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Thread: Ne dual seeking vs Se dual seeking

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    Default Ne dual seeking vs Se dual seeking

    Some people still confuse IEI and SEI a lot it seems. So from your personal experiences what are some examples of Ne dual seeking vs Se dual seeking?

    Want to hear the adorable @MissDucki 's opinion on this.

  2. #2
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    I have been summoned!

    To me, Ne seeking is about finding someone who can confidently navigate the potentials of the future, positive outcomes, and new ways about viewing things.
    I grew up in a heavy sensor household so it wasn't for a long time that I got some heavy doses of intuition. So I was very scared of Ne for a long time. I was also in the MBTI community too and the dual seeking function wasn't really talked about other then it being very weak for you so I didn't question it much.

    I was an extremely picky child and very sensitive to people and sensations. I would shrink at the thought of trying something new and struggle with looking at things in a different perspective. I struggle with thinking about the future long term and I need at least a beacon to guide my way. I assume a lot of negative outcomes first before I assume a positive one. I really struggle with seeing really good opportunities for myself as well.These are some of the downsides I have noticed over the years and which have hindered me as a Si-dom.

    There is this one specific moment that I realized that I really need Ne. I have a foodie friend and I was slowly being introduced to sushi at the time. I started with veggie roles and was slowly working my way up from there. I accidentally ordered a cheap sushi lunch that included raw fish. I thought I could choose the sushi but, I didn't realize that the sushi lunch menu was set. Anyways, I ended up eating it to not be rude. I ended up loving it. I really loved the salmon and I have gotten bold eating different kinds of sushi now. At that moment, a door opened up for as I realized there is so many good food options out there that I don't know. If I open myself up, I will experience so many new and wonderful sensations and opportunities. There I kinda realized I needed Ne. Hell, Iv'e been trying new recipes and foods at home and my parents have been loving it and opening up to new and different foods.

    I have always been really attracted to the eccentric. I LOVE eccentric people and love to be around that energy. That energy has always gotten me out of my shell and I want to soak myself in it. I was always attracted to this YouTube David Dobrik (I dub him as an ILE-Ne) for the longest time. He was ingeinis on how he did his YouTube videos and I loved his drive for his business. I think very differently about him now after the scandal but, oof. Pre scandal me was enamored. Ne-crazy, Ti-business-like, and passionate, and ambitious men are my kryptonite.

    I've always naturally searched out intuitive people. Majority of my close friends have been intuitive people. I need it. I need to see what is out there and that there is different possibilities. I always get really attracted to people who can show me how to do something in both a practical and new way. If someone shows me a new way of doing something that I haven't thought of, BOOM! I want to get closer to that person naturally.

    I also didn't realize I needed Ne until I dated an ILE. I remember on our first date, one of the first few things that we talked about was that he had this business idea. I don't want to repeat it encase he ever chooses to use it. The idea was fucking ingenious but immoral lol. I thought it was strange that he brought it up at first too. We also talked about so many different topics and he was one of the few that would get deep and hammer it with me. Things weren't always surface level which I was used to a lot of the men I dated beforehand. I tried a lot of new stuff with him too. The funny thing is I always felt safe doing things with Se doms but, I would try new things not because of being convinced, but because I felt safe doing it with them. Ne doms, I felt comfortable trying new things with them because they could convince me. Aka, Ne hits different for me.

    I was also intimidated by Ne doms for a very long time because they could move so quickly and understands intuitive systems much quicker then I could. I have to play around for a long time and fail a lot until I can understand. I really value that as I am poor in it and I need it.

    My Se seeing friends seem to really need someone who is very assertive or very rigid in their convictions. They seem to really need a large push back or a large reality hit that it cannot be avoided. I am not really Se seeking as it is kinda scary to me sometimes and I don't fully understand it lol. They seem to really need a strong sensations of the world to bring them back while I need a soft and outreaching hand to bring me to the clouds.

    Anyway, that is how I see Ne-seeking in a way. I think an SLI may view it a bit differently though because of the Te/Fi and Fe/Ti divide of dual seeking a bit. My mom is an SLI does enjoy small bouts of Ne but, she needs a different conviction then me. But, that is my experience with it.

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    Crazy, I am SEI-Fe like Miss Ducki, but I have a very different experience with my DS.

    See I don't actually feel my DS as badly as she does.

    I feel fine with navigating future potentials and I don't feel scared unless Ne f**ks it up for me. Ne actually makes me scared of the future, so it's the opposite for me. I can see positive and negative outcomes quite well with little effort as well. I don't really struggle to think about the future at all, maybe only in a practical light because I have a very bad PoLR function. Trying something new is very easy for me, I literally wanted to go all the way across the Atlantic and live in a completely different country and this idea did not freak me out at all. I can spice up my life if I wish very easily without strain. I lowkey don't really enjoy new sensations, and new things to do I don't really care for unless it is useful or I wanted to do it. I like eccentric, but not really Ne eccentric. Actually I view Ne users as not being very eccentric or out of the ordinary to me, they seem normal to me. I like more "crazy artist" eccentric people as friends, not really ILE eccentric. I have naturally searched out logical people because my PoLR function is complete crap, but I also like talking to ethical people a whole lot. I don't really need Ne user to help me try new things, and after 2 years I still will dismiss an idea if I think it will go badly lol. I feel so uncomfortable talking about my plans or goals in front of him, so it literally did not help me. Although maybe my boyfriend is just weird ILE. I'm intimidated because my ILE is so much more practical about life than me, like I have my heads stuck in the clouds 24/7 and he is just dealing with finances and life issues like it is nothing lol. I need a large reality hit, like a giant slap to the face, but it isn't Se seeking. More like I need to find a way to kick myself in the ass, but I don't know how. I'm bad with practical things and reality but in an SEI way lol.

