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Thread: Please help me find my type!!

  1. #1
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Post Please help me find my type!!

    I think I am either IEI or EII, but I have got EIE, LSE, ESI, and LII on some tests. Then I found this questionnaire, so here it goes:
    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I study Computer Engineering, never had a job. I like the course, but I'm not sure I'll get a good job after graduating, because I am not a Computer Geek. I'm still living with my parents.

    What are your values, and why?

    I don't like to think about it, so I'm not very conscious. Sorry

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I play the keyboard and the guitar regularly, I can spend many hours playing the keyboard alone, but I prefer when someone is present so he or she can enjoy the music. I am always trying to find information that I can apply to practical matters. I once memorized 1500 digits of Pi in two days just to learn memory techniques. I can learn musical instruments really fast. I like language learning books and courses, and have learned 4/5 languages well enough to understand conversations and read in it. I am always trying to gain practical knowledge and develop mental abilities.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    Very superficial. I related better to the children, since they say have more energy and are less judging. But in general, I am in friendly terms with everyone, I just don't like to interact with them since it is very boring. I don't talk to much with my friends. There are many people I would like to interact more, but they live too far. I have serious problem with conversations since I have a pretty bad autobiographical memory. I like to ask lots of questions and I am pretty good at it. There are many things I dislike about family and friends, but I don't think too much about it.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I look for comfortable, self correcting friendships, and I long for deep, meaningful (for both parts) interaction and joint activities. But that usually is not the case.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    None. Sometimes my father irritates me but we don't fight. I never attack anyone, but I usually defend myself, but if the interaction is going nowhere I get out of it.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Shy, intelligent, heartless (but I am very emotional), talented, music prodigy, poliglot, crazy, funny, responsible, commited, methodical, sincere.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I have no ideia. People ask me to teach things. Or ask for help with music and language learning. I like that I am always trying to learn something, but that's all.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I underestimate goals a lot. People say I could do more in life, get better grades, etc. I have a pretty bad autobiographical memory. I sometimes act irrationally or say things that don't make sense. I get bored very easily, but my life is full of boredom, except when I am playing music or watching a good movie.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I hate bureaucracy. That's all. I am pretty bad at it. I would like help with reaching out for people to ask for things. I don't have many friends, so I would like to have a friendship with someone who has many friends where we could get extra help with daily affairs.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I hate to do things without a purpose. I hate to study subjects that have no real application in real life or can't be observed IRL. I would hate to paint a wall if it is already beautiful. I don't like to clean things that are only a little dirty. I enjoy studying psychology more than anyone I know. I tend to laugh at people who take mundane affairs too seriously or can't control themselves emotionally.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I want to have a good job. If possible, to form a good family. But deep down all I want is to be rich and make some impact on the world.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    I would probably spend my time on making some impact on the world. Could be scientifically, socially, etc.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    Being too intelligent is endearing for me. People who talk about other peoples lives are very annoying. People who assume things are annoying. People who spread out unreliable information are extremely annoying.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I am good at making my environment beautiful. that's all. Daily chores are seen as boring but necessary. I hate a messy house. I hate objects with no use in the house, I'd rather get rid of them.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I get very weirdo. Sometimes I am shy to look at the person in the eyes. I usually maintain very long psycological distance, but at the same time I can easily self deprecate myself telling something very weird and personal about me. I have an easier time telling secrets to strangers.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I know how to avoid conflict. I can put other's wishes before my owns for a higher purpose. I have never been insulted. But I can be offended with words people may say about me or when someone does something opposite to what I expected.

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    People assume you're intelligent if you do unusual things. Learning stuff comes from interest, not from intelligence.

    What did you do last Friday?

    I have no ideia

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    The only accomplishment that I really value is getting top 10 at a national linguistics olympiad here in Brazil

    What is something you regret?

    Not being courageous enough

    Who do you admire, and why?

