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Thread: Your Moods

  1. #1
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Red face Your Moods

    Hello, I'm back with a new mini questionnaire The topic is "moods". Here we go:

    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?


    1. On average, I oscillate between apathy, excitement, obsessiveness and some sort of heavy inertia. It usually manifests in Mode a) Silence and Avoidance and Mode b) Talkativeness and Humor, I become completely goofy and happy. I usually adapt to the person or matter at hand so my affects depend a lot on my current activity.

    2. Hunger, in 90% of the cases. The other 10% are people.


    4. Yes, when I'm too moody I can't get productive.

    5. Eating is pretty much the only thing I can do. Even if I try to alter my mood with music, I still select one that reflects my emotional state, which doesn't change anything at all. Physical exercise turns my character around by 180° but I am usually too distracted and unscheduled to engage in it.

    6. Mom says I turn into a hangry dictator when in a negative mood. Dad is too Fe PoLR to be truly bothered, which is beneficial. My friends are defensive about it. Other opinions include that my moods are completely scattered and confusing, and pretty much unpredictable in how they turn out to be like.

  2. #2
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    Mostly contentment. If I have a lot of work to do I may experience frustration. If not enough then I may experience boredom. Amusement if I read or see something funny -- I'm pretty easily amused.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Changes in the physical environment, interacting with people.
    Coming to a realization about something, thinking of the blessings that I've experienced.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    It's very hard for me to judge this. I'm usually pretty stable, but I think sometimes I express frustration in a way that can be difficult for others.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Not really.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    I try to get out of the house on a regular basis. Interacting with people, getting sunlight and exercise all help with improving mood. I also listen to music every now and then, which helps with negative emotions.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    See #3.
    Last edited by Exodus; 11-28-2016 at 07:18 AM.

  3. #3
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    Energized, dynamic, confidant, sadness, melancholy, nostalgia

    2. What induces your mood to change?
    The fuck should I know?!

    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    No, my temper is very low.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    Yes, sometimes they are just too intense.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    Music can usually alter my mood quite effectively.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?
    I rarely let my feelings show, also when I am with other people I usually feel happy and stable, it's when I am alone when I turn into a moody bitch.

  4. #4
    Subthigh Enters Laughing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Hello, I'm back with a new mini questionnaire The topic is "moods". Here we go:

    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?
    1. A certain sense of elation or optimism (whether short or long-term in feeling), often like someone reaching the top of a wave...also, a certain sense of nausea or pessimism (whether short or long-term), and perhaps also a more neutral mode akin to expectation or being fully engrossed in something but not really thinking.

    2. I think being in comparatively good health generally means that being in a fairly "good" mood is comparatively easy and natural, and if depressed or in bad health, then breaking out of that cycle is difficult, except during peaks of the day when lethargy has not set in.

    A series of "bad news" or the reinforcement of negative feelings through certain activities can induce a prolonged change in mood towards the negative, as can a sudden (i.e. perhaps unexpected) environmental change or event.

    3. In psychological terms, I know myself to be comparatively unchanging and predictable. However, I am "temperamental" at times in the sense of being rather neurotic.

    4. Being depressed can be a real drag, as can being peevish from time-to-time. My possible death does not give me unlimited hope for the future, and that can be difficult to come to terms with (Until I see evidence to the contrary, I am not convince I will die).

    5. The avoiding of negative triggers is obviously beneficial, as can varying my activity (this may be well-founded, although the association of a change in mood with a certain activity can be akin to a superstition at times), listening to music (although when I was severely depressed, I often actually listened to "negative" music: perhaps as some form of "harmony" or external expression), and of course anti-depressants.

    6. There are those who consider me unfathomable, unreadable, barely expressive etc. and there are those who consider me prone to being unstable. There are also those who have known me for an extended period of time who consider both aspects to be true.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    I experience contentment when my lifestyle is consistent with the way I want to live my life (this is a general answer than encompasses many things). I experience irritation when my lifestyle is disrupted. I experience happiness if I have a positive human interaction.