    So yeah, I don't really DS at all, I think it is because I am an extreme creative subtype. Ne is at best funny and bearable and at worst a major hindrance because they won't stick to one idea which freaks me out and makes me frustrated. I'm a weird SEI if you are Fe subtype Miss Ducki, are you like totally sure you are Fe subtype? It's even weirder because there are no Ne users in my immediate family so it's not like I feel supplied with Ne that I feel that I don't need it.

    ;-; lol I'm cursed as always
    ;-; cries in awkward DS

    Abnormal SEIs, where are you? ;-;

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    Ne DS to me seems like someone who is into wild and crazy ideas lol and Se is someone who likes doing things in a spontaneous way
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    .I'm a weird SEI if you are Fe subtype Miss Ducki, are you like totally sure you are Fe subtype?
    I did an unofficial Vi and members had expressed that I was expressive as a Fe-base. That was the big push for me to put SEI-Fe. That, while I am pretty comfortable with Si, I am way to expressive and neurotic to consider myself a SEI-Si lol. I had a SEI-Si coworker and I could really see the difference between us a bit. She was a bit more monotone and calm in comparison to me. Naturally, I come across pretty cheery and I will dance and sing around work lol. When heated, I get VERY expressive. My mom and brother say I use my whole body and hands when I am passionate about something. I really do appreciate Ne and do seek it out, but I love Ti just as much and find Ti men very sexy. IEE-Ne men I find a turn off personally so, I think if I was a SEI-Si dom, I would be more attracted to IEE-Ne men personally. I get along better with SLE-Ti mirages then IEE-Ne semi-dual.
    I am still pretty introverted and shy though. I related to both descriptions of both SEI-Si and SEI-Fe but, I was more disgusted with the Fe one originally and knew that I was probably it lol.

    Who knows, I could be a SEI-Si or more balanced. I feel comfortable with SEI-Fe for now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I did an unofficial Vi and members had expressed that I was expressive as a Fe-base. That was the big push for me to put SEI-Fe. That, while I am pretty comfortable with Si, I am way to expressive and neurotic to consider myself a SEI-Si lol. I had a SEI-Si coworker and I could really see the difference between us a bit. She was a bit more monotone and calm in comparison to me. Naturally, I come across pretty cheery and I will dance and sing around work lol. When heated, I get VERY expressive. My mom and brother say I use my whole body and hands when I am passionate about something. I really do appreciate Ne and do seek it out, but I love Ti just as much and find Ti men very sexy. IEE-Ne men I find a turn off personally so, I think if I was a SEI-Si dom, I would be more attracted to IEE-Ne men personally. I get along better with SLE-Ti mirages then IEE-Ne semi-dual.
    I am still pretty introverted and shy though. I related to both descriptions of both SEI-Si and SEI-Fe but, I was more disgusted with the Fe one originally and knew that I was probably it lol.

    Who knows, I could be a SEI-Si or more balanced. I feel comfortable with SEI-Fe for now.
    Weird, I seem outwardly less expressive, except when I try to use emotions to produce a response out of people. Personally I don't DS at all? which is crazy but? I don't come across as naturally cheery, even if am. I seem somewhat more restrained, but still pretty emotional. My dad was scared because he said it looks like I can never be in the moment, like I am always away in my mind and not in the real world. 0_0 I don't dance but I do sing in my head sometimes if it is a good song and I want to imagine myself performing a beautiful but different cover to the imaginary audience. Well I tend to act out scenes of my daydreams unconsciously, so I express any emotions that come up. When I am passionate about something, I usually get this elated, ecstatic, rapturous feeling inside, and it makes me even better when I try to write, as it comes out more poetically. You can tell when I am having this moment because I will try to make my writing more profound and fiery and as poetic as possible, even if it comes out cringy. When angry, I come off as meek and kind of lowkey annoyed but I don't come off so expressively in anger unless it really did trigger me so much that I had to act out. Usually if I get triggered I vent it somewhere else, either in daydreams or on forums. I'm not even sure how I come across in VI but I VI pretty differently to you so if you are Fe then I am too stoic to be Fe sub. I am more expressive in writing than in my body movements, but not super stoic or calm looking, as I have subtle emotional expression usually. Although usually I am half there, half spacing out to be honest, which is why I give half the emotional reaction. I can get pretty emotional in speech if necessary. Internally I am never calm, and externally I look like I am half there most times, but not super calming unless I put in all this effort to look as such, which even then I suck at being calming like that most times. I would never go for semiduality, never, and I am not so stoic or calm, so I can't be Si subtype, but then you are more expressive externally than me, so not Fe sub.

    I think I might actually not have a subtype then... Yay more confusion...

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Ok MW is a troll
    You are supposed to not enjoy your DS as much because it is the opposite for you. It takes some time to enjoy and appreciate it, for some people it takes years. I haven't fully begun to like it, but I see why it is useful in reality.