    I admire people who are admired by many people. That's all

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    I am really concerned about not being able to find a stable job in the future. I have tried entering some internship programs without success. I am pretty bad at interviews and telling about my strengths, and talking about my life (since I don't remember much of it). So I am trying to become a better "speaker".

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    I believe in an intelligent design of the universe. I can't see a reason to live if there isn't a major intelligence who created laws that should be followed.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I don't care about politics at all.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    Yes. To make some impact. I would like to be the visionary guy. It could be of any kind.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    A comfortable environment is good enough. I look for purpose in a job. I want to work at something meaningful to me

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    Physics. I didn't have to study it much. I also enjoyed ESL (English) classes

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I try not to mess with other people affairs. So I become conscentious when I have some responsability. I expect commitment from others.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    I went to Wisconsin-USA (I live in Brazil). What I enjoyed most was having to make a speech in front of 100 people (after some preparation) and playing the piano at someone's house.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was very emotional, sincere, and friendly. I am not drawn to other people anymore. I want a few very good friends.

    What was your high school experience like?

    I was very lazy, but I had the greatest school achievements. I memorized Pi (and stuff) , started learning languages, became good at math, had some teachers call me a genius.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    I playing the keyboard with someone I really cared about at a couple's party. I had a feeling of elation with that person at rehearsal's time twice (in different days).

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Yes. Because they show strong interest in me

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I would be worried about pretty much everything. I would need help with it.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Life is a rut. That's all

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I always find something admirable in people. One social problem is that people are very judging. People don't explore other people's world.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    I either change my will or look for a solution from someone (if I can't find on my own).

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Yes. In pretty much any area. But I usually am not good at giving orders. But I don't care about taking leadership unless if I see that the leader is not capable.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    I never get angry. Unless if someone insults me.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I gave a speech at a wedding cerimony as the best man, and had people laughing a lot.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I don't remember

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    Finding solution to problems. I value meaningful relationships, and expression of feelings through music, movies, etc.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    I can't think of any interesting place.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    As a kid I cared about my appearance a lot. Then in my teenage years I didn't give a ship to my appearance. Now I try to dress with good taste. And I put some effort to it.

    Do you like surprises?
    Yes. I hate unsurprising stuff.

  2. #2

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    Sounds like SEI.

  3. #3
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    I see many examples of Ni (which I associate with dreams, abstractions, and a disassociation from real life) and some examples of Se-seeking (needing someone to do things for you). You very well could be IEI.

    But, as @para said, you could also be SEI. There is some comfort-seeking there, too, and you greatly admire intelligence, which generally describes ILE's more than SLE's.

  4. #4
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    You’re not EII. EII can’t really study anything not related to the human scope and technical stuff is above our heads
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    EII can’t really study anything not related to the human scope and technical stuff is above our heads
    This is not true. Any type can study anything.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    You’re not EII. EII can’t really study anything not related to the human scope and technical stuff is above our heads
    this is gross nonsense

  7. #7
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    This is not true. Any type can study anything.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Saying nope doesn't prove or explain anything, you could say xlursp instead of nope, it has the same effect as nope. I know an EII who studied computer science and even if I didn't know any EII at all, it only takes common sense to see that every type is capable of studying anything. Of course one could say that X types generally prefers to study Y subjects. If you think that studying technical stuff is above your head, then it is about you, it is not about the type that you think you have.

    Feel free to respond to me by typing only "Nope." or "Xlursp."

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Apparently I use Ni, Fe, Te, and Si consciously. I consider myself very introverted. Then I may be either ESI, IEI, SLI or ILI

  11. #11
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    None of these questions will help in determining your type.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  12. #12
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    I'll throw my guess into the crapshoot. LSI or ESI

  13. #13
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    I put this questionnaire on a facebook group and didn't tell anything about my type. The consensus was that I am SLI. I have many characteristics associated with this type. I could be ESI though, but my Fe is broken. I think I'm bad at Fe. So, for now, I consider myself SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    The consensus was that I am SLI.
    1) you may answer to fit some type as you should to know the theory. people do not see your nonverbal by which is hard to fool
    2) a consensus of incompetent ones (what are the most of Socionics active fans) with the lack of info is not significant
    3) a consensus when people know others opinions is lesser important due to conformism

    without video - it's not a normal typing

  15. #15
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Sol, made a video when I was studying French
    Can you guess my type based solely on it?

