Ni PoLR makes people open ended, feels kinda like they are floating along going places but in circles nowhere.

For example. I recently made a huge move across the country to go to school. My LSE friend said he would roommate with me, when I ask him his plans like "So are you gonna go to the school out there or what? If not what are you gonna do out there." asking ultimately what's his end goal for moving out there, school, work, career? I was shocked he had no answer and just wanted to help out with rent and me even asking him his plans made him think I didn't want or need his help, that's what he focused on, not. Just so weird that those big things did not cross his mind. No real end goal, he kinda wants to do real estate, but works in sales, tries to move up in sales, but then wants to take real estate classes, takes real estate classes, but goes back to sales. Sure he wants to make more money but isn't choosing where or how, he just takes whatever job pays well it seems like. In contrast I take easy jobs to pay bills and it looks like I'm just mucking about but I have an all time end goal of what I want to do in the back of my mind even if I'm not actively doing it now, and I don't like the feeling of being aimless like that.

Somebody gave a good example of the LSE husband. LSE husband complains to IEE wife that the captions on the movie they are watching are annoying, IEE says "Ok then turn it off." LSE turns off the tv LOL.