Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
The caveat is that not all enneagram types and their respective centres revolve around a strength - the type can be out of touch with what you’d say is the “centre’s intelligence”. For those types, the ego-ic journey is actually about acquiring that intelligence.
this is simply not true. each type is in the center because of their connection to the center of the intelligence. it actually isnt about acquiring the intelligence, they already have it. 3s are still very image conscious, and are affected by shame the most of any emotion, just as any image type, same with fear types and body types on anger. 9 is still a grounded type. youre talking about 6 moving to 9 acquiring ''gut'' intelligence, meaning type 6 really is type 9?

by your logic, if certain types who you say are ''out of touch'' with their intelligence center, need to acquire that said intelligence, how come, for example, that type 3, who you say is out of touch with being an image type, moves to 6 as their growth point? the arrows would be useless for those types then, and theyre not, or do you not agree

For example, 3s are notably out of touch with their heart’s true desire, they become whatever their environment dictates as “success”. That’s also how Fi seeking types can be 3s IMO, they lack the internal moral compass. 9s are notably out of touch with their “gut intelligence”, which can equal both N and S in different ways.

Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
From the mind types, it’s only 5 which is distinctly a Logical type IMO.
there are people who would argue that not even that is true. see what i mean

Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
7s often don’t think enough or think around corners,
they do think a lot, ofc they border more on the gut center and thus replace a part of their thinking with doing and acquiring new experiences (8wing), so they have more stuff to think about. as for 7w6 they actually are quite scientific and have great minds. (to type a 7w6 as Ti polr is ridiculous, you obviously havent grasped either theory well enough to say that unironically

Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
6s “overthink” to the point of paranoia, both of which can be signs of either strong Logic or weak Logic,
but they still think. they often play devils advocate and solve problems because of strong logic. where in the 6 descriptions do you ever see that 6s are strong people manipulators or anything resembling ethical type/Feeling dichotomy in socionics? their paranoia and distrust in people comes from weak ethics and intuition. (ST)