    I could make a new video 10min long but only if this one doesn't help.

  16. #16
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    the only possibilities I see from that questionnaire is xLE, that, or xEE. Is SLI possible? I really don't know.

    Edit. I envy the musical abilities of brazilian ppl.

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    he seems closer to F type on the photo in the profile
    after the video:
    F, I
    some closer to N

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Can you guess my type based solely on it?
    would be better to make a typing interview. mb will give more about the type
    Last edited by Sol; 03-29-2019 at 10:04 PM.

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    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackberry View Post
    the only possibilities I see from that questionnaire is xLE, that, or xEE. Is SLI.
    I'm sure I'm not SLE/SEE. I could be a distorted version of an IEE

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    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    after the video:
    F, I
    some closer to N
    You mean FiNe? Or just Ethical/Intuitive and Introvert (either EII or IEI)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    You mean FiNe? Or just Ethical/Intuitive and Introvert (either EII or IEI)?
    F-I type
    N is more possible, but not sure in N

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    F-I type
    N is more possible, but not sure in N
    Ok. Then I have IEI, EII, SEI, and ESI. I would consider IEE-Ne subtype too
    Last edited by BrainlessSquid; 03-30-2019 at 02:55 PM.

  22. #22
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    "What are your values, and why?

    I don't like to think about it, so I'm not very conscious. Sorry"

    Well this rules out an Fi base or creative type imo, generally they have well fleshed out values that they feel very strongly about.

    Seemingly unvalued Se as well, so you're either Alpha or Delta. That's about as close as I'm getting with this.

    Edit: Forgot the quote.
    Last edited by Chakram; 03-30-2019 at 05:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    "Well this rules out an Fi base or creative type imo, generally they have well fleshed out values that they feel very strongly about.

    Seemingly unvalued Se as well, so you're either Alpha or Delta.
    That would mean I could be a strong IEE-Ne?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Then I have IEI, EII, SEI, and ESI
    I recommend IR test to have more about your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    That would mean I could be a strong IEE-Ne?
    I'm honestly not sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I recommend IR test to have more about your type.
    I sorted the types and got

    SiTe, NiTe, FiNe, SiFe, NeFi, TeSi, TiSe, NiFe, TiNe, FiSe, FeSi, NeTi, SeFi, SeTi, TeNi, FeNi. So I am most likely ENFp, since that would result in a preference for

    Dual, illusionary, Mirror, Semi-dual, Identity, Activity, Conflicting, Contrary, Supervision, Supervision, Benefit, Comparative, Look-a-Like, Super-Ego, Benefit, Quasi-Identical, in this order.
    Last edited by BrainlessSquid; 04-02-2019 at 07:20 PM.

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    Among F types fits the best and good IEE indeed. But as on the current video I saw the introvertion, would be useful to make a common typing video. Mostly I suspected EII.

  28. #28
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    I saw T (Te?) valuing in your questionnaire. I didn't watch the video.
    i.e. hate messy house, hate objects with no use. Offended when people do something opposite to what was expected. Valuing academic achievements only. Life is a rut.

    Also I don't really see IEE. You say don't stick to your values (change your will or look for a solution from others when you can't get things your way) and say you don't like to think about things like that. That's no way to Fi.
    At this again.
    9w1 sx/so
    Cancer Sun, Mercury and Mars, Virgo Ascendant and Moon, Taurus Venus. Fortunately spiced up with Uranus on IC.

