Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
I don't feel bullied, but sometimes you have to tell someone straight to their face that they are an idiot. Like I mentioned, Blue just constantly quotes and mentions me and makes up some bullshit like that I would hate Gulenko. there are many messages by him or her or whatever that are similar. even logical types can say enough is enough. I tried to ignore it for a long time.


When he experiences discomfort for a long time, it leads to accumulation of negative emotions. Over time, his patience may burst; all that has been simmering inside may spill over.

it's a bit sad that this ruined the thread now but it had to be said. was unavoidable with all the mentions though anyway since I'm not in good terms with every person I have typed.
I asked you a question on another thread . I don’t know if you felt like I was part of peoples mocking you or had bad intentions but it was genuine . I asked you if you got typed by Gulenko. I asked you cause i believe I saw you mention that you was interacting with Gulenko. I don’t know how much you interacted with him but did he never had anything to say about your type?

Also about the part of description you mentioned. Just my opinion but if you’re LII then whats happening is not what is described . Rn you seem to just be on guard cause you’re "targeted " and the FE atmosphere might be confusing to you like there is some intrigue ig but when what you shared happen with LII it’s them using there SE with FE to discharge all the negative they stored inside all at once but it’s not pretty at all to see. Afterward you’re so stressed and feel completely drained that you withdraw you also feel ashamed for losing control . You just seem a bit annoyed rn to me but don’t look like an LII losing patience. Could be off tho I don’t know what’s happening inside you really and different peoples can react differently regardless of types