View Poll Results: what type was Adolf ******?

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  • IEI (INFp)

    8 21.05%
  • EIE (ENFj)

    27 71.05%
  • LSI (ISTj)

    1 2.63%
  • SEE (ESFp)

    0 0%
  • ILI (INTp)

    0 0%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    0 0%
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  • IEE (ENFp)

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  • SLI (ISTp)

    1 2.63%
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    0 0%
  • EII (INFj)

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Thread: Adolf ******

  1. #361
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    @lynn @RBRS

    H!tler probably had a mix of N and H I would say. He probably had some D in there, hence his boldness in public speaking. I would say he had C last.
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  2. #362
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ipbanned View Post
    I think you're wrong. "The founders" were hardly "orthodox" in their belief in Christianity, if you can even call it that, from what I can tell.

    In any case, why does it even matter? The explicitly made an amendment to protect freedom of religion, so what does it matter if the god they believed in was "true" or "the one", or not? You and End are acting like what they believed was some kind of a standard to follow. Which is just stupid.
    A lot of them did believe in the One True God and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior -- Orthodox Christianity, but ... some didn't, and some of them had influence from other things while not Deists entirely, but all in all, they didn't believe that anyone should be persecuted for their beliefs. No government branding religions being forced on anyone.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
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    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
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  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    A lot of them did believe in the One True God and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior -- Orthodox Christianity, but ... some didn't, and some of them had influence from other things while not Deists entirely, but all in all, they didn't believe that anyone should be persecuted for their beliefs. No government branding religions being forced on anyone.
    I think the US constitution authors (I think I'll stop even calling them "the founders" because the US as a country was around a long time before they were even born) did not believe Jesus was the Messiah, they were basically Jacobin Bolsheviks who believed in the Deist god and they believed that Jesus was a moral model for keeping the "Untermensch" in line essentially. I don't hate America either, I just think America needs to move past its civic idolatry which even leads people to romanticize (heh, that word) the past too much and not be able to see what's really agonizing the country.

    I'm not a big proponent of RationalWiki, but to be honest, they tend to be as unbiased as Wikipedia, just tonally different. Which is to say, in many cases extremely biased, but that's what we have our Aristotelean rhetorical triangle of ethos, logos, and pathos for. This page doesn't say everything I've said about the US constitution authors, but it does really make Jefferson look the way I said. Jefferson Bible - RationalWiki

  4. #364
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    My opinion of the history of American politics now: the American constitution authors seem to have been mostly horrible people who believed in deism for them and pushing religion on the "Untermensch" like many other revolutionary types. However, it also seems to be the case that no one involved in the American Revolution really put politics at the center, culture was at the center, and no one really cared about the Constitution when most of the country was the lawless Wild West and most people were not literate anyways. Thinking of the history of the country as being centered around the cult of Washington, Jefferson, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton seems to be an almost Hegelian later addition and the cause of all our present problems. I heard the neocons were Trotskyites anyways, so what can I say.

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. I also think the Founding Fathers of the US were probably a bunch of deists and this probably contributes to the problems we have today. Now prove they weren't. Novalis used a bunch of Christian-sounding rhetoric, but he definitely didn't believe it. So let's look at the Founding Fathers.

    For the record, I don't think the US founders could pass your witch test. I think they would say something such as "If such a magnificent person as Jesus was Christ, we would have to confess he was raised from the dead." That is a rather different phrase and the kind of thing every sort of Jacobin seems to like to say.
    Praise be the lord for the graces of conversion! I think you might be the first person I've tested here that passed. Holy hell you have no idea how happy I am to be wrong about someone on this front. Finally, someone who isn't a total lost cause! I may yet see you in Heaven if I am granted enough grace.

    (Rifles through some stuff I read a few years back in) Ah! Found it:

    Give that one a read would you? All the founders would have passed the test as you did (at least publicly) if only because their political careers depended on it and, end of the day, I doubt any of them were demonically obsessed or touched by said creatures at the times it mattered most. I found the parts about Jefferson and Washington especially interesting. Also, fun fact, Washington was a Freemason. That's a whole can of worms you can dive into at your leisure.

