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Thread: pls type me so i can move on from typology forever

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    Default pls type me so i can move on from typology forever

    Block I

    General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?
    general > specific would be starting off with a rough outline or sketch (the skeleton) and then adding in the necessary details (the skin) afterwards to make it whole. specific > general would be reading or observing something and extracting from it the main overarching theme of its contents.

    What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?

    the ability to make assessments or draw conclusions divorced from your personal sentiments and biases. i don't know if it does, but maybe?

    How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    think of a clock as a circle graph divided into 12 equal parts. ok this is a tedious mental exercise.

    What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?
    a rule is a code of conduct implemented by a high-ranking individual or group of individuals to keep those with less power than themselves in line. you don't technically have to follow any rules but it's generally smarter if you do, unless you're able to effectively defend your reasons for not doing so.

    What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
    a ranking system that divides individuals based on popularity, class, or power. you don't need to follow it but it's better if you do unless you have the gall and the talent to go against the status quo, which can only go in one of two extreme directions.

    What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?
    i only refer to them when i absolutely need to. otherwise i'll just figure it out as i go along. i've been told that i'd do well as a technical writer so i imagine i could write one if i ever cared to, but i don't. and if i did, i don't know what kind of manual i'd choose to write.

    Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
    yeah. if you work within the legal system then you have more freedom than a man who works against it. i.e. you have little physical freedom when you're trapped in a cell. making a difference would require complying with the laws and staying on the good side of those in power.

    but it sounds like a quote you'd read in 1984, like the government is tricking you into believing that freedom comes from complying with the laws.

    Tell us how about consistent you are?
    i'm consistent in my habits, beliefs, and interests. i can be impulsive, sure, but i think i'm still somehow predictable in my (re)actions. even my writing style has withstood the test of time. i try to switch it up every now and then (such as by incorporating proper capitalization into my writing style) but it doesn't last very long and i usually revert to my old writing style when i feel stressed or angry.

    What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?
    i think of a standard as a mountain peak, as a set of criteria one must meet to ensure the quality of their product or service. without standards there would be no consistency or objectivity in our evaluations of products or services.

    You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
    if i'm in a good or neutral mood, then i'd be excited about it. if i'm in a bad mood then i'll put it off forever. but first and foremost, i'd lay them out on the table/ground and organize them in chronological order. if i had limited space then i'd sift through the books and eliminate the ones i've read previously and that i don't intend to (re)read / refer to in the future. i'd put them away in a box. if i were serious about the task then i'd also split the books up by genre. i'd have a designated section for books that i plan on reading soon and then another section for my personal favorites.

    i recently thought about doing this and in my head i had planned to jot down the titles of all the books i owned and add them to my goodreads account so i wouldn't forget them. i'd then either put them away in a box or donate them to a thrift store. i'd only keep the books i genuinely enjoyed reading, or that i planned on reading eventually.

    Block II

    What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    a pain in the ass? work is a collection of tasks a higher-up delegates to you in a workplace for compensation upon completion. it's usually an exchange of your time and energy for money. people work so they can support themselves financially, but some do it to gain power. i have a bad habit of underestimating or overestimating the work i'm capable of doing, and it's not uncommon for my insecurities, and sometimes my ego, to skew my assessment of my capabilities (or lack thereof). most of the time, i gravely underestimate myself and then it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
    monopoly, right? there's definitely a correlation between an item's subjective worth and its availability but rarity =/= quality imo. the general rule of thumb is high price = high-medium quality, but you're mostly paying for the label; over-priced. medium price = high-medium quality, still overpaying but generally it's worth it. low price = medium-low quality, it could go either way. it's an image thing, really. people want what they can't have / what others don't have.

    How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    i don't like being put in positions where i have to assess the quality of another person's work. it's something i can do, but not something i like to do. when it comes to determining the quality of a product, i can do it but i don't consciously think about it when i do.

    How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
    it happens regularly and i feel guilty afterwards. i also feel guilty if the work i've done isn't perfect. laziness is why.

    What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.
    in detail? uh. work that serves a purpose.

    You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
    i think i answered this in question #2.

    When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?
    my reaction depends on their delivery. if they immediately start criticizing me in a scathing or accusatory tone without explaining the whys, whats, or hows of my mistakes then i'll become defensive, sometimes i'll even cry. or snap at them. i'm extremely sensitive to criticism. but if they go about it kindly and constructively then i'll try to be more receptive.

    There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    i may feels pangs of inferiority here and there but i wouldn't get wound up about it or anything. i may even compliment them.

    When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?
    i'd feel embarrassed, like i should know better. there's nothing i dislike more than admitting i don't understand something.

    You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
    i'd pay someone to do it for me.

    Block III

    What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    i used to be obsessed with the golden ratio. so, for a while, that was what defined beauty for me. in its most simple form, it is symmetry, but it goes much deeper than that, because there is just as much beauty in imperfection as there is in perfection. it's an upturned nose, a mole on the cheek, a faint scar above the eyebrow. it is what sets you apart from the crowd because with various genetic and appearance modifications being what they are today, emulating and chasing perfection isn't an impressive feat. it is owning what you have and making the best of it, presenting what you didn't choose for yourself, as if you did choose it for yourself. the same principle can be applied to scenery, interior design, and what have you. there's what's objectively considered beautiful and what's subjectively considered beautiful, neither being better or worse than the other. and it's often a mix of the two.

    Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?
    for me personally, it's a style of dress that lines up with current fashion trends, but with a creative or personal twist. mixing and matching past, present, and future trends i.e. mixing a gothic style with a hippie style. it's just as much about the confidence in which you carry yourself while sporting the outfit as it is about the clothes themselves. i described the core of beauty above, so i'd probably use that description to explain what it means to someone who's not yet familiar with the concept.

    Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classical beauty"? If so, what is it?
    society's perception of beauty / aesthetics are in a constant state of flux; symmetry is the only constant i can think of. shibui is a term coined by the japanese, meaning a simple, unobtrusive beauty. a classical beauty would fall into this category. so, it is simplicity and symmetry.

    What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    relaxation, perhaps? sometimes it can feel like you're melting into the universe. i don't think i've ever asked someone to evaluate my comfort-creating skills tho. and if they have, i don't remember. but i love comfort and when i feel dirty or uncomfortable, it amplifies any preexisting negative feelings.

    How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    kinda but not really. i wouldn't say i go out of my way to follow trends but i can sometimes pick up on them as they're developing and then i subtly incorporate them into my "basic" style of dress, if it's a trend i like. but i usually opt for simple, comfortable attire.

    How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What do others think of your skill?
    i rarely cook, but i suppose it can be fun. i occasionally follow recipes, if it's a dish i've never worked with before, but most of the time i just wing it.

    Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?
    pretty good, i reckon. i like creating blog themes and layouts for this reason.

    If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?
    eh, it depends. i think everyone has their own unique taste. but what works well for one person, won't work well for the next person.

    Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    i'd prefer to do it myself. how i'd design it depends on the room, my resources, and my mood.

    How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?
    i can differentiate between good and bad taste but taste is subjective so i rarely vocalise these opinions, unless i'm asked for my opinion. sometimes i'll seek external opinions but there's no guarantee i'll take the advice i'm given, but sometimes i'll take a person's advice just to make them feel good.

    Block IV

    Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    not well, no. i don't like telling people what to do. when i train / coach, i prefer the position of "right hand (wo)man" because i dislike doling out orders, but i like to think i have a good idea of what should be done or changed. i've pressed people for information before but it's not my method of choice, so i'd say i'm ok at it but the guilt that follows is rarely worth it. there are other ways.

    when i was younger i used to get extremely frustrated with my teammates for performing poorly and then i'd yell out commands and boss them around until they stopped sucking. i still feel bad about it sometimes. so yep, never again. competitive sports can suck it.

    What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    i had to google that and apparently it means: a sudden or brief attack. how do i deal with it when it happens to me? i bite back. repulsing doesn't come easy to me. i can do it but it's usually a knee-jerk reaction and i'm very skittish during it.

    What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?
    i don't think i consciously categorize people in this way. it probably does happen but i'm not fully aware of it until shit hits the fan. if i'd step in and defend them when they're being attacked then they're "my people" but i do this for strangers, too, if i think they're being treated unfairly. i've even done this for people i disliked, so the line between "my people" and "strangers" is a blurry one.

    Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?
    um, let's see. i operate better in the moment so i prepare but i don't plan. over-planning > tunnel vision > restrictive movements. it's smarter to have a rough outline of what you want to do, adjust yourself accordingly, and then move with the moment. most of it is instinctual for me.

    it's hard to say when it's justified. i imagine it's one of those things that you know when it happens.

    Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?
    no, assuming you mean personal space / boundaries. if you persist, even after the person has made it clear to you that they don't like it, then don't feign surprise when they inevitably react. that's just common sense, i think.

    What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?

    How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    some do, some don't. i've been told i look fragile but that i'm also deceptively tough. i'd say i'm emotionally resilient but physically weak.

    How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?
    idk. i can't imagine anybody actually thinking about people and situations this way. i'm definitely aware of these factors when i interact with other people and my environment but it isn't something i can explain with words. you either know what you're doing or you don't.

    Block V

    What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?
    google says rudeness. i think everyone's understanding of the term is slightly different. it depends on external factors, such as your country of residence, familial upbringing, and possibly religious affiliation + internal factors, such as your personal sentiments (i.e. "treat others the way you want to be treated"; some like solidarity, others like honesty). there is no "one size fits all" brand of morality, but that won't stop each and every one of us from acting within and enforcing our own code of ethics.

    i'd start off by asking them what they think rude behaviour entails and then go from there. if it were an adult and they were being extremely inappropriate or hurtful to myself or someone else then i'd take more of an "are you fucking kidding me?" approach.

    How would you improve the moral of the society?
    i don't think anyone is at liberty to answer this.

    Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?

    Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?
    love is when another person's well-being directly impacts your own. selfless acts don't exist but if you regularly act within what you believe is their best interest because making them happy makes you happy, then that's love. it's kind of like you're connected with an invisible string. the red thread of fate.

    depends. i've seen plenty of people try to pass off abusive behaviors as "tough love" and sure, everyone is allowed their fair share of mistakes in life but if there's a clear pattern of legitimate abuse in your relationships then i don't think you can lay claim to love, when your actions consistently suggest otherwise. but in general, i think it's possible to love and punish at the same time.

    Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.
    neither is "right". a mix of both is ideal. i think it's important to make your guests feel at home but if they blatantly disrespect you or whomever you live with then don't hesitate to vocalize that discomfort, and if they persist then feel free to show them the door. otherwise, make an effort to be engaging and receptive. why would you invite someone over just to boss them around?

    What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?
    sympathy is an expression of warmth or understanding when someone else is struggling. just as you don't technically need to follow rules, you don't technically need to express sympathy, but it's a good way to build rapport with others. it's fairly easy to tell when someone doesn't want to be pitied. it's important to take the other person's character into consideration first.

    Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?
    "please, thank you, aww cute baby!" i follow them most of the time. sometimes i even feel trapped by societal expectations but other times i can't tell right from wrong and i make a total ass of myself. nobody needs to follow social norms. they exist to keep things running smoothly (or so they say) but that doesn't necessarily mean they're correct.

