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Thread: Feather's typing thread (Near-anniversary edition)

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    Default Feather's typing thread (Near-anniversary edition)

    (Link back up after deleting it, oops):

    It's here!
    You should bear in mind that i fare WAAAAY better in writing > speech. If the video is too awkward, you know why.
    That's why i'll also elaborate on the answered questions and answer some more later today.
    Anxiety is not to be trusted when caught on tape.

    "Why now? Why not actually record it in November (when the anniversary actually is)?"
    Because the following months I'll be neck-
    deep in editing projects, school and learning for the Bacalaureate and sorting out my university application. This lil' Saturday was the only window of time that I managed to find.

    "You were rambling too much in the vi
    deo, it's not good typing material REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
    Use it as more of a reference, then. I will elaborate on a few of the answere
    d questions aaaaand answer the rest in this thread.
    But not yet.

    "Why are you simulating an interview instea
    d of just stating these things?"
    No i
    dea, the idea just popped to me like that.

    Okay, guys, so this is it. I
    don't think i'll add a poll this time- discussion will flow unrestrained and free, as long as you are respectful to my or other's opinions.
    Just like i sai
    d, I WILL add more questions and answers to this later on, but right now i could just take the time to record and upload the video.
    I will, of course, answer aaaany a
    dditional questions asked by you guys. From my favourite ice cream flavour to whatever else it is that you would like to know about me and could aid in the typing process.
    I'll most likely come back and add the answers later this evening. Until then, here's the video:
    Last edited by Chthonic Daydream; 11-21-2018 at 09:12 AM.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Wow. Online, I’d swear you are IEI, but my VI impression from part way through your video is EII.

  3. #3
    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    you are so cool and sweet and funny.
    No type opinion but I like you a lot - several answers made me laugh out loud
    ("what was your high schoo- NO." was my favourite. Big mood)
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Multiple TIM disorder.

    EII. Final and I say extraverted sub.

    Good amount of perspective taking which points towards holy and I'm stuck in the rut/swamp/bottomless pothole of process type in process/result dichotomy.
    Winning is for losers


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    idiosyncratic type
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Without your glasses, you look exactly like my EII friend from when I was a teenager, Nathan. Same expression and everything, just your hair is different but that's it.

    I'll write more later. I need to think about it.

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    What is something you regret?
    Going years back now, the thing I regret the most is jumping into relationships that were doomed from the start. I was in a pretty dark place years ago, and i did things that I'm not entirely proud of. I was acting like an "emotional prostitute" and even got into a relationship with someone I didn't EVEN LOVE, just because I felt some wicked need to be in one. It ended badly, as you might guess. And so did my last one, which was nothing short of toxic, cheating and manipulation (on my partner's side). I guess that was karma for me. But I did learn something from all of this, and nowadays i am much more mellow about the idea of a relationship. I no longer view it as an end goal and I'm not letting the desire to be in one dominate me. I have the fear of dying alone, but I've been told I have plenty of time for that.
    I also have a nice amount of RomComs to keep me company until then too.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I already answered this in the video but I feel the need to clarify: I don't think you need a material liaison between you and divinity in order to reach it. You are the liaison itself- No need for a priest to reinforce that. You can "do" spirituality by yourself. And now, with all the resources available online, it's much easier than ever to educate yourself on it too. I can see the need for rosaries or religious objects, as they are minimal and trinkets can serve as a focus for faith. But I see no reason to pump so much money into a network which serves as a protection circle for child molesters *coughcatholicchurch*.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    None, the way the education system works here makes all of them unenjoyable and a chore. It used to be literature and language up when we could actually do compositions of our own and share them with the class and teacher. But all of that was gone in the 8th grade and replaced with ass-kissing our mediocre national writers and reading 37 pages of literary essays about poets only to regurgitate them on exam day. It honestly makes me sad, when I look back at it.
    Four years later and I can say that it's still the same and nothing has changed. Creativity is severely stifled in the favour of "Who has the best visual memory?"