    I don't Se dual seek and I don't have 4D Ni, please come on... where tf is the evidence. SLEs are not my duals, I just feel the incompatibility already. I'm sure they wouldn't like me because I have 4D Si, it would be mirage and they will get bored of me easily so... I think I just need to learn the ways of Ne, because I am too ungrateful and unappreciative. I'm trying to step into 4D Ne's POV, and I am beginning to see where it is useful, just somehow I still don't enjoy it after 2 years as I should be... I need more time to understand it fully. Maybe I will even have to compromise with it, or end up going with an identical.

    Besides my ILE bf loves me very much and he insists that I am SEI, it's the one thing he is super sure of so I'm really not trolling. You guys are stereotyping SEIs unfairly and that's why you people like to mistype me and call me a troll.

    I just can't take the abuse anymore on here. Please can my Quadra come in and save me from these people?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I just can't take the abuse anymore on here. Please can my Quadra come in and save me from these people?
    Betas will come to the rescue of their poor victims in distress, alphas don't have any..

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    short version:
    Se DS likes people who wear their briefs on top of their yoga pants while Ne DS likes people who wear their briefs as a hat.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    I don't know why you are so resistant to being IEI mw when everything you say is just so... IEI-ish.

    Weird, I seem outwardly less expressive, except when I try to use emotions to produce a response out of people. Personally I don't DS at all? which is crazy but? I don't come across as naturally cheery, even if am. I seem somewhat more restrained, but still pretty emotional. My dad was scared because he said it looks like I can never be in the moment, like I am always away in my mind and not in the real world. 0_0
    LMAO. This is like the most IEI thing on the planet. I'm the exact same way.

    I don't Se dual seek and I don't have 4D Ni, please come on... where tf is the evidence.
    SLEs are not my duals, I just feel the incompatibility already.

    If you're turned off by SLEs because of the immoral go-to-prison archetype- that's just one bad stereotype of SLE. Coupled with the fact I think Fi valuers outnumber Fe valuers on psychology forums about 2 to 1 so they will probably paint them in an even worse light than they really are. It's like saying all IEIs will just drool in a corner 24/7 and never stand up for ourselves ((when depressed I've had my moments like that, sure...)) - when I think I'm at my best when I'm calling people out on their shit.

    There is the go to prison no morals SLE but there's also the family man normie SLE who is just kind of nice and normal? lol. Remember SLE is lookalike to ILE just like IEI is lookalike to SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I don't know why you are so resistant to being IEI mw when everything you say is just so... IEI-ish.

    LMAO. This is like the most IEI thing on the planet. I'm the exact same way.

    If you're turned off by SLEs because of the immoral go-to-prison archetype- that's just one bad stereotype of SLE. Coupled with the fact I think Fi valuers outnumber Fe valuers on psychology forums about 2 to 1 so they will probably paint them in an even worse light than they really are. It's like saying all IEIs will just drool in a corner 24/7 and never stand up for ourselves ((when depressed I've had my moments like that, sure...)) - when I think I'm at my best when I'm calling people out on their shit.

    There is the go to prison no morals SLE but there's also the family man normie SLE who is just kind of nice and normal? lol. Remember SLE is lookalike to ILE just like IEI is lookalike to SEI.
    IDK what if I am exaggerating about this stuff? What if I have the wrong perception of myself? It's just my dad that said I space out so much. My bf doesn't like my emotional expression sometimes though, but that's NTR. I'm e4 so I'm moody looking okay? He is super, super convinced I am SEI, 100% no doubt.

    I don't know it just somehow feels off to type myself as IEI so unless I am 100% convinced of IEI ness I'll stick with SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    IDK what if I am exaggerating about this stuff? What if I have the wrong perception of myself? It's just my dad that said I space out so much. My bf doesn't like my emotional expression sometimes though, but that's NTR. I'm e4 so I'm moody looking okay? He is super, super convinced I am SEI, 100% no doubt.

    I don't know it just somehow feels off to type myself as IEI so unless I am 100% convinced of IEI ness I'll stick with SEI.
    Your style of speaking, argument, and behavior is just like my SEI-Fe friends - one of who self-identifies as IEI but is physically adept and practically gifted in a way I’ve never seen an IEI be. To me, your posts use Alpha Fe, not Beta Fe.

    I feel an instinctive protectiveness over SEIs that I never do over IEIs - likely because of the Benefit dynamic - and from the first post of yours that I read, that happened.

    Just my thoughts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    You are supposed to not enjoy your DS as much because it is the opposite for you. It takes some time to enjoy and appreciate it, for some people it takes years. I haven't fully begun to like it, but I see why it is useful in reality.

    I don't Se dual seek and I don't have 4D Ni, please come on... where tf is the evidence. SLEs are not my duals, I just feel the incompatibility already. I'm sure they wouldn't like me because I have 4D Si, it would be mirage and they will get bored of me easily so... I think I just need to learn the ways of Ne, because I am too ungrateful and unappreciative. I'm trying to step into 4D Ne's POV, and I am beginning to see where it is useful, just somehow I still don't enjoy it after 2 years as I should be... I need more time to understand it fully. Maybe I will even have to compromise with it, or end up going with an identical.

    Besides my ILE bf loves me very much and he insists that I am SEI, it's the one thing he is super sure of so I'm really not trolling. You guys are stereotyping SEIs unfairly and that's why you people like to mistype me and call me a troll.

    I just can't take the abuse anymore on here. Please can my Quadra come in and save me from these people?