    How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?
    idk. i just do.

    What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    you can't evaluate the correctness of your own understanding of morality because it changes year by year, culture by culture, person by person.

    Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?
    it depends on my mood, who's giving me a negative attitude, if it's obvious or discrete, and the circumstances surrounding it.

    i'm generally passive but i have a tipping point and when i hit it, my frustrations come pouring out all at once. i've learned to rein it in but when i was younger it was like a volcano exploding. it's a mix of built-up of latent resentment on my end + the contrast between my usual self and defensive self. so, to outside observers, my reaction may look disproportionate to the situation, due to a lack of context. as for the silent treatment? kind of, if i felt i needed to prove a point, but keeping a straight face is hard. i'm incredibly playful and for this reason i'm quick to forgive. when i avoid someone, it's usually because i don't think they like me, not necessarily because i dislike them.

    Block VI

    "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?

    Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    of course it is, but discerning between acceptable and inappropriate expressions of emotion is hard. reading the room helps. social environments can be an emotional minefield if you don't feel the general mood before interacting with it.

    Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?
    sure, but where before i might've used it as a manipulation tactic, now i try to channel it into something else.

    How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?
    if i don't filter myself then everything comes pouring out, no-holds-barred melodrama. when i give myself time to process what i'm feeling without focusing on external approval or judgment, it comes out much smoother.

    Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?
    fake, insincere expressions of love, hatred, gratitude, what have you.

    What are right or wrong emotions?
    is there such a thing? this is a dictatorial way of assessing feelings.

    Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?
    kind of. i'm hypersensitive to noises and sounds so if i listen to relaxing songs when i'm experiencing negative feelings, it helps stabilize my mood. trip-hop and instrumentals are good for this. if i do the opposite and listen to aggressive rap music or depressing music then it feeds my bad mood, something like making a mountain out of a molehill. songs that hold sentimental value to me can dampen my mood. i wouldn't say it's easy though. i undergo strong emotional dissonance if a song doesn't coincide with my present mood, like trying to force myself to listen to shallow, upbeat music when i'm feeling down. that's why i always pick neutral or relaxing songs.

    i can influence others moods, yeah. whether it's a positive or negative shift depends on what outcome i'm seeking.

    What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen?
    blah, it's usually out of my control. i have to be incessantly poked, prodded, or provoked for it to come out.

    Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    eh, sometimes. i suck at cards for this reason.

    Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?
    funny you should ask. i think i paint the world with my emotions. everything i sense, perceive, etc is filtered through the lens of my ever-shifting moods. in fact, i even have an app called "moodtools" on my phone. i can't always find the right words though, and i get frustrated when i try to talk about / type out my feelings and it comes out wrong.

    i always notice the mood of other people. sometimes i'm not paying attention and i overlook obvious signs because my mind's elsewhere but when i'm fully present, so to speak, then i most definitely do.

    Block VII

    Do you like surprises?
    not when i was a little kid, no. i'd (apparently) break down crying whenever someone sprung a surprise on me, even if it was a good surprise. nowadays i'm inclined to believe that stagnancy is death. shitty surprises obviously suck but such is life.

    How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?
    i can't think of a single, comprehensive answer to this question because it depends on who the person is and how it is they're changing. change is inevitable and i'm of the opinion that everyone, regardless of their past or present circumstances / personal flaws or deficiencies, is capable of changing for the better, but i also take entropy into consideration when making these assessments.

    it's easier to make note of these changes from afar than up close, like you don't notice your friends growing taller but when you don't see each other for a while, you do. i've had others point out ways in which i've changed but most people have static memories, where their perception of a person is determined primarily by their initial impression - or, in some cases, strongest impression. this is why associate regression takes place when you reconnect with ghosts from your past. i like change but everyday i worry that it's not possible, while silently believing that it is.

    Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?
    i flip-flop on this. these lyrics summarise my mentality quite well: "all i ever wanted was to pick apart the day, put the pieces back together my way." i'm prone to thinking about the past and reassessing my life path - the decisions i've made, how they've impacted me, where i'm headed, etc. but at the end of the day, i like to believe that everything will work out in the end. i wish i could be more like this:

    "you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."

    What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?
    i don't care for horoscopes, but there probably is a correlation between birth month and personality. i just don't think pop-crush-cosmo journalists are aware of these subtle intricacies when they write daily horoscopes. fortune telling is intriguing but most of what they do is pattern recognition and interpreting micro and macro expressions. but i'd still visit a fortune teller for funsies because why not?

    i don't believe in luck, really, but i do think you can "create" your own luck.

    Can you forecast events? Is it even real?
    i don't know about events but i have a pretty good handle on how people will react to things so if it's a people-centric event then - if i'm able to put my personal biases aside for a moment - i can make a semi-accurate prediction of how things will pan out.

    What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?
    time is a human construct used to measure forward movement from the past to the future. it technically doesn't exist but it helps us organise the world around us with frames of references, mainly cause-and-effect relationships when in reference to history.

    i always kill time and i do it by doing a whole lot of nothing. all the time.

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?
    oh god. when i was a kid, i had a bad habit of romanticising the hell out of fun social events, even if they were months ahead. between the present and the event, i'd just bide my time, excitedly waiting for it to happen. like a christmas present i wanted to open right away. this would result in a LOT of wasted time, lackadaisically daydreaming my days away. with negative impending events, i'd avoid them like the plague; a sea of anxiety would drown me. if i don't know when it's supposed to happen then idk? what can i do besides wait?

    Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    no, unless the person has an impeccable understanding of me and my situation, which they almost never do. when i relay a personal dilemma to someone and they give me their feedback, i can see exactly where i may have miscommunicated or where they may have misunderstood me. i still appreciate the input, because it helps broaden my own understanding i.e. a detail or factor i accidentally overlooked, i'll take those into account.

    Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    i guess so, yeah, but not by much. if i can't afford to be late then i'll make a point to be on time. it rarely bothers me, unless it's been made painfully clear to me that they do it because they don't care (for example, they're on time with everyone else but me).

    Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone.
    Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts,
    just casually la-de-daing til they get here.

    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,

    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,

    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,
    ^ except with 50% more awkwardness. thoughts such as: "did i get the time wrong? the location, maybe? they're probably just caught in traffic/caught up with something else/etc."

    e) more time and the person is still not here…
    if i have their contact information then i'd message or call to see what's up. but, without fail, i'll assume that i went wrong somewhere. this rarely turns out to be the case but, in general, i can be quite ditzy and forgetful. however, it's even rarer that the person is intentionally late so it's unlikely i'll get my panties in a twist over it. it's only when there's a time crunch that i get irritated, but even then i try to remind myself that miscommunication or previously unaccounted-for changes or hang-ups could be at play. and if it's a meeting i'm not looking forward to then i may even secretly celebrate when the plans fall through.

    Block VIII

    Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    there isn't one, so life's primarily about making something out of nothing. finding an area of enjoyment or fulfillment and rolling with it. think of your life's purpose as the wind beneath your wings.

    What should be done so people can be happy?
    maslow's hierarchy of needs. derp.

    In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?
    erm, whaaa?

    When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?
    a lot but idk if i can neatly summarise what methods i use to unearth these findings, nor the nature of them. but i can quickly size a person up based on their sex preferences and the kind of people (romantic or otherwise) that they attract / are attracted to. i'm quite adept at determining if who they claim to be lines up with who they really are, and i notice this in myself, too. lies and contradictions are very easy to spot. and i used to train / coach so i think potential is also very easy for me to spot.

    Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?
    crafty, charming, articulate, carefree, complex.

    What opinions, from people who know you, seem:

    a) fair;
    well-intentioned, self-absorbed, whiny, sensitive, emotional, caring, protective, bubbly/goofy/silly, paranoid, lazy, honest, smart (in some ways)
    b) not fair;
    drawin' a blank here, though i'm sure there's quite a few
    c) hurtful;
    whiny, paranoid, lazy, selfish, manipulative, ditzy
    d) strange.
    hard-working, well-intentioned (i try to be but sometimes i fuck up)

    this one was hard. i'm sorry, i have a god-awful memory when i'm put on the spot like this.

    Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?
    always. people make fun of me for it but i have a mental safe space that i retreat into when life is shitty. i'd be significantly less content with myself and life in general if i didn't fall back on my imagination to soften the impact of the harsh reality checks that life chucks at me. annnd if i were to list all the things i fantasize about then we'd be here all night. i'm trapped in my head 24/7. methinks it's called dissociation, actually.

    What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?
    ambition, courage, vision, diligence, selfishness, confidence, patience.

    What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?

    What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?
    well, that really depends on what you think being a good person entails. but generally speaking, i don't think successful people are good people and vice versa. it's rare. i think i'd rather be a good person but then again, i don't really know what kind of success you're referring to here? my brain assumes you mean money, power, fame, other meaningless bs i couldn't care less about, even though that's not what i would consider "success."

    this is the first time i've been able to answer this questionnaire in full (without impulsively abandoning it whenever i got bored or stressed or confused) and it took me ~2 weeks to complete. i probably went through these answers dozens of times and i'm still nowhere near satisfied with it but eh, what can ya do? @thehotelambush tagging you because i promised i would once i finished.

    also, thank you for reading. i tried to make it look pretty and organized to lessen the probability of you tearing your hair out while going through it.
    Last edited by wasp; 11-11-2016 at 08:36 PM. Reason: fixing minor mistakes and mishaps

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    shameless bump ~*^_^*~

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    Definite weak Se. Possible Te PoLR. Very ambiguous tone; sounds more introverted despite the hints at extroverted tendencies. My guess is IEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    Definite weak Se. Possible Te PoLR. Very ambiguous tone; sounds more introverted despite the hints at extroverted tendencies. My guess is IEI.
    thanks for your input. : ) any other reasons why you think so? the iei descriptions i've come across seem a little too picturesque..

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    bumpity boo sorry for the shameless (now shameful) bumps but this questionnaire took a long time to fill out.

    i've been reading up on forms of cognition since being introduced to it by you, @Verbannte, and the theory is incredibly interesting. so far i've narrowed it down to HP and VS cog. i'm curious if there any other sources besides this one?

  6. #6
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    As much as I think forms of cognition and Reinin dichotomies in general are indeed useful, you should probably begin with reading about information elements and see which resonate with you most.

    I'm not good at all with this questionnaire sociotype telling but things I can tell right away: you can exclude LIE ILI ESI SEE, LSE and EIE, almost certainly IEE too, probably ILE and ESE as well (although ILE was my first bet...)
    I would consider LII, maybe EII. If not, then SEI, then IEI.
    But really - information elements.

    You seem like a very unique person.
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    @malna thank you : ) sorry for the late response.

    i've done some reading on the information elements but there are a few descriptions that overlap (for example, Si and Fi can sound similar at times) in a way that makes it difficult to determine which one is at play at any given moment because it could go either way. also i'm not as well-read in socionics as i am mbti so separating the two in my mind has always been a little tough. but i know that when i read IE descriptions i can usually pick out which of the behaviors listed i regularly do or don't do, for better or worse. 95% sure Te is out though. is there a source for IE you'd recommend?

    i know it's been a while but what originally made you think ILE? i've tried to VI myself but it doesn't really work. haha

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    if i only saw this one post then it would be alpha hands down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    if i only saw this one post then it would be alpha hands down.
    lol D: i'll pay you 3 bitcoins to type me forreal

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    lol D: i'll pay you 3 bitcoins to type me forreal
    you say you are rational and you thought gamma sf? then my guess is ESE.

