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Thread: How to Catch an Alpha NT or Alpha SF

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Default How to Catch an Alpha NT or Alpha SF

    This can be taken seriously or for fun. I don't have many Alpha NT's IRL and would like to adopt or be adopted by one lol. I don't know what kind of trap to set. It seems that cookies are often favored by alpha NT but I am not a cookie girl (I know, the audacity). I like to cook and offer food, but that really depends on the person. A female NT is fine, I don't feel comfortable cooking a meal for a male NT as I only feel comfortable doing that for a significant other. I am not up to date on anything anime as it has been awhile for me and I don't feel strong luring the weeb NT's. My meme game isn't bad but I don't know which memes are the best lure. However luring a a big meme guy can possibly lead me into territory I don't want to go down lol. I am smart, but I can struggle at discussing theory and science. The only thing I got is my smile and cheerful playfulness but that doesn't come out for a little while until I get comfortable. So my trap is flawed. So I am stuck.

    Any good ways to improve my trap? lol

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    Find out what you need from them, people tend to love when their contribution matters, that can make them stick.
    And alpha NTs will gladly go over science and theories looking for a way to help you understand from what I recall. Telling it in all the ways the can find, refining their own understanding at the same time.

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    Aren't ILEs notorious for simplifying everything abstract into simple and physical terms? I don't know if it should be a problem if they are very scientific minded.

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker The Fool View Post
    Aren't ILEs notorious for simplifying everything abstract into simple and physical terms? I don't know if it should be a problem if they are very scientific minded.
    In my perspective, they seem to want to be around people who will talk a lot more theory or 'up in the air' concepts strongly. Which isn't bad, I can be this way when I want to talk about more sensor things with sensors. While I do enjoy it, I know I am really not that strong in that area and you can see the confusion on my face sometimes. I try but I don't seem to hold their attention long it seems irl. Ive had some quickly trying to explain things to confuse me purposely. Makes me sad cause I am really trying Thankfully, the ILE's and LII on here have been very kind to me in this area just, I haven't found one close enough to me to be more patient atm irl it seems or be interested in slowing down and explaining more to me. So I feel a little nervous in this area in regards to NT's.

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    Well what do you really like to do? What is your most favorite activity?

    The ILE/SEI dual couple I talked about earlier- they met on their favorite mmo video game. I forgot what game it was though. It wasn't World of Warcraft. Something less well known.

    I mean certain activities do draw more types than others. There are probably more introverts in general in video games ((and a lot of ILIs/IEIs/EIIs I think)) but I have met quite a bit of extroverts as well. If you don't like video games- then just look for a social group of your most favorite activity. Real-life meet-ups in public. With lots of daylight and witnesses. And build trust up slowly to weed out the Dahmers & Ted Bundy ILEs, of course!

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    I was racking my mind for something to say because I've always been surrounded by alpha NT's in my life, so you'd think I'd have some ideas.
    Instead, what if you do it indirectly by searching out, for example, IEIs or IEEs, and getting them to introduce you to their circle of friends?

    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    The only thing I got is my smile and cheerful playfulness but that doesn't come out for a little while until I get comfortable. So my trap is flawed. So I am stuck.
    You don't necessarily cheerful and "on" to let your caring nature shine through.
    I've talked to my ILE friend about duality and Fi PoLR a lot. What she really wants is a person who doesn't confound her with their lack of expressivity (e.g. EIIs) and someone who she feels won't judge her.. feels safe with.

    Anyway, just be yourself, seriously. The nice thing about xLEs is that they don't really notice or think about your behavior too deeply, or anywhere as deeply as you may think about theirs.

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    Did you try pizza or lasagna or pie. It's a fact that in the time between a man moving out of his mother's house and getting married, they don't eat lasagna once.