    I didn't "knowingly" like my dual seeking for a long time. Hell, I got kinda pissed at it haha! But, looking back, I was hella suggestible to it. In compassion to the Se and Ne men that I have interacted, dated, etc... The only ones that I seemed comfortable evading my space were Ne/Ti men for some reason. Not to say Se men didn't, but, I was more relaxed for Ne/Ti men to invade my territory without even thinking. I am freaking territorial about my space lol. So I will give you that.

    I am just curious if you would type different or look at the theory different if you were introduced to MBTI first. The reason being, is that ENTp and INFp or (ENTP and INFJ) are considered the golden pair in those communities and heavily encouraged. So many ENTP's praise INFJ in that community and look down upon ISFJ's or SEI's a bit. Especially in North American communities. Your boyfriend is Russian if I remember correctly and socionics is the big personality theory over there so he would be more encouraged to take on that theory and view more.
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-09-2021 at 05:34 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Your style of speaking, argument, and behavior is just like my SEI-Fe friends - one of who self-identifies as IEI but is physically adept and practically gifted in a way I’ve never seen an IEI be. To me, your posts use Alpha Fe, not Beta Fe.
    Well I'm not practical nor physically adept but thank you. See I am SEI people.

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    ILEs are crazy about me as well usually. Doesn't mean we're duals though. ILE is often like 'more feeler-ish' than SLE despite both being logical types. They tend to wear their heart on their sleeves more. They are probably more likely to put up with a lot of what you do because mirage relationships are just like that. Dual relationships tend to be more challenging, but the reward is also often greater in the end. SLEs ime aren't very 'gushy' or reveal their affections very often - especially the males lol. They show that more by doing logical things or by alpha male-ishly tanking for IEI. Which ironically I often find more touching than somebody writing a poem for me.

    I think long term marriage between ILE and IEI could work out very well. It's not really a bad match-up by any means- and the EP-IP comfort alone is great. You're still tanking each other's polrs and all that.

    I'd be sacrificing really good orgasms and romantic exhilaration feelings though. Not to be TMI- but the most explosive 'OH MY FUCKING GOD I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE MY BODY COULD EVER FEEL THIS GOOD' sex is when I was with SLEs and SLEs only. Naturally when you have that- you also then usually want the 'love and connection' part as well and SLEs can sometimes be stereotypically assholes and not like want to connect with you or kiss/pairbond with you after giving you the best orgasm of your life and you're just kinda ???. With ILE it's the opposite , they are nicer more right out the gate, more of how a partner should ideally act on paper - but I am not naturally compatible with an infantile type much at all lol. I'm probably more compatible with other victims that way then I am an infantile.

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    From what I've seen, because IEI are so adaptable to certain aspects of the "situation" they find themselves is (not necessarily adapting to the people, more-so the actual "thing' they are in)..... it means they are better at faking it - long term, as opposed to SEI, who is equally as adaptable, but lacks stamina is pretending to fake it.

    What this all means is that IEI will eventually, and sometimes later than sooner, begin to fall apart under the absence of the "push-through big room" qualities of Se. This lack of vitality will eventually begin to wear on the IEI, who needs some kind of force sensing. Resentment, and or "games" will ensue.

    I know all of this is redundant information, but from what I've seen its the over arching pattern. I think its also important to recognize that many IEI are actually undualized, and therefore unfamiliar with what Se force sensionics is or what it even "feels" like. This is a pervasive problem in real life and on this forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Naturally when you have that- you also then usually want the 'love and connection' part as well and SLEs can sometimes be stereotypically assholes and not like want to connect with you or kiss/pairbond with you after giving you the best orgasm of your life and you're just kinda ???.
    See from my perspective I view SLE as extremely vulnerable in this way. Becoming overly attached and for the wrong reasons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Your style of speaking, argument, and behavior is just like my SEI-Fe friends - one of who self-identifies as IEI but is physically adept and practically gifted in a way I’ve never seen an IEI be. To me, your posts use Alpha Fe, not Beta Fe.

    I feel an instinctive protectiveness over SEIs that I never do over IEIs - likely because of the Benefit dynamic - and from the first post of yours that I read, that happened.

    Just my thoughts.
    May I ask you how they are physically adept and practically gifted?

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    Fi polr can manifest in not connecting at all as well as being overly-attached- just like Se polr can be timid/cowardly/pussy or also somebody that goes overboard too much. Te polr can be a mixture of totally ignoring everything 'official' and very insecurely paying attention to it all times and following the rules so strictly where you appear robotic even etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Well I'm not practical nor physically adept but thank you. See I am SEI people.
    My SEI friends said so when I told them that too but from an outsider’s perspective - especially that of an intuitive type - the things you guys are capable of are wayyy out of our realm of ability.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    My SEI friends said so when I told them that too but from an outsider’s perspective - especially that of an intuitive type - the things you guys are capable of are wayyy out of our realm of ability.
    Ugh but my physical inabilities make duality hard... Oh well...

    Keep thinking that SEIs are physically gifted and stereotype us again whilst not being able to explain what it is...

    Basically we just exist, we don't do physical things like people think we do. I do not enjoy caring for people neither do I enjoy any hands on activities.

