Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

Why would you want to be joined at the hip with anybody? I genuinely don't get that.

But thank you for describing something you don't like about IEIs in a more constructive way honestly. Some of the hatred dished out against IEIs on here have just been kind of ... too venomous? Yes I was being 'oversensitive' and yes it did hurt my feelings a bit but then again, it did feel pretty overly harsh and cruel instead of just logical.

I hate to be thought of as a 'user' for one even though I think it can look like that way to outsiders because of some of my weaker functions. My ESE mom and ILE male best friend kind of know how to give me my space when I want it and I apperciate that.

With my duals it's a bit different I think, more awkward and there is this push-pull energy. They want to fuck me and move in with me and be a couple but it's also so awkward like 'how the fuck is this supposed to work' and so we don't stay joined. I probably need something really dramatic and Hollywood-ish to happen to stay joined for a few hours and then still its like 'okay bye' but they are probably okay with that cuz of Fi polr idk. lol

Sorry for the vent, you can go back to the gamma orgy.
I think some SLE like this in a way...The ...how do I say this without sounding creepy...the having to slow down and read you and your needs. It's an exciting opportunity/project/puzzle....