    2. What induces your mood to change?
    Music, human interaction, realization, reading, and changes in environmental conditions are things that come to mind. Generally, I am irritated by sensory stimuli that are both sudden and unexpected (loud noises come to mind here). I am also irritated by manifestations of injustice.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    Not outwardly. Most people see me as stable. However, my repressed irritation and discontentment with any given situation will occasionally rise up and be expressed in a relatively harsh manner, to the surprise of those who do not know me well.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    Not really. Regardless of how I feel, I am usually able to take care of whatever responsibilities I may have. However, my mood may decrease the rate at which I do work. This is not something I pay much attention to.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    I find that listening to music can bring me back to mood equilibrium (passive contentment). Exercise is a good way to rid myself of frustration, as is engagement with the natural environment and contemplation. Finding humorous things (usually on the Internet) also raises my mood.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?
    They don't really - the only thing I've gotten is that occasionally I look angry at idle due to my furrowed brow and compressed lips (some have called it a "resting bitch face"). This may be a reflection of how I feel, or it may just be because I am thinking about something interesting.
    Last edited by ghost of forum past; 11-26-2016 at 06:35 PM.

  6. #6
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    1. Typical Moods/Emotions?
    *Waking up: any of the following:
    *unwillingness to start the day,
    *anxiousness to get the day going and certain tasks over and done with,
    *anticipation for a desired event to come,
    *relief that finally a sucky/painful night is over and I can finally get up and move around without disturbing anyone else's sleep,
    *emotions/affects lingering from dreams (usually anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, or anger)
    *Chores: frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, relief when its done
    *Problem Solving: anxiety, frustration, confusion, determination, mental exhaustion, overwhelm (by the # of variables needed to juggle/balance), insecurity (what's going on? what else could it be? what am I missing? what typical solutions? what alternative solutions? etc)
    *Relationships: anxiety (is s/he ok? what's s/he thinking? am I upsetting him/her? does s/he still love/want me? can I trust him/her? will s/he judge me? does s/he understand me? is it worth trying to explain to him/her what's really going on with me?
    *Animals in my life: wonder, appreciation, accepted, desire to understand what their world/experiences/instincts are like, and a desire to help meet their instincts and needs
    *Learning something new: excitement, possibilities, hope, obsession (also see Problem Solving); frustration with box thinkers/presenters; frustration with "do what I say, don't bother trying to understand what you are doing nor why you are doing it" presentations
    *Goals: frustration and annoyance at blockages, anger if it's a more active/intentional block; insecurities and anxiety and frustration with myself when I lack sufficient understanding/skills/abilities/tools for the steps of the goal (may turn into snappishness if the internal tension gets too high)

    2. Why Mood Changes?
    Circumstances, lol.
    How tired I am, physically/mentally.
    How excited/dreading I am for what's to come.
    How much physical pain I'm in.
    How confident I feel in my ability/understanding. (And since I'm always flipping my mental model around, to see it from different povs, my moods change quite often.)
    How much else I am trying to juggle/do.

    3. Temperamental?
    I wouldn't say that mood changes are "unreasonable", there is usually a reason, and not everyone will have the same triggers/points causing a change in mood.
    For myself, I can never fully anticipate well just what my mood (internal circumstances) might be. My normal mode seems to be anxiety, exhaustion, overwhelm, frustration, brainstorming, but I also get super excited and hopeful from the possibilities I see, which can lead me to taking on more than I can realistically handle (which inevitably leads to my normal mode, lol).

    4. Difficulties from moods?
    Yes, the quickness and extent of my mood changes are one of the reasons I'm on disability.

    5. Mood Management Activities?
    For minor things, Deep Breathing helps calm the body and mind to make thinking clearer/easier.
    For sudden, acute, chronic things, LOTS of pacing (walking around the block) helps me get intense negative emotions out of my system and helps exhaust mind and body so I can focus better. I also pace the same way when I am overexcited by an idea and want to get some of the energy out while I'm imagining the possibilities, possible paths I could take, what I would need to learn/do, etc etc.
    Cuddling with R or a pet.
    Pain management activities (rarely medication).
    Withdrawing from everything and/or shutting down for a recovery period.
    Accepting that each affect/emotion is a signal to me to pay attention to something about what I'm trying to do, what the circumstances are, and what's lacking in my understanding/skill.
    From the accepting, I've been practicing learning my boundaries/abilities, and practicing abiding by those boundaries/abilities.
    **Humor helps greatly, particularly sarcasm/irony appreciation.
    Understanding that current circumstances/mood isn't permanent, and will change as circumstances change.
    Taking a break and returning to it later when I feel better.

