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Thread: type me? (read my creative writing)

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    Hi, everyone. I've vaguely typed myself again (aristocratic, Fe valuing, maybe) but I'd really like to hear input from some other people so that I know that I haven't tricked myself. I'm hesitant to fill out one of those long-ass questionnaires because I feel like I might subconsciously change my answers to fit the type I think I am, so instead, I've attached some poems and essays.

    Thanks for reading- I'm pretty new to this forum, so, again, hi, for the first time.

    This was written a year ago for an essay competition about an important life event (I admittedly fabricated some parts to increase emotional impact).

    The dress my mother had forced me to wear was itchy and tight. Humidity crept its sluggish way around my upper arms to my neck; knives of sunlight refracted from the kaleidoscopic stained glass windows of the chapel and beat down upon the uncomfortable bun on my head. Sweat beaded on the foreheads of every person perched on the wooden pews facing the stone- faced pastor, who seemed to be the only one in the room unwithered by the heat. I often opened my mouth to complain about the warmth in the room to my mother. She hushed me again and again, periodically wiping moisture from her red- rimmed eyes with a tissue from her purse. At the time, I did not know why. An unobservant child of six years, I was only aware of the fact that I was attending a funeral, and that the funeral was held in the death of my grandfather.
    My father’s father was a person of very little interest to me when I was younger. Grandmother was the one who took care of me when my parents were busy; my grandfather would read a book in another room, only coming out when I was leaving to pass money into my greedy hands. “For you, little child,” he would mutter, his wizened frame bowing just enough for me to see the glossiness of his eyes. I would forget about him as soon as I climbed into the car with my parents.
    When my grandfather was re- diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, our family gathered at the hospital to comfort him as best we could. Even I could see that my grandfather was ill; his eyes, now vacant, flitted around the room, seemingly ignorant of its occupants. My aunts cried. My mother cried with them. My father was silent. I was confused and bored. Why were they so sad? Wasn’t grandpa going up to heaven like he was supposed to? Regardless of my bafflement, I tried to convince myself to be as mournful as them. Squeezing my eyes together as hard as I could manage, I triumphantly produced a single teardrop that rolled slowly down my cheek and hung off my chin, more a product of effort than emotion. I looked at my mother to see if she had noticed my success; she was holding my grandfather’s hand by his bed, sobbing loudly.
    I did not bother to try to cry at the funeral. As I sat between my parents on an uncomfortable pew in an un-air-conditioned, stuffy chapel, swinging my legs to unstick them from each other every few seconds, I offhandedly considered my mother’s words as we left the hospital on the day of my grandfather’s death: “I know that you weren’t close with your grandpa, but I’m not crying just because I’ll miss him, you know. When I saw your grandpa on his hospital bed, I realized that we could have made many memories if we had spent more time together.”
    I continued to ruminate over what my mother had meant throughout the rest of the funeral and our drive home. Was it possible that my grandfather was a person who did things other than give me money? The thought was shocking. Over time, I began to realize that I could have had a deeper and more profound relationship with my grandfather if I had tried. If only I had tried to hug him or ask him to talk about his childhood or tried to smile; I could have known him like my father and mother had.

    This one is a continuation of 'The Interlopers' by Saki.

