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    Member Questionnaire 1 (ImOutThere)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    This question is hard for me to answer. Beauty can be many things, regardless of the fact that many can agree that something is beautiful, the concept of beauty is a subjective judgment. It is a feeling that can be described as awe. A person experiences beauty because, regardless if its a beautiful object or something intangible, the feeling remains the same, it puts an individual in exaltation when experienced. Love is very much linked to beauty because love is beautiful and we love the awe beauty commands. As I said with beauty, love is subjective only more so. So I would say that love and beauty are more or less the same.
    What are your most important values?
    This question may be even harder than the first for me to answer. I can't think of abstract values, only characteristics I find admirable. People that are loyal to those they care about and keep them safe. People that face insurmountable odds regardless of the consequences. Drive, ambition, loyalty, benevolence but only countered with an equal amount of discernment, wisdom countered with humility.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't have a specific religion, but I am not an atheist. I am hyper-religious I am fascinated by all religions. Christianity was how I was brought up and I have some issues with it and I think I consider myself a Christian but definitely not in the traditional orthodox context. Saying I'm not Christian sounds odd to me. I am fascinated by European paganism and other Indo-European religions. Religion is a fascination of mine but faith in one specific one is not easy for me.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I have a rather cynical view of power and militaries. I think people should respect a soldier, even if they aren't a good person. The sacrifice a soldier must be willing to make is what should be respected. The military-industrial complex is really an inevitability. Global policing isn't something I'm fond of. Power is another inevitability, hierarchies and power structures should be tempered with benevolence, but they can never be truly torn down only reformed.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I talk about typology a lot, but no one around me really cares. I talk about philosophy, history, politics. I've always been into these types of subjects I don't really know why I like to constantly think about abstract subjects for some reason. Everyday conversations like new chip flavors, what aunt Jane did at Christmas, who is in a new relationship, the exciting trip to the grocery store; these things are frivolous to me and I don't know what to say to them. It has caused problems with people thinking I'm too aloof, or annoyed when I change the subject abruptly.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I am interested in working out and dieting, but my weight fluctuates and I've never been that fit. I try fad diets like keto, and I now eat one meal a day. I don't have healthy habits, even though I'd like to be healthy.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I am absolutely terrible at doing them and I frequently ignore them. However, they are important and I am ashamed I neglect them.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Wow, this could be pages long. Recently I ignore cable TV and watch Netflix, rarely do any movies motivate me to go to the movie theatre. I watch anime and read manga, but my interests in anime is pretty basic. My favorite right now is the One Punch Man manga and I started to watch JoJos Bizarre Adventure on Netflix. I like My Hero Academia, I grew up watching Naruto and DBZ. I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but the Avengers have become boring to me. I am looking forward to the new Joker movie. I liked the two Netflix series Maniac and The Haunting of Hill House (I read the book the series was based on in high school), Stranger Things is good as well. The new Tarantino movie looks good. I usually watch the Office or friends reruns on Netflix. I like stupid action movies as well like fast and furious and john wick. I like cosmic horror, HP Lovecraft, Clive Barker, not a fan of Stephen King. My all-time favorite show was true detective or Twin Peaks. Love David Lynch, Kubrick, Scorsese. I could keep going on and on.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I can't remember when I've cried, but I don't usually feel like that unless I'm watching something or reading. I smiled today watching something funny on youtube.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I feel like I was meant to be a professor, I like to research and study subject and talk at length about them. Other than that I've never felt a oneness with any physical environment. I feel a belonging among artistic or bookish people.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I am inattentive to real life, I am indecisive, fickle, socially anxious, and the worst procrastinator. I wish I took care of my health and interacted with the world more.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    It's hard to like what my strengths are because they don't have any real benefit. I am imaginative, creative, intellectual.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I need help with discipline and motivation to move toward a decision. People like Jocko Willink or David Goggins really help me get motivated. I also need help with confidence.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    If I find myself stuck in a rut it could seriously upheave my life. I could do something drastic and stupid to change it. I've changed my major for this reason and it has extended my expected graduation date. I've also abruptly quit jobs for this reason.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I don't really know if the things that annoy me could be attributed to type. People who are self-centered and only care about themselves. People who only talk about themselves when in a group. Usually, this type of person will tell long stories about their personal life that were never warranted nor appropriate to the topic of discussion. People who show no emotion and try to act cool. People that are easily offended. I get along with different people but there are people that I think judge me more harshly. For lack of a better term "Jocks" make the mistake that they can push me around, I can stand up for myself but I find it exhausting to have to constantly do. And I think older women in their middle age (maybe ESE's?) I think don't really know what to make of me. I used to sell insurance and this lady who I think was an ESE could not stand me and I couldn't stand her. She would always say rude things to me, saying I have a monotone voice, I sound miserable on the phone, etc, she would usually do this not so passive aggressively. There was a receptionist at my current job who I think was an ESE that was very pushy and emotionally demanding. She would act all offended if I didn't say good morning to her and say it to me like she was making a point. I feel like this might be an American thing, I feel like this is a very emotionally demanding country.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I ashamed to say am attracted to moodiness. As a kid, I had a crush on Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice. A girl like that or Raven from teen titans. I had a thing for moody goth girls. Now I've kind of grown out of that but I still find moody girl sexy like Heather Baron-Gracie from the band Pale Waves. I find the opposite true for me too Emilia Clarke is my dream girl. I don't want a cold stand-offish woman, she must be emotionally competent. Emotion is the main part of it, seducing and making the girl fall in love with me is my goal. Sex is not a primary goal for me. I look for long term life partners. But I can get caught up in fantasizing about romancing a young woman and making her feel in love. When I was younger I wanted to make the moody girls feel something, I wanted to see their normally expressionless faces light up.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Education, I would want them to get the best education and get a good paying job. I would do the best I can to help them avoid unnecessary debt. I would want them to have a good work ethic and discipline. I would try to impart that on them by getting them to learn an instrument or martial arts, something that requires discipline and practice. I wouldn't push them to any specific path, I just want them to have the tool to succeed.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I will call it out if I don't agree. I have no problem disagreeing and can seem argumentative even when I don't think I am. If its a matter of personal preference I may say something but I usually let people do their own thing, it depends on the matter. If its minor I may say something I may not, if its major I may end up beating a dead horse.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I think I can be pretty misanthropic at times. I see people as trying to get by and live their life. They could do something selfless or selfish, but I think people will tend to act in their best interests, not for the best of the group. I think that the prevalent social problem in my country is no one has an identity. People in my country have a hard time seeing themselves as a whole group. There's no shared history, no prevailing culture. Sometimes I wish I was born in France or Italy or Japan, someplace with a long illustrious history and culture.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't really choose my friends, when I was younger I tended to not notice who my real friends were, I like to be around people that I can share ideas with and have fun. I wish I could meet more people but I have crippling social anxiety at the moment I'm trying to get over it.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I behave normally, I can act a little guarded or quiet, but I think that's more my mental state, not my personality. In high school and earlier, I was a loud mouth and constantly clowning around. I joke often with people, I am polite, but I can be rude at times.