    6. Others comments?
    People seem to jump to the conclusion that I'm angry, even though I'm not. I just don't devote time/energy to making them feel good, especially when I'm in pain and/or normal mode. I also tend to have a neutral look (not smiling/animated), and that leads some people to misinterpret me a LOT.
    The times when I'm unable to do any of my mood managing activities, the normal mode might increase in intensity until I become snappish or have a quick unintended outburst (which seems to relieve some of my tension). Some people assume that I'm snapping at something simple, merely bcz they don't know/understand all that I am trying to juggle at that moment.

    What most people don't know is that my anxieties etc are turned onto myself, as in I recognize that they are MY issues to deal with, and that I'm not blaming them. Also that I use **humor constantly (laughing is my preferred way of releasing tension). Combine the tension + sarcastic/ironic humor, and I'm pretty much doomed to being misunderstood by most people, heh.
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    Joy, fear, sadness, anger, inspiration, excitement, anxiety, envy.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Other peoples' moods, what people say/how they respond to me, music, personal successes and failures, some external factor like something in the news, physical factors like how comfortable or uncomfortable I feel.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    I wouldn't consider myself "temperamental" but I am quite moody and have a wide fluctuation in moods. Most of the time its manageable and I try to keep it under control to avoid trouble or embarrassing myself. I tend to be cooler on the outside than what I'm feeling on the inside.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Yes. If I am in a bad mood it is more difficult for me to concentrate or perform well on tasks. I can still do them, but probably not as effectively. If I'm overstimulated I can have trouble sleeping.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Not really. Occasionally I find that caffeine perks me up. I typically just need time to wallow and let the feelings pass on their own eventually. I suppose I also try to avoid people and situations that would likely put me in a bad mood.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    Not sure. I try to hide them from others if I can. I suppose when I'm caught in one or I do reveal my feelings they might see me as a bit hypersensitive or overly moody. Making too much a big deal over something unimportant I guess.
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    List any synonym for sadness, loneliness or uselessness. If you're able to figure out that, that's the compacted list of emotions that I experience.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Mostly in the case of anxiety about wanting to feel happy, which only makes me feel worse. Slowly, I've begun to detach from the people, events and memories of the past; to the point of becoming somewhat "static" in how I'm feeling.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Not in the slightest. Throughout my life, only sadness and the feeling of emptiness has lingered, always have and always will.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    All the time, I've only improved in hiding my emotions or managing my mood around others.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Mood management? ...sort of. I always set aside time to meditate in the morning, eat well, spending time alone to think and tackling abstract questions that I haven't reached a conclusion on - it distracts me with at least some feeling of pleasure (however miniscule) compared to what people think I should be doing to make myself happy.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    On frequent occasions where I feel the need to adequately express how I'm feeling, others generally tend to comment on how I communicate this in a very unenthusiastic or uncaring manner (i.e. openly stating my distaste for experiencing what makes others happy and not realizing that what I said had an effect on what others were feeling). If the conversation continues, I'm then usually criticized for not doing anything about it or given false optimism that doesn't help at all.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    Mostly anger, sadness and annoyance. I've come to accept something about myself recently and I manage to keep it under control.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    I cheer up when things start going my way or an exciting possibility comes along but it's only brief.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Not really, sort of eluded to this in my last answer. I tend to maintain the same frame of mind for long periods of time.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    No, I can get myself to work through anything.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Nope, I've always been terrible at that sort of stuff. Meditation and the like has never appealed to me.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    I'm professional when I'm out and about so no one picks up on it. My issue with my "family" is a whole entire thread of its own.

  10. #10
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    Primarily melancholy and anxiety.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Listening to music can induce my mood to change.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Nope, I'm pretty consistent.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?


    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.


    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?

