Have seen E9 girl 20-25 yo in a shop. I've noticed a cute one and impressions from her have reminded me other E9 girl about wich I miss still. I should not, taking into account what she did, what was and how long we did not talked, but I miss her.
This today E9 was dressed like a teenager, while having age a little more. She reminded a kid. Cute kid about which you wish to care and share the state of inner quiteness with her. Being E1 I catch myself that I'm attracted to such people, I'd want to relax my mind with them, to feel their inner quite peace to rest from the life for some time. To fight, to be always in tonus - this exhausts and needs a rest. Also she was interesting as a woman for me, - like most of women. She've noticed my attention and did grooming gests with her long hairs - that could mean she has a return interest for a flirt. Mb in other situation that could to have a continuation. I could not to assume her type - mb ESI as she reminded me such one, or other type. She was just cute and I did not wanted to think about Jung types. She came to a cashbox and I've stood near her, being attracted and wanting to be closer to her. I miss about that other E9.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
But today, as he and I were briefly talking, I got the impression that he is my dual.
duals should not inspire irrational antipathy. good chance of other close type, in case your own is correct too. superego, as an example. I mistyped sometimes them to duals.
The last case was in 2017. She was partly strange for EII and had personal problems (in my perception), but I thought EII as most possibly until more data have shifted the opinion to EIE.

> My criticism all revolves around his incompetence (as I see it) at business, which was seriously affecting me at the time.

anyway strange for duals. they have similar approach to life. serious where you like them so. they look as loyal and reliable. ESI try hard to be "good workers". responsible people
he can be incompetent due to objective reasons, but should try to be good and where he's bad to hire someone to do that better. the opposite rather doubtful for ESI. except they are abnormal - low IQ, drugs, psyche disorders, etc

> I need to think about this some more.

offer him to record a typing interview

> *EDIT* He's super public and super cheap. Probably So/Sp

mb alpha