Grimes wanted to make a harder song with a friend of hers who makes aggressive music, but they told her no because she makes “cute music.” In order to prove them wrong, she started work on “Kill V. Maim.”

Grimes is featured in the forthcoming November 2015 issue of Q Magazine, and in the article, she says that while she was writing the album, she immersed herself in what she calls “bro-art,” meaning Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen albums and gangster movies. “One song on the album, ‘Kill V Maim,’ is written from the perspective of Al Pacino in The Godfather Part II,” she says. “Except he’s a vampire who can switch gender and travel through space.”

“I had been watching Godfather and Godfather Part II, and I just had this thought in my mind of this insane movie that would just be like, The Godfather with vampires. Like a combination of Godfather and Twilight. I just wanted to make the trailer to the fictional movie in my mind.”

She is mining pop culture to play with alternate POVs, not Se seeking. She is infantile, and this is musical cosplay. Her go-to for hard aggressive inspiration music to prove her friend wrong is.... Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen.

Her music comes off childlike when trying to be aggressive. In the video with Janelle Monae, she looks totally out of place next to Monae. In interviews, she is too spastic to be victim/prey and nothing she says is Ni. It's all Ne extroverted perception. ILE or Delta NF.