    I can't recall others commenting on my "moody states". In the past, most people who've commented on my state have just said that I'm a loner and kept their distance.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    I usually feel chill and loving. In winter I get Seasonal Affective Symptoms (doctor told me), so I take extra Vitamin D. It makes me feel extra cuddly and affectionate. I've been known to randomly cuddle up next to my female friends and at first they thought I was gay but then they accepted I have an inner cuddle bug in winter. I would do that to my mom as a kid too. She'd be like wtf at first but then stopped caring and would cuddle. I prefer having a partner in winter because the intimacy helps a lot.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    I'm usually calm until someone causes a disruption in my personal space. I'm easily affected by negative moods and can take hard logic to heart, and if I can't withdraw from it in my own private space, I get anxiety. When I lived with other people and there was negative tension in the house and I couldn't get away from it, I'd go for a walk. Fortunately I live alone right now but I still enjoy taking long walks regardless. Having a romantic interest will drastically change my mood too so I tend to ignore them because most of them I know probably would not go anywhere.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Only when I have anxiety. But I know anxiety is unreasonable so I withdraw until I mellow out.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Only if I'm having anxiety. Anxiety sucks so bad.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    I will meditate, exercise more than normal, do yoga longer than normal, do tarot card readings for myself, journal, or play a video game.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    Hmmm. In-person most people will huggle me and rub my shoulders, and say nothing.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    More common:
    Neutral calm, fully unaffected
    Calm with readiness (=slight anticipation of every next second, otherwise still unaffected)
    Some more involved bit of "rush" (what do I call this?)
    Desire for things (in some different forms), enjoyment for them
    Bits of excitement
    Anger related emotionality (irritation, frustration, annoyance, explicit anger, sometimes little "bits of rage")

    Most of the rest that I can have are more like just moods rather than these more raw emotions and they are less frequently than daily, some of it is very rare, some of it I experienced only once or twice in my whole life so far. Also full-on rage is not daily. For the moods, some are simpler, e.g. some kind of sadness, not often there by default. More complex moods often can't be put into words, can be too vague, but maybe can appear in images sometimes.

    There is also a good positive baseline (serotonin modulated?) when nothing pulls that baseline down to an extra-unemotional mode that's almost apathy. This isn't an explicit strong mood, just an easily accessed (not consciously) barely perceptible positivity, it's still there though.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Default mode -> neutral calm
    Mobilization -> ready version of the calm, the rush, etc
    Good things -> excitement, desire, etc
    Shit getting in the way, some people stuff -> anger related emotions
    Randomly -> complicated less frequent stuff (not necessarily daily)

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Yes. This is weird with my having the calm default but I somehow easily enter into the temperamental stuff (anger etc).

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Not by default. I feel in control basically almost always, it'd have to be extreme not to feel in control. Sometimes I have periods where the bits of rage are more frequent in a way that I don't want any more of it but I can control that too. I experienced a period where something about the general emotional regulation process changed temporarily but I won't get into that now.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Controlling some of them by the ability to "look through" and keep reasoning.
    Sometimes I can enter some imaginative place to call up emotions but this is not a well-directed process, I used not to have even this. Sometimes a book or a film can affect my mood but this is so unpredictable again whether I get affected or how strongly.
    I do my own bits of music stuff that does reliably affect me but I can't say it does much other than simply me enjoying it.

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?

    I don't/can't show them to most people by default, just some of the anger related stuff and I don't pay attention to comments on that.

    The involvement thing probably also shows in some way. No problem with it apparently.

    In good (for me) places, I (unintentionally) sometimes show the excitement too, I don't get comments on that (other than sometimes positively).
    Last edited by Myst; 01-03-2017 at 01:37 AM.

  13. #13
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    Comfortable satisfaction with the moment as it is, not wanting to do anything and just laze about enjoying myself, usually by myself. Usually consistently low energy, even if emotionally warm and happy around others.. meaning I don't show much excitement. Fantasizing and imagining how great things could be, dreaming about new beginnings and things that could happen. Anxiety about obligations and time. Apathy alot of the time (little passion or wants). Rush of excitement and enthusiasm.

    BEST moods are in the morning by far, it's when I'm most comfortable and happy and am most likely to start something new, I have more willpower in the morning. I wake up early.
    I am super lazy by midday, it's so boring and dull and I want it to end... probably because that's the time when people are working and doing things >_>
    I enjoy the late evening's transition into night, the best time for relaxing and socializing and getting stoned