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    Certainly INFx.

    When I saw your comment on the recent Ni thread, I thought you could be IEI.
    I clearly got the impression you have 4D .

    Now having read through your answers here, I get the impression you might actually be EII after all.
    Especially the way how you focus on your personal "moods" a lot, seems rather lead over lead.

    I'll just mention certain quotes that struck me as examples of valuing particular IE.

    Fi lead:
    i'm consistent in my habits, beliefs, and interests.
    everything i sense, perceive, etc is filtered through the lens of my ever-shifting moods. in fact, i even have an app called "moodtools" on my phone. i can't always find the right words though, and i get frustrated when i try to talk about / type out my feelings and it comes out wrong.
    + valuing (likely SP instinct first, too):
    but i love comfort and when i feel dirty or uncomfortable, it amplifies any preexisting negative feelings
    i'm hypersensitive to noises and sounds so if i listen to relaxing songs when i'm experiencing negative feelings, it helps stabilize my mood.
    "What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?"
    "How do you protect yourself and your interests?"
    "Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?"
    You would evade certain questions on morality in the questionnaire, and some people might confuse this for not valuing , but to me it seems like you are rather SO blindspot instead. In my experience, EIIs who were SO blindspot wouldn't care too much about the "morality of society", or just find it not of great importance to comment on it.

    "What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?"
    i don't think i consciously categorize people in this way. it probably does happen but i'm not fully aware of it until shit hits the fan. if i'd step in and defend them when they're being attacked then they're "my people" but i do this for strangers, too, if i think they're being treated unfairly. i've even done this for people i disliked, so the line between "my people" and "strangers" is a blurry one.
    Some people might think the above quote also represents not valuing , but this strikes me to be an example of +Fi, which Gulenko describes as "relationship ethics of forgiveness: forgiving people, giving them benefit of the doubt, grieving and comforting those struck by grief, being kind to others. That is the ethics of EII."
    In comparison, -Fi makes a rather strong difference between "my people" and strangers, or in other words people who are inside or outside their circle: "relationship ethics of disapproval: keeping others at a distance, being suspicious, holding a grudge. Such is the ethics of ESI." I'd like to add that IEI also favours -Fi, albeit this won't be as apparent in their case as with ESI, for they don't value and are not lead. EIIs may also "use" -Fi in certain situations (you can more or less easily use the opposite pole of your strongest IEs), but they don't prefer it and don't use it as often.

    To summarize: At this point I find it the most likely you are EII Sp/Sx. Tritype 469, The Seeker.
    (Not entirely sure about the core type yet, but 6w5 is likely.)
    Last edited by Olimpia; 12-18-2016 at 12:33 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Certainly INFx.

    When I saw your comment on the recent Ni thread, I thought you could be IEI.
    I clearly got the impression you have 4D .

    Now having read through your answers here, I get the impression you might actually be EII after all.
    Especially the way how you focus on your personal "moods" a lot, seems rather lead over lead.

    I'll just mention certain quotes that struck me as examples of valuing particular IE.

    Fi lead:

    + valuing (likely SP instinct first, too):


    You would evade certain questions on morality in the questionnaire, and some people might confuse this for not valuing , but to me it seems like you are rather SO blindspot instead. In my experience, EIIs who were SO blindspot wouldn't care too much about the "morality of society", or just find it not of great importance to comment on it.

    Some people might think the above quote also represents not valuing , but this strikes me to be an example of +Fi, which Gulenko describes as "relationship ethics of forgiveness: forgiving people, giving them benefit of the doubt, grieving and comforting those struck by grief, being kind to others. That is the ethics of EII."
    In comparison, -Fi makes a rather strong difference between "my people" and strangers, or in other words people who are inside or outside their circle: "relationship ethics of disapproval: keeping others at a distance, being suspicious, holding a grudge. Such is the ethics of ESI." I'd like to add that IEI also favours -Fi, albeit this won't be as apparent in their case as with ESI, for they don't value and are not lead. EIIs may also "use" -Fi in certain situations (you can more or less easily use the opposite pole of your strongest IEs), but they don't prefer it and don't use it as often.

    To summarize: At this point I find it the most likely you are EII Sp/Sx. Tritype 469, The Seeker.
    (Not entirely sure about the core type yet, but 6w5 is likely.)
    wow, thank you. i actually identify as 469 (either 469 or 649, specifically) so good read there, but others believe my instinctual variant to be sx/so. maybe so/sx. i think my issue with morality-based questions is that i know what's objectively considered right and wrong and what i personally consider right and wrong, but most of it is circumstantial. i'm not going to carry over my personal values into an environment where it may directly oppose the values held by the people within it. that doesn't mean i'll let someone off the hook for unnecessarily hurting me or another person, but i do tread carefully, even though i can be pretty bold - maybe even a little aggressive - if i think the situation calls for it.

    yeah, i relate to both the ethics of EII and ESI, except i'm not one to hold grudges. the distancing is usually meant to diffuse impending conflict + conflict makes me sleepy. i'm always suspicious but, by the same token, i give most people the benefit of the doubt. i have a tendency to rope people into 6-8 hour long conversations, even acquaintances, and it's as if time ceases to exist... unless i'm caught in the therapist role - which happens more than i'd like to admit - then i feel a little trapped. i'm extremely sensitive, for whatever reason, so i can't help but feel like i'm living vicariously through them and even though i can usually pick up on it before it gets there, i don't know how to bow out of these conversation without appearing rude. this is a big reason i prefer "detached" communication via mediums such as forums. i'm set as "invisible" on every other communication platform online. i'll even stop posting on a forum for a few days (weeks, in some cases) if i get a PM that i haven't gotten around to responding to yet. i don't know if that's indicative of E vs I or what, but it felt relevant? but yes, moods are very important to me. i can detect the slightest shift in my internal mood or balance.

    how would you describe Se PoLR? is this an accurate description?