    I think it's cool to teach things to people because you can easily see how you've helped them in their life when they use that skill, unless they are just not gonna learn it, which can be frustrating until you understand the level you have to be at

    Also, there are many basic bitch SFs, and the NT master race doesn't want anything to do with that

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    @BandD I will take you advice! I don't really have many favorite activities atm that involves people, other then this forum. While I like video games but its not a big thing for me. I am planning on going to a martial arts gym so I am planning on meeting people there hopefully. I like walks in nature and meeting people from different backgrounds. I can socialize but it feels a bit strange putting on my extrovert mask is all. Lol and yes I hope to avoid those kind of ILE's for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I was racking my mind for something to say because I've always been surrounded by alpha NT's in my life, so you'd think I'd have some ideas.
    Instead, what if you do it indirectly by searching out, for example, IEIs or IEEs, and getting them to introduce you to their circle of friends?

    You don't necessarily cheerful and "on" to let your caring nature shine through.
    I've talked to my ILE friend about duality and Fi PoLR a lot. What she really wants is a person who doesn't confound her with their lack of expressivity (e.g. EIIs) and someone who she feels won't judge her.. feels safe with.

    Anyway, just be yourself, seriously. The nice thing about xLEs is that they don't really notice or think about your behavior too deeply, or anywhere as deeply as you may think about theirs.
    Thank you! Ive been around more people of different quadras then my own so it feels a bit strange to be honest. All of my close friends are scattered world wide at the moment. Closest one is two hours away and she has a small circle as well (ILI).

    Thank you for mentioning that. I get very anxious about my social behavior a lot. I 'turn on' to mask a lot of social anxiety and hope people wont single me out (it's happen a lot in the past) so I kinda do that to fit in and put other people at ease. It's still me but a more 'bright version I put on sometimes to make sure all is good. It's good to know that its not thought about as much. I am always myself, just as you can see from my post, I tend to overthink these kind of things. Thank you again!

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    In terms of theory and stuff, I know personally It's very hard to actually find people who give a shit and listen to what you have to say anyway. The closest friend I have is an IEI, because she's the only person I know irl who will actually listen to whatever bullshit I say and have a response. Maybe not ILE's are like this, but for me personally, just listen and ask random questions, and ask for a re-explanation if you need it. If you wanna meet more alpha NT's, you should probably either go outside and do things talking to people until you find one, or find one of the few places on the internet where mentally healthy NT's exist.

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    Alpha NTs require force. Like, a lot of force.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Thank you for mentioning that. I get very anxious about my social behavior a lot. I 'turn on' to mask a lot of social anxiety and hope people wont single me out (it's happen a lot in the past) so I kinda do that to fit in and put other people at ease. It's still me but a more 'bright version I put on sometimes to make sure all is good. It's good to know that its not thought about as much. I am always myself, just as you can see from my post, I tend to overthink these kind of things. Thank you again!
    Really, the number of times I brought up something I did/said I'm embarrassed about to an ILE and they.. it's not that they didn't judge me when it happened-- they forgot. haha.
    So then, because they forgot, I recount what happened, and they're just like, Lol. and that's it.
    Also, I'm happy I could help and I totally understand about the social anxiety. Personally, in social situations, I've always felt most comfortable around Ti egos (precisely, Fi PoLRs) because the complementary weakness in Fe makes me feel less self-conscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by skosh View Post
    Alpha NTs require force. Like, a lot of force.

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    Hm, for LII I suspect you could just go up to them and begin talking (I'm assuming these are strangers?), banking on their Fe being too bad to realize this is weird. Just insist that you're friends and be your Fe self and they'll probably just accept it. Lol.

    For ILE I'm not sure this strategy would be so effective. It might work, but you probably need to lure their attention somehow. Tease them more. Hold things in front of their nose, so to speak, and make them follow you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Hm, for LII I suspect you could just go up to them and begin talking (I'm assuming these are strangers?), banking on their Fe being too bad to realize this is weird. Just insist that you're friends and be your Fe self and they'll probably just accept it. Lol.