  29. #29
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    your videos clearly indicate SEI-Fe 9w1 so/sp as your full type.

    Here's your best fit in Stackemup Typology's VI templates for each socionics type and subtype:

    Here's the only valid breakdown for every type, wing and stack for which 9w1 so/sp fits you best:

    Now that I've shown you your type, get over to the Alpha Sub-forum and start contributing to threads related to SEI.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-03-2019 at 12:41 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    your videos clearly indicate SEI-Fe 9w1 so/sp as your full type.

    Here's your best fit in Stackemup Typology's VI templates for each socionics type and subtype:

    Here's the only valid breakdown for every type, wing and stack for which 9w1 so/sp fits you best:

    Now that I've shown you your type, get over to the Alpha Sub-forum and start contributing to threads related to SEI.
    Or maybe I'm a dualized IEE using demonstrative Fe

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Or maybe I'm a dualized IEE using demonstrative Fe
    More possibly when nontypes factors change suface behavior closer to other types traits, than when a human has a hypotethical and rare state of a balanced type.

    On the video you've given you look closer to introverts. There is a possibility you were there not in common state and a video made by recommendations will give other impressions about you.

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    I'd make a video if you can. What you talked about in French was kinda basic so it didn't really give a very deep view into your personality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I'd make a video if you can. What you talked about in French was kinda basic so it didn't really give a very deep view into your personality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsTortilla View Post
    Yeah, the one here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Sol, made a video when I was studying French
    Can you guess my type based solely on it?

    I could make a new video 10min long but only if this one doesn't help.

  35. #35
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    SLI- you can add to your strength and weaknesses from this

    Gabin, Male portrait, ISTp by Beskova

    The SLI man is relaxed, thorough, and impenetrably calm. He produces an impression of a manly and restrained person, possessing a deep sense of self-worth. He typically has an excellent aesthetic taste and selects convenient, inconspicuous clothing: often dark grey and dark blue sweaters and shirts of calm tones.

    GABIN tends to be solidly built, with sluggish movements, somewhat lazy. He likes to adopt positions where he is half-sitting and half-lying down. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, he will immediately adopt the pose optimal for restfulness, in which he can relax and be at ease.

    In a calm state, he appears to be submerged into himself, with a serious look on his face, noticing little of what is transpiring around him, especially when he is working. However, somehow he still manages to see everything. If you approach him reluctantly, he will slowly raise his eyes with phlegmatic, melancholy expression. It may even seem that he isn't living, but suffering.

    With someone he doesn't know, it is difficult for him to find a suitable topic for conversation. However, if you initiate a discussion, GABIN will considerately and comprehensively commentate and answer your questions. Usually, he speaks quietly, trying not to attract excess attention.

    GABIN's smile, as a rule, is not displayed for everyone, but only to people who are close and familiar to him. It makes his austere, unemotional face appear unusually endearing.

    In the childhood, the boy of this type is often distinguished by good physical training. He is adroit and mobile. He feels at ease during lessons of gymnastics or martial arts. Trainings gives him great pleasure, since his body is so obedient to him. His interests often include modeling, and generally anything where he has to work with hands, since he tends to be very skillful at handwork.

    Boys of this type usually study well, although it seems that they do so with much unwillingness, as if from under a stick. There is a persistent impression that GABIN has to do his homework through force, fighting (at times even successfully) with his infinite laziness. Sometimes he loses this struggle, and then, especially in the upper classes, his education goes down the drain.

    In principle, GABIN is assiduous, sensible, and capable of achieving good results, especially in natural and precise sciences. But the acclaim of being a honorary student rarely appeals to him.

    With age, GABIN enjoys systematic exercise and sport increasingly less, although from time to time can entertain himself with lifting some weights.

    Men of this type are observant, possess an ironic mind and an unobtrusive, refined sense of humor, although they are not willing to show this for just anyone. GABIN overall is not very demonstrative and prefers a sufficiently secluded, calm life far away from people, the noise, the fuss, and all the possible calamities.

