Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Girls, big time paranoia won't lead us anywhere. It's useless to scream "danger! danger! she typed a child". It's just a friggin socionics type, lol. No big deal. She just used it to explain to us better their behaviour. How can you infer that she has put them in a box, closed the box and already set the path for the ENTp to be an useless philosopher, for the ESFp to be a man-eater, for the INFj to die of martyrdom etc etc?????? It makes absolutely no sense. Look at the facts.
There is no big time paranoia on my part, but I have a niece (3) and a nephew (8) who I have typed as ESTp and ENFj, respectively. And guess what, if you are as preoccuppied with Socionics as we are, it's easy to fall into the trap of "this should work with her Se" or "I should talk to him this way because xyz." I'm now making a conscious effort not to do that because it gets into the way of my natural interaction with them and could lead to the self-fullfilling prophecies mentioned by Megan. Plus it's pointless. I don't think anyone wanted to accuse Maize of having closed the box, but I, too, think typing children and being too aware of their types when interacting with them and when watching them interact is dangerous. Wouldn't the ESTp get away with stuff because s/he is Se-dominant while the ENFp would be considered mean (because out of character) doing the same things? And so on and so forth. I would not want my children typed by teachers.

I'm not saying there was any harm done (not at all), but I think there is a potential for a bunch of problems.