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    London and I absolutely adored it. The atmosphere, SO MANY PARKS, so much stuff to do. My only complaints were:
    1) I couldn't see Frankenstein the Musical
    2) The weather was unusually hot (30+
    degrees celsius) and it made me want to die. It's so bad when you have to walk from Buckingham to Victoria while sweating pinballs.
    3) Very crowded, perhaps too crowded for my tastes.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    A child is the least of my worries right now, and i don't plan on having one until i'm 60 and realize I can't anymore. Just kidding. Seriously though, like every 18-year old, I can't imagine myself as a parent because I can barely take care of myself. Financial security and the fear that I might not be able to understand and help my child through his/her struggles are the main concerns, I suppose.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    Err, getting what I want from a person? Life? A project where multiple people were involved but the outcome wasn't what I expected?
    If it's a person, I'll make sure to ask nicely...Multiple times.
    I have an unhealthy attitude (it got a bit better but it's still not gone) when it comes to not getting what I want out of life and get instantly pessimistic about my chances of succeeding at the first sight of things going downhill. I also don't believe in the fact that equality of chances truly exists, but would LOVE to see it actually become a thing. I can become pretty bitter about life in general due to this, and for the longest of time I thought that the term of "disillusioned idealist" is what fits me best.
    Hope for the best but expect the worst.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I have nodesire leading or being lead. I mentioned this in the video as well, but it more often than not comes across as someone either trying to choke me intellectually and emotionally (if i'm being lead) or me being awkwardly over-bossy and overzealous OR just laying dormant and letting everyone do what they want (If I'm leading), there's no in-between.
    I'm also very authority-adverse, so go figure.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    Anger is a very powerful emotion. I feel sadness more often than anger, but I do have moments when I am as frumious as the Jabberwock, such as when I feel like people are trying to control me and leave me no room for action (and they succeed), when people misinterpret my actions as being ill will or me being a truly despicable, impish person in general (because I really feel misjudged then- I did fret over this when it happened with Bertrand a couple of times for instance).
    I also feel a great deal of anger when witnessing injustice and power abuse. THAT REAAAALLY gets me riled up.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I believe there is no universal purpose of life. Everyone is free to see the world through whatever lenses they wish to, as long as it's not harmful to them or other people in the long run. Being a homicidal maniac because you dreamed of a "higher calling" from your God is not cool and very 11th century. Moreso, I think the meaning itself is dynamic too. Think of how many times you changed your mind about what you wanted out of life. This second you want to discover a cure for Cancer, the next you find yourself knee-deep in Thich Nhat Hanh's books and wishing to reach Nirvana.
    What matters is that we should be able to experience a little bit of everything before laser-focusing on a single ideal.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    You saw my hair in the video, right? Good, now imagine what it's like in the morning. Gooood, now imagine that I never bother to actually do something to it unless I have to get out of the house.
    I'm very minimalistic about my appearance and have always been. Everyone I knew was messing with hair gel and spending $$$ on clothes, while I wasn't doing either of those. Growing up, my taste hasn't changed much. I do go for more "unique" but not too flashy clothing (for example, I have a shirt with the entire dictionary definition of the word "sunset" and sentences where it can be used in different contexts. I also have a t-shirt with a "The dream" print by Pablo Picasso. The rest are quite basic. Favourite colours are literally ANY colour other than white or grey (even though they aren't technically colours), but I gravitate towards shades of red, black, green, even yellow and purplish colors.
    I am very insecure about taste and appearance and critique in this field hits me like a van.

    Do you like surprises?

    Like any other person, I enjoy good surprises. A gift, a friend that I haven't spoken to in a long while texting or calling me for a meet-up, a limousine coming to my house and the shady figure inside telling me that I've been chosen to write a few doctor who episodes; Stuff like that.
    But generally speaking, I feel like I need some time to prepare for rapidly changing circumstances. I need a plan of action more or less, even if it's not a plan and something more like a shitty doodle. This is why I felt pretty itchy when I made the video, as I didn't rehearse it AT ALL this time.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Questions (or at least most of them) up and done in the post above ^
    Thanks @A
    dam Strange and @Troll Nr 007 for participating. You too, Ave, I see you <3
    d thanks @mrrrmaid for being so sweet in general.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    I don’t really have anything substantial to add concerning your type, sorry - just passin’ by to let you know that I find you hilarious.
    Now I’ll see myself out.

  9. #9
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Aw @Feathers I hope this doesn't sound patronizing or whatever, but you're like so totally the adorable nerd/underdog-to-root-for in every Hollywood movie that you want to protect from the evil sadistic asshole. Just a sweet and charming/funny nerd. Online... I pick up your nuances/complexity much better but your physical presence just reminds me of that. Reminds me of kopyk too in a way.

    Ever think of IJ temperment for yourself?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Aw @Feathers I hope this doesn't sound patronizing or whatever, but you're like so totally the adorable nerd/underdog-to-root-for in every Hollywood movie that you want to protect from the evil sadistic asshole. Just a sweet and charming/funny nerd. Online... I pick up your nuances/complexity much better but your physical presence just reminds me of that. Reminds me of kopyk too in a way.

    Ever think of IJ temperment for yourself?
    No full-offense taken, maybe a bit but then I remember the outcome of movies such as Juno or Scott Pilgrim and I feel a wee better about myself.
    IJ temperament, ouais. I have.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  11. #11
    Aramas's Avatar
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    You're about as EII as they come.