    Fpeouw and Ksekruh were the masters of two households in the mountains north of the city of Gwoeirfri. Their families had feuded for generations and many a battle had been fought in the forest dividing their households.
    Both were content to conflict until their families died out, but one winter, another powerful family from the East began to build an estate only a few leagues away. Worried about their futures, Fpeouw and Ksekruh agreed to strike a temporary alliance with each other against the third family and to meet in the forest to discuss their plans before telling any others.
    As their boot-clad feet trudged through the snow on the day of their meeting, Ksekruh began to speak of how exactly they would vanquish the threatening family from the east.
    "I believe that we must invite them to our houses as honorable guests and treat them with the highest courtesy; then, when they are sated with good food and wine, our men will creep from behind and slit their throats!" Ksekruh was a rather devious sort.
    "I refuse to aid you in such an ignoble act!" exclaimed Fpeouw, a man reddish of coloring and straightforwardly contentious of temperament. "I would rather meet them in combat out in the woods like our families have always done!"
    "Do you wish to continue this cycle of conflict where there is no clear winner?" demanded Ksekruh. "My method is much more likely to vanquish the enemy!"
    Fpeouw opened his mouth to respond when a snow-laden branch peeled away from its trunk and caught him and Ksekruh across their shoulders, pinning them to the frosty ground. He felt pain erupt in his collarbone. Ksekruh shrieked, for he was carrying most of the branch's weight.
    After the pain had faded a bit, Fpeouw attempted to speak.
    "Do not worry, comrade. Our men will surely find us when they realize our absence. It will only be a little while."
    The two lay in the snow for a few blessed, hopeful minutes. A chill was beginning to settle into their bones, numbing their bodies and willing them to sleep. Ksekruh was comforted by the fact that he would soon suffer no longer. Then, an eerie howling sound was heard only a little ways away from the two men. Perhaps, Ksekruh thought wildly, they were the bays of his men's dogs. Or perhaps- he froze in terror, for there was nothing worse than wolves in winter when one was trapped in the snow. Fpeouw, having reached the same conclusion as he, began to cackle madly, panicked tears streaming from his eyes, the pupils of which were dilated into small pinpricks surrounded by webs of red. They were finished, thought Ksekruh. It struck him on how ironic it was that two former foes would die together with none the wiser of their reconciliation. He felt the need to laugh along; he shivered wildly with cold and hysteria as he reluctantly embraced his fate with arms blue as frost.
    The wolves were upon them in minutes, which the two men had counted vainly. All the while they laughed and were laughing still when the first wolf of five clambered over a stray branch and sunk its glistening teeth into Ksekruh's exposed throat. A spout of blood burst forth, as crimson as the silkiest and most lovely rose.
    Later, the two friends' men stared in horror at the tattered remains of their masters strewn over the bloodstained snow. A multitude of paw prints led from the corpses deeper into the forest. One man kneeled down and gingerly picked up a shred of clothing draped over a sharp branch in the snow. "Wolves," he muttered.
    "Wolves, which your master must have attempted to train," snarled one of his rivals. "Of course, he must have been too daft to order them about properly and died a coward and an imbecile. As he should." The two groups of men scowled at each other. Both thought the other hated them dearly but knew themselves to be merely following their master's orders; they were all deeply loyal to their lieges and would never attempt an attack which could be possibly detrimental in any way towards them. So when one of Fpeouw's men made a violent move towards one of Ksekruh's, none hesitated to rush forward and strike his rival; they felt as if they were paying tribute to their deceased leaders, following a tacit final order they had thought they received. And so they fought, and their children and grandchildren fought, and no one ever knew what had actually happened in the forest. Except for the wolves, of course, but what do they care?

    That's all for now. I have more if anyone needs. Please tell me any impressions you picked up- even one reinin dichotomy would be great- if a subsequent explanation is included. Thanks again for reading!

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    To be typed you need to provide answers to specific questions and not write short stories because they are useless in typing. How did you get idea that you can get typed from these?

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    I don't think it's useless.
    You can pick out someone's valued functions from a writing or a song. Think of famous people typing threads or (especially) the quadra song sticky.