    GABIN exists as if outside of current culture. He is unusually critical of everything, retains his own point of view, and is difficult to influence by advertisements or other manifestations of popular culture. Clubbing, senseless noisy gathering with many unknown people where no one can hear anyone else, do not draw youths of this type.

    Another matter is a social gathering with familiar people, where he feels himself valued and loved, a small corporate party for example. Here GABIN can even take initiative and proceed to entertain guests, or, at least, he will try to support the general atmosphere of celebration.

    Not every girl is able to entice distrustful GABIN. First, he does not believe that he can be attractive to someone. Second, rarely everyone succeeds in awakening any enthusiasm or interest in him - indeed GABIN, as a rule, does not hurry anywhere. Behind his courageous, solid appearance hides impossible shyness and indecisiveness. His understanding of relationships is poor, thus he does not see when he should show initiative and when it's unnecessary. So that everything is simple and not as terrifying, he may prefer to not take any initiative at all. Instead, he chooses to fill himself with mysteriousness to excite curiosity in others by his absence.

    Relations with GABIN usually happen accidentally - he himself does not understand where they came from and how they originated. He is capable of falling in love from a distance, only by eyes, observing the person who randomly captured his heart for a long time. In this case, being a contemplator by his nature, he can spend months and even years in this state and not take any action.

    A story from real life of male GABIN: "I was studying in medical school, and one girl seemed very attractive to me. And I walked around and looked at her, and for entire 6 years I continued liking her. And the next 2 years of residency as well. Then I finished with school. After some time I called her and asked her to marry me. She agreed. Thus we became married."

    GABIN is reserved (because he is easily wounded), and does not like to put his feelings on display for strangers. Fact is that he is not so confident in himself, as it may seem. Learn to give praise and support to your partner, then he will more easily manage his life, and will feel somewhat better about himself.

    GABIN can only fit one relationship per unit of time, therefore he usually does not have many real relationships. If he suddenly discovers that his thoughts and his heart are occupied by a new person, he easily closes the old chapter of his life and begins from a new, blank page without many pangs of conscience. Memories of the past, as a rule, leave him indifferent because he lives by the present day.

    If GABIN has married, then he can keep his family for a long period of time, sometimes for life. For this he has to be sufficiently comfortable - then laziness will dissuade him from changing anything. In addition, he fears that new life might be worse than his current life. He cannot foresee such things. In family life, the most difficult part for him is explication and analysis of relations, scandals, tears. Don't forget that the soft and benevolent GABIN can also become very austere and insensitive. If anything is not to his liking, he will, without any ceremonies, inform you about it with a concealed but distinctive threat in his voice. You will understand then that he is not going to repeat himself twice. During such moments, it is better not to argue with him, since his anger is usually short-lived. Though he is jealous and touchy, simultaneously he can also be very sympathetic.

    Among GABINs there are those who choose a single partner for their entire life (if man of this type is lucky enough to meet that woman, whom he can love his entire life). If the relationship with GABIN is built on trust, then it will be solid and lasting. This helps him to periodically be in a good mood, to feel as a close friend of his wife (or girlfriend) and care after her. In such cases, GABIN is exceptionally trusting and open, and experienced sincere comfort of the soul and happiness. So that this lasts, he is capable of much.

    Children in the family of GABIN usually enjoy the patronage of their father. He is not petty and condescending to them. Frequently, he grows attached to them and makes friends with them, trying to teach them anything useful.

    With housework, he is industrious and does a lot of work with his hands. At home his snobbery is manifested in him giving preference to expensive, beautiful things. He loves all possible mechanisms, that can make his life more convenient and comfortable.

    Being practical, GABIN, both at home and at work, does only that which is actually needed and which will bring concrete benefit. He is not inclined to squander his resources and is an expert at estimating the relationship between price and quality of goods. He also knows, how much time and labor will be required to earn the sum necessary for acquisition.

