childhood so I looked for a niche. Subtype revolves around the dwell-times of input and output processes and not the actual mechanics of data flow. I know that most fall on one side of the fence or the other but below that percentage, I find it impossible to determine subtype. Some imply that there are only subtypes but I think that most of a type fall in that indistinguishable middle, and have more of a balanced outward appearance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    I agree that adaptation may play a part in subtype development; as well, people search for niches to accommodate their subtypes. I have said in other posts that although very difficult, it's likely alterable - like kicking a bad habit. A Ti-subtype may be ideal for a laboratory-like environment but did that person choose that type of job because they were that way or did they have to become that subtype - chicken and egg perhaps; I know that I was such a subtype from childhood so I looked for a niche. Subtype revolves around the dwell-times of input and output processes and not the actual mechanics of data flow. I know that most fall on one side of the fence or the other but below that percentage, I find it impossible to determine subtype. Some imply that there are only subtypes but I think that most of a type fall in that indistinguishable middle, and have more of a balanced outward appearance.
    I mean this is a nice but unproven theory

    I can only give you my observations, which don't fit it but thanks for your response.

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    LSI-Ti subtype is best suited for handling all the rules and sub rules that bureaucracy has to offer. If they didn’t create the bureaucracy, they certainly enforce it, no exceptions. LSI-Se will do fine with all the massive rules and regulations, just a bit more relaxed when dealing with violations, more accepting of explanations that don’t adhere exactly to regulations, more hot-tempered, more prone to take action rather than argue over technicalities as opposed to the Ti subtype.

    Watch Ghost in the Shell SAC 2045 on Netflix. Batou is a great example of LSI-Se, whereas Chief Aramaki is LSI-Ti. John Smith (reference to Agent Smith from the Matrix) is LSI-Ti. The Major is SLE-Ti, but the Major from the manga (as in the original Major) is SLE-Se.

    John Smith, head of NSA. Doesn’t he just scream LSI

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    LSI-Ti subtype is best suited for handling all the rules and sub rules that bureaucracy has to offer. If they didn’t create the bureaucracy, they certainly enforce it, no exceptions. LSI-Se will do fine with all the massive rules and regulations, just a bit more relaxed when dealing with violations, more accepting of explanations that don’t adhere exactly to regulations, more hot-tempered, more prone to take action rather than argue over technicalities as opposed to the Ti subtype.
    Bureaucracy is annoying and a pain in the ass to deal with tbh.
    I really hate having to deal with rules and regulations, especially when they get in the way.
    LSI descriptions always sound like some anal autist.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-11-2020 at 04:41 PM.

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    Imo more Walter Kovacs LSI-Ti

    Geralt of Rivia LSI-Se

    Lmao, this is definitely something an LSI and EIE would end up doing in my experience. EIE are... hmm highly interesting, but difficult ppl for sure.

    Last edited by SGF; 10-11-2020 at 06:19 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Bureaucracy is annoying and a pain in the ass to deal with tbh.
    I really hate having to deal with rules and regulations, especially when they get in the way.
    LSI descriptions always sound like some anal autist.
    That's right, that Ti stuff is anal about precision. It's not just about figuring things out or whatever, it's essence includes that thing being pedantic/anal.

    But it's more like obsessive-compulsive personality disorder than autism when an LSI is unhealthy.

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    Not sure about Yennefer but interesting enough the actors that play Jaskier (EIE) and Geralt (cynical LSI-Se) are the same types as their characters. There's even a video where Joey talks about his special relationship with Henry. "If I can make him laugh then I know I did good." It may explain why their in-character dynamics are so appealing to a lot of people. It's utterly natural.

    edit: Joey has a Beta NF band you might enjoy

    Last edited by Tzuyu; 10-11-2020 at 09:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    That's right, that Ti stuff is anal about precision. It's not just about figuring things out or whatever, it's essence includes that thing being pedantic/anal.

    But it's more like obsessive-compulsive personality disorder than autism when an LSI is unhealthy.
    Sounds like an enneagram 1 thing tbh. I'll be honest, I have never seen an e1 ISTP be4.
    LSI under model G is Dario Nardi's ISTP or at least that is what I understood from Gulenko and Ben Vaserlan as that is what was used for comparison. From Gulenko's typing description he gave me LSI precisely, because I resemble ISTP as far as I can tell.