  12. #12
    Xaiviay's Avatar
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    *Pulls glasses down bridge of my nose* can I be hot too, when I do this? ...maybe? No?...darn, had to try>-<

    I'm sorry as for your type, I'm going to throw out a different one here- EIE? Look at the EIEs in these videos. The first EIE man (MIKA) already reminds me a lot of you. Ezra Miller and Johnathan Heidt VI a lot like you, too.
    the way the education system works here makes all of them unenjoyable and a chore. It used to be literature and language up when we could actually do compositions of our own and share them with the class and teacher.
    Jeff Bliss is included in the EIE videos talking about how he didn't like a class because the teacher wouldn't get involved personally with the students. You're kind of expressing the same values.
    London and I absolutely adored it. The atmosphere, SO MANY PARKS, so much stuff to do. My only complaints were:
    1) I couldn't see Frankenstein the Musical
    2) The weather was unusually hot (30+
    degrees celsius) and it made me want to die. It's so bad when you have to walk from Buckingham to Victoria while sweating pinballs.
    3) Very crowded, perhaps too crowded for my tastes.
    I went on vacation with a confirmed EIE and she had this amazingly long list of possible activities she wanted to do, and only ended up getting to do about 10% of it (not that we didn't do a ton, it's just that she was always planning and getting excited for every possible thing). Is this at all like you?
    I am very insecure about taste and appearance and critique in this field hits me like a van.
    Might be an example of Si PoLR?
    But generally speaking, I feel like I need some time to prepare for rapidly changing circumstances. I need a plan of action more or less, even if it's not a plan and something more like a shitty doodle. This is why I felt pretty itchy when I made the video, as I didn't rehearse it AT ALL this time.
    This could suggest rational > irrational, at least.

    Also, I know everyone is typing you EII, but you just seem way more open and comfortable discussing your emotional attitudes with complete strangers on the internet, than Fi-doms usually are. You're very eloquent when expressing yourself this way, and easily draw in other's sympathies. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're quite strong in the Fe department.

  13. #13
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    You appear EII at a glance. You seem very likable.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    mb ILE
    among F types - IEE to think at first, IEI as 2nd

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    Woah, without the glasses you look EXACTLY like an IEE guy I used to know. Even some of the expressions you make seem like his. Your gaze is very Ne-ish, soft/relaxed and darting around as if looking for novel information. And my guess is that you're IEE. Some of the things that may indicate Ne: Wanting to do a lot of stuff at the beginning of a day and not being able to do all you wanted, being a hypochondriac, feeling stressed out about your duties, the imaginary friends thing. (By the way, I'm very much like you about imaginary friends, I create people in my head and talk to them all the time.) The things about you that may indicate Fi (or Ne+Fi): Wanting to be a writer, liking decent people, having ideals about world peace. Your expressions seem genuine (Ne/Fi), Ne/Ti expressions seem exaggerated or awkward sometimes, so that's why I'm against ILE. As for why IEE over EII, you don't give the impression that you're introverted, and your expressions seem too relaxed and fluid to be a rational type. Have you tried reading the descriptions for IEE and EII subtypes? You could see which one fits you the best to figure out your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    mb ILE
    Yasss be my dual, @Feathers

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    First of all, thanks for the new wave of feedback. @Xaiviay, that's interesting. There is another person on the forum (and outside of it) that I've been talking a lot with lately, and she's very adamant about me being Beta NF so the EIE option is certainly not excluded by her. She'd probably die before seeing me as a delta hah. Sadly, she doesn't have the time to be too active on the forum that much nowadays (it's Myst, by the way). But I'm sure she'll chime into this thread one of these days and present me with an essay about her typing for me, just wait.
    There were some goo
    d points for EIE made there. Also, isn't Ezra Miller the guy every girl is/was crushing on nowadays? If yes, I feel blessed.

    As for the vacation to Lon
    don, I honestly didn't plan shit :')
    I was there with someone else, an
    d they took care of pretty much everything, I just played along. They were the mastermind of the trip. They started looking up things to do MONTHS before the vacation itself which was a bit ??? to me. We made each other's vacation a bit of a nightmare (I was a wuss and the heat + soo much walking between places easily tired me out) but I guess we were even in the end.
    It is true that I'm more "out there" than most EIIs. But at the same time, keep in min
    d that I'm not as "out there" as most EIEs, actually. At least in my experience.
    do have a bad habit of oversharing, but it's either oversharing or being closed off. And I guess that in an attempt to "test the waters" as to what friendships and atmosphere I could create with people.
    It's a bit ba
    d because it's like, instead of dipping your toes in and then going with your whole leg in the water, I do the opposite: I jump RIGHT in, and if I don't like how things are going I say "k bye", and awkwardly waddle out of the water like a wet dog.
    Of course, keep in min
    d that if I am EIE after all, that excludes the possibility of me being your semi-dual or even dual.

    Which lea
    ds me to the Ne-ego schtuff. I actually used to type as IEE before I joined this forum, and I came back to that typing when I took a break from the forum and migrated over to discord. It's also what niffer typed me as, and while I don't take what she says as godspoken truth, every opinion needs to be weighed I suppose, especially if they are connected to all of the opinions in this thread, so far.
    I woul
    d wager for IEE over ILE, as I honestly think my Ti is abysmal. And while I would love to be lovely Xai's dual, I don't think I can provide any Ti and just leave her starving in the end.
    Like you sai
    d @Little Timmy, the likeliness of NeFi over NeTi is visible in multiple places. I have read EII and IEE subtype descriptions but I'd need to do it again, to refresh my memory.

    Woo, I ma
    de @crAck change from ESI, let's call it an achievement for today.