    For ILE I'm not sure this strategy would be so effective. It might work, but you probably need to lure their attention somehow. Tease them more. Hold things in front of their nose, so to speak, and make them follow you.

    LII-Soft mother duck

    ILE-Hella mother duck

    Edit: How do you MAKE an ILE follow you? This often seems like a big contradiction to me. Like, ILE are big freedom loving people who hate to be told to do anything. Yet, you gotta hold them by the collar and drag so to speak.
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-20-2021 at 12:45 AM.

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    Alpha NTs are easy to trap, especially once you find out what their interests are. Don’t worry about them getting too scientific and theoretical—just ask them questions and use your Fe to show that you’re interested in what they’re saying. LIIs will especially appreciate this as they don’t always have an audience who appreciates their Ti. With ILEs I think it’s important to laugh at their jokes. Btw my ILE brother has recently started martial arts classes at his gym, so maybe you’ll meet some ILEs in your class

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    This thread is making everything seem complicated lol
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    I can be trapped, coerced, made to pay attention etc. by the right type of person. ESE views persistence as absolutely necessary. They behave like they know what's best for you, because you actually may have no idea what's best for you. SEI may have to make ILE consider the opportunity costs of not going along with them. Seems like making Alpha NTs settle and relax is no easy task.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    LII-Soft mother duck

    ILE-Hella mother duck

    Edit: How do you MAKE an ILE follow you? This often seems like a big contradiction to me. Like, ILE are big freedom loving people who hate to be told to do anything. Yet, you gotta hold them by the collar and drag so to speak.
    Like you train a dog, with treats and scolding. Give them a taste of your cooking and then make them follow you home for more! And tell them No! when they do something wrong.

    Warning: do not attempt this with LII!
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 07-20-2021 at 05:52 AM.

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    Invite them to go frog hunting with you

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    My LII bf heard some frogs off in the distance when we were outside my house the other night. He asked if I wanted to go look for them, and I agreed. I swear I had never seen him look so thrilled lol.

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    Usually, play with their strength and go along with your yours. Like Ne base likes to use resourcefulness and so on and with LII's ask about how something is as it is. That's a no-brainer, really

    The last thing you want to do is play with their ignoring... they will be like what ever.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    My LII bf heard some frogs off in the distance when we were outside my house the other night. He asked if I wanted to go look for them, and I agreed. I swear I had never seen him look so thrilled lol.
    You're an amazing girlfriend!!

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Now, it’s has been expressed by me trying to trap an NT, I think I would like to express how to catch an alpha SF if a anybody wishes. This is just my perspective but any other SF is free to add or take away something.

    1.) Listen to them and express interest in what they are saying- Alpha SF’s like to talk just as much, you just need the right topic and to give them the floor. They really appreciate being heard

    2.) Make them laugh-Alpha SF’s can be just like little kids too. Give them a good joke, especially one they were not expecting, and they will be laughing and smiley. This goes a long way.

    3.) Soft help with logic- Offering help in this area is vital. It’s more important to not make the Alpha SF feel dumb. They appreciate logistical help, just not the point they feel they are being patronized or criticized in regards to anything logistical. They love listening to logical reasoning, just there is a difference on how to go about it.

    4.) Let them fuss over you- I can be fussy over people if they let me. I can fuss over food, health, dress, and anything Si like if given then chance. I especially like it if they like it and appreciate it. Letting someone give me the power to dress or play around with Si stuff makes me happy and feels needed. Even better if they play fight me on it. Edit: Do not take advantage of this. An SF knows if you will be. Doing so will loose them quick.

    5- Be appreciative- this is the biggest one IMO. If there is anything to catch an SF is to be appreciative of their efforts. A lot of them crave it and need to hear it from others. You do that, you basically have them.

    6- Spontaneous Fun- offer a different or fun activity that you two may enjoy that is relatively safe and doable. Alpha SF’s need a shake up but may have a hard time doing it themselves. Offering such can be helpful.
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-20-2021 at 10:22 AM.