    The results of such calculations frequently indicate that it's not even worth it to start anything. In short, GABIN lives according to the principle of saving energy, i.e. he tries not to make more, but instead to reduce his needs to the minimum, in order to expand as little effort as possible. Generally, he prefers so that any work becomes automated, since he does not like to overstrain himself, and never passes the opportunity to exist as long as possible in a state of comfort and rest.

    In any undertaking, GABIN lacks the necessary emotional attitude, i.e. enthusiasm; therefore he needs someone who will help him overcome his inertia and inspire him to take on the new matters. Frequently, it is easy to get GABIN moving by suggesting some novel, light enterprise - he loves to feel refreshed by unusual impressions. These enhance his life, make it appear in new light for him, help him avoid the periods of constant boredom and inactivity. Sometimes men of this type quickly get ready and leave for a journey. Some love to go traveling or hiking, reconciling with having to spend time in inconvenience and the absence of comfort for the sake of gaining new impressions, which are necessary for them as fresh air.

    For this same reason (GABIN knows himself, how pleasant in life is anything new) he loves to create surprises. Can present anything, which a close person has dreamed about for a long time, or unexpectedly do something pleasant for them. He himself in such cases is no less glad than the recipient of his gifts and favors. He loves to sometimes unexpectedly arrive at a place, where, to his knowledge, his dear woman will be present at this very moment. And to shine with happiness, that now he will gladden her by its his appearance.

    Although GABIN is lazy, he will never become penniless. Moreover, the work, which he selects for himself, is usually something serious, that requires from him both high level of professional skill and expertise, and ability to make independent decisions. Both of these qualities are usually present in abundance in him. GABINs make for good doctors, physical therapists, economists, architects, computer specialists, natural scientists, and movie directors.

    However, besides the business aspects, human relations at work are exceptionally important for GABIN. He monitors them carefully. It is necessary for him that he is loved, valued, and praised. As a result of his constant (but almost imperceptible) efforts in this direction, GABIN usually occupies the role of everyone's favorite in a group.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  36. #36
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    SLI- you can add to your strength and weaknesses from this

    Gabin, Male portrait, ISTp by Beskova

    The SLI man is relaxed, thorough, and impenetrably calm. He produces an impression of a manly and restrained person, possessing a deep sense of self-worth. He typically has an excellent aesthetic taste and selects convenient, inconspicuous clothing: often dark grey and dark blue sweaters and shirts of calm tones.

    GABIN tends to be solidly built, with sluggish movements, somewhat lazy. He likes to adopt positions where he is half-sitting and half-lying down. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, he will immediately adopt the pose optimal for restfulness, in which he can relax and be at ease.

    In a calm state, he appears to be submerged into himself, with a serious look on his face, noticing little of what is transpiring around him, especially when he is working. However, somehow he still manages to see everything. If you approach him reluctantly, he will slowly raise his eyes with phlegmatic, melancholy expression. It may even seem that he isn't living, but suffering.

    With someone he doesn't know, it is difficult for him to find a suitable topic for conversation. However, if you initiate a discussion, GABIN will considerately and comprehensively commentate and answer your questions. Usually, he speaks quietly, trying not to attract excess attention.

    GABIN's smile, as a rule, is not displayed for everyone, but only to people who are close and familiar to him. It makes his austere, unemotional face appear unusually endearing.

    In the childhood, the boy of this type is often distinguished by good physical training. He is adroit and mobile. He feels at ease during lessons of gymnastics or martial arts. Trainings gives him great pleasure, since his body is so obedient to him. His interests often include modeling, and generally anything where he has to work with hands, since he tends to be very skillful at handwork.

    Boys of this type usually study well, although it seems that they do so with much unwillingness, as if from under a stick. There is a persistent impression that GABIN has to do his homework through force, fighting (at times even successfully) with his infinite laziness. Sometimes he loses this struggle, and then, especially in the upper classes, his education goes down the drain.

