Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
As I see it, MBTI's depiction of introverted types is confused, and that's because their depiction of J/P is muddled by what Socionics calls rationality/irrationality. MBTI's ISFJ description reads like a blend of Socionics' ESI and SEI descriptions; same for their ISFP description.
ok, well, the way I see things the J/P is really intended to refer to irrationality / rationality. It is just a different name. (Jung himself also refers to rationality as "judging", if I remember correctly). That's also why I see no point in using the small letters j/p. I don't really see why mbti would leave out the real phenomenon of rationality since the types are basically the same, or that's the intention. To look at the same real life phenomenon as socionics.

In the ISFJ description the "Si" seems to partly refer to rational behaviour. Detailed comparisons with the past, ordering things, commonly seen in ESI. As I've said before, I consider mbti "Si" to be totally made up. Just a label for common behaviour in ESI/LSI types, but not a real psychic function.

But these things get just too confusing because the mbti functions are simply not correct. So this becomes fast a pointless overly conceptual discussion. It's like comparing some old buggy beta version of a computer program with the shiny new 1.0 release.