I'm proud of my mom, she's usually middle of the road and hates talking about politics cuz she doesn't want to piss off Repulicunts even tho she naturally disagrees with them. But she is out there fighting for her own rights. We both a had good conversation about how women shouldn't be forced to love their rape babies. ((literally RE-RAPING them ugh)) It's like a dumb simple breeder mentality that a kid is always a good thing. I guess I'm a typical gay demon as I just eat kids for my own pleasure. ((I'm kidding ofc)) - like obviously, too far in the other direction wouldn't be good either but its too simple and dumb. REALISTICALLY- having a kid takes a lot of resources and energy in the world even tho they are cute and innocent, it DOES take a village to raise a child, but the village is often too naturally selfish and unwilling and u have to be in the right frame of mind to have a kid- instead of OOH I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN U CUZ MY SEX MADE A KID AND URS DIDN'T. HAHAHAHA!' It's so childish and revolting. And u wonder why I hate most straight people???

spoiled and rich republicunts might not see this cuz they can't have true empathy for somebody and don't realize that having a kid isn't always the best idea, because they come from Sterile Vagina like Candace Cameron homes where nothing bad ((or interesting)) ever happens, so naturally it can't happen to anybody else, right? ((*I* was never raped so I guess then it never happens honh honh - /carelessly drinks a martini)) - and btw the passage in the Bible 'to be fruitful and multiply' WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT HETEROSEXUAL COPULATION- it was talking about growing crops and having Holy gay male sex to make the crops taste good. Remember that reproduction without care for the consequences is how CANCER itself operates. Pro-Life Republicunts are literal CANCER. Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-death, just that many times the most moral thing to do is to not bring a person in the world that is a drain on the resources.