    Last edited by Chthonic Daydream; 09-16-2018 at 08:41 AM.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    gulenko says pug nosed representatives of EIE don't exist. in any case you seem Ne dom

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    Feathers' molt appears to be orderly-ish. IEE's usually loose it and farmer (SLI) has to clean the cognitive henhouse (goes into pseudo rebelondeck mode).
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Feathers' molt appears to be orderly-ish. IEE's usually loose it and farmer (SLI) has to clean the cognitive henhouse (goes into pseudo rebelondeck mode).

    Orderly-ish is the key word. Whenever I have to write a serious, detailed post about my thought process or add actual, constructive content (like in the post replying to Xai and others above) I die a little inside. That post got edited three times, I kid you not, and it's because I kept omitting details that I wanted to mention because my mind would just go "oooh shiny" and forget what I even wanted to reach with that post. It's visible in the video too, I think, when the rambling gets more intense near the end. And it's apparent in real life as well.
    I have "epiphanies" sometimes or insights. But i cannot share them with others because it's just so damn hard doing so. It's like I'm in a sea (my mind) and I kept getting swept right off my feet by waves that keep rolling and crashing into me (the thoughts that make up the epiphany). The picture, realisation, whateverthefuckitis makes perfect sense to me, but it takes some mental effort in order to put it into words that don't confuse people more than anything.
    But yes, I like thinking that despite how hard it is, I'm doing a good job when compared to other Ne egos
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  21. #21
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Orderly-ish is the key word. Whenever I have to write a serious, detailed post about my thought process or add actual, constructive content (like in the post replying to Xai and others above) I die a little inside. That post got edited three times, I kid you not, and it's because I kept omitting details that I wanted to mention because my mind would just go "oooh shiny" and forget what I even wanted to reach with that post. It's visible in the video too, I think, when the rambling gets more intense near the end. And it's apparent in real life as well.
    I have "epiphanies" sometimes or insights. But i cannot share them with others because it's just so damn hard doing so. It's like I'm in a sea (my mind) and I kept getting swept right off my feet by waves that keep rolling and crashing into me (the thoughts that make up the epiphany). The picture, realisation, whateverthefuckitis makes perfect sense to me, but it takes some mental effort in order to put it into words that don't confuse people more than anything.
    But yes, I like thinking that despite how hard it is, I'm doing a good job when compared to other Ne egos
    This right here is interesting.

    The fact you have trouble connecting words to mental images or ideas could indicate irrationality. Rationals will struggle with this alot less imo. It's like the words are already "there" for rationals, this does not ensure coherence in how they express themselves, just that they already know what to say before they say it.

    Keep in mind what SmilingEyes said about the difference between the two:

    Rationality: Object of thought defines me
    Irrtaionality: I define object of thought.

    Basically, for rationals, attention to thoughts and feelings precede things like attention to sensory impressions and mental images, perceptions etc. What I mean is that rationals choose to focus their attention on sensory input and mental images that make sense from their system of value judgements, whereas it seems irrationals have a more unfiletered mode of attention: everything goes in, and then it is sorted out. Of course rationals also perceive things like sensory inputs, they can't turn off their five senses, but less attention is payed to sensory impressions that don't enter into their train of thought (especially intuitive rationals I think).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    This right here is interesting.

    The fact you have trouble connecting words to mental images or ideas could indicate irrationality. Rationals will struggle with this alot less imo. It's like the words are already "there" for rationals, this does not ensure coherence in how they express themselves, just that they already know what to say before they say it.

    Keep in mind what SmilingEyes said about the difference between the two:

    Rationality: Object of thought defines me
    Irrtaionality: I define object of thought.

    Basically, for rationals, attention to thoughts and feelings precede things like attention to sensory impressions and mental images, perceptions etc. What I mean is that rationals choose to focus their attention on sensory input and mental images that make sense from their system of value judgements, whereas it seems irrationals have a more unfiletered mode of attention: everything goes in, and then it is sorted out. Of course rationals also perceive things like sensory inputs, they can't turn off their five senses, but less attention is payed to sensory impressions that don't enter into their train of thought (especially intuitive rationals I think).

    Yeah I struggle with it but not an awful lot. It just makes me feel awkward whenever I try to explain things as if a janitor tried teaching you about rocket science.
    As for the "Everything goes in" part, I disagree in certain cases.
    For example, i will under no circumstance accept conspiracy theories such as the Queen being a reptilian alien or the Earth being flat. This being said, I will also not stand the attitude of someone who is not acting at least half like a decent human being, as I mentioned in the video. They will be judged if they are dicks, that is to be expected.
    But other than that, I don't have strong opinions about ANYTHING because I found out that they are always changing
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  23. #23
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Yeah I struggle with it but not an awful lot. It just makes me feel awkward whenever I try to explain things as if a janitor tried teaching you about rocket science.
    As for the "Everything goes in" part, I disagree in certain cases.
    For example, i will under no circumstance accept conspiracy theories such as the Queen being a reptilian alien or the Earth being flat. This being said, I will also not stand the attitude of someone who is not acting at least half like a decent human being, as I mentioned in the video. They will be judged if they are dicks, that is to be expected.
    But other than that, I don't have strong opinions about ANYTHING because I found out that they are always changing
    That's not what I meant tho. Those are actually judgements (albeit bad ones lol) not perceptions. I was talking about perceptions, sensory and intutive. Beliefs about the queen being a reptilian or the earth being flat are judgements, because they state their differnece with another judgement (ones actually based on fact).