    In principle, GABIN is assiduous, sensible, and capable of achieving good results, especially in natural and precise sciences. But the acclaim of being a honorary student rarely appeals to him.

    With age, GABIN enjoys systematic exercise and sport increasingly less, although from time to time can entertain himself with lifting some weights.

    Men of this type are observant, possess an ironic mind and an unobtrusive, refined sense of humor, although they are not willing to show this for just anyone. GABIN overall is not very demonstrative and prefers a sufficiently secluded, calm life far away from people, the noise, the fuss, and all the possible calamities.

    GABIN exists as if outside of current culture. He is unusually critical of everything, retains his own point of view, and is difficult to influence by advertisements or other manifestations of popular culture. Clubbing, senseless noisy gathering with many unknown people where no one can hear anyone else, do not draw youths of this type.

    Another matter is a social gathering with familiar people, where he feels himself valued and loved, a small corporate party for example. Here GABIN can even take initiative and proceed to entertain guests, or, at least, he will try to support the general atmosphere of celebration.

    Not every girl is able to entice distrustful GABIN. First, he does not believe that he can be attractive to someone. Second, rarely everyone succeeds in awakening any enthusiasm or interest in him - indeed GABIN, as a rule, does not hurry anywhere. Behind his courageous, solid appearance hides impossible shyness and indecisiveness. His understanding of relationships is poor, thus he does not see when he should show initiative and when it's unnecessary. So that everything is simple and not as terrifying, he may prefer to not take any initiative at all. Instead, he chooses to fill himself with mysteriousness to excite curiosity in others by his absence.

    Relations with GABIN usually happen accidentally - he himself does not understand where they came from and how they originated. He is capable of falling in love from a distance, only by eyes, observing the person who randomly captured his heart for a long time. In this case, being a contemplator by his nature, he can spend months and even years in this state and not take any action.

    A story from real life of male GABIN: "I was studying in medical school, and one girl seemed very attractive to me. And I walked around and looked at her, and for entire 6 years I continued liking her. And the next 2 years of residency as well. Then I finished with school. After some time I called her and asked her to marry me. She agreed. Thus we became married."

    GABIN is reserved (because he is easily wounded), and does not like to put his feelings on display for strangers. Fact is that he is not so confident in himself, as it may seem. Learn to give praise and support to your partner, then he will more easily manage his life, and will feel somewhat better about himself.

    GABIN can only fit one relationship per unit of time, therefore he usually does not have many real relationships. If he suddenly discovers that his thoughts and his heart are occupied by a new person, he easily closes the old chapter of his life and begins from a new, blank page without many pangs of conscience. Memories of the past, as a rule, leave him indifferent because he lives by the present day.

    If GABIN has married, then he can keep his family for a long period of time, sometimes for life. For this he has to be sufficiently comfortable - then laziness will dissuade him from changing anything. In addition, he fears that new life might be worse than his current life. He cannot foresee such things. In family life, the most difficult part for him is explication and analysis of relations, scandals, tears. Don't forget that the soft and benevolent GABIN can also become very austere and insensitive. If anything is not to his liking, he will, without any ceremonies, inform you about it with a concealed but distinctive threat in his voice. You will understand then that he is not going to repeat himself twice. During such moments, it is better not to argue with him, since his anger is usually short-lived. Though he is jealous and touchy, simultaneously he can also be very sympathetic.

    Among GABINs there are those who choose a single partner for their entire life (if man of this type is lucky enough to meet that woman, whom he can love his entire life). If the relationship with GABIN is built on trust, then it will be solid and lasting. This helps him to periodically be in a good mood, to feel as a close friend of his wife (or girlfriend) and care after her. In such cases, GABIN is exceptionally trusting and open, and experienced sincere comfort of the soul and happiness. So that this lasts, he is capable of much.