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Well, I'm pretty sure I'm an ILE. I could honestly see any type with logic and intuition blocked together. But I think I have creative Ti, my interests aren't very Te oriented. But hey, I've considered all kinds of types I really don't know at this point.

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    Your description sounds like a mixture of two guys I know; one is IEE and the other is ILE.
    I'd say ILE for you. I didn't see any solid evidence for Ti creative from your answers, but I see some Fe going on, which you seem to value but are weak at.
    The perfect girl you described also really sounds like SEI, which is supposed to be ILE's dual.

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    So you're getting dominant Ne? I re-read the post and I do seem pretty ILE, I just put my thoughts down the Ti may be missing because I was talking about myself and not really using it. I'm not averse to the possibility that I'm IEE but how do I come across as one in this post?

    Fi doesn't seem to be a priority for me, I have a hard time gauging how people view me I usually assume they don't like me. My SEI girlfriend has said this about me. Also hidden agenda Fe sounds like something I understand in myself. For example, a can feel jealous of people that dominate conversations or seem to be the "funny one" I try to be this person and can come off extremely obnoxious trying to do so. As I'm writing this I remember the people that often got offended were probably Fi ego types. When they would snap at me after I stepped on their toes I would see this as not completely serious and go even further or be seriously caught off guard and hurt. Tolling people ie. saying things to get a reaction is something I enjoy very much and can seem annoying I know. And I usually find attempts to troll me amusing even, which makes it hard to tell if someone is just an ass or they're my friend.