    Quote Originally Posted by ipbanned View Post
    The Christian god is the Abrhamic god, same as that of Islam, Judaism etc. You (as a Xtian) have the same god as the muslims.

    Also, are you lobotomized to the extent you forget freedom of religion is one of the pillars of your constitution?
    No, no we don't. For Muslims and Jews (save for the case of Messianic Jews) openly and ardently deny the divinity of Christ and the truth that he is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity and thus accept God the Son as both fully human and fully divine. They openly and professedly do not. Their claims that my God and theirs are the same is malicious sophistry of the kind I, Socrates, and other seekers of undeniable truths rightly condemned in the harshest of manners.

    As for why "freedom of religion" is enshrined in our constitution well. Here's a hot take on how most Americans who happen upon Europe's 30-Years war see things...

    Far as I (and most other Americans are concerned) it should have just ended without the police brutality. Shit was just dumb man. That .001 Percent deviation from your dogma is a non-issue if we truly have full faith in our concvictions. After all "If God is with us, then who is against us?"

    Like I've said time and again I have the full faith of my convictions. I'm right, I know I'm right, and I am so certain I am right that, if I hazard a wager that you too are a rational being, that you will come around to my point of view in the future absent of any of my own actions save for the seed I've now planted in your mind.

    Force? Coercion? Thumping a bible/koran/torah/etc? Counterproductive efforts! Time itself will convince you as you continue to view my predictions and assertions ring true in your own life.

    All I need do is openly and proudly plant the seeds even if the current political/power structure would kill me for doing so. After all, the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. Christ on the Cross is the ultimate example of this. One "man" died and shed his blood. Billions now believe, in one form or another. Trillions more will in the coming centuries for I doubt we're gonna land upon the true "end times" before we've finished colonizing this galaxy and, well, that's a whole other lecture from me but suffice it to say that once we get this current Clown World BS sorted out it'll only have a chance of "trying again" once we've literally populated the Milky Way to a rather significant extent...
    Last edited by End; 07-28-2022 at 05:17 AM.

  6. #366
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Praise be the lord for the graces of conversion! I think you might be the first person I've tested here that passed. Holy hell you have no idea how happy I am to be wrong about someone on this front. Finally, someone who isn't a total lost cause! I may yet see you in Heaven if I am granted enough grace.

    (Rifles through some stuff I read a few years back in) Ah! Found it:

    Give that one a read would you? All the founders would have passed the test as you did (at least publicly) if only because their political careers depended on it and, end of the day, I doubt any of them were demonically obsessed or touched by said creatures at the times it mattered most. I found the parts about Jefferson and Washington especially interesting. Also, fun fact, Washington was a Freemason. That's a whole can of worms you can dive into at your leisure.

    No, no we don't. For Muslims and Jews (save for the case of Messianic Jews) openly and ardently deny the divinity of Christ and the truth that he is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity and thus accept God the Son as both fully human and fully divine. They openly and professedly do not. Their claims that my God and theirs are the same is malicious sophistry of the kind I, Socrates, and other seekers of undeniable truths rightly condemned in the harshest of manners.

    As for why "freedom of religion" is enshrined in our constitution well. Here's a hot take on how most Americans who happen upon Europe's 30-Years war see things...

    Far as I (and most other Americans are concerned) it should have just ended without the police brutality. Shit was just dumb man. That .001 Percent deviation from your dogma is a non-issue if we truly have full faith in our concvictions. After all "If God is with us, then who is against us?"

    Like I've said time and again I have the full faith of my convictions. I'm right, I know I'm right, and I am so certain I am right that, if I hazard a wager that you too are a rational being, that you will come around to my point of view in the future absent of any of my own actions save for the seed I've now planted in your mind.