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    The closest friend I have is an IEI, because she's the only person I know irl who will actually listen to whatever bullshit I say and have a response.
    What you say is not 'bullshit!' I find it very informative and you seem to cut through all the veils and veneers of what Ni-egos are thought of and see our shy, human real selves! I've noticed ILEs are like this- they see somehow that IEIs are shy and sweet etc, and will often help us come out of our shells or support and encourage us the best way they know how as T types. I sometimes find you guys kind of abrasive but it is good and you mean well usually. I also like the self-deprecatory humor. But be nicer to yourself, you definitely don't spew bullshit!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Now, it’s has been expressed by me trying to trap an NT, I think I would like to express how to catch an alpha SF if a anybody wishes. This is just my perspective but any other SF is free to add or take away something.

    1.) Listen to them and express interest in what they are saying- Alpha SF’s like to talk just as much, you just need the right topic and to give them the floor. They really appreciate being heard

    2.) Make them laugh-Alpha SF’s can be just like little kids too. Give them a good joke, especially one they were not expecting, and they will be laughing and smiley. This goes a long way.

    3.) Soft help with logic- Offering help in this area is vital. It’s more important to not make the Alpha SF feel dumb. They appreciate logistical help, just not the point they feel they are being patronized or criticized in regards to anything logistical. They love listening to logical reasoning, just there is a difference on how to go about it.

    4.) Let them fuss over you- I can be fussy over people if they let me. I can fuss over food, health, dress, and anything Si like if given then chance. I especially like it if they like it and appreciate it. Letting someone give me the power to dress or play around with Si stuff makes me happy and feels needed. Even better if they play fight me on it. Edit: Do not take advantage of this. An SF knows if you will be. Doing so will loose them quick.

    5- Be appreciative- this is the biggest one IMO. If there is anything to catch an SF is to be appreciative of their efforts. A lot of them crave it and need to hear it from others. You do that, you basically have them.

    6- Spontaneous Fun- offer a different or fun activity that you two may enjoy that is relatively safe and doable. Alpha SF’s need a shake up but may have a hard time doing it themselves. Offering such can be helpful.
    My turn to change or add some stuff!1!1!

    1. I agree

    2. I agree (make it offensive and/or sarcastic! then I might join in with a joke sometimes)

    3. I agree, this is probably the second biggest one IMO (Not only logical help, practical help is much appreciated also! Reciprocal help is just perfection in a relationship!)

    4. I HIGHLY disagree. Si is NOT about caretaking, food, dress, or health... I'm trying to work on reversing the stereotypes and stop people from thinking that it is about "pleasurable sensations" or "caretaking" or "homeostasis". I hate being asked to fuss over food, health, dress, when I can't even do those things properly for myself at all, it stresses me out on so many levels.. I'd much rather the other person take care of that themselves.

    5. I agree, except I don't think it's the biggest one... I don't like undeserved praise and people being overly appreciative for what was really nothing to me.

    6. The other person doesn't have to give spontaneous fun at all, like... I disagree that Alpha SFs need a shake up or that they have a hard time doing it... I feel pretty sufficient in the shakeup area even though my life isn't totally chaotic and shooken up. Be yourself and offer whatever kind of activity and I will offer whatever kind of activity... and naturally so on.

    Additions to the list:

    1. Be supportive of each other's ambitions - This is the biggest one IMO - In the first stage of a relationship, obviously, you aren't going to offer them serious help. I mean you should both admire and appreciate each other's life long goals and if you conflict there, it's best to leave each other peacefully.