    I once annoyed a girl at work arguing against vegetarianism; to me, I was gently poking fun, to her she must have thought I was laughing at her and trying to belittle her or something.

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    I don't really want to post a video especially a 10 minute one, plus I wouldn't really put much weight in someones visual typing of me anyway. I took a look at the IR test you made though.

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    This questionnaire was such a waste of time. It was too much text apparently.

    This thread will be closed by tomorrow. If you have an argument go ahead. Don't ask for a video or anything like that I gave plenty of information don't be lazy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    So you're getting dominant Ne? I re-read the post and I do seem pretty ILE, I just put my thoughts down the Ti may be missing because I was talking about myself and not really using it. I'm not averse to the possibility that I'm IEE but how do I come across as one in this post?
    Yes, Ne was the most apparent.

    Fi doesn't seem to be a priority for me, I have a hard time gauging how people view me I usually assume they don't like me. My SEI girlfriend has said this about me. Also hidden agenda Fe sounds like something I understand in myself.
    Having a hard time understanding your relations to other people is a general weak Fi problem, which other types can have problems with too, so this does not help much. Can you describe me how you understand Fe hidden agenda?

    For example, a can feel jealous of people that dominate conversations or seem to be the "funny one" I try to be this person and can come off extremely obnoxious trying to do so.
    This sound more like not being comfortable with yourself and it's not function related. Although I've only seen this in extroverts.

    As I'm writing this I remember the people that often got offended were probably Fi ego types. When they would snap at me after I stepped on their toes I would see this as not completely serious and go even further or be seriously caught off guard and hurt. Tolling people ie. saying things to get a reaction is something I enjoy very much and can seem annoying I know. And I usually find attempts to troll me amusing even, which makes it hard to tell if someone is just an ass or they're my friend.
    I once annoyed a girl at work arguing against vegetarianism; to me, I was gently poking fun, to her she must have thought I was laughing at her and trying to belittle her or something.
    What you described sounds like generic Exxp behavior. ILE still stands though, considering everything.
    Try doing the other available questionnaire, and answering as clearly and to the point as possible. The best option would be VI though. I used to be skeptical of it too, but after some research, I started noticing similar patterns of behavior in people with the same type.

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    Yes, I agree about not being comfortable with myself. I'm not sure if I have weak Fi or if it's Polr.

    Fe hidden agenda as I understand it is wanting to be the most popular person in the room. They want adoration from everyone and overestimate their ability to get this and come off obnoxious/sleazy.
    A stereotypical used car salesman is what I think of as an example of Fe hidden agenda. Not that I come off like that though, I just come off as rude and obnoxious, not always, but it can happen.

    Another point I agree with you on is that I didn't answer this questionnaire very clearly and ended up bombarding people with a wall of text. I'll give another one a shot.

    I may make a video in the future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    Yes, I agree about not being comfortable with myself. I'm not sure if I have weak Fi or if it's Polr.
    The difference is whether you value it or don't; for example, Fi is my suggestive (or dual seeking) function, meaning it's weak (1-dimensional), but valued; I know I am clumsy at it, but I am actively looking for it from other people (specifically duals - hence dual seeking) and I try to manage it the best I can. It is an integral part of my personality. It also manifests itself as strong loyalties, principles and in more extreme cases as being judgemental, unforgiving and stuck-up.
    OTOH, an ILE with his Fi as PoLR, not only is bad at, but is uninterested in interpersonal nuance, status of relationship, interpersonal bonds, etc.. etc.. They are purely reliant on outer demonstration of emotion (emotional impact), if that makes sense.

    Fe hidden agenda as I understand it is wanting to be the most popular person in the room. They want adoration from everyone and overestimate their ability to get this and come off obnoxious/sleazy.
    A stereotypical used car salesman is what I think of as an example of Fe hidden agenda. Not that I come off like that though, I just come off as rude and obnoxious, not always, but it can happen.
    The hidden agenda gets projected outwards; it's what we want others to see in us. We are not skilled at it, but understand it well enough to be able to try using it. In less experienced individuals it may manifest itself in an awkward, exaggerated and obnoxious way.
    Fe HA seeks active emotional participation from itself and other people, and like you said, acclaim and adoration. Furthermore (because it gets projected outwards), Fe HA wants it be known that it's liked, adored and that it's capable to create and influence a Fe atmosphere.

    I suggest you read more into functions and how they act respective to their positions. Definitely check out the dichotomies and the concept of quadras too.

