This is someone in my husband's family whom I have never talked to much, but we stayed with him for a week and I feel like I know him pretty well now. I had his wife typed at ENFj but now I think she might be INFp after staying with her so long. She seems really outgoing, but it seems like she's putting out lots of Fe to kind of hide what's really going on inside her or something. Anyway, I'm not sure about her type. I could be way off on her but I do think she is either Alpha or Beta, and I *think* she's an introvert.

He is 55. He has no job. His parents made some good investments and he lives partially off income from that and partially off his wife's salary. He has never had a real job and has no intention of ever getting one.

He is in amazing shape for a 55-year-old. He takes very good care of himself, exercising very regularly, and he participates in a large number of sports. His wife told me that his regular schedule is to wake up, ride his bike for an hour or so, walk to the coffee shop to visit friends (he is very particular about which coffee shop), take a nap, ride his bike to the tennis courts to play tennis with his friends, take another nap, do some exercising, and then take a shower and go hang out with friends for the evening. He often goes out to visit friends without her and she seems fine with that. She told me his schedule because she thinks it's funny. She's fine with it. He goes out to visit friends almost every single night. It sounds like she goes maybe 25% of the time.

He loves to recommend books, movies, restaurants, etc. He loves to be the authority on these matters and it seems to be important to him that people agree with his opinions about these things.

He is really tidy. He cleans all the time. If a dish gets dirty, he immediately grabs it and cleans it. He says he never uses the dishwasher because there are never enough dirty dishes. He also does most of the cooking and makes breakfast every morning and cleans up after it, and usually makes dinner for his wife even if he's going out with friends and won't be there to eat it. His wife likes to cook too. They have huge discussions over who is going to cook. They also argue in the car about the best way to get places. It's hilarious -like Mr. Incredible and Elastagirl in the Incredibles. He also has a bit of an issue with road rage. LOL

He is really cheap and is proud of it. He loves to talk about things he's gotten for free or really cheap, and how he's managed to fix things that seemed beyond repair, thereby saving money. He told me that he took his wife to the hospital and dropped her off, then left and stood by the meter watching for meter readers so he could avoid paying parking, and then drove to pick her up when she was done. (She wasn't sick or anything - it was just a routine appointment.) He also said that he has a friend who gives him things for free, and he thought that was really cool, but then it occurred to him that the things might be stolen, which made him feel really guilty, so he asked the guy to stop getting things for him, but he came up with another reason for not wanting the stuff because he didn't want to make the guy feel bad. Fi dual seeking or something like that? I'm not sure but he seems to be fishing when he talks about this kind of thing.

He is constantly talking, which I find funny since in the past when I've seen him he's been completely silent, but we were always in groups in the past. My husband says he isn't comfortable with him because he feels like this guy is wanting to entertain and be entertained all the time. I thought he was a really nice guy and a lot of fun to talk to. My husband said he is nice and he'd probably get along with him better if we lived closer but that this guy could stand to be more relaxed.

So, any ideas?