    Se PoLR - could this mean that you have no idea what the correct degree of assertiveness is? The ketchup bottle effect: it's so hard to get anything out of your Se at all that you use too much energy and - whoops...

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    h elp

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    what was wrong with SEI>ESI for you?

    The other option beyond these two would be IEI.
    Last edited by Myst; 03-25-2017 at 10:57 PM.

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    Do fill out this test, I'd like to see your answers:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    what was wrong with SEI>ESI for you?

    The other option beyond these two would be IEI.
    haha idk, I keep getting mixed reviews. I've gone from IEI to EII to IEE to ESI, but people on here seem to have a hard-on for IEIs so, for that reason, I've refrained from typing as such, since I don't really give a shit about seeming rare or cool or whatever. I'm aiming for accuracy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Do fill out this test, I'd like to see your answers:
    aye aye cap'n!

    Ne = 19
    Ni = 19
    Se = 13
    Si = 10
    Te = 3
    Ti = 14
    Fe = 21
    Fi = 16

    Section A
    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.

    Section B
    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    3 (who doesn't?)6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art)
    1 (it'd be a 3 if I actually had the means for it)

    Section C
    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    1 (yes to the first part, no to the second part)5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.

    Section D
    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.

    Section E
    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.

    Section F
    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.

    Section G
    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    2 (does making people laugh count? because if so, I'd up it to 3) 8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.

    Section H
    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    2 (but I spend most of my time chatting with people online anyway)4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    3 (who wouldn't?)5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    3 (I'm a fantastic mediator when I want to be)10. I prefer to meet in private.

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    How did you come up with Ne-PoLR previously?

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    haha idk, I keep getting mixed reviews. I've gone from IEI to EII to IEE to ESI, but people on here seem to have a hard-on for IEIs so, for that reason, I've refrained from typing as such, since I don't really give a shit about seeming rare or cool or whatever. I'm aiming for accuracy.
    I see nothing like EII/IEE here.

    aye aye cap'n!

    Ne = 19
    Ni = 19
    Se = 13
    Si = 10
    Te = 3
    Ti = 14
    Fe = 21
    Fi = 16
    Hmm ok interesting.

    Say more on these:

    "I always consider the problem from an unexpected side."
    "I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate."

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    On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you like to be raped?

    If it's above 5 then I would guess IEI. If it's below 5 then ESI. In my short interaction with you I have definitely thought "I would like to rape you", although that's not the most perfect litmus I know. Have you posted a photo of yourself on here?

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    ^ That's not type related, and almost no one wants to be raped.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    ^ That's not type related, and almost no one wants to be raped.
    does no mean yes, Singularity?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    ^ That's not type related, and almost no one wants to be raped.
    Actually, I think it is type-related. The individual type's definition of rape might vary, though.

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    wew. look at all this attention

    Quote Originally Posted by Mori View Post
    How did you come up with Ne-PoLR previously?
    I was trying different types on for size and thought I'd give ESI a go because why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Hmm ok interesting.

    Say more on these:

    "I always consider the problem from an unexpected side."
    "I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate."
    I'd chalk the first one up to being contrarian by nature, it's a lil mix of that and, "My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me." wherein the latter oftentimes leads to the former. it's a desire to tackle people, problems, and situations from an alternative and often unpopular perspective, and arguing in favor of (or, if possible, seeing if I can reconcile) those conflicting perspectives. it's essentially trying to unearth and address the missing elements of any given problem I encounter because I don't think we can move forward until we've taken most, if not all, side(s) of a problem into account. on a similar note, it often feels like I'm tempted to do the exact opposite of what other people want me to do.

    I don't like how they make Ni sound like the psychic function, as if it's somehow unusual to notice patterns in situations and make educated guesses on how said situations will pan out based on those patterns. there's no way to know if those guesses are correct, unless you make a conscious effort to unravel them, or you're extremely patient and willing to wait it out, only Time will tell and all that righteous shit. so, for me, it's more like, "I have a few ideas of how this could go," than "I know exactly what'll happen." if I phrase it like this, it'll get a or b reaction, but, if I phrase it like that, it'll get c or d reaction, like, for example, I often refrain from speaking openly about my insecurities because I know my conversation partner will be pushed to respond in one of 3 ways: a) ignore it, b) agree with it, or c) pay me a pity compliment, none of which are organic nor helpful. with that said, I might lower my score from 3 to 2 because I don't think I'm a whiz at it or anything. it's just a fun mental exercise to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you like to be raped?

    If it's above 5 then I would guess IEI. If it's below 5 then ESI. In my short interaction with you I have definitely thought "I would like to rape you", although that's not the most perfect litmus I know. Have you posted a photo of yourself on here?
    hey baby. can it still be considered it rape if I like it? an impasse, we've reached!

    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    ^ That's not type related, and almost no one wants to be raped.
    petition to get niffer banned:
    1. not me, anyone else willing to sign it?
    Last edited by wasp; 03-26-2017 at 08:47 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    petition to get niffer banned:
    1. not me, anyone else willing to sign it?