    Children in the family of GABIN usually enjoy the patronage of their father. He is not petty and condescending to them. Frequently, he grows attached to them and makes friends with them, trying to teach them anything useful.

    With housework, he is industrious and does a lot of work with his hands. At home his snobbery is manifested in him giving preference to expensive, beautiful things. He loves all possible mechanisms, that can make his life more convenient and comfortable.

    Being practical, GABIN, both at home and at work, does only that which is actually needed and which will bring concrete benefit. He is not inclined to squander his resources and is an expert at estimating the relationship between price and quality of goods. He also knows, how much time and labor will be required to earn the sum necessary for acquisition.

    The results of such calculations frequently indicate that it's not even worth it to start anything. In short, GABIN lives according to the principle of saving energy, i.e. he tries not to make more, but instead to reduce his needs to the minimum, in order to expand as little effort as possible. Generally, he prefers so that any work becomes automated, since he does not like to overstrain himself, and never passes the opportunity to exist as long as possible in a state of comfort and rest.

    In any undertaking, GABIN lacks the necessary emotional attitude, i.e. enthusiasm; therefore he needs someone who will help him overcome his inertia and inspire him to take on the new matters. Frequently, it is easy to get GABIN moving by suggesting some novel, light enterprise - he loves to feel refreshed by unusual impressions. These enhance his life, make it appear in new light for him, help him avoid the periods of constant boredom and inactivity. Sometimes men of this type quickly get ready and leave for a journey. Some love to go traveling or hiking, reconciling with having to spend time in inconvenience and the absence of comfort for the sake of gaining new impressions, which are necessary for them as fresh air.

    For this same reason (GABIN knows himself, how pleasant in life is anything new) he loves to create surprises. Can present anything, which a close person has dreamed about for a long time, or unexpectedly do something pleasant for them. He himself in such cases is no less glad than the recipient of his gifts and favors. He loves to sometimes unexpectedly arrive at a place, where, to his knowledge, his dear woman will be present at this very moment. And to shine with happiness, that now he will gladden her by its his appearance.

    Although GABIN is lazy, he will never become penniless. Moreover, the work, which he selects for himself, is usually something serious, that requires from him both high level of professional skill and expertise, and ability to make independent decisions. Both of these qualities are usually present in abundance in him. GABINs make for good doctors, physical therapists, economists, architects, computer specialists, natural scientists, and movie directors.

    However, besides the business aspects, human relations at work are exceptionally important for GABIN. He monitors them carefully. It is necessary for him that he is loved, valued, and praised. As a result of his constant (but almost imperceptible) efforts in this direction, GABIN usually occupies the role of everyone's favorite in a group.
    I agree with at least 80% of it, but deep down, I feel that I am a feeler. I also think that I'm an extrovert who likes to socialize with a few people. And I tend to consider myself intuitive instead of a sensor. And I am pretty much Perceiving type. So, this results in ENFp, although I don't relate to the descriptions for this type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    I agree with at least 80% of it, but deep down, I feel that I am a feeler. I also think that I'm an extrovert who likes to socialize with a few people. And I tend to consider myself intuitive instead of a sensor. And I am pretty much Perceiving type. So, this results in ENFp, although I don't relate to the descriptions for this type.
    You silly goose, this isn't how we type in Socionics.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    You silly goose, this isn't how we type in Socionics.
    Oh yeah? HOW do you type in Socionics?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Oh yeah? HOW do you type in Socionics?
    The same way as most rational people. I gather 16 roosters, tattoo them each with a different socionic type, and have them fight to the death in a giant free for all.

    The socionic type tattooed on the winning rooster is the type I assign to the person in question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    The same way as most rational people. I gather 16 roosters, tattoo them each with a different socionic type, and have them fight to the death in a giant free for all.

    The socionic type tattooed on the winning rooster is the type I assign to the person in question.
    Sounds like you are ISTJ
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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