    Still I am sensory in the fact that I am more of a concrete thinker, but not in a physical way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    May I ask you how they are physically adept and practically gifted?
    They were drawn to interests that required kinesthetic intelligence - photography, sewing, instruments, physical therapy for examples - and they didn’t always like how they did with them, but I was always gobsmacked at how effortlessly they seemed to pick up these crafts that I found so difficult. Each one of them had very different interests, but they were all able to gain a good level of expertise in what they chose to focus on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    You are supposed to not enjoy your DS as much because it is the opposite for you. It takes some time to enjoy and appreciate it, for some people it takes years. I haven't fully begun to like it, but I see why it is useful in reality.

    I don't Se dual seek and I don't have 4D Ni, please come on... where tf is the evidence. SLEs are not my duals, I just feel the incompatibility already. I'm sure they wouldn't like me because I have 4D Si, it would be mirage and they will get bored of me easily so... I think I just need to learn the ways of Ne, because I am too ungrateful and unappreciative. I'm trying to step into 4D Ne's POV, and I am beginning to see where it is useful, just somehow I still don't enjoy it after 2 years as I should be... I need more time to understand it fully. Maybe I will even have to compromise with it, or end up going with an identical.

    Besides my ILE bf loves me very much and he insists that I am SEI, it's the one thing he is super sure of so I'm really not trolling. You guys are stereotyping SEIs unfairly and that's why you people like to mistype me and call me a troll.

    I just can't take the abuse anymore on here. Please can my Quadra come in and save me from these people?
    Please, have you tried looking at yourself through an outside perspective here. The reason people call you a troll is because you're posts are so obviously Ni that the fact you actively can't see it seems impossible. You're so deep in the delusion that you have to be an SEI that you won't even consider IEI. You don't suck at Ni, in fact you show all the properties of it. It's genuinely concerning the fact that you have tied SEI so far into your own identity that you consider it abuse when people continue to say that you're not SEI. Tying yourself to any label that strongly will make it hurt more once you realize it's wrong, so please just for god's sakes stop saying you're SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    They were drawn to interests that required kinesthetic intelligence - photography, sewing, instruments, physical therapy for examples - and they didn’t always like how they did with them, but I was always gobsmacked at how effortlessly they seemed to pick up these crafts that I found so difficult. Each one of them had very different interests, but they were all able to gain a good level of expertise in what they chose to focus on.
    Umm... I guess the only physical thing is that I want to play guitar but I have serious troubles with getting my fingers in the right position. I literally cry over it, but I try to do it. I can't even play one song yet. It is NOT effortless and don't try to say, but... but...

    So stop thinking we are better than you are at physical things. That's not what Si is.

    I'm not so drawn to things that require kinesthetic intelligence otherwise, especially sewing.

    I like writing, which is what I mostly like to do, which doesn't necessarily require kinesthetic intelligence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Please, have you tried looking at yourself through an outside perspective here. The reason people call you a troll is because you're posts are so obviously Ni that the fact you actively can't see it seems impossible. You're so deep in the delusion that you have to be an SEI that you won't even consider IEI. You don't suck at Ni, in fact you show all the properties of it. It's genuinely concerning the fact that you have tied SEI so far into your own identity that you consider it abuse when people continue to say that you're not SEI. Tying yourself to any label that strongly will make it hurt more once you realize it's wrong, so please just for god's sakes stop saying you're SEI.
    Yeah but some people are convinced I am SEI? I don't know

    Everyone is confusing me right now.
    @PinKDiGiT18 @FreelancePoliceman swear I sound 100% like SEIs they know. My ILE boyfriend 100% thinks I am SEI.

    Then we have the other end where people swear up and down that I use Ni, IEIEIEIIEIEIEIE omg it's sooo obvious, why can't you see it???.

    It's literally torture for my mind, I can't stand it. Who is right here??? Maybe Socionics is the deluded one???

    I'm already hurt in this giant rollercoaster of confusion which makes me want to quit Socionics, except I won't because I enjoy learning the theory and will give it another chance.
    Last edited by MidnightWilderness; 07-09-2021 at 05:37 PM.

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    I've been thinking about some Se dual seeking for a little bit. Both my brother and sister are Se leads. My brother is an SLE and my sister is an SEE. My brothers girlfriend is an IEI me thinks and I think his previous one was IEI as well. I also have a Ha Se seeking friends and dual seeking friends.

    I've noticed a bit of a pattern with them. They all like a provider, especially a luxury provider lol. They all seem to sniff out the ones that seem to be big providers and seem to be attracted to guys that are very flashy with name brands. My brothers has always been attracted to seemingly 'victum-like' women who are spoiled and he likes to spoil as well. My "victim" like friends have always wanted to be spoiled as well. This is more so for them to feel safe and they they will be provided for. I think because the brands and this money Ni representations shows that they will be provided for in the physical world.

    I have noticed that my Victim friends like it when a guy is very aggressive in approaching a territory upon their territory. My LIE roommate dated an SLE for some time and the first thing I remember was him buying some stuff and basically marking his territory. Brought slippers and a toothbrush the first time he visited and it rubbed me the wrong way LOL. I still mention it to her. She didn't really notice it though.