    Force? Coercion? Thumping a bible/koran/torah/etc? Counterproductive efforts! Time itself will convince you as you continue to view my predictions and assertions ring true in your own life.

    All I need do is openly and proudly plant the seeds even if the current political/power structure would kill me for doing so. After all, the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. Christ on the Cross is the ultimate example of this. One "man" died and shed his blood. Billions now believe, in one form or another. Trillions more will in the coming centuries for I doubt we're gonna land upon the true "end times" before we've finished colonizing this galaxy and, well, that's a whole other lecture from me but suffice it to say that once we get this current Clown World BS sorted out it'll only have a chance of "trying again" once we've literally populated the Milky Way to a rather significant extent...

    ENFp vs ESFp. Maybe some strong similarities?

  7. #367
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  8. #368
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    EIE-Fe: While he foresees further development of events, he doesn’t like to rush them, hesitates making a decision, wavers, weighing out all the “pros” and “cons”. Doesn’t like when he is hurried. Ignores the attempts of others to impose any other pace. In conversation, gives a lot of attention to details.

    Often takes the initiative in making acquaintances and contacts. Oriented at correct, appropriate, polite attitude towards himself. Needs sensitive, attentive, careful relation to his person, intolerant of familiarity in communication. Self-loving, sensitive and vulnerable, for a long remembers offenses and insults. Respects people not only for their personal qualities and achievements, but also for their position in society. Tries to understand the motives and predict future actions of people around him, to give them timely advice.

    A romantic in his soul, put feelings above reason. Emotional, with difficulty hides his sufferings and emotions, but in deeds usually demonstrates caution. Only after carefully weighting everything out can make a radical decision. After that, not inclined to make compromises. He would rather suffer a defeat than renounce his beliefs, as he has a tendency for self-suggestion. Distrustful by nature, skeptically oriented, critical towards the actions of others. Appreciates words, but prefers concrete evidence of affections and practical services. Nitpicking when it comes to his outward appearance, takes care of his looks and his manners of behavior.

    Values his authority and reputation of a serious person. Distrustful of unverified information. Afraid to make a mistake, prefers to share responsibility for some assignment or task with someone else. Proactive, operative, diligent, seriously considers work that was assigned to him. Does not like doing several things at once, but when he feels that he cannot delay any longer, can with much energy and vigor complete a significant bulk of work within a short period of time.
    Dominant Subtype
    Mentor — Leader
    Prototypes: Public figures, radical clerics, tactical commanders, charismatic leaders
    This subtype is emotional and eloquent. He is a good speaker who can speak with enthusiasm, expressing various shades of emotions from the sublime to intonations of irony and sarcasm. He knows how to captivate people with his ideas and leadership. He uses mass-audience suggestion techniques such as persistent repetition of slogans or repackaging the message in various ways. He can rally people against his opponents. He is skilled at psychological influencing techniques and is capable of seeking justice for victims and defending ideals such as law and order, as well as driving ideology, creating, destroying, or interpreting symbols, explaining perceptions of ideas.

    He is inclined to dramatize events and escalate tensions, warning others of impending danger. He always calls for decisive action. He is subject to constant inner emotional tension, and periodically needs to discharge such accumulated tension in a drastic way.

    He never resorts to compromises: it is easier for him to fail than to renounce his beliefs. He generally believes that concessions and appeasement do not contribute to restoring stability in society. He focuses on major, fundamental problems for humanity. Sensing impending danger, he’ll promptly take necessary measures to avoid it.

    He is impatient and does not like to wait. He’ll weigh ambiguity or uncertainty immediately when making decisions, going from bold and resolute to recklessness in extreme situations. He operates on the principle of “sink or swim.” He is not afraid to go ahead with “blitzkrieg” tactics; he is categorical and authoritarian, and does not accept criticism and objections.
    EIE-Fe-DN suits him.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: "The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom."

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metaphor View Post
    EIE-Fe-DN suits him.
    I can see DC maybe. And Ni sub > Fe sub.