    Personality Type: ISTP - Analyzer Operator
    Temperament: Improvisor (SP)
    Interaction Style*: Chart-the-Course
    Likely Social Style: Analytic

    ISTP Snapshot

    Theme is action-driven problem solving.
    Talents lie in operating all kinds of tools and instruments and using frameworks for solving problems.
    Keen observers of the environment, they are a storehouse of data and facts relevant to analyzing and solving problems.
    Thrive on challenging situations and having the freedom to craft clever solutions and do whatever it takes to fix things and make them work. Take pride in their skill and virtuosity, which they seem to effortlessly acquire.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-12-2020 at 11:07 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Sounds like an enneagram 1 thing tbh. I'll be honest, I have never seen an e1 ISTP be4.
    Yeah it's kinda E1 though I think there's an E5, E6 and maybe even E3ish variant of it. And btw LSI-Ti descriptions match ISTJ not ISTP. LSI-Se may be closer to ISTP. (In mbti I mean)

    LSI under model G is Dario Nardi's ISTP or at least that is what I understood from Gulenko and Ben Vaserlan as that is what was used for comparison. From Gulenko's typing description he gave me LSI precisely, because I resemble ISTP as far as I can tell.
    I'm not familiar with model G (not into it that deep lol)

    But I can see how you relate to some mbti ISTP stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Bureaucracy is annoying and a pain in the ass to deal with tbh.
    I really hate having to deal with rules and regulations, especially when they get in the way.
    LSI descriptions always sound like some anal autist.
    I’ve encountered more LSI-Ti types than the Se subtype and most have been through work. The descriptions sound unflattering but I don’t think it should be seen as unflattering. Bureaucracy was created to level the playing field. So if you qualify, your eligibility is based upon fulfilling the criteria (rules) and not because you’re fucking your way through (Fi). LSI wants to ensure the system’s integrity remains intact so that the system operates as it should. Whether the players adhere to the rules or not, that’s not LSI’s concern. LSI is essentially the referee and calls out violations as they see it. What happens to the person who violates the rules isn’t of interest. LSI isn’t an enforcer of consequence, they enforce the structure itself. SLE is actually the corrections officer and likes enforcing consequences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Well, in MBTI tests I did consistently get ISTP, never ISTJ. They seem way too surface-level. The -Se subtype might be one reason I initially got typed SLI by some people (including you) here.
    Anyone can be anything on MBTI because the test questions are based on dichotomy personal preferences and framed from Barnum Forer effect. It’s the same method as fortunetelling. Do you like alone time? Yes. You're an introvert! The way MBTI defines introvert and extrovert is socially based, which is wrong. That and their description of functions don’t match Jung’s. MBTI Ti is not Jung’s Ti. It’s often a mixture of Te, Fi, diluted Ti. That’s just one example. Se is super fucked up in MBTI- a lot of it is actually Ne and Si. List goes on. It definitely doesn’t help matters much that people are vastly mistyped and perpetuate misinformation and elevate anecdotal shit as their justification for typings, and this goes for MBTI and Socionics.

    It’s common for ISTP of MBTI to remain ISTp in socionics but the functions are different. A lot of MBTI ISTP really hate Fe, and not surprising ISTp are Fe PoLR. They do have 4D Ti but it’s demo. They’re grumpy and bank on their grumpiness like it’s a badge of honor because they believe the stereotype that ISTP/Ti Se means being grumpy and reject outward emotional expression. I’ll bet people typed you SLI because it’s the lazy way, MBTI = Socionics type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Geralt of Rivia LSI-Se

    Lmao, this is definitely something an LSI and EIE would end up doing in my experience. EIE are... hmm highly interesting, but difficult ppl for sure.

    wait, so you think tv Geralt is LSI? Instinctively I kind of thought of him as SLI-Te because he seems to have Te that is motivated by his relations with everyone around him, such as how he feels about monsters and humans and how they treat one another or his disdain for royalty; otherwise he is pretty indifferent. I think an LSI, by their nature, would see value in the authority, even if they don't think much of the person who has it and would get involved with people for more logical reasons and less personal feeling about them. More like Spock perhaps.

    Yennefer also seems to have Fe demonstrative, like she uses it to play a role for whatever her aim or goal is, like Fe is not really an aim in itself like an Fe lead. I wish there was more discussion in the witcher thread now. -
    I'm open to other interpretations, especially from self-typed EIEs, SEEs, and SLIs, and LSIs that might have seen the show.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    I’ve encountered more LSI-Ti types than the Se subtype and most have been through work. The descriptions sound unflattering but I don’t think it should be seen as unflattering. Bureaucracy was created to level the playing field. So if you qualify, your eligibility is based upon fulfilling the criteria (rules) and not because you’re fucking your way through (Fi). LSI wants to ensure the system’s integrity remains intact so that the system operates as it should. Whether the players adhere to the rules or not, that’s not LSI’s concern. LSI is essentially the referee and calls out violations as they see it. What happens to the person who violates the rules isn’t of interest. LSI isn’t an enforcer of consequence, they enforce the structure itself. SLE is actually the corrections officer and likes enforcing consequences.
    In that sense, yeah, I don't make exceptions for people. Its more of a "This is how things work here. No exceptions will be made." Snowflakes be damned.I prefer however if rules are simple, logical and make things flow efficiently, rather than convoluted arbitrary rules without sense which exist to get in the way.If some rule is stupid I'm gonna have to know why the fuck it exists and if I don't consider the reason to make sense.. I'll ignore the rule for sure. I argue with my boss sometimes to the point where he gets angry and says "Just do as I say!".. when I think he is being stupid.