    My Se seeking friends need someone who is very direct and make their presence known. Like, the need to feel that presence. I was texting my LIE friend and we were discussing romance and stuff. She is talking with a guy right now who is very polite and reserved. He doesn't touch her much and is very much a gentleman but, she is not feeling a spark with him. She needs a guy who is way more direct and aggressive in his feelings and attraction towards her. I've noticed with Se dual seeking that they need this extreme direction to shake them up AND know that the Se dom will be able to demolish any obstacles in front of them so they don't have to worry about the real world in a sense. Once Se feel that they have an movable force, they feel more comfortable knowing that they can reach their desired vision. I kinda see Se seeking like a Ni users searching for the perfect arrow to get a one shot kill. You don't need an extreme amount of force but you need the right arrow and timing for it to reach it's desired destination. My Se seeking friends have always appreciated that. I think because they are afraid that they won't have that force behind them or can't access it comfortably.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Yeah but some people are convinced I am SEI? I don't know

    Everyone is confusing me right now.
    @PinKDiGiT18 @FreelancePoliceman swear I sound 100% like SEIs they know. My ILE boyfriend 100% thinks I am SEI.

    Then we have the other end where people swear up and down that I use Ni, IEIEIEIIEIEIEIE omg it's sooo obvious, why can't you see it???.

    It's literally torture for my mind, I can't stand it. Who is right here??? Maybe Socionics is the deluded one???

    I'm already hurt in this giant rollercoaster of confusion which makes me want to quit Socionics, except I won't because I enjoy learning the theory and will give it another chance.
    Alright, how about this.

    I'll give you the closest thing I can give you to a test.

    Attached to this post is a file with 128 questions, I want you to answer each one on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the least accurate and 5 being the most accurate for you, and then when you're done, send it back.

    It's in a zip file because this website is dumb and doesn't let you send excel files, so just unzip it and open it up in either excel or google sheets.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Yeah but some people are convinced I am SEI? I don't know

    Everyone is confusing me right now.
    @PinKDiGiT18 @FreelancePoliceman swear I sound 100% like SEIs they know. My ILE boyfriend 100% thinks I am SEI.

    Then we have the other end where people swear up and down that I use Ni, IEIEIEIIEIEIEIE omg it's sooo obvious, why can't you see it???.

    It's literally torture for my mind, I can't stand it. Who is right here??? Maybe Socionics is the deluded one???

    I'm already hurt in this giant rollercoaster of confusion which makes me want to quit Socionics, except I won't because I enjoy learning the theory and will give it another chance.
    If both your father and your ILE boyfriend think you are SEI, maybe you should listen to the people in your life who know you and can see you at all your highs and lows on a daily basis. We on this forum don’t know you - we know our impression of you based on your posts. To me, your being SEI-Fe is blatantly obvious. To others, your use of Ni rhetoric in your writing makes you appear Ni base. But the thing is, people are more likely to use their creative/role to form an online persona. That in of itself skews the accuracy of typing someone solely based on online presentation. My SEI-Fe friends could hold their own with Ni, much more so than the SEI-Sis in my life - but ultimately, this was not an area of security for them, and they did not like having Ni projected onto them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    To others, your use of Ni rhetoric in your writing makes you appear Ni base.
    False assumption.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    If both your father and your ILE boyfriend think you are SEI, maybe you should listen to the people in your life who know you and can see you at all your highs and lows on a daily basis. We on this forum don’t know you - we know our impression of you based on your posts. To me, your being SEI-Fe is blatantly obvious. To others, your use of Ni rhetoric in your writing makes you appear Ni base. But the thing is, people are more likely to use their creative/role to form an online persona. That in of itself skews the accuracy of typing someone solely based on online presentation. My SEI-Fe friends could hold their own with Ni, much more so than the SEI-Sis in my life - but ultimately, this was not an area of security for them, and they did not like having Ni projected onto them.
    Since I was tagged, I agree with everything @PinKDiGiT18 said and consider what she (?) said to be insightful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    If both your father and your ILE boyfriend think you are SEI, maybe you should listen to the people in your life who know you and can see you at all your highs and lows on a daily basis. We on this forum don’t know you - we know our impression of you based on your posts. To me, your being SEI-Fe is blatantly obvious. To others, your use of Ni rhetoric in your writing makes you appear Ni base. But the thing is, people are more likely to use their creative/role to form an online persona. That in of itself skews the accuracy of typing someone solely based on online presentation. My SEI-Fe friends could hold their own with Ni, much more so than the SEI-Sis in my life - but ultimately, this was not an area of security for them, and they did not like having Ni projected onto them.
    Just because people are closer to someone doesn't mean they automatically know better. What matters is their reasons why they type her SEI. Simply put, her ILE would much rather have an SEI gf than an IEI one, which is why he would insist SEI and refuse to acknowledge that she could be IEI. The only reasons I've seen you give for her being SEI have been along the lines of "vibes" and first impression liking, which while it is a somewhat valid way to type at first glance, it's clearly dwarfed by the general Ni "vibe" that basically every single other person on this forum except for you and Freelance perceive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    If both your father and your ILE boyfriend think you are SEI, maybe you should listen to the people in your life who know you and can see you at all your highs and lows on a daily basis. We on this forum don’t know you - we know our impression of you based on your posts. To me, your being SEI-Fe is blatantly obvious. To others, your use of Ni rhetoric in your writing makes you appear Ni base. But the thing is, people are more likely to use their creative/role to form an online persona. That in of itself skews the accuracy of typing someone solely based on online presentation. My SEI-Fe friends could hold their own with Ni, much more so than the SEI-Sis in my life - but ultimately, this was not an area of security for them, and they did not like having Ni projected onto them.
    My father doesn't know about Socionics. Just my boyfriend thinks I am SEI in real life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Just because people are closer to someone doesn't mean they automatically know better. What matters is their reasons why they type her SEI. Simply put, her ILE would much rather have an SEI gf than an IEI one, which is why he would insist SEI and refuse to acknowledge that she could be IEI. The only reasons I've seen you give for her being SEI have been along the lines of "vibes" and first impression liking, which while it is a somewhat valid way to type at first glance, it's clearly dwarfed by the general Ni "vibe" that basically every single other person on this forum except for you and Freelance perceive.
    I understand. Some reasons I think @MidnightWilderness is SEI:

    1. Tends to make impulsive, concrete judgments about topics that have several layers of insight that need to be filtered through. IEI tends to stay ambivalent for longer periods of time.