  10. #370
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Adjectives I associated with AH (out of all words considered):

    Not Respectful, not Timid, Rebellious, not Conventional, not Polite, not Traditional, Outspoken, Reckless, not Cautious, not Bashful, not Dependable, Disrespectful, not Modest, Uninhibited, not Meek, Aggressive, not Submissive, not Passive, Unconventional, not Responsible, not Reliable, not Cooperative, Impolite, not Humble, not Restrained, Conceited, Bold, not Unaggressive, Dominant, Forceful, Assertive, not Trustful, Domineering, Impulsive, not Peaceful, not Consistent, not Patient, not Discreet, not Reasonable, Boastful, not Steady, Bossy, not Cowardly, Rough, Independent, Distrustful, Clever, Magnetic, not Naive, Selfish, Quarrelsome, not Tolerant, not Helpful, Expressive, not Undemanding, Confident, Enterprising, Courageous, not Mature, Demanding, not Uncompetitive, not Gullible, Brave, not Pleasant, Assured, Competitive, Bitter, Cold, not Compassionate, Unstable, Energetic, not Affectionate, Knowledgeable, Cranky, Irritable, not Self-critical, not Friendly, not Relaxed, not Optimistic, not Indecisive, Moody, not Unexcitable, Excitable, Grumpy, Passionate, Negativistic, not Wise, not Unemotional, not Easy-going, not Amiable, Decisive, Alert, Insecure, Purposeful, Emotional, not Happy-go-lucky, Self-pitying, not Carefree, Self-disciplined.

    (I was unable to decide for: Analytical, Cheerful, Fearful, Firm, Genial, Industrious, Jovial, Logical, Mannerly, Masculine, Merry, Practical, Quiet, Rational, Reserved, Sensitive, Sentimental, Shy, Silent, Sociable, Social, Talkative, Unsociable, Warm).

    This makes me think ILE is most likely (I previously thought LIE), with EIE being unlikely (even SLE is more likely than EIE).

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Adjectives I associated with AH (out of all words considered):

    Not Respectful, not Timid, Rebellious, not Conventional, not Polite, not Traditional, Outspoken, Reckless, not Cautious, not Bashful, not Dependable, Disrespectful, not Modest, Uninhibited, not Meek, Aggressive, not Submissive, not Passive, Unconventional, not Responsible, not Reliable, not Cooperative, Impolite, not Humble, not Restrained, Conceited, Bold, not Unaggressive, Dominant, Forceful, Assertive, not Trustful, Domineering, Impulsive, not Peaceful, not Consistent, not Patient, not Discreet, not Reasonable, Boastful, not Steady, Bossy, not Cowardly, Rough, Independent, Distrustful, Clever, Magnetic, not Naive, Selfish, Quarrelsome, not Tolerant, not Helpful, Expressive, not Undemanding, Confident, Enterprising, Courageous, not Mature, Demanding, not Uncompetitive, not Gullible, Brave, not Pleasant, Assured, Competitive, Bitter, Cold, not Compassionate, Unstable, Energetic, not Affectionate, Knowledgeable, Cranky, Irritable, not Self-critical, not Friendly, not Relaxed, not Optimistic, not Indecisive, Moody, not Unexcitable, Excitable, Grumpy, Passionate, Negativistic, not Wise, not Unemotional, not Easy-going, not Amiable, Decisive, Alert, Insecure, Purposeful, Emotional, not Happy-go-lucky, Self-pitying, not Carefree, Self-disciplined.

    (I was unable to decide for: Analytical, Cheerful, Fearful, Firm, Genial, Industrious, Jovial, Logical, Mannerly, Masculine, Merry, Practical, Quiet, Rational, Reserved, Sensitive, Sentimental, Shy, Silent, Sociable, Social, Talkative, Unsociable, Warm).

    This makes me think ILE is most likely (I previously thought LIE), with EIE being unlikely (even SLE is more likely than EIE).
    That's somewhat wrong.

