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Thread: Types and Handling Money/Finances

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  1. #30
    Aster's Avatar
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    I’ve been meaning to comment on this one.

    I am maybe not that great. I’m terrible at saving money. Anytime I get money, especially a large amount, it’s like ‘poof’ and it’s gone in a few days. Definitely not a saver. I also hate spending money on food as I see it as short term and would rather buy clothes or something with it.

    Also I am terrible at keeping track of the bills. I’m supposed to keep track of the water and electric bill. They have come and shut them off before and my husband had to pay extra to get it tuned back on because I ‘forgot’ about it. He gets so pissed about that l. Or I tell him a few days before it’s due. Or, guess what, dear, the electric bill is due tomorrow!!! Yeah. He gets really mad. I mean I tell him a week before and he says ok and forgets. If I keep reminding him he gets pissy. So I really don’t have much of a choice. It’s like it’s due tomorrow so now you have to do something.

    Give me a 20$ and I have to spend it. It’s like a compulsion. As you can imagine, I’m usually broke.

    My SLE husband isn’t a saver either. He also hates buying food, but will spend and buy better things than me. When he gets paid, he likes buying big things with it like machinery, cars, guns, planes… and sometimes he flips them, or if we need the money he sells things and later buys something else, usually something better. But yeah I can’t see us ever being able to save for retirement. He’s better at picking things out, whether it’s the right value for the money, a good investment, than me. He saves a bit better. Just a bit. But we have a lot of money for a short time and it’s like we are broke again I’ve learned to just deal with the highs and lows. If we are broke and we have to make a payment we have enough things we could sell to get the money, so it’s stressful but not too stressful since it’s stuff to fall back on.

    My husband is self employed and so was my dad. When you do the things they do, you never know how much you are going to make in a month or a year or the next time you are getting paid, or even if they will pay you, so you have to learn how to deal with all this by learning to spot people who will likely not pay you, for one. And learning to cope with or how to deal with having little to no money and how to make money out of nothing lol. You have to learn to be resourceful and think ahead
    or you could find yourself in a bad spot. For example, my ILI dad will way over quote people on a job that he gets the feeling the person won’t pay him.
    Last edited by Aster; 09-23-2021 at 02:16 PM.
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