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    with video will be much easier to understand your type

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    I don't think it's useless.
    You can pick out someone's valued functions from a writing or a song. Think of famous people typing threads or (especially) the quadra song sticky.
    That would be pretty much random. It's really poor source of information. You need to provide better information, more on subject. You need concrete questions and concrete answers. With these you may be close to 30% of accuracy. Typing from songs and writings is like astrology. You are free to believe it but wont get anything useful. No matter how long writings would be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    That would be pretty much random. It's really poor source of information. You need to provide better information, more on subject. You need concrete questions and concrete answers. With these you may be close to 30% of accuracy. Typing from songs and writings is like astrology. You are free to believe it but wont get anything useful. No matter how long writings would be.
    Are you Sol?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Are you Sol?
    You're paranoid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    You're paranoid.
    Your writing style and what you choose to say just sounds so similar lol. It's funny.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Your writing style and what you choose to say just sounds so similar lol. It's funny.
    mb some influence

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    You use many descriptive details that are sensory rich but also of a concrete (factual) nature in your writing. Nothing very abstract, mysterious or even vague in them. I didn't read much emotional evocation in it. There is a certain disconnect from what might have been an story of emotional depth had there been a few less sensory facts (not trying to pin that on logic or anything). Maybe the fabrications would not be needed if you dug deeper into your own experience emotionally and then presented them from one level deeper than what you are comfortable with. Made yourself more vulnerable. I have taken a lot of creative writing classes because I was told I would be good at it. Do you want to be writer?

    Sometimes these things about death hit us in hindsight so if you were to write the story now without any fabrication what would you change about it? Nothing wrong with what you wrote if that is really the deepest you could go but if you want to take your readers on an emotional journey there is room for improvement. I hope you don't take this the wrong way since I also wrote once upon a time but I have changed paths since. I might have been good at it if I had put more effort and wanted it bad enough.

    Sorry about your loss and welcome to the forum. You don't have to answer any of the questions. Sharing something not meant for this forum I think can give deeper insight into someone's processes. I think it was a good call on your part to do it this way. You can't please everyone.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    You use many descriptive details that are sensory rich but also of a concrete (factual) nature in your writing. Nothing very abstract, mysterious or even vague in them. I didn't read much emotional evocation in it. There is a certain disconnect from what might have been an story of emotional depth had there been a few less sensory facts (not trying to pin that on logic or anything). Maybe the fabrications would not be needed if you dug deeper into your own experience emotionally and then presented them from one level deeper than what you are comfortable with. Made yourself more vulnerable. I have taken a lot of creative writing classes because I was told I would be good at it. Do you want to be writer?

    Sometimes these things about death hit us in hindsight so if you were to write the story now without any fabrication what would you change about it? Nothing wrong with what you wrote if that is really the deepest you could go but if you want to take your readers on an emotional journey there is room for improvement. I hope you don't take this the wrong way since I also wrote once upon a time but I have changed paths since. I might have been good at it if I had put more effort and wanted it bad enough.

    Sorry about your loss and welcome to the forum. You don't have to answer any of the questions. Sharing something not meant for this forum I think can give deeper insight into someone's processes. I think it was a good call on your part to do it this way. You can't please everyone.
    Your advice isn't unfounded- I've never felt comfortable baring my feelings in writing, and I definitely held back quite a bit in that essay. I did take out the last few paragraphs because they were too vulnerable for this forum, but- yeah, this need for privacy of mine is probably why I didn't win the contest.
    Was your commentary about both essays or only the first?

    Thanks for giving an analysis of my writing. It's much appreciated!

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    I am not good at typing from general writings or quotes, unless there is something there that really stands out, but i've heard it said that some people do use those methods. I just felt like offering a differing viewpoint to @falsehope's opinion on this, even though i generally appreciate their posts. I didn't read your essays, but felt like i wanted to contribute this much at least. @OP good luck with your typing

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    Your advice isn't unfounded- I've never felt comfortable baring my feelings in writing, and I definitely held back quite a bit in that essay. I did take out the last few paragraphs because they were too vulnerable for this forum, but- yeah, this need for privacy of mine is probably why I didn't win the contest.
    Was your commentary about both essays or only the first?