    Hilter was respectful,, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak (although he had huge complexes over this), not agressive, not rough, delicate, helpful, somewhat compassionate, cheerful, firm, mannerly, reserved, sensitive, sentimental, shy, warm.

    What he really was above all of that is dramatic, unstable, and an extremist. Had a teenage crush for which he simped, so he severely stalked her, and eventually planned to kidnap her and kill her as he killed himself throwing themselves hugging down the danube river.

    And then you investigate and see things like Eva Braun getting envious of some british actress and regaining Mr.H attention through a suicide attempt, or all the things surrounding his cousin (Geli Raubal) and you can see the kind of world he built and lived in.

    Certainly the first EMO lol

    ****** was (evidently) EIE-N.

    If I'm not answering you, I'm either procrastinating a response, or I've judged the conversation as fruitless/already settled prior to the debate for me.

    Plausible types; INxP>INxj>ENxp>ENxj

  12. #372
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    That's somewhat wrong.

    Hilter was respectful,, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak (although he had huge complexes over this), not agressive, not rough, delicate, helpful, somewhat compassionate, cheerful, firm, mannerly, reserved, sensitive, sentimental, shy, warm.

    What he really was above all of that is dramatic, unstable, and an extremist. Had a teenage crush for which he simped, so he severely stalked her, and eventually planned to kidnap her and kill her as he killed himself throwing themselves hugging down the danube river.

    And then you investigate and see things like Eva Braun getting envious of some british actress and regaining Mr.H attention through a suicide attempt, or all the things surrounding his cousin (Geli Raubal) and you can see the kind of world he built and lived in.

    Certainly the first EMO lol

    ****** was (evidently) EIE-N.

    He wanted the deaths of millions of people, and his actions resulted in the deaths of millions of people. I think he was the opposite of "respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak, not aggressive, not rough". He may have given the illusion of being respectful in diplomatic interactions, but even in public speeches and private meetings, he was naturally disrespectful. I couldn't decide if he was sentimental or not - I couldn't decide what was meant the term generally. He had a sentimental appreciation of the culture and art he didn't consider degenerate, certainly. His natural attitude was to form Europe to his liking, even though though it meant the deaths of millions and large scale upheaval (not sentimental, compassionate, mannerly there). Not liking animals being killed and occasionally giving someone some sympathy doesn't make him on the whole a compassionate and helpful (as opposed to selfish) individual.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    He wanted the deaths of millions of people, and his actions resulted in the deaths of millions of people. I think he was the opposite of "respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak, not aggressive, not rough". He may have given the illusion of being respectful in diplomatic interactions, but even in public speeches and private meetings, he was naturally disrespectful. I couldn't decide if he was sentimental or not - I couldn't decide what was meant the term generally. He had a sentimental appreciation of the culture and art he didn't consider degenerate, certainly. His natural attitude was to form Europe to his liking, even though though it meant the deaths of millions and large scale upheaval (not sentimental, compassionate, mannerly there). Not liking animals being killed and occasionally giving someone some sympathy doesn't make him on the whole a compassionate and helpful (as opposed to selfish) individual.

    There's not even conclusive evidence that links ****** to the Holocaust (as there is for the Madagascar plan). ****** didn't intend to kill millions but to implement a new system alongside a new form of "ethnic cultural-spiritual" life, and well, all which is encompassed by ******ite national socialism. The intended deaths were either results of political maneuvering or often the "means" to the "end" of nazism which was not even archieved.

    His actions were born out of compassion for his own people on detriment on others, some analysts think he changed his care for his dying mother when she expired for caring and providing for his people, while protecting his people from jewish bankers, on which he might have projected his abusive father and his hate might have been fueled by that. I know he was responsible for motivating the german army to be atrocious on Poland but I think you should take things on their context (on this case, ****** was also dramatic and unstable). ****** was not as much convinced of his role in the Nazi party at the start, where (as he describes in Mein Kampf) he saw national socialism as a tool to help Germany and the Germans, but the more he progressed the more fanatical he became for his cause, essentially becoming an exhalted prophet of nazism. If you take a look at his speeches, you'll notice at the start they are more "calm" but as the time passes they turn more and more emotional and involved.

