My ambiguity on my own type is killing me, and this recent topic has only made my view upon it more unclear. The physical decription of the INTp is strikingly accuarate, so accuarate it's spooky, why, with my neck hung as though my head was "disproportionate", and my eyes seemingly reflecting widsom, although I've heard many times over I just seem "constantly angry." I sometimes speak in a very monotone manner, although this quickly dissapears when I get aroused, which at times I closely resemble the INTj, as my eyes begin to glimmer and my emotionality is continiously aroused.

More to the point, my amiguity lies in that I am uncertain as to whether or not I'm an INTp, INTj, or the type I consider the least, although still keep my mind open to the fact that I might be one, INFp, as the hidden agenda of this particular pscyhe is that of Ni, to understand, although my issues with it seem to be on a more conscious level.

Now, I tend to enjoy the company of ENTps and INTJs very much so, although I feel little attraction to what would be my dual if I were an INTj, the ESFj, although I am very much so attracted to the energetic qualities of the ESFp, but my ability to deal with situatiosn regarding voliltility remains largely undeveloped, and I fear such situations to the extreme.

My ability to predict future events isn't so developed, and neither is my spiritual bent, but my questioning of my dominant function would not seem as a frivilous matter as it may first appear, as my ability to organize my enviornment is nill, and I am THE most disorganized person in my school, bar none, although I can quite readily fend off any claims of my dominant function being Ne, as I do no possess and affable manner and often maintain a VERY large psychological distance between others until I have assessed them for about, at the least, a few days, unless apporached first, and I do not share the same uncertainty in my ability to handle others that the ENTp has, although I do have the aspect of losing emotional connections with others, even those I hold most dear.

I was wondering if you could attempt to analyse my picture. It is not the best picture, as I am still an adolescent, and my features not so developed, and the picture distorted, as you can plainly see, but seeing as I have no access to pictures besides the one I currently am displaying, this is all I can do for now.