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    I read about the first half of your responses in the original post, and I saw ESI, one or two instances of LSI, lots of Ti, even two clear instances of LIE. Your writing style sometimes does and sometimes does not resemble that of the ESI's I've seen. It is pretty linear. Fi-valuing, low Ni.
    IDK. I'm puzzled. I will read the rest of it sometime.

    What is your relationship with your parents like?

    Also, I'm a big fan of VI. Can you post some pics?

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    wew. look at all this attention

    I'd chalk the first one up to being contrarian by nature, it's a lil mix of that and, "My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me." wherein the latter oftentimes leads to the former. it's a desire to tackle people, problems, and situations from an alternative and often unpopular perspective, and arguing in favor of (or, if possible, seeing if I can reconcile) those conflicting perspectives. it's essentially trying to unearth and address the missing elements of any given problem I encounter because I don't think we can move forward until we've taken most, if not all, side(s) of a problem into account. on a similar note, it often feels like I'm tempted to do the exact opposite of what other people want me to do.

    I don't like how they make Ni sound like the psychic function, as if it's somehow unusual to notice patterns in situations and make educated guesses on how said situations will pan out based on those patterns. there's no way to know if those guesses are correct, unless you make a conscious effort to unravel them, or you're extremely patient and willing to wait it out, only Time will tell and all that righteous shit. so, for me, it's more like, "I have a few ideas of how this could go," than "I know exactly what'll happen." if I phrase it like this, it'll get a or b reaction, but, if I phrase it like that, it'll get c or d reaction, like, for example, I often refrain from speaking openly about my insecurities because I know my conversation partner will be pushed to respond in one of 3 ways: a) ignore it, b) agree with it, or c) pay me a pity compliment, none of which are organic nor helpful. with that said, I might lower my score from 3 to 2 because I don't think I'm a whiz at it or anything. it's just a fun mental exercise to do.
    I don't see why some people claim Ni descriptions sound like it's the psychic function. I never saw anything crazy about it either. I say this despite my not doing much Ni. I just understand how logically this sort of mental function exists.

    Btw, I don't think the partner can only respond in one of 3 ways to that. They could for example start psychoanalyzing you Or send you to a therapist. Or pick on you right there and then. Or use it later against you as a strategy. :shrug

    OK so... a lot of the stuff above is pretty E6ish and E9ish, lol seems to fit your enneagram typing.

    Have you ever checked out Ip vs Ij temperaments?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I read about the first half of your responses in the original post, and I saw ESI, one or two instances of LSI, lots of Ti, even two clear instances of LIE. Your writing style sometimes does and sometimes does not resemble that of the ESI's I've seen. It is pretty linear. Fi-valuing, low Ni.
    IDK. I'm puzzled. I will read the rest of it sometime.

    What is your relationship with your parents like?

    Also, I'm a big fan of VI. Can you post some pics?
    I have an inkling that your typing method relies heavily on confirmation bias, but sure, hit me up with your thoughts once you've finished reading it. I posted a picture of me picking my nose with my middle finger somewhere on here a few weeks ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    I don't see why some people claim Ni descriptions sound like it's the psychic function. I never saw anything crazy about it either. I say this despite my not doing much Ni. I just understand how logically this sort of mental function exists.

    Btw, I don't think the partner can only respond in one of 3 ways to that. They could for example start psychoanalyzing you Or send you to a therapist. Or pick on you right there and then. Or use it later against you as a strategy. :shrug

    OK so... a lot of the stuff above is pretty E6ish and E9ish, lol seems to fit your enneagram typing.

    Have you ever checked out Ip vs Ij temperaments?
    haha yeah, I'm just throwing out generalizations to see what sticks and what doesn't, but they aren't the be-all, end-all. just rough guidelines. I quickly skimmed the articles and I probably relate to Ip temperament the most, followed by Ep, but I concede that I see a little bit of myself in all of them. I'm inclined to fidget but I'm lazy as hell, and I wouldn't say that I seem particularly optimistic, nor pessimistic, for that matter. it goes up and down a lot. I don't really care about fostering or maintaining close relationships, unless I'm in a romantic relationship, because I tend to consider most people my "friend" by default. I sent the link to my friends and they unanimously agreed on Ip for me, but they said I sit more like an Ep:

    and I related strongly to Smilingeye's comments at the bottom of the page about Ips and how they deal with emotion.
    Last edited by wasp; 03-27-2017 at 01:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    I have an inkling that your typing method relies heavily on confirmation bias, but sure, hit me up with your thoughts once you've finished reading it. I posted a picture of me picking my nose with my middle finger somewhere on here a few weeks ago.
    Yes, my typing does rely somewhat on confirmation bias, but it is primarily based on correlation with what I have seen before. Which makes it irreproducible outside of my head, and is therefore not scientific.

    If you want a strictly rational approach, @Myst can give you much better results with reasons to back them up, and @Chae is much more intuitive than I am. My typing methods are, in my opinion, the least valuable of the three.

    Regarding your picture, yes, now that you mention it, I've seen that face before.

    I probably should not have said anything regarding your type before having read all of your replies, because it might take me a while to find the time to do that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    haha yeah, I'm just throwing out generalizations to see what sticks and what doesn't, but they aren't the be-all, end-all. just rough guidelines. I quickly skimmed the articles and I probably relate to Ip temperament the most, followed by Ep, but I concede that I see a little bit of myself in all of them. I'm inclined to fidget but I'm lazy as hell, and I wouldn't say that I seem particularly optimistic, nor pessimistic, for that matter. it goes up and down a lot. I don't really care about fostering or maintaining close relationships, unless I'm in a romantic relationship, because I tend to consider most people my "friend" by default. I sent the link to my friends and they unanimously agreed on Ip for me, but they said I sit more like an Ep:

    and I related strongly to Smilingeye's comments at the bottom of the page about Ips and how they deal with emotion.
    The way you write fits that.