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    after you'll understand your correct type and such the typology better
    there will be more possible for you to change the opinion from "Socionics isn’t real" to more positive one

    as I said before, to type you - you need to give your videointerview

    until that, you may stay with huge misunderstanding about Socionics and such to think it's not real cause you don't notice how the theory works

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    I like socionics, I don't dismiss it altogether and I am reading more about it from sites like this one and wikisocion. I'm sure you have devoted a lot of your time and attention to socionics and I'm sure you know quite a lot about the subject. I realize that a video may help some people try to draw some connection with me and other similar looking people, but for the most part, I don't believe in Visual Identification. But I have yet to be convinced of the validity of physical features or expressions and a personality typing system (socionics) being somehow linked, however, I'm not going to say it's impossible for a link to be there.

    As for a video, I probably will do a video and post it on here but that will be a long time from now.

    Also, I apologize for past rude comments. I must have really pissed you off for you to look this old thread up just to comment lol. I want to come here to discuss the theory of socionics not to troll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    I ashamed to say am attracted to moodiness. As a kid, I had a crush on Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice. A girl like that or Raven from teen titans. I had a thing for moody goth girls. Now I've kind of grown out of that but I still find moody girl sexy like Heather Baron-Gracie from the band Pale Waves. I find the opposite true for me too Emilia Clarke is my dream girl. I don't want a cold stand-offish woman, she must be emotionally competent. Emotion is the main part of it, seducing and making the girl fall in love with me is my goal. Sex is not a primary goal for me. I look for long term life partners. But I can get caught up in fantasizing about romancing a young woman and making her feel in love. When I was younger I wanted to make the moody girls feel something, I wanted to see their normally expressionless faces light up.
    Mind me asking, do you really find Heather Baron-Gracie's face expressionless or like she is actually unfeeling? Same for Emilia Clarke?

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Mind me asking, do you really find Heather Baron-Gracie's face expressionless or like she is actually unfeeling? Same for Emilia Clarke?
    Woah someone replied to this old thread? I think they are both Fe ego types and sexy as hell. I am attracted to all kinds of women so I don't think this was type related. I know my type now but I would like to know what you think it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    Woah someone replied to this old thread? I think they are both Fe ego types and sexy as hell. I am attracted to all kinds of women so I don't think this was type related. I know my type now but I would like to know what you think it is.
    Yeah it seems I dig up some old type threads lol

    Sorry, I haven't read your questionnaire fully yet, but I'm going to get to it and let you know what I think.

    Do you think they are very emotional in their face then BTW? If you type them Fe ego

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    Emilia Clarke is extremely expressive, many people comment on her facial expressions. Heather Baron-Gracie is not as expressive but I still think she uses Fe well. I don't think she is expressionless, she has a sort of dark and moody attitude that is cute. I don't know her type but I would say that she is not expressionless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    Emilia Clarke is extremely expressive, many people comment on her facial expressions. Heather Baron-Gracie is not as expressive but I still think she uses Fe well. I don't think she is expressionless, she has a sort of dark and moody attitude that is cute. I don't know her type but I would say that she is not expressionless.
    Ah OK then it's just that it was in the same paragraph where you talked of liking moody but expressionless women. ("When I was younger I wanted to make the moody girls feel something, I wanted to see their normally expressionless faces light up.") Agreed they aren't expressionless. That aside, as for as your typing, I've read it all but I'm not sure. You are clearly a Ni/Se type to me, Ni ego with Se seeking like "I need help with discipline and motivation to move toward a decision". It kind of also sounds like preferring Se creative coupled with your serious issues with the "Si chores". If I can think of more seeing other posts or a video or anything about you, I'll try to add more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Ah OK then it's just that it was in the same paragraph where you talked of liking moody but expressionless women. ("When I was younger I wanted to make the moody girls feel something, I wanted to see their normally expressionless faces light up.") Agreed they aren't expressionless. That aside, as for as your typing, I've read it all but I'm not sure. You are clearly a Ni/Se type to me, Ni ego with Se seeking like "I need help with discipline and motivation to move toward a decision". It kind of also sounds like preferring Se creative coupled with your serious issues with the "Si chores". If I can think of more seeing other posts or a video or anything about you, I'll try to add more.