    Furthermore you cannot judge someone by ideological beliefs when comparing to his day-to-day life. He was generally respectful, kind, mannery, weak, languid, etc. He was also weak-willed, to the point of preferring to not eat than to work. For most of his life we was respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak, not aggressive, not rough...

    An anecdote; When ****** was in love with certain noble woman I mentioned in the previous, he sent his only friend to stalk her. When he told ****** she loved dancing, he answered that in reality she hated dancing and only did it because society expected her to do so (****** hated dancing). When he was informed that she had romantic things with military officers, he demonized the officer class and the army. He even left her a love note where he told her to wait for him until he graduated from arts school to marry him (He was a nice guy by today's standards). Once she threw some roses from a car and one of them got to Mr.H's hands, he interpreted that as an evident sign that she loved him and became flamboyant.

    ****** had been denied from the Vienna Arts school, and when his only friend Kubizek was admitted into music school, H stopped talking to him.

    ******'s speeches seem to me to be sincere transcripts of his emotional state, and lots of them are almost anxiety attacks.

    All of this reveals certain character traits, such as dramatism, deep-felt emotionality, dreamyness and imaginativeness... as well as fantasizing, categorical judgement and intolerance as tools to maintain mental integrity.

    I honestly would avoid to judge sociotype by the results of his politics or his/her opinions, but rather type by Info metabolism and real-life traits.
    Last edited by RBRS; 10-07-2022 at 12:29 AM.
    If I'm not answering you, I'm either procrastinating a response, or I've judged the conversation as fruitless/already settled prior to the debate for me.

    Plausible types; INxP>INxj>ENxp>ENxj

  14. #374
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    BTW it is not right to equate agreeableness with "subjective karma score" (it even conflicts with inborn trait assumption). I have heard that English speakers are blind to this (hence they created HEXACO which seems to address agreeable machiavellianism but I view it only as a beginning) .
    Winning is for losers


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    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    I honestly would avoid to judge sociotype by the results of his politics or his/her opinions, but rather type by Info metabolism and real-life traits.
    The problem with this is the political is just as real as the personal. All that is is in reality.

  16. #376
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    Ok, an other observation, I read somewhere on the internet.
    His table manners.
    People who had watched him eating reported: He ate fast, mechanical and without any expression of relish.
    Does that fit Si PoLR?

  17. #377
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Ok, an other observation, I read somewhere on the internet.
    His table manners.
    People who had watched him eating reported: He ate fast, mechanical and without any expression of relish.
    Does that fit Si PoLR?
    Fast eating? Yes. Mechanical? He had issues.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  18. #378
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    There's not even conclusive evidence that links ****** to the Holocaust (as there is for the Madagascar plan). ****** didn't intend to kill millions but to implement a new system alongside a new form of "ethnic cultural-spiritual" life, and well, all which is encompassed by ******ite national socialism. The intended deaths were either results of political maneuvering or often the "means" to the "end" of nazism which was not even archieved.

    His actions were born out of compassion for his own people on detriment on others, some analysts think he changed his care for his dying mother when she expired for caring and providing for his people, while protecting his people from jewish bankers, on which he might have projected his abusive father and his hate might have been fueled by that. I know he was responsible for motivating the german army to be atrocious on Poland but I think you should take things on their context (on this case, ****** was also dramatic and unstable). ****** was not as much convinced of his role in the Nazi party at the start, where (as he describes in Mein Kampf) he saw national socialism as a tool to help Germany and the Germans, but the more he progressed the more fanatical he became for his cause, essentially becoming an exhalted prophet of nazism. If you take a look at his speeches, you'll notice at the start they are more "calm" but as the time passes they turn more and more emotional and involved.