    2. What induces your mood to change?
    Social encounters, psychoactives (anything that directly changes brain activity), amount of physical activity, (I hate) knowing I am obliged to do something by a certain time (especially if I have alot of time), having everything go smoothly without any abrupt changes of activity, abrupt changes in activity, ruminating over memories, putting lots of effort into something even if I never finish it, finding a new area of interest (person or idea or hobby or whatever). What usually irritates my mood is people who are constantly unsatisfied, people who cause unnecessary drama, people who overreact and are fake, people who pretend that everything is alright and try to censor "negative" emotions when someone needs to vent their feelings (this makes me physically sick, but I remain silent), people who force themselves to talk to me, people with brute/barbarian tastes...
    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    I can control my moods pretty well. Not that they were unstable to begin with~ I'm pretty calm and even boring... I just wanna be at peace.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    Ehhh ... well I guess I have difficulty actually having a mood. If It's not a good one then I don't wanna have others experience it so I'll just be passive non-aggressive until something makes me happy again.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    sometimes I can sometimes I can't... I don't know lol. Am I alone or with others? Is this a problem of external circumstances or neuro chemical fuck ups? I don't think I can prevent the latter but I usually am good at repression and positive thinking.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?
    eh well the people who get me in a bad mood are probably the same people who will try and avoid giving me the chance to express my mood and ignore everything I say.
    Last edited by chrys; 01-03-2017 at 04:59 AM.

  14. #14
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Hello, I'm back with a new mini questionnaire The topic is "moods". Here we go:

    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    hunger, grit, determination, apprehension, wistfulness

    2. What induces your mood to change?
    the wind, the rain, the sun, life, people, circumstances.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    yes, and no.. i can be quite so, but i can also push through and be less emotional.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    sometimes? .. can't control other people, they can react to anything.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    sometimes i tense different parts of my body.

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?
    no-one has commented recently.

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    1. Anything ranging from let's call it content, which is boring and uninspiring to all sorts of emotions. I'm quite choleric and misanthropic, so ragey feelings are easily triggered. Otoh I'm sappy as hell, so getting sentimental with tears in eyes also happens at least once a day : ) I usually get most satisfaction when I get charged up by something (topic of interest, something someone said, funny conversations, even occasional conflict is better than nothing to spice things up).

    2. External things (hilarious things that happen, beautiful sunset, melodramatic movie, various interactions: meeting an old friend, conflict, disagreement, someone paying me a compliment : ) and internal things like me being grumpy because tired or underslept, or simply pondering and overanalyzing about things and thus becoming sentimental ("life is so magical" *tear in eye*).

    3. Yes, very much so. Try to hide the crazy side of it in public.

    4. Depends on the days. I'm very good at appearing much more stable than I really am, so most people see me as having shit under control. Especially the ragey/volatile part of me is not something I like to broadcast - that's something that's reserved for people close to me. Crying is also strictly reserved for showers. So I'd say that it only represents a problem to me (in the way I feel suddenly very overwhelmed by emotions and wanna punch a wall or smthn, but have to hold it in because it's not becoming) and sometimes family, but in my public life, no.

    5. Treatments (like therapy) wouldn't work on me - i like to be responsible for, manage and work things out for myself. Dunno about other mood management - listen to upper music maybe, to put me in a elevated mood.

    6. Most don't say anything, my mother lovingly says I'm a difficult personality and that she's scared of me (we're both moody in a similar way), my boyfriend says I have a split personality with an evil twin ^_^

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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    anything from high to low. my moods change A LOT throughout the day and it sometimes get super annoying to the point where i sometimes just wished i was born as a rock

    2. What induces your mood to change?
    lots of things omg
    hunger, dwelling on the past, worrying about the future-- also environmental factors like shitty ppl or allergies... sad news stuff
    for more positive emotions it's everything that's been said before but opposite lol

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    yeah... sometimes it's just hard for me to focus if i'm in a bad mood. at work, i can start to forget things/become more clumsy. and i can easily burst into tears which is just the worst

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    sort of? i usually take a few deep breaths before i feel any negative emotions coming and then remind myself that everyone else experiences these things too and that it'll all be over soon enough. i don't really like showing my negative side because i'm aware of how it can affect other ppl so i try to brush those feelings away asap... and then it all comes out at the end of the day when i'm showering or talking to a close friend lol

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?
    that when i'm sad i'm really sad and likewise for when i'm happy
    “You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.”
    - Epictetus

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avalonia View Post
    Mostly in the case of anxiety about wanting to feel happy, which only makes me feel worse. Slowly, I've begun to detach from the people, events and memories of the past; to the point of becoming somewhat "static" in how I'm feeling.
    Doesn't sound like a good direction.