    Also, judging people does not exclude you from being an irrational type, I think alot of people want others to be half-decent human beings.

    A few more things, I noticed you cuss alot, which is something that is absent from the speech of deltas I know. It's like they are afraid of being provocative, and it's like you do it not because you are angry, just to add a little bawdiness and atmosphere maybe? Like, slight provocation? Not sure. I know this sounds silly, I'm not saying there is some rule that says deltas can't or don't cuss, just that I notice they always try to appear "proper" and "educated" and not come off as provoking others. Which generally means not swearing. Not that you appear uneducated or improper, you just have a more provocative style than deltas I come across. edit: I do know an EII who says provocative things, so maybe I'm on the wrong trail with this...

    I know this might seem awkward for you btw, to have your behaviors put under a microscope like that, and I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, just something to consider.

    With all that I think IEI is more likely, though not certain. Delta NFs are the "psychologists", they give relational advice, come off old and wise in their attitudes even if they are young, lol. Their advice is often telling people to not react to provocation, like for example in conflicts. You also talk alot about your plans of becoming a writer, about success, etc, and this seems more . The romanticism you have towards life and the future (at least it seems that way to me) strikes me as beta. The way you talk about your trip to London for example, it's very vivid, it expresses yearing to be there again, to have future and career there (!) and yet you poke fun of the negatives in a way that is funny.

    I relate to you, based on this kind of youthful yearing for the future you seem to have, in other words through . I do not get semi-dual or benefactor vibes from you.

    Another possibility is EIE, though seem softer and more introverted so I'd go with IEI.

    Even though I scratched out the cussing argument, the rest still stands.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    That's not what I meant tho. Those are actually judgements (albeit bad ones lol) not perceptions. I was talking about perceptions, sensory and intutive. Beliefs about the queen being a reptilian or the earth being flat are judgements, because they state their differnece with another judgement (ones actually based on fact).

    Also, judging people does not exclude you from being an irrational type, I think alot of people want others to be half-decent human beings.

    A few more things, I noticed you cuss alot, which is something that is absent from the speech of deltas I know. It's like they are afraid of being provocative, and it's like you do it not because you are angry, just to add a little bawdiness and atmosphere maybe? Like, slight provocation? Not sure. I know this sounds silly, I'm not saying there is some rule that says deltas can't or don't cuss, just that I notice they always try to appear "proper" and "educated" and not come off as provoking others. Which generally means not swearing. Not that you appear uneducated or improper, you just have a more provocative style than deltas I come across. edit: I do know an EII who says provocative things, so maybe I'm on the wrong trail with this...

    I know this might seem awkward for you btw, to have your behaviors put under a microscope like that, and I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, just something to consider.

    With all that I think IEI is more likely, though not certain. Delta NFs are the "psychologists", they give relational advice, come off old and wise in their attitudes even if they are young, lol. Their advice is often telling people to not react to provocation, like for example in conflicts. You also talk alot about your plans of becoming a writer, about success, etc, and this seems more . The romanticism you have towards life and the future (at least it seems that way to me) strikes me as beta. The way you talk about your trip to London for example, it's very vivid, it expresses yearing to be there again, to have future and career there (!) and yet you poke fun of the negatives in a way that is funny.

    I relate to you, based on this kind of youthful yearing for the future you seem to have, in other words through . I do not get semi-dual or benefactor vibes from you.

    Another possibility is EIE, though seem softer and more introverted so I'd go with IEI.

    Even though I scratched out the cussing argument, the rest still stands.

    wow, thanks!
    The cussing bit is more or less true, actually. Not sure why you scratched it because it is 70% valid, in my experience.
    And no worries- If I was so uncomfortable about having my behaviour under a microscope then do you think I would make a whole video and thread about it? Like I said, it's okay to dissect me like a lab rat, but please do so in the least gruesome manner (which you did <3 ).

    The bit out there about delta NFs is also very much true. I think if an LSE came to me for counsel they would rip their hair out when they see how I treat Fi. I think it's still strong, but it's not something I keep track of thaaat much.
    Someone once came to me for relationship counsel. They told me they never had a fulfilling relationship and I replied with a meme ("This is so sad, Alexa, play despacito"). Luckily, the said person really appreciated the joke. And i KNEW (more or less) that they would, otherwise I wouldn't gamble with someone's feelings like that.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    wow, thanks!
    The cussing bit is more or less true, actually. Not sure why you scratched it because it is 70% valid, in my experience.
    And no worries- If I was so uncomfortable about having my behaviour under a microscope then do you think I would make a whole video and thread about it? Like I said, it's okay to dissect me like a lab rat, but please do so in the least gruesome manner (which you did <3 ).