    2. Inclination to rely on external perspectives to decide on her type rather than her own internal flow of insight (Ne > Ni valuing - hence all the type-me threads: the more possible answers to consider, the better).

    3. Has some difficulty absorbing multiple perspectives without having them broken down into explanations (dual would be Ne-to-Ti - hence why she complains that everyone's divergent perspectives are troubling her, she needs some consistency to them).

    4. Expresses a lot of Alpha -Fe. SEI and IEI both have Ti HA, but IEI expresses +Fe and attracts with positive emotions in order to fuel their Ti's need to understand - SEI creates emotional turbulence (-Fe) to make the need for things to make sense known. Her posts have exhibited a great drive to minimize distress. IEIs I know are usually not so straightforward about this.

    Just my take. I think there are more indicators, but this essentially encapsulates my reasoning.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 07-09-2021 at 10:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    I understand. Some reasons I think @MidnightWilderness is SEI:

    1. Tends to make impulsive, concrete judgments about topics that have several layers of insight that need to be filtered through.

    2. Inclination to rely on external perspectives to decide on her type rather than her own internal flow of insight (Ne > Ni valuing - hence all the type-me threads).

    3. Has some difficulty absorbing multiple perspectives without having them broken down into explanations (dual would be Ne-to-Ti - hence why she complains that everyone's divergent perspectives are troubling her, she needs some consistency to them).

    4. Expresses a lot of Alpha -Fe. SEI and IEI both have Ti HA, but IEI expresses +Fe and attracts with positive emotions in order to fuel their Ti's need to understand - SEI creates emotional turbulence (-Fe) to make the need for things to make sense known. Her posts have exhibited a great drive to minimize distress. IEIs I know are usually not so straightforward about this.

    Just my take. I think there are more indicators, but this essentially encapsulates my reasoning.
    In essence, aren't you trying to say here that she's not "smart enough" to be intuitive? That her insights aren't good enough and she's not figuring this all out herself and instead should be good in the physical world as a kind of consolation prize for not having "intuitive powers"? To be clear, I don't think this is the case, and when it comes to impulsiveness one has to remember we're talking about a teenager's type.

    When it comes to multiple perspectives, Ni doesn't want multiple viewpoints, it wants to converge them all into a singular truth/worldview hat explains all the data. Many IEI have described it as a battlefield raging inside their head as they're trying to sort it all out into a singular smooth stream instead of endlessly diverging. It's a great effort and consumes a lot of mental energy, that's why they have very little to spend in the real world. They don't want things to be unclear and ambiguous, everything has to have a meaning and every puzzle piece needs to be made fit.
    Ne doesn't explain things in a way satisfying to them, it offers more alternatives and potential viewpoints instead of helping to trim them down and anchor things into reality.

    The "signs of the functions" don't correspond to quadras. Process types have -Fe and Result types have +Fe. Unless you're using a different sign system than Gulenko's current one. Both Fe creative use emotional dramas or sweet talking to get what they want, they aren't locked to one of them. It would be more accurate to caricaturize it as SEI acting like fretting housewives while IEI act dramatic martyrs.

    If talking about the DS, IEI need reality checks and physical energy infusions, while SEI need fresh viewpoints and out-of-the-box thought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    I understand. Some reasons I think @MidnightWilderness is SEI:

    4. Expresses a lot of Alpha -Fe. SEI and IEI both have Ti HA, but IEI expresses +Fe and attracts with positive emotions in order to fuel their Ti's need to understand - SEI creates emotional turbulence (-Fe) to make the need for things to make sense known. Her posts have exhibited a great drive to minimize distress. IEIs I know are usually not so straightforward about this.

    Just my take. I think there are more indicators, but this essentially encapsulates my reasoning.
    Fe subtypes of both sociotypes are less Fe- when healthy. ISFp-Fe subtype such as Lin Manual Miranda, and Alison Hannigan, for example, are such "positive" creating subtypes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    In essence, aren't you trying to say here that she's not "smart enough" to be intuitive? That her insights aren't good enough and she's not figuring this all out herself and instead should be good in the physical world as a kind of consolation prize for not having "intuitive powers"? To be clear, I don't think this is the case, and when it comes to impulsiveness one has to remember we're talking about a teenager's type.

    When it comes to multiple perspectives, Ni doesn't want multiple viewpoints, it wants to converge them all into a singular truth/worldview hat explains all the data. Many IEI have described it as a battlefield raging inside their head as they're trying to sort it all out into a singular smooth stream instead of endlessly diverging. It's a great effort and consumes a lot of mental energy, that's why they have very little to spend in the real world. They don't want things to be unclear and ambiguous, everything has to have a meaning and every puzzle piece needs to be made fit.
    Ne doesn't explain things in a way satisfying to them, it offers more alternatives and potential viewpoints instead of helping to trim them down and anchor things into reality.