    Furthermore you cannot judge someone by ideological beliefs when comparing to his day-to-day life. He was generally respectful, kind, mannery, weak, languid, etc. He was also weak-willed, to the point of preferring to not eat than to work. For most of his life we was respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak, not aggressive, not rough...

    An anecdote; When ****** was in love with certain noble woman I mentioned in the previous, he sent his only friend to stalk her. When he told ****** she loved dancing, he answered that in reality she hated dancing and only did it because society expected her to do so (****** hated dancing). When he was informed that she had romantic things with military officers, he demonized the officer class and the army. He even left her a love note where he told her to wait for him until he graduated from arts school to marry him (He was a nice guy by today's standards). Once she threw some roses from a car and one of them got to Mr.H's hands, he interpreted that as an evident sign that she loved him and became flamboyant.

    ****** had been denied from the Vienna Arts school, and when his only friend Kubizek was admitted into music school, H stopped talking to him.

    ******'s speeches seem to me to be sincere transcripts of his emotional state, and lots of them are almost anxiety attacks.

    All of this reveals certain character traits, such as dramatism, deep-felt emotionality, dreamyness and imaginativeness... as well as fantasizing, categorical judgement and intolerance as tools to maintain mental integrity.

    I honestly would avoid to judge sociotype by the results of his politics or his/her opinions, but rather type by Info metabolism and real-life traits.
    Mein Kampf and his speeches are good sources of evidence that he was the architect of the Holocaust. It was decades in the making.

    Having launched the deportation program precipitately in the autumn of 1941 on ******’s orders, Heydrich found it necessary to call a conference to discuss the large-scale problems of organization involved in carrying out “a total solution of the Jewish question in Europe.” Known as the Wannsee Conference, it met in Berlin on January 20, 1942. On the agenda were questions of selection (How was a Jew to be defined?) and possible exceptions (for example, Jews employed in the war economy, the Mischlinge, i.e., half and quarter Jews). The most difficult problems were how to remove hundreds of thousands of terrified people from their homes, to transport them hundreds of miles in the middle of a war, and then to provide for their reception in the occupied territories before they were put to death.

    The minutes of the conference were written by Eichmann. Later he testified that the discussions took place “in very blunt terms—the talk was of killing, elimination, and annihilation.”88 But the circulated record is all the more horrifying because of the official, businesslike, and objective way in which it records such points as,

    Around 11 million Jews come into consideration for this final solution of the European Jewish question, who are distributed among the individual countries as follows. [Among those listed were the 330,000 Jews in England and the 4,000 in Ireland.]

    In the process of carrying out the final solution, Europe will be combed through from west to east.89

    A year later Himmler had a report prepared for ****** on the progress made with the Final Solution during 1942. The total number of Jews who had received “special treatment”—altered to read “who had passed through camps in the Government-General”—was 1,873,539. Retyped on the special Führer typewriter with large letters for ****** to read, it was eventually returned to Eichmann with Himmler’s instruction: “The Führer has taken note: destroy. HH.”90

    THERE WAS ONLY one man among the Nazi leaders who could have conceived of carrying out literally so grandiose and bizarre a plan. Not the bureaucrats who attended the Wannsee Conference and were concerned with the practical problems it presented. Nor the SS and party bosses in the Government-General, the Warthegau, and the Ostland, who wanted to find ways—and were quite prepared to consider mass killings—to relieve the overcrowding in the ghettoes and camps for which they were responsible. They had no interest at all in bringing large additional numbers of Jews into their territories and seeing these used as killing grounds for the extermination of the whole of European Jewry.

    ****** alone had the imagination—however twisted—to come up with such a plan. How long he may have nursed it, no one can say, but it was entirely in keeping with the importance he had attached to “the Jewish question” since he made his first speech at the end of the First World War, and if there was one year in which he was capable of making the leap from imagining such a “solution” as fantasy to imagining it as fact, it was 1941.