    The bit out there about delta NFs is also very much true. I think if an LSE came to me for counsel they would rip their hair out when they see how I treat Fi. I think it's still strong, but it's not something I keep track of thaaat much.
    Someone once came to me for relationship counsel. They told me they never had a fulfilling relationship and I replied with a meme ("This is so sad, Alexa, play despacito"). Luckily, the said person really appreciated the joke. And i KNEW (more or less) that they would, otherwise I wouldn't gamble with someone's feelings like that.
    I'm glad you like my analysis - the thing is, I am not certain I am on the right path when I type people because it's not something I have been trained to do (obviously) so I'm happy to have feedback the person being typed feels is accurate.

    Yeah, I don't see any in your posts or video or shoutbox messages.

    What do you think about my analysis of you using , mainly with respect to how you see the future? And do you relate to being "romantic"? Not necessarily in a cheesy romcom way (though I get you enjoy that ) but more like envisioning a hamonious future that unfolds according to your dreams and plans? Do you think your approach towards having a career as a writer could indicate , mainly in that it is a goal to attain that requires willpower to bring into being? You don't have to address all these questions in a systemaic manner btw, just let your thoughts on this subject flow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    I'm glad you like my analysis - the thing is, I am not certain I am on the right path when I type people because it's not something I have been trained to do (obviously) so I'm happy to have feedback the person being typed feels is accurate.

    Yeah, I don't see any in your posts or video or shoutbox messages.

    What do you think about my analysis of you using , mainly with respect to how you see the future? And do you relate to being "romantic"? Not necessarily in a cheesy romcom way (though I get you enjoy that ) but more like envisioning a hamonious future that unfolds according to your dreams and plans? Do you think your approach towards having a career as a writer could indicate , mainly in that it is a goal to attain that requires willpower to bring into being? You don't have to address all these questions in a systemaic manner btw, just let your thoughts on this subject flow.
    The thing with my "vision of life" is that it's not entirely mapped out. It's like my path is clear, but the destination isn't, like Tolkien's quote "Not all who wander are lost", you know? As for the Se thing, oh boy. Need me some of that because I am deprived of it. I am easily discouraged by the opposition due to my abysmal self-esteem and would need some help in tackling challenges along the way. Anything, from speeches or articles like THIS one (who I found mirrors a bit of my attitude, so I suggest reading it: ) to someone giving me metaphorical kicks in the bottom as a means to help me mobilise.
    This doesn't apply to just writing, despite that article bein about it- It applies to every area of my life.
    I am a miracle. I have no opened a textbook in one whole year because I hate it so much and have 0 motivation to push through with all that needless regurgitation of uninteresting info, and yet I manage to have maximum grades. My saving grace is also the fact that I'm heavily involved in the artistic side of this dead high school/town so it makes a few teachers close an eye whenever I slip up.
    But yeah, willpower is tricky for me. But stuff like that article gives me a foolish silver of ambition sometimes.
    Imagine an amateurish Romanian writer working his way to winning a Carnegie medal or a Locus award. Yep, not too realistic but it never hurts thinking about it.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Does he day dream big time about positive future? This is absolute hallmark of IEI. Although they can become victim turds which in turn make my head tilt but whatever floats their corpse...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    First of all, thanks for the new wave of feedback. @Xaiviay, that's interesting. There is another person on the forum (and outside of it) that I've been talking a lot with lately, and she's very adamant about me being Beta NF so the EIE option is certainly not excluded by her. She'd probably die before seeing me as a delta hah. Sadly, she doesn't have the time to be too active on the forum that much nowadays (it's Myst, by the way). But I'm sure she'll chime into this thread one of these days and present me with an essay about her typing for me, just wait.
    There were some goo
    d points for EIE made there. Also, isn't Ezra Miller the guy every girl is/was crushing on nowadays? If yes, I feel blessed.
    Hi, Feathers I didn't even consider IEE for you because I thought I saw so much Fe, but then again IEEs have strong demonstrative Fe so I could see that as a likely possibility. Well, I'm often screwing up my initial typing of EIEs, ILEs, and IEEs...seems like I just see strong Ne and some sort of Fe and it's all I recognize...In closer interaction I see the differences, but it's hard to tell otherwise.