    Don't try to set happiness as the goal - figure out what concretely you'd need to feel good then see how that can be achieved. If you put the positive feeling as the goal, it won't make it clear in your mind as to how to reach it so I'd imagine it's a plausible reaction to feel anxiety about that.

    Throughout my life, only sadness and the feeling of emptiness has lingered, always have and always will.
    No, "always will" isn't true. This is up to you, if you want to find a solution, you can find one with time. This isn't magically your fate or something like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    2. What induces your mood to change?
    The fuck should I know?!

    (...)I rarely let my feelings show, also when I am with other people I usually feel happy and stable, it's when I am alone when I turn into a moody bitch.
    You did let them show here.

    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    5. Treatments (like therapy) wouldn't work on me - i like to be responsible for, manage and work things out for myself.
    I just noticed this bit. Therapy is actually supposed to have the client/patient working things out for themselves, a therapist that does his/her job in a professional way shouldn't actually be interfering with that.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    most common: content, irritable, sentimental, antsy
    (the last one ranges from b/w anxiety & and pleasant mania; more of an energy than a mood, really)

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    demands placed on me, energy levels, other people & my reaction to them.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    yeah, kinda.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    minor ones, like productivity or mild tension w/ people.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    exercise and being around people I'm close to are good for keeping my mood up.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    when I'm irritable it can rub off on other people & make them defensive or tense. its best if I'm alone when this happens. people don't respond strongly to other moods I have like happiness.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    Contentment, apathy and inertia and feeling of nothingness, confusion, interest, intense desire or fantasies which energize me for awhile, irritation and annoyance, feeling at peace with the world and wanting to share my happiness with everyone
    2. What induces your mood to change?
    People's moods, air quality, sunlight/time of day, blood sugar levels, feelings about what is coming my way or what could come (anxiety), exercise. I'm naturally pretty pleasant and calm when I'm not fucked by my physical condition
    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    not at all, unless I eat sweets and stay inside all day, then I'm probably going to be irritated at everyone and wish I could take some sleeping pills lol
    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    When I can't express myself in a way that other people can understand or enjoy prefer to isolate myself until I can be with them again.
    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    Exercise and music.
    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?
    They don't comment on my moody states.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    I would say I am generally pretty tranquil and contemplative, but I often feel very sleepy and sluggish. I yawn a lot. Sometimes melancholic. Sometime irritable. All very exciting.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Being around people that talk to me constantly when I'm in my head and when people interrupt me when I'm being contemplative, or reading, or watching something. It makes me irritable. Also, I value independence, so anything that restricts that becomes a potential problem.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Not really.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    If anything, I withdraw from people, which can create isolation, loneliness, and melancholy.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Lots of music, reading, some art, and rarely some exercise.

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?

    "You are being too quiet!"
    Last edited by Skepsis; 09-29-2017 at 01:24 PM.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    contentment, sarcasm or boredom

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    my thoughts mostly if I think positive thoughts I get in a good mood & vice versa
    Also, it can be affected by people but not sure what do they do or say to trigger the mood change

    3. Are you "temperamental"?


    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    sometimes I get so bored that I can't do anything productive

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    I have heard of anger management but never of mood management, well for me I really need to be in a very bad mood to notice that I actually need to do something about it but what I do varies from eating, taking a walk, watch an anime or a movie, or daydreaming

    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?

    they don't

    P.S. @Chae what's "hangry dictator"?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    P.S. @Chae what's "hangry dictator"?
    The Chaetiger within me and all of you Happens when you forget to eat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    The Chaetiger within me and all of you Happens when you forget to eat.

    lol this can be dangerous, please eat your fill

    and some desserts as well

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    Teen angst all day, every day, sarcasm, the lulz.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Stimuli???? Memories, too, though.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    Yes. Mostly internally.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Yeah, it generally tends to affect my motivation.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    I'm trying out meditation and deep breathing, writing and art, instead of you know, venting angrily.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    "Chill the FUCK out."