    Thanks for giving an analysis of my writing. It's much appreciated!
    I only read the first. I am recovering from being sick so limited stamina right now. I can relate in many ways since I also tend to want to hide my true vulnerabilities because it is hard to put them out there. If I write for myself and not for anyone else it is easier which is why I have journals. I have shared some of them with select others but I also hope no one reads some of them after I die. I have the worst of them password protected but if someone cracks them they deserve to see what is in there. I have noticed a lot of private (not paranoid) people make very good observers so you can use that to your advantage if you decide to pursue a career in writing.

    The thing about writing is once it's out there you no longer own it. Of course we have the illusion of copyright or whatever but we can't control how others perceive it or how they use it. It can be received in a way we never intended and still be very meaningful for someone out there too.

    I have deleted or edited my posts because I made myself too vulnerable and I knew they were going to be misunderstood or used against me. Often the "right" people saw them before I deleted anyway so it was all good. Just keep in mind that you are on a website where you might be typed and retyped sentence by sentence. It is not that uncommon to experience that here. Someone will see the real you, eventually, if you let them. Just participate in chatbox and some threads or join one of the 16types discords.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    video would help to see "real him" more than any else

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    video would help to see "real him" more than any else

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    any your wish, honey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    video would help to see "real him" more than any else
    how dare you assume my gender!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I have deleted or edited my posts because I made myself too vulnerable and I knew they were going to be misunderstood or used against me. Often the "right" people saw them before I deleted anyway so it was all good. Just keep in mind that you are on a website where you might be typed and retyped sentence by sentence. It is not that uncommon to experience that here. Someone will see the real you, eventually, if you let them. Just participate in chatbox and some threads or join one of the 16types discords.
    That's rather intimidating. This forum seems to have a... combative atmosphere, which might make it a little harder to open up, but I guess I appreciate that no one tries to soften their words.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    how dare you assume my gender!
    You may write your sex in the profile and there will be no need in the assumption.

    "General information about me: Asian, Female, High school student."

    You'd better thought "how you dare" to be typed correctly without the needed typing data.

    Your type is not base T, as you are lesser reasonable.
    Last edited by Sol; 05-04-2018 at 10:53 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    That's rather intimidating. This forum seems to have a... combative atmosphere, which might make it a little harder to open up, but I guess I appreciate that no one tries to soften their words.
    It's not so bad really, once you get used to the different personalities of forum members. Notice I didn't say "types".

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    It's not so bad really, once you get used to the different personalities of forum members. Notice I didn't say "types".
    What do you mean? Do you mean temperament?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    Your type is not base T, as you are lesser reasonable.
    yea i know

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    yea i know
    The tendency to do "not like anyone" may point to P type. If you found the similarity with LIE, check ILI.
    You may look at people of different types in my bloggers list to notice how IR effects fit to different opinions about your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    What do you mean? Do you mean temperament?
    Just the way people express themselves. Could be not socionics type related stuff, enneagram or instincts. Think of a TV drama and each person is a character in it. I have seen the same characters playing the same roles on many different forums over the years. It's just different people but same characters/roles. All the world's a stage and so is

    The TIMs might change but the fundamental character will remain through all the type changes. I don't pay attention to the TIM in profile anymore.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    The TIMs might change but the fundamental character will remain through all the type changes.
    Jung's type does not change, at least should not in the big majority of cases. It would be like a right-handed adult then became left-handed one. Very doubtful. What may be changed - the surface behavior and the degree of the type's accentuation [to the both sides]. Jung's type is significant.
    Though forum is not IRL, the themes of communication are also very limited. And there are a lot of mistyped ones. These can be good factors to take easier the types on forums. Except when you'd want then closer IRL relations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The tendency to do "not like anyone" may point to P type. If you found the similarity with LIE, check ILI.
    You may look at people of different types in my bloggers list to notice how IR effects fit to different opinions about your type.
    What does "to do not like anyone" mean?- But I wrote that thread a long time ago lol- I've changed my self-typing to either EIE or IEI now. Which is a pretty big leap in terms of quadra values and everything else, as well, which made me think that I've been subconsciously picking anecdotes that would highlight any LIE-ness I'd exhibited in the past and that I'd also somehow talked myself into being that type. So as I said in my first post here, I don't think I'm able to look at myself from a different point of view. I think that like @Aylen said: "The TIMs might change but the fundamental character will remain through all the type changes." , their character remains constant, but they somehow adopt the mindset they believe their type would have- they put themselves into a box, almost- it's kind of like a placebo. Or maybe it's just asshole-or-not-asshole.