    I dunno much about Ezra Miller but he is pretty attractive, I think. Feel blessed, then!
    As for the vacation to London, I honestly didn't plan shit :')
    I was there with someone else, an
    d they took care of pretty much everything, I just played along. They were the mastermind of the trip. They started looking up things to do MONTHS before the vacation itself which was a bit ??? to me. We made each other's vacation a bit of a nightmare (I was a wuss and the heat + soo much walking between places easily tired me out) but I guess we were even in the end.
    This does seem to rule out you being Ej temperament, at least. Lol I don't plan anything, either xD Just let other people pull me along, as long as I'm not really unhappy with what they're doing.
    It is true that I'm more "out there" than most EIIs. But at the same time, keep in mind that I'm not as "out there" as most EIEs, actually. At least in my experience.
    I could see that, yes. I can still see IEI-Fe, or IEI-contact if you want to go with subtypes from model A, as possibilities.
    Ido have a bad habit of oversharing, but it's either oversharing or being closed off. And I guess that in an attempt to "test the waters" as to what friendships and atmosphere I could create with people.
    It's a bit ba
    d because it's like, instead of dipping your toes in and then going with your whole leg in the water, I do the opposite: I jump RIGHT in, and if I don't like how things are going I say "k bye", and awkwardly waddle out of the water like a wet dog.
    Awww haha, well there's nothing wrong with that, imo. It can just lead to some awkward situations x'D Not sure if this would be type related at all.
    I would wager for IEE over ILE, as I honestly think my Ti is abysmal. And while I would love to be lovely Xai's dual, I don't think I can provide any Ti and just leave her starving in the end.
    Aww, this is a shame haha Well, I don't see much Ti in your writing or video, so I agree on IEE > ILE.
    Of course, keep in mind that if I am EIE after all, that excludes the possibility of me being your semi-dual or even dual.
    Yes, you must be IEE then

    Lol, just kidding. Judging by all this, I'm leaning towards IEI-Fe or IEE for you. I just don't see the strong Fi valuing that occurs in EIIs. Ijs usually have a pretty serious demeanor that you don't give off, either. IEEs don't take Fi as seriously anyways, so this could still be true for that type:
    The bit out there about delta NFs is also very much true. I think if an LSE came to me for counsel they would rip their hair out when they see how I treat Fi. I think it's still strong, but it's not something I keep track of thaaat much.
    Maybe it would be pretty clear to you whether you're Se/Ni valuing or Ne/Si valuing, or Fe/Ti vs Te/Fi? For instance I feel pretty neutral towards Fi and Ni, but Te and Se are really unappealing to me. In contrast, I love Ne/Si/Fe/Ti, all of them.
    Last edited by Xaiviay; 09-16-2018 at 09:12 PM.

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    zomg!@!1!! it's Bob Dylan living out his second life as Feathers

    Fi-base and 4w5 - you guys got the same base fxn and enneagram type, and that's what is really standing out for me

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    @Xaiviay, yes I'm not entirely in the loop when it comes to the base Fi "cleric" look. I've heard horror stories of Fi doms being able to topple kingdoms and shatter the minds of weak men and women alike with their didact-ish attitude. I'm more "chillax" when it comes to it, up to a point.
    I think Ne is fucking awesome. Why? Because Terry Pratchett, that's why. More so, most of the media that I seem to enjoy has a Ne-heavy vibe. Bryan Fuller's shows, who are among my favourite series, are a Ne fest, especially the Fullerverse shows (Wonderfalls, Pushing daisies, dead like me). Wes Anderson, one of my favourite directors also has a way of making even Si look cool, with all the symmetrical shots, but I appreciate the sincerity in the character-building visible in his movies: It's so unlike the dramatic hollywoodianism that we are used to nowadays, it's a welcome breath of fresh air.

    Te is something that I'm surely skeptical of. Being an IEE would mean I have Te HA, something which I'm not that sure of.

    Also, WOAH, an actually-cool lookalike? For me? You're too kind, silkie.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    I think an Ep, more of an Ni-ENFp. This is from the video.

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    ENFp type 3w4 so/sx
    Last edited by Number 9 large; 11-01-2018 at 12:31 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    @Xaiviay, yes I'm not entirely in the loop when it comes to the base Fi "cleric" look. I've heard horror stories of Fi doms being able to topple kingdoms and shatter the minds of weak men and women alike with their didact-ish attitude. I'm more "chillax" when it comes to it, up to a point.
    I think Ne is fucking awesome. Why? Because Terry Pratchett, that's why. More so, most of the media that I seem to enjoy has a Ne-heavy vibe. Bryan Fuller's shows, who are among my favourite series, are a Ne fest, especially the Fullerverse shows (Wonderfalls, Pushing daisies, dead like me). Wes Anderson, one of my favourite directors also has a way of making even Si look cool, with all the symmetrical shots, but I appreciate the sincerity in the character-building visible in his movies: It's so unlike the dramatic hollywoodianism that we are used to nowadays, it's a welcome breath of fresh air.

    Te is something that I'm surely skeptical of. Being an IEE would mean I have Te HA, something which I'm not that sure of.

    Also, WOAH, an actually-cool lookalike? For me? You're too kind, silkie.
    Hmmm, hello Feathers, have you considered being a sensor much, before? Do you have any thoughts on why you would/wouldn't be a sensor? I'm only asking because your IM values seem to point to Alpha Quadra, and you seem like a feeler.

    I understand why most people don't like thinking about being a sensor, but try to keep in mind that not all the stereotypes associated with sensors are accuratelol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Hmmm, hello Feathers, have you considered being a sensor much, before? Do you have any thoughts on why you would/wouldn't be a sensor? I'm only asking because your IM values seem to point to Alpha Quadra, and you seem like a feeler.