    Anything else might just be personal preference

    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    In my perspective, they seem to want to be around people who will talk a lot more theory or 'up in the air' concepts strongly. Which isn't bad, I can be this way when I want to talk about more sensor things with sensors. While I do enjoy it, I know I am really not that strong in that area and you can see the confusion on my face sometimes. I try but I don't seem to hold their attention long it seems irl. Ive had some quickly trying to explain things to confuse me purposely. Makes me sad cause I am really trying Thankfully, the ILE's and LII on here have been very kind to me in this area just, I haven't found one close enough to me to be more patient atm irl it seems or be interested in slowing down and explaining more to me. So I feel a little nervous in this area in regards to NT's.
    For some reason my ILE boyfriend wants to talk about physical "sensory" (if you want to call it that) stuff and he can do it for hours straight with SEIs that are more physically, sensorically inclined than me whilst I get bored to tears listening to it, but I suck it up... I don't really know how to respond or even talk to someone about physical stuff like that without accidentally brushing it off or simplifying it... Thank goodness he understood my pain and told me he wouldn't talk about it anymore. Fortunately he also likes to crack jokes and talk about his ideas although I don't know what is meant by theory or "up in the air" concepts...

    Quote Originally Posted by skosh View Post
    I can be trapped, coerced, made to pay attention etc. by the right type of person. ESE views persistence as absolutely necessary. They behave like they know what's best for you, because you actually may have no idea what's best for you. SEI may have to make ILE consider the opportunity costs of not going along with them. Seems like making Alpha NTs settle and relax is no easy task.
    I would say that if you are the kind of person that wants to settle and relax and you find an ILE that doesn't want to, don't force him to do what he does not want to do at all. You shouldn't act like you know what is best for someone else, but only yourself. The best thing SEIs can do is encourage (but not force!!!) ILEs to go for the more ambitious options that will really further them in their dreams. In a relationship, some compromises must be made so you can both achieve your goals without obstruction.

    Personally I don't mind moving around a lot, but I need to at least be in the same country where my goals can still work out. Somehow my ILE is more about settling and relaxing than me, but we have different ideas of where to go that sometimes conflict, through proper communication and trying to understand each other we figured it out. Lol and a LII told me to calm down recently...

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    My turn to change or add some stuff!1!1!

    1. I agree

    2. I agree (make it offensive and/or sarcastic! then I might join in with a joke sometimes)

    3. I agree, this is probably the second biggest one IMO (Not only logical help, practical help is much appreciated also! Reciprocal help is just perfection in a relationship!)

    4. I HIGHLY disagree. Si is NOT about caretaking, food, dress, or health... I'm trying to work on reversing the stereotypes and stop people from thinking that it is about "pleasurable sensations" or "caretaking" or "homeostasis". I hate being asked to fuss over food, health, dress, when I can't even do those things properly for myself at all, it stresses me out on so many levels.. I'd much rather the other person take care of that themselves.

    5. I agree, except I don't think it's the biggest one... I don't like undeserved praise and people being overly appreciative for what was really nothing to me.

    6. The other person doesn't have to give spontaneous fun at all, like... I disagree that Alpha SFs need a shake up or that they have a hard time doing it... I feel pretty sufficient in the shakeup area even though my life isn't totally chaotic and shooken up. Be yourself and offer whatever kind of activity and I will offer whatever kind of activity... and naturally so on.

    Additions to the list:

    1. Be supportive of each other's ambitions - This is the biggest one IMO - In the first stage of a relationship, obviously, you aren't going to offer them serious help. I mean you should both admire and appreciate each other's life long goals and if you conflict there, it's best to leave each other peacefully.

    Anything else might just be personal preference

    For some reason my ILE boyfriend wants to talk about physical "sensory" (if you want to call it that) stuff and he can do it for hours straight with SEIs that are more physically, sensorically inclined than me whilst I get bored to tears listening to it, but I suck it up... I don't really know how to respond or even talk to someone about physical stuff like that without accidentally brushing it off or simplifying it... Thank goodness he understood my pain and told me he wouldn't talk about it anymore. Fortunately he also likes to crack jokes and talk about his ideas although I don't know what is meant by theory or "up in the air" concepts...