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    *Excitement, energetic, goofy - teaching and leading kids with lessons & music revs me up!
    *Inspirational, creative, competent - finding unique and interactive ways to make learning fun and applicable to kids
    *Productive, accomplished, responsible - staff meetings, managing extra roles and responsibilities, and meeting performance deadlines
    *Joyful, thankful, full of gratitude - The LORD has provided abundantly more than I deserve. I'm so very grateful
    *Compassionate, sympathetic, concerned - ability to listen to other teachers, pray, and care for others as part of a team
    *Nervous, but assured - when I consider the work for Thanksgiving and Christmas plays that need to be planned and rehearsed
    *Frustrated, burdened, hindered - when people approach me during my leisure time after hours to inquire about me taking on additional work in the future
    *Serious, unappreciative of cavalier joking - when contemplating things of spiritual nature, evangelism, God's holiness, or how to better lay down my life for love of others as Jesus did, I don't take these things lightly. And I don't always appreciate when others aren't acting serious about them.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    *Words of encouragement, feedback, or feeling part of a team - knowing that I can contribute and that I'm valuable within a team or classroom will enhance my mood
    *Physical affection - be it a hug from a teacher or a student, kiss from my husband, or a friend's hand on my shoulder in expression of care will make me feel connected
    *Having to plan too far in advance - this makes me cranky and hinders my creativity or spontaneity, where I perform best
    *Asking me to take on additional work during Saturdays, especially if you're asking me during my leisure time - My work plate is full, and I'm fiercely protective of my Sabbath rest
    *Hormones - there will literally be no rhyme or reason one day of the month when I am just irritable without cause
    *Biblical reading - certain passages may cause me to rejoice, cry, or feel solemn

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    *No, I wouldn't consider myself to be. I'm fairly consistent and happy-go-lucky. When I'm not, I'm quietly, sincerely, and apologetically vocal about my unusual state of either irritation of wanting down time to myself.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Very, very rarely. Most would consider me easy to get along with, and it's rare that I experience frustration or anything other than general content. My biggest difficulties stem from a wanting to be serious or solemn at times, yet finding myself around jokesters. My praise and worship team consists of Alphas and Betas, so this happens once or twice a month. There are some subjects and time frames that I just prefer not to be cavalier about, and it's a frustration to me when others do not share in the depth or reverence that I'm wanting to express, or worse, they're discussing superficial things during times I find inappropriate.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Yes, I pray. When I'm irritated or troubled, I ask first for help, forgiveness, correction if I'm in the wrong, and for wisdom.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    If it's minor, my husband is unaware and I usually tell him upfront with a kiss that it might be better if he have some introverted time to himself. If it's more dramatic, he notices but doesn't say anything until it's a more appropriate time, usually with the words "I could tell you were feeling _____". We seem to understand that sometimes it takes time to cool down. We both retreat during heightened emotions, and then address later when we're rational.

    My moody states are usually internalized. If they're noticed, I'm typically not ready to talk about them until later. If I'm in the wrong in my reaction or statements, I will apologize for it as soon as I see the person again. I do not like unresolved tension.
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Very, very rarely. Most would consider me easy to get along with, and it's rare that I experience frustration or anything other than general content. My biggest difficulties stem from a wanting to be serious or solemn at times, yet finding myself around jokesters. My praise and worship team consists of Alphas and Betas, so this happens once or twice a month. There are some subjects and time frames that I just prefer not to be cavalier about, and it's a frustration to me when others do not share in the depth or reverence that I'm wanting to express, or worse, they're discussing superficial things during times I find inappropriate.
    It's interesting how you interpret this in terms of socionics. Can you give an example of the bolded part?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    It's interesting how you interpret this in terms of socionics. Can you give an example of the bolded part?
    Yes, this is quite possibly one of the most obvious markers to me of a Non-Delta when typing people. Delta is known for being more serious and aristocratic. My Aunt, for example, is Alpha ILE. I'll be in the middle of telling her some heartfelt, soul-spilling story and she'll interject mid-sentence, alter the mood by cracking a joke, or cutting it short by going off on some comical tangent. She can't deep-dive into serious, "heavy" conversation. When I attempt this as a method of connecting and sharing with her, I become frustrated and have to stop.