    I understand why most people don't like thinking about being a sensor, but try to keep in mind that not all the stereotypes associated with sensors are accuratelol
    I have considered ESI and SEI before, oui. But quickly gave those two up. As for counter-arguments there aren't a lot, except for... me not being a sensor.

    Seriously though, I don't even know where to start. I get Se-punched (by more Se people) and Si-reassured (like i said, I don't know crap about taking care of myself beyond a basic level, plus the hypochondria-which-isn't-that-bad-but-still-a-big-deal)

    Just yesterday i got Se-smacked by my own mother AND someone from the internet too. Mother said, after tge incident i told shoutbox about, that i need to be "more belligerent if i want to succeed in life". The internet person agreed and said i find excuses for myself way too easily.

    There's nothing wrong with being a sensor, I love you guys/gals. But being a sensor that doubts his very essence, his base and/or creative? That's a bit odd.

    EDIT: when i walk, my body movements feel as if controlled. There is no ease in my motion and WHAT AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY HANDS? My dad used to make fun of me for walking like a druggie/robot all the time. I've had an IEE and LIE asure me that's shitty Si: feeling out of place in your own body, sometimes.
    Last edited by Chthonic Daydream; 09-18-2018 at 03:53 AM.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    I have considered ESI and SEI before, oui. But quickly gave those two up. As for counter-arguments there aren't a lot, except for... me not being a sensor.

    Seriously though, I don't even know where to start. I get Se-punched (by more Se people) and Si-reassured (like i said, I don't know crap about taking care of myself beyond a basic level, plus the hypochondria-which-isn't-that-bad-but-still-a-big-deal)

    Just yesterday i got Se-smacked by my own mother AND someone from the internet too. Mother said, after tge incident i told shoutbox about, that i need to be "more belligerent if i want to succeed in life". The internet person agreed and said i find excuses for myself way too easily.

    There's nothing wrong with being a sensor, I love you guys/gals. But being a sensor that doubts his very essence, his base and/or creative? That's a bit odd.

    EDIT: when i walk, my body movements feel as if controlled. There is no ease in my motion and WHAT AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY HANDS? My dad used to make fun of me for walking like a druggie/robot all the time. I've had an IEE and LIE asure me that's shitty Si: feeling out of place in your own body, sometimes.
    Oh I see. Well ummm...I haven't been good at taking care of myself until I had to learn how (major health problems caught up with me). Because my Si just wants to find pleasure and doesn't necessarily care if it's healthy or not I know lots of sensors that are awkward in their bodies, too, me included (mostly when I was a teen, though). It doesn't come easily to all of us to be graceful/coordinated.

    Your sense of aesthetics seems to be really good, since we all like your avatars.

    But still, these characteristics you brought up may be pretty solid telling points. You do give a pretty strong impression of being an intuitive type. I just wanted to propose the idea since it's not always that obvious (it took me a whole year to realize I was a sensor, and other MBTI fans didn't see it, either. Since I wasn't exactly exercising my natural strengths during that period of my life) and see what thoughts you had about it...

    Well your type is an enigma. Someone on this forum brought up that you can be one quadra with aspirations that are stereotypically associated with a different quadra, but you still try to achieve those values in a way that's natural to your prefered IMs. So you could be Beta with Alpha ideals, or Gamma with Beta ideals, etc. Dunno if this helps~
    There's nothing wrong with being a sensor, I love you guys/gals.
    Edit: And thanks ^_^ I feel the love!

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    If you want another look-a-like (/act-a-like?) you reminded me a lot of Simon Amstell with obviously similar features but also the style of humour, delivery of jokes and slightly nervous energy. I did a quick google and this forum had him typed as either LII or IEI so he's similarly as enigmatic
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
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    Wow, @mrrrmaid you have an eye for details. Yes, the guy looks very much like me, even more than Bob Dylan (and i'm not saying this just because he's Bob Dylan). But you know who we both look like?

    Socionics INFp IEI Yesenin Filatova portraits photos photographs visual identification type VI 2.png

    The first guy there, the one with the glasses- This was pointed out to me quite some time ago and I find the resemblance a bit hilarious but pretty accurate. My hair is more "tame" than the guy's, and my eyes are not as "alive" I suppose?
    Those are Filatova's IEI portraits by the way
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Have you ever dualized with anybody, @Feathers? SLEs or otherwise?

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    well I have been VI'd as ENTx from a picture... so...

    [Typical extroverted logical and bit expressive pattern since a baby. Probs extraversion is the easiest way to tell from birth: Just look at their faces and responses! As a child I was a goofball... so...]
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Have you ever dualized with anybody, @Feathers? SLEs or otherwise?
    I don't think I ever have : (
    The problem with ITRs is that you can fall out with favourable relationships too, as they are not a guaranteed bliss ticket. But the most problems I have encountered have been with Se base and Se creative (a little bit less) men. The women are okay even lovely sometimes but the men make me nauseous and uncomfortable; Feels as if i'm talking to a walking can of steroids who also became a frat bro ugh.

    Wish i was a type meme like you, troll <\3
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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