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    I can usually get a sense of an author's type after reading a book by them, but this approach is extremely inefficient. Trust me, you may think you're answering the way you want to but you're not for the most part (assuming you're not lying outright). My questionnaire is designed to be very concrete. Please, just fill out the questionnaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    What does "to do not like anyone" mean?- But I wrote that thread a long time ago lol- I've changed my self-typing to either EIE or IEI now.
    Not so long. IEI is more possible as P.

    "to do not like anyone"
    do not follow the recommendations by which materials to be typed: questionnaire, video-interview. the try of own approach, stabely. J types prefer to follow the rules at 1st. P types are more "creative".

    > Which is a pretty big leap in terms of quadra values

    The common is Ni type. What is good - you've understood the wrong type quickly and yourself.
    I saw people did serious mistake about own types like SEI thinking as EII, ESI as IEE - for years!

    > I think that like Aylen said

    It was Jung's speculation that types may change. I suppose he said about rare cases and not like it changes one time per several years, but under extreme situations. Most probably Jung changed the opinion about someone's type, but not because the type have changed, but because he mistaked. There are many mistypings and Jung was not perfect.

    When you'll find your type with assurance and correctly, and will understand the types of people near you - you'll be able to notice that types are stable and very important for relations and what to expect from people.

    Aylen being IEI may personally like to use inner abbilities to decide about people and relations, - strong N and F help with this a lot. Meanwhile the typology needs the correct typing and this way mb harder for her. This mb the reason to doubt in practical importance of the typology for her. Also she talked about limited forum communication where types mean much lesser.
    Also Socionics relates more to Ne and Fi, so some quadras like it more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Trust me, you may think you're answering the way you want to but you're not for the most part (assuming you're not lying outright).
    Please explain why you think I'm not "answering the way I want to"? and why it seems that I might be lying.

    I agree that your questionnaire doesn't leave much room for any (fluff), but this is still one of my first typing threads. It would be best to expose typers to various kinds of information about myself instead of only sticking to that. Especially since there's a chance I'll take a haitus from socionics for several months (as I've done before) and stop posting on the forum, lessening material you could use for typing. Starting off with a collection of essays doesn't mean that I'm completely shunning your questionnaire, but rather that I'd like to experiment with my own methods first.

    I've filled out questionnaires on other forums before- If I'm in the mood over the next couple of weeks, I'll take a crack at it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    I've filled out questionnaires on other forums before- If I'm in the mood over the next couple of weeks, I'll take a crack at it.
    This forum seems as the only popular one about Socionics outside of Russian forums. If you meant MBT forums - they do not use comparably developed 8 functions descriptions, so the typing there should be lesser valued.
    You may try functional test.
    Besides a questionnaire video would be useful too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sullutac View Post
    Please explain why you think I'm not "answering the way I want to"? and why it seems that I might be lying.
    That wasn't what I was saying, I'm saying that your ability to subconsciously manipulate your answers isn't as great as you think it is. (This in itself seems to be a typical Beta NF perception.)

    I agree that your questionnaire doesn't leave much room for any (fluff), but this is still one of my first typing threads. It would be best to expose typers to various kinds of information about myself instead of only sticking to that. Especially since there's a chance I'll take a haitus from socionics for several months (as I've done before) and stop posting on the forum, lessening material you could use for typing. Starting off with a collection of essays doesn't mean that I'm completely shunning your questionnaire, but rather that I'd like to experiment with my own methods first.
    okay, just don't expect people to still care by the third+ thread. There's a reason people do questionnaires and videos.

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