    I would say that if you are the kind of person that wants to settle and relax and you find an ILE that doesn't want to, don't force him to do what he does not want to do at all. You shouldn't act like you know what is best for someone else, but only yourself. The best thing SEIs can do is encourage (but not force!!!) ILEs to go for the more ambitious options that will really further them in their dreams. In a relationship, some compromises must be made so you can both achieve your goals without obstruction.

    Personally I don't mind moving around a lot, but I need to at least be in the same country where my goals can still work out. Somehow my ILE is more about settling and relaxing than me, but we have different ideas of where to go that sometimes conflict, through proper communication and trying to understand each other we figured it out. Lol and a LII told me to calm down recently...

    Yes, someone finally got what Si is all about.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    You don't, i guess. They have a lot of important Ne-Te/Fe stuff to do, you know. Duality isn't some kind of enchantment, it's symbiosis. The only types you can have control or power over are beneficiary and supervisee. If you like ILEs so much, you could follow them though and leave when you're fed up. They'll miss you then and realise how awesome you are and might come back.

    Yes when people actively try to manipulate the rythm of my life or the pace of my inner world it's time to leave and stop caring...

    I kinda want to derail this quick as I find this interesting. If I am using the theory of benefit and supervisor correctly. I am the benefactor of LSI and I supervise EIE. Now, I have never mentioned this but I have like this weird/raw attraction to both those types. A lot of my favorite characters have been LSI and EIE. Roroanoa Zoro and Donquixote Doflamingo have been LSI and EIE and they just have this deep Se sexiness that I can't quite shake. Don't get me wrong, I love IEI and SLE, and I have been attracted to SLE men, these two just hit different for me. I have fallen for EIE men but I havent been able to get close to LSI men irl but they seem to kinda want to get closer to me. More so cause it seems that I can control them, in that way, I find it interesting.

    Edit: also yeah, that what I kinda assumed for ILE's. You just got to let them do their own thing and if they come back, they come back. Eventually they really do miss the sweet Si in a way me thinks. I don't want to force ILE (or anybody really) just I am still trying to figure out the ILE manual it seems lol. It's fine, good thing I like to study hard when it comes to people!
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-23-2021 at 03:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    ..... What always makes me chuckle are stereotypes like a SEI soccer mom and a ILE nerd who supervise EIE and LSI dictators.
    I love it

    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Yea sure, what else? You want to know what was before the big bang too? Only the most advanced socionists had a glimpse of the ILE manual when they collided two Higgs Bosons in a nuclear reactor... It is said that they saw a rare explosion of cushiness fuelled by a need to be loved...

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    What always makes me chuckle are stereotypes like a SEI soccer mom and a ILE nerd who supervise EIE and LSI dictators.
    This is my secret hobby. I'd like to come up some sort of solution that serves humiliation in a way that completely washes off dignity and authority.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    What always makes me chuckle are stereotypes like a SEI soccer mom and a ILE nerd who supervise EIE and LSI dictators.
    I'm just glad that socionics isn't popular

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Can you give an example? I have an idea for how it works with SEI, but not ILE. My SEI version:

    **actual words uttered... if you've been following the news, you'll know who I mean
    Never underestimate what little tech can do. Argumentation can also do a lot.

    I assume IEE-SLI is like a duo that tackles (LIE-ESI) gamma institutions. Either by journalism or parody.

    I think this TV show was a great example of that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    eh. stick w ur quadra. i don't do intraquadra mixing
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Well, I think we stop them from getting too cocky and thinking the're the shit. In general, delta-gamma interaction can mean exposing all these shady Te agreements(frauds, scams, mafias...) they make to get more power and call them out when they get too engrossed in their philantropic pipe dreams(a.k.a. "we must build rockets to save humanity!"). Deltas can be financial whistleblowers.

    About parody, I speak Gamma fluently.... to take with a grain of salt...