    The "signs of the functions" don't correspond to quadras. Process types have -Fe and Result types have +Fe. Unless you're using a different sign system than Gulenko's current one. Both Fe creative use emotional dramas or sweet talking to get what they want, they aren't locked to one of them. It would be more accurate to caricaturize it as SEI acting like fretting housewives while IEI act dramatic martyrs.

    If talking about the DS, IEI need reality checks and physical energy infusions, while SEI need fresh viewpoints and out-of-the-box thought.
    No. Simply reinforcing what Midnight said about her tendency toward more concrete perspectives on life, similarly to how I view my life through a primarily ethical lens as corresponding to my base function. I look externally for logical and informational support to my understanding and handling of various matters, because I am Te suggestive. She looks externally for alternative perspectives other than her own about her type, because, in my view, she is Ne suggestive.

    To expand on my point about Ne-to-Ti, my difficulty in accepting Te information that is not colored by Si can be comparable. You could refer to my concomitant need for Si with Te as a sign that I am too infantile to take care of myself, but that’s not what that statement means. Well, at least the way I’m saying it. I mean, I find it difficult to use the Te I am given if it is given to me with Ni instead of Si, for example (having an ILI parent, this happens all the time). I think Midnight similarly needs Ti to help her better receive Ne information.

    What I wrote based on Quadra signs was based on articles by Stratiyevskaya and Gulenko which can be found on this website - although I know aren’t popular around here. However, I do believe in these signs as they have been consistent with what I’ve observed in the types IRL.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 07-09-2021 at 08:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    No. Simply reinforcing what Midnight said about her tendency toward more concrete perspectives on life, similarly to how I view my life through a primarily ethical lens as corresponding to my base function.

    What I wrote based on Quadra signs was based on Stratiyevskaya and Gulenko, who I know aren’t popular around here. However, I do believe in these signs as they have been consistent with what I’ve observed in the types IRL.
    Where is this concrete perspective? What would be a non-concrete one?

    Gulenko doesn't use quadra signs, they're based on result/process like I said, and every quadra is split in the middle into both. It's the benefit rings.

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    I definitely prefer men who are direct and aggressive. I could go on and on (and on) about that - but it's silly, so yes- I'll just say I agree 1000% with that part. lol

    Also all the possibilities I think annoy me, I'd rather just somebody make more of a clear path known by bulldozing all the other crap out in the way. No offense to Ne valuers but I personally view Ne as 'rather pointless' I think, because reality ends up the way it is anyway - or something- and the possibilities become irrelevant to me. The way you described your Ne dual seeking though, was kinda like Ne more integrated with real reality or something, the examples you gave- not quite how I viewed it, but it was interesting. I want the result in a more direct and quick manner I think. I loved your analogy about 1-hit KO arrow kills. People have told me before that my posts were often 'like an arrow to their heart.' Does this mean I should roll a Hunter now? See the Ne of that annoyed me a little!

    Not sure I care so much about flashiness or name brands though. I mean, men can look very attractive in them and everything, but I almost view that as a SEE thing. SEEs seems to like to dress really flashy like that more than SLEs. Either way I think it's great Se because it's like creating a small aura of physicality for somebody to analyze and meld into. (Ni + Se) It's very 'external statics of objects' which is what Se is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    I definitely prefer men who are direct and aggressive. I could go on and on (and on) about that - but it's silly, so yes- I'll just say I agree 1000% with that part. lol

    Also all the possibilities I think annoy me, I'd rather just somebody make more of a clear path known by bulldozing all the other crap out in the way. No offense to Ne valuers but I personally view Ne as 'rather pointless' I think, because reality ends up the way it is anyway - or something- and the possibilities become irrelevant to me. The way you described your Ne dual seeking though, was kinda like Ne more integrated with real reality or something, the examples you gave- not quite how I viewed it, but it was interesting. I want the result in a more direct and quick manner I think. I loved your analogy about 1-hit KO arrow kills. People have told me before that my posts were often 'like an arrow to their heart.' Does this mean I should roll a Hunter now? See the Ne of that annoyed me a little!

    Not sure I care so much about flashiness or name brands though. I mean, men can look very attractive in them and everything, but I almost view that as a SEE thing. SEEs seems to like to dress really flashy like that more than SLEs. Either way I think it's great Se because it's like creating a small aura of physicality for somebody to analyze and meld into. (Ni + Se) It's very 'external statics of objects' which is what Se is.

    I agree with you heavily on this paragraph. I found Ni/Se users as very linear. I do enjoy it at times but, my brain isn't program like that with you with Ne. So I understand that aspect. Lol! Didn't mean to trigger that Ne

    Oh I agree. My SEE sister is a #basicbitch when it comes to that kind of stuff lol. I have a SEE coworker now and she is similar in that aspect of wanting and liking luxury items. The more that I think about it, I think it is a Gamma Se thing to like that kind of stuff. All of my Gamma friends and acquaintances where much more in-tuned with that then I was. Now I am really starting to question SLE strength showing. Hmmmm. I am going to change my tune. The SLE's I know liked nice things, but they always showed that they were either inquiring property or items in some way, shape, or form. The IEI's I know always seem to respond well to that. My brothers girlfriend wants a big house lol but, he has always thought about working toward inquiring property or cars in someway or hording money/assets. Much more then I have or the ILE's that I know. For me, I just want to nest

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