    I admit tho I'm not a very good soldier when it comes to being forced to do something I disagree with and react with violence to coercion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    wait, so you think tv Geralt is LSI? Instinctively I kind of thought of him as SLI-Te because he seems to have Te that is motivated by his relations with everyone around him, such as how he feels about monsters and humans and how they treat one another or his disdain for royalty; otherwise he is pretty indifferent. I think an LSI, by their nature, would see value in the authority, even if they don't think much of the person who has it and would get involved with people for more logical reasons and less personal feeling about them. More like Spock perhaps.

    Yennefer also seems to have Fe demonstrative, like she uses it to play a role for whatever her aim or goal is, like Fe is not really an aim in itself like an Fe lead. I wish there was more discussion in the witcher thread now. -
    I'm open to other interpretations, especially from self-typed EIEs, SEEs, and SLIs, and LSIs that might have seen the show.
    Because I relate to how Geralt thinks in both the books and the series. He actually thinks about morality and most other things in a logical way, such as his reasoning against the lesser evil. He is a cynical sob like me as well, often philosophizing. He has his own code or rules by which he does things (Ti) based on his own understanding (something I relate to). I'm no Spock, he is LII. further, Spock's lvl of emotional detachment would be alien to me considering I'm triple reactive in the enneagram. I can go with rage from 0 to 60 in less than 2.3 seconds.

    “Evil is evil, Stregobor,” said the witcher seriously as he got up. “Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I’m not a pious hermit. I haven't done only good in my life. But if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”

    “How do you find cohabiting with neighbors from whom, after all, you do differ somewhat?"
    "I manage." The witcher looked him straight in the eyes, "I manage because I have to. Because I've no other way out. Because I've overcome the vanity and pride of being different. I've understood that they are a pitiful defense against being different. Because I've understood that the sun shines differently when something changes, but I'm not the axis of those changes. The sun shines differently, but it will continue to shine, and jumping at it with a hoe isn't going to do anything. We've got to accept facts, elf. That's what we've got to learn.”

    “Were I to attempt to be good to everyone, to the entire world and to all the creatures living in it, it would be a drop of fresh water in the salt sea. In other words, a wasted effort. Thus, I decided to do specific good; good which would not go to waste. I’m good to myself and my immediate circle.”

    “Why didn't you become a sorcerer, Geralt? Weren't you ever attracted by the Art? Be honest.'
    'I will. I was.'
    'Why, then, didn't you follow the voice of that attraction?'
    'I decided it would be wiser to follow the voice of good sense.'
    'Years of practice in the witcher's trade have taught me not to bite off more than I can chew. Do you know, Vilgefortz, I once knew a dwarf, who, as a child, dreamed of being an elf. What do you think; would he have become one had he followed the voice of attraction?”

    “I don't believe in Melitele, don't believe in the existence of other gods either, but I respect your choice, your sacrifice. Your belief. Because your faith and sacrifice, the price you're paying for your silence, will make you better, a greater being. Or, at least, it could. But my faithlessness can do nothing. It's powerless.”
    Last edited by SGF; 10-13-2020 at 07:21 AM.

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    I don't think LSI bureaucracy needs to be all that genuine in order for it be very effective. I kind of do see LSIs as the governmental glue that keeps the quadra together in ways, even if they themselves would naturally hate the government. (I after all hate 'being good' but I can still play at being good very well.) All Betas (and all the other types) are essentially lying and manipulating to rule the world:

    SLE: Will get power because they can pretend to be tough
    IEI: Will get power because they can pretend to be good
    LSI: Will get power because they can pretend to be bureacratic
    EIE: Will get power because they can pretend to be visionary

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    I’ve encountered more LSI-Ti types than the Se subtype and most have been through work. The descriptions sound unflattering but I don’t think it should be seen as unflattering. Bureaucracy was created to level the playing field. So if you qualify, your eligibility is based upon fulfilling the criteria (rules) and not because you’re fucking your way through (Fi). LSI wants to ensure the system’s integrity remains intact so that the system operates as it should. Whether the players adhere to the rules or not, that’s not LSI’s concern. LSI is essentially the referee and calls out violations as they see it. What happens to the person who violates the rules isn’t of interest. LSI isn’t an enforcer of consequence, they enforce the structure itself. SLE is actually the corrections officer and likes enforcing consequences.
    lol I liked that way of putting it.

    How do you see LSI-Ti different from LSI-Se? The LSI friend you posted a pic of, is she Ti sub?

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