    I guess IEI > SEI then for you.

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    @Adam Strange lmao thanks. have fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    The way you write fits that.

    I guess IEI > SEI then for you.
    sweet *slits wrists*

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    You put out which is something I have little patience for. I'm OK with outside contentedness and therefore there's no need to search for internal peace (there's just no inner turmoil).

    So yeah. Mid quadra.

    I have similar issues with my IEI sister. She's like: OK, but that will get you no where.
    I'm like: Why should it?
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 03-28-2017 at 12:09 PM.
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    @niffer heya, could you help me out? you seem quite knowledgeable in socio-stuff.

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    @paranoid as I told you before my interactions with you made me think you were my (male ) dual. your persona remind(s)(ded) me quite a bit of the IEI guy i've been in love with for the past two and a half years and i enjoyed flirting with you before while that sentiment lasted. admittedly i remember seeing your nose picking pic from before you removed it (i just forgot that was you) and i thought EII when i saw that, but it was kind of really close-up and i wouldn't rely on VI alone in typing you.

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    @paranoid ,Have you taken these tests? ("original" test is better. The other one is a bit buggy)

    I would need full results, not just the top result. A face picture where I can see your eyes clearly would also help.
    Last edited by mclane; 03-31-2017 at 09:35 PM.

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    Some things that stood out to me is strategic, democratic, dynamic, negativist, with LIE << SEI imo.

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    Actually I keep noticing questioning, then obstinate seems to be the case. Strange how negativism seems also to be the case. I did up the Reinin calc thing from what I think the person scores on each, and it came ESFp 54%, followed by ISTp at 13%.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    @paranoid as I told you before my interactions with you made me think you were my (male ) dual. your persona remind(s)(ded) me quite a bit of the IEI guy i've been in love with for the past two and a half years and i enjoyed flirting with you before while that sentiment lasted. admittedly i remember seeing your nose picking pic from before you removed it (i just forgot that was you) and i thought EII when i saw that, but it was kind of really close-up and i wouldn't rely on VI alone in typing you.
    haha I'm always told I remind people of other people, but never that I remind someone exactly of another person. there's just bits and pieces of me that are easily applicable to various personas since I tend to to go with the flow and keep things vague. like a walking, talking fill-in-the-blank spreadsheet.

    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    @paranoid ,Have you taken these tests? ("original" test is better. The other one is a bit buggy)

    I would need full results, not just the top result. A face picture where I can see your eyes clearly would also help.
    I made this thread so other people would do the work for me, yet here you are askingme to do the work. tsk tsk

    I've taken those tests a few times before and I usually come out IEI. I'll retake the first one though.

    Your Sociotype: ILE-1Ne NeTi (ENTp)
    Other Possible Types
    LII (INTj): 96% as likely as ILE. Compare the ILE (ENTp) and LII (INTj) types here!
    IEE (ENFp): 60% as likely as ILE. Compare the ILE (ENTp) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    EII (INFj): 56% as likely as ILE. Compare the ILE (ENTp) and EII (INFj) types here!

    Alpha - 35, Beta - 26, Gamma - 20, Delta - 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Dee View Post
    Some things that stood out to me is strategic, democratic, dynamic, negativist, with LIE << SEI imo.

    Actually I keep noticing questioning, then obstinate seems to be the case. Strange how negativism seems also to be the case. I did up the Reinin calc thing from what I think the person scores on each, and it came ESFp 54%, followed by ISTp at 13%.
    I read through the descriptions on wikipedia and this is what I ended up with:
    farsighted, obstinate (?), dynamic, democratic, strategic, constructivist (?), negativist, judicious, serious (?), process, asking

    wouldn't anyone who relies heavily on typology systems to determine their attitude(s) toward people be considered aristocratic? I settled on democratic because, if possible, I'd like to be a part of all the groups. constructivist vs emotivist is harder though. I've reread a handful of books and rewatched a handful of movies in the past, but, in general, I'm not a fan of it. it makes me feel trapped in that emotional state, but this rang true for me: "in hopes of finding something new." I'd still probably opt for "constructivist" though. as for merry vs serious, who the hell would put fun and work in the same camp? but I have a hard time introducing myself to people unless I have a "familiarity anchor" around. the idea seems to be that merry types don't get attached, whereas I do have the capacity to get attached. it just takes me a while and I usually only feel it with romantic partners. if I meet someone fun or interesting, I'll form something reminiscent of an attachment, except it's more like a source of fun or interest for me, and, if I lose it, I run to risk of falling into a state of self-defeating boredom, which is akin to depression for me. I don't participate in one-on-one conversations very often for this reason. the bigger the social group, the better, since there's a lower probability of me dissociating from boredom that way. most of the time, though, I forget that I even have friends

    I don't know? wouldn't most of us be a mix of each set of dichotomies? I'm already second-guessing my previous choices. haha

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    Since you don't wanna do the work...

    You sound like an alpha type (maybe) LII-Ne. A second choice would be IEI-Ni. Weak Se and non valued Te is apparent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Since you don't wanna do the work...

    You sound like an alpha type (maybe) LII-Ne. A second choice would be IEI-Ni. Weak Se and non valued Te is apparent.
    haha I was teasing, but I did find it a little odd how my questionnaire was seemingly ignored in favor of test links. if I thought tests were a reliable method to rely on to figure out one's type then I wouldn't have made this thread.

    thanks I scored IEI on the second test you linked. what makes you think LII? IEI? my test results or something more?

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