Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
No, I didn't have any problems with not being in control of the car, I use cabs all the time. I heard here that Se-egos have problems with it, but I also took a cab with Se-doms, I don't know what they feel inside, but if a person does that all the time, then I think it doesn't become an issue. Hence, I don't think this says anything imo.

I didn't even have any fear when car was hitting me, it happened when I was 12-13, I skipped school, then I was grounded at home, I wasn't suppose to go out, but I skipped home as well, they didnt know that though. I just went to some places and when I decided to return home, traffic lights were far away, I was going to be late if I walked, so I decided to go across the road. I passed one car, then realized I am not going to pass the second one. Then I decided to jump on it, so I don't get under it. It hit me, my body smash their window, it didn't break but shattered. They try to convience me to go hospital with them. But I didn't want to get extra punishment, so I took a cab there to go home. Tax driver was very anxious, he said one guy was also a hit by a car at the exact spot like many others and died in his cab due to internal bleeding. I thought nothing would happen to me probably because I was too young. Then I went home. End of the story. I didn't have any fear afterwards.

Wow that's a crazy story lol. But yeah I agree that this line of questioning isn't really going anywhere. I think a lot of the lack of fear you were feeling was just disassociation from the shock of the event.