    Another example- I often find myself wanting to feel reverent before a church service, especially communion Sundays. The LORD is present where two or more are gathered in His name, and so on occasion I like to show my deepest honor and reverence for Him. But during prayer before the service, my Alpha and Beta praise band members will be talking and laughing about things that make them gag, like poop, phlegm, or eyeball surgeries. (This actually happened this morning) I'm sure they think I'm a stick-in-the-mud. I'm all for funny conversations like that - I can totally laugh it up over those things - just not before a Communion service. I find it inappropriate and disrespectful as I'm preparing my heart to lead worship and to honor my Holy LORD. That doesn't mean I'm super reverent all the time with the LORD- I talk to Him like a friend, too. It's just certain times, like Communion. I mostly want to cry and give thanks, not talk about NFL and bodily functions.

    Yet, I can discuss with reverence and seriousness and in full depth my heartfelt sentiments and soul-spilling confessions to my Delta LSE mother-in-law, or my SLI husband. They listen or deep-dive into heavy matters with me. However other family members, especially from Beta, will almost interrupt my story with humor that doesn't resonate with me, and which distracts me from what I was saying, and can often dishearten and almost disrespect me.

    My father-in-law will ask about my day of teaching music. Mid sentence, as I'm answering him, he'll interrupt and start singing "theres a tear in my beer...", so I'll give a polite laugh and try to continue, but he'll get louder. At that point, I give up. If I've decided to be vulnerable with you and share in something of depth from my heart and soul, I would hope they'd listen and show care, or dive into a level of depth with me. Or at least be honest and say that they don't relate. Don't just interrupt with cavalier jokes.
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.
    Boredom, euphoria, hopelessness, courage, frustration. I can become sad due to external events. I do not really have much self pity. That said I have impressed others when it comes awareness of my own mechanisms. It is usually so that thoughts follow me.
    2. What induces your mood to change?
    Change and new thoughts.
    3. Are you "temperamental"?
    If I face absolute pervasive controlling stubbornness.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?
    I do not think I try to run away them, really. That said I do not really act when I acknowledge it. I have experienced depression.
    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.
    I usually prefer self-adjustment.I like to watch watch something totally unreal that appears real.
    6. How do others comment on your
    moody states?
    I look really happy and positive but when I'm moody af I'm self-destructive and do everything in opposite way.
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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    I feel pretty neutral for the most part. However, I'll sometimes go down the rabbit hole of mind and end up think life is pointless and feeling hopeless, sad but this is not as frequent.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    Remembering things from the past, people being in my space, having my routine disrupted, reading about some topic that triggers me.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    I would like to think so. Sometimes I'll randomly get sad, or excited or any other mood. My moods can change pretty easily if it has anything to do with someone close to me.

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Not as much as I used to. I used to let my moods control me and I'd end up wasting away a whole day being sad or upset about something. Sulking/ brooding in a corner like a child, basically. Nowadays, I try to let the mood pass and not let it control me. It's hard to control when I'm involved with another person though, so that's where the real difficulty is.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    Yes. I avoid things that I know will put me in a negative mood. So I avoid a lot of social media sites, people, etc. I also try to practice mindfulness in regards to my moods. As I stated before, letting it pass instead of holding on to it.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    I can't remember if anyone has ever commented on it. I mean, I try to keep it under control for the most part...oh yea, I had one ex called me overemotional, and I've been told I was too sensitive before. My friends seem to be able to tell when I'm in a mood even if I deny it, or don't even realize it myself.

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    1. Which types of different emotions, affects, feelings do you experience during the course of a day? If you like, list the most common ones.

    I go from intense despair to exalting ambition. My moods are very variable. I feel like my life is worthless in the morning and by the afternoon I'll feel like taking on the whole world.

    2. What induces your mood to change?

    I'm not really a good judge of that, sometimes I'll be wondering why I'm feeling a certain way. I live in that mood and I'll eventually figure it out. These things are mysterious to me at first.

    Disappointment in people or feeling like they don't like me is a big part too.

    The news will do it too.

    But literally, anything will affect my mood, I'm not even thin-skinned I'm just a bundle of nerves.

    3. Are you "temperamental"?

    lol yes

    4. Do you experience difficulties due to your moods?

    Yes, I often have to work through my feelings before I can do things.

    5. Do you engage in some sort of "mood management"? If yes, elaborate.

    I think I sort of mentioned it above. I sit in the mood, even if it's bad, and I ruminate on it. Some people may not think it's healthy but it helps me understand why I'm feeling a certain way and in turn help me know how to manage it.

    6. How do others comment on your moody states?

    Everyone, co-workers, acquaintances, family members, friends, all mention my moodiness.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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