    This questionnaire is not very helpful, but you have come to some correct conclusions about me. I am an EJ that uses Ni as their creative. I have come to accept that EIE Ni subtype makes the most sense. A lot of what I said in this questionnaire is not really all that true and have more to do with where my head was at in the moment I typed it. I was under a lot of stress.

    I like many types of women, not just expressionless ones. It seems to be misleading for me to put such an emphasis on that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Gamma > beta
    give me a break

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    So you truly have no argument? What a waste of time. Nice infantile response though, it was cute.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Gamma > beta

    (also you didn't even ask for an argument, so don't expect one; you asked for a break)

    How old are you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I wrote that you are more probably gamma than beta based on your questionnaire, observed posts and behavior, individualistic tendencies, seemingly devalued Fe and so on. Out of beta, based on your responses I don't see you as EIE at all. You seem introvert of Ni-valuation, or at least very high Ni (XII). If you want, I can give you a longer response (if you will stop pissing at me for writing 'gamma > beta' for you, as it seems it angers you). Definitely not ILE and I have no idea how anyone could see that. Ni-egos have imagination developed well enough to see even their PoLR as their strength. Somehow. You could be even ILI for what I know, tentatively (as there was a time I typed as 'maybe EIE' with similar results).

    Without video and longer questionnaire, it's unlikely that your type will ever come out as more than 'well, vaguely'.

    (the one forum member you remind me of is Reyne, who usually types as ESI or SLI; but for some reason, you seem to react very stand-offishly for even mentioning you could not be beta)

    I asked for an argument, I got something that could be generously called one. You say I have devalued Fe, but lack evidence that supports this. I am not angry I have been poking at you to give me a rationale to your evaluation, while also getting you to bump the thread out of curiosity for what others may have to say. You got the Ni part right though thats good.

    Im sorry to say that Im not Reyne and I do not type myself as this person apparently has. And basing a typing on the persons "standoffish" emotional reaction seems very much not something an ILI would do, you sound confused.

    If my behavior provokes juvenile behavior in you I hardly see that as my problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    How would you 'rationally answer' a 'give me a break' answer to 'gamma > beta' post other than making a joke? I also don't see how that would be 'juvenile'; I would, however, call out your behavior as manipulative (probably out of need to 'stop retyping me'; pretty much serious You didn't asked for a serious longer answer, you didn't get one. Then you start to retype me. And sorry, I won't get provoked over this nonsense.

    Basing typings on observational behavior is Te.
    This isn't my drama but I'll add; It was actually juvenile to just keep repeating the exact same words after being told that that's unwanted.

    PS: Lol Ne egos are the prestigious types? Really?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    This questionnaire is not very helpful, but you have come to some correct conclusions about me. I am an EJ that uses Ni as their creative. I have come to accept that EIE Ni subtype makes the most sense. A lot of what I said in this questionnaire is not really all that true and have more to do with where my head was at in the moment I typed it. I was under a lot of stress.

    I like many types of women, not just expressionless ones. It seems to be misleading for me to put such an emphasis on that.
    Ah I see. Yeah Ni ego makes sense. I'm not sure if I see Fe or Te more, no opinion on that rightnow, if I have any input on that later I'll let you know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    It's not their Ne what makes some beta NFs interested in being them. It's their Ti (usually) or Fi, mixed with intuition of course.
    OK I can't really do this lol, like, whatever is considered prestige on a fringe forum lol doesn't interest me but thanks for the answer

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    Resurrecting this thread regardless of how much it makes me cringe.

    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by EUDAEMONIUM View Post
    Resurrecting this thread regardless of how much it makes me cringe.
    Responding bc no one else did and this is still open.

    Ironic enough to be Ni ego (loads of that in some of your posts in your other typing threads, I think), stereotypically, you are also sometimes a bit haughty is my impression anyways. You really, really remind me of a previous acquaintance of mine, though the person was female.

    In whichever type thread of yours you mention that you find business-y stuff tiring, and you want to be into the arts and the like, that was stereotypically Ethical type.

    I don't think any IEI is like you though, they are a lot more lighthearted and relaxed. So I think your current typing is okay.

    (Did you copy your Si PoLR-y descriptions from some Socionics site?)

    I know this is not "neatly" going by IEs, it's a superficial analysis based on your attitudes and your strongest interests/most obvious weaknesses but hey

    Tbh I posted in here because of how much you remind me of the acquaintance, it's just really....funny

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