    OK. Can you do this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Unofficial motto of Google
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    Miss Duckis personal notes of how to trap and Alpha NT now:
    -Listen to them talk and ask questions
    -ask them for personalized instructions how to do things
    -cook them good food and bribe them with it
    -tease and be silly
    -reward with praise of good behaviour and „punish“ bad behaviour
    -Fe warmth with a genuine compliment
    -provide good sensory experiences
    -Br honest, direct, yet soft
    -Be adorable, welcoming, chill, or sexy
    -be slower with them and firm
    -make them feel needed and loved

    -Fe, Fe, Fe, and more Fe
    -Dont be afraid to act like a Fe fool around them
    -Ask them to explain logical concepts and ask for tasks
    -plead if you must and give big puppy dog eyes
    -you have to be willing to make more moves with them and take the first step forward
    -Offer good pleasures- be it food or massage
    -Be Fe friendly, they like it and keep asking questions
    -Tease them and get Fe dramatic with it in a safe space
    -Laugh at their jokes
    -make them feel welcomed in a group
    -Appear welcoming or adorable
    -make them feel needed and loved
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-25-2021 at 12:56 PM.

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    The easiest way is to make a row of cookies near computer club.
    Si suggestive ILE will come right to you without a chance to escape.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-31-2021 at 02:06 PM.

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    This is from the lost archives of E.J. Arendee:

    How to Seduce the Types:

    ILE: Help them get dressed in the morning, help them bathe, when they lose their underpants spontaneously throughout the day, help them find their underpants. If they set something on fire, put it out for them, and remind them to bathe.

    SEI: Act like a huge baby that needs to be taken care of, and they'll take care of you. They'll feel validated.

    LII: Help them get dressed in the morning, help them bathe, when they lose their underpants spontaneously throughout the day, help them find their underpants. If they set something on fire, put it out for them, and remind them to bathe.

    ESE: Act like a huge baby that needs to be taken care of, and they'll take care of you. They'll feel validated.

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    Here we observe the lone alpha SF trying to catch the wild NT. Observe as the lone SF puts a tray of cookies right near the AC club. As you can see, the alpha SF is placing a near perfect trap to catch their prey. A fan is also added to help lift the fragrance of the cookies to entice the wild alpha NT. Watch as they patiently wait for their prey to come on by. My, it is a sight to behold when the wild NT wanders into the trap. We truly then see how dangerous the attack of the alpha SF is and how vulnerable the wild NT can be to the sight of cookies and the alpha SF.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This is from the lost archives of E.J. Arendee:

    How to Seduce the Types:

    ILE: Help them get dressed in the morning, help them bathe, when they lose their underpants spontaneously throughout the day, help them find their underpants. If they set something on fire, put it out for them, and remind them to bathe.

    SEI: Act like a huge baby that needs to be taken care of, and they'll take care of you. They'll feel validated.

    LII: Help them get dressed in the morning, help them bathe, when they lose their underpants spontaneously throughout the day, help them find their underpants. If they set something on fire, put it out for them, and remind them to bathe.

    ESE: Act like a huge baby that needs to be taken care of, and they'll take care of you. They'll feel validated.
    Well history has shown that LIE's (Tyko Brahe) need to be forced to used the toilet. Their filling bladder is the issue here located in their sensor design.
    OTOH, they will keep their pet moose drunk so ESI's can be sure that their companion can entertain some feelings while being a robot.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker The Fool View Post
    Aren't ILEs notorious for simplifying everything abstract into simple and physical terms? I don't know if it should be a problem if they are very scientific minded.
    Simplifying? lmao, sorry I was just thinking about Bukalov and his freaking super simple Model B

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This is from the lost archives of E.J. Arendee:
    That dude was a funny troll, he was an Ennea 6 who refused his type so he "chose" to be an 8. He is into some angeology stuff these days (1d Ni maybe?)

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