    This was the year in which he had shown his terrifying capacity to turn into fact another part of his “world view,” the fantasy of Lebensraum in the east, by launching the German army against the Soviet Union in an unprovoked act of aggression. As in the case of Operation Barbarossa, ****** himself had neither the ability nor the interest to organize the execution of his Final Solution himself: That he left to Himmler and Heydrich, to the Eichmanns and Hösses, as he had left organizing the invasion of Russia to the army General Staff. But if there had not been a ****** to conceive of such projects and to convince others that they could actually take place, neither would have occurred. This was ******’s unique gift, already demonstrated in bringing the obscure Nazi party to power, in making a defeated Germany again the most powerful state in Europe, in defeating the French. As he said in his “prophecy” speech about the destruction of the Jews, at every stage he had been laughed at and not taken seriously; the Final Solution was to prove one more example of his claim that those who had mocked him as a prophet would end choking on their words.

    ******’s second contribution to the Final Solution was to legitimize it. Those involved in carrying it out knew very well that it was a state secret which could never be admitted in public. They understood why there was no signed ****** order. ******’s references to his “prophecy speech”—to which he referred six times in major speeches, each broadcast between January 1942 and March 1943—were enough to convince them when Himmler and Heydrich said they were carrying out the Führer’s orders. As Führer, he combined all the principal offices in the state, party, and armed forces, giving him a unique authority with which to reassure them that, however disturbing the job they were called upon to do, they were acting in the interest of the German Volk. As Himmler told his SS commanders: “This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written and is never to be written…. We had the moral right, we had the duty to destroy this people which wanted to destroy us.”91 ****** was the guarantee of this.

    ******’s final contribution was to supply the will not only to launch such an operation but to insist that it would continue up to the end of the war, long after everyone knew it was lost. The search for Jews continued all over Europe: in France, Holland, Italy, Greece. The transport was found to move them to Poland at a time when the railways were under constant attack from the air and hard-pressed by the demands of war. As late as July 1944, Eichmann despatched another 50,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. Once there they were put through the same ghastly routine. White-coated doctors—with a gesture of the hand—selected those fit enough to be worked to death. The rest were required to give up all their clothing and possessions and then, in a terrified column of naked men and women, carrying their children or holding their hands and trying to comfort them, were herded into the gas chambers. When the screaming died down and the doors were opened, they were still standing upright, so tightly packed that they could not fall. But where there had been human beings, there were now corpses, which were removed to the ovens for burning. This was the daily spectacle which ****** took good care never to see and which haunts the imagination of anyone who has studied the evidence.

    Hopes of being liberated from the camps as the Red Army advanced were crushed by the SS, who organized death marches to the west, the horrors of which few survived. Those who did were shot in concentration camps in Germany. The last death march of the war, from Mauthausen in Austria to Günskirchen, took place in the first week of May 1945, after ****** had committed suicide.

    Continuity is not a conclusive argument in proving ******’s responsibility for the Final Solution, but neither can it be ignored. Sitting amid the ruin of his hopes in the Berlin bunker, the man who had first appeared in history twenty-five years before ranting against the Jews found consolation in the thought: “Well, we have lanced the Jewish abscess; and the world of the future will be eternally grateful to us.”
    ****** and Stalin: Parallel Lives by Alan Bullock

  19. #379
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    Agreeableness indeed allows that it can (or not) be rather twisted behind the scenes. Anyway he agreed with the "science" that was contemporary but it went very far and formed a dogmatic belief (I advice to be non dogmatic even when it comes to Big5!). These sort of deeds do not reveal nothing new in humanity.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Fast eating? Yes.
    Ok, that excludes Si as PoLR function for me. I eat rather slowly, except I'm really hungry.

    ...and that was an off-topic statement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Ok, an other observation, I read somewhere on the internet.
    His table manners.
    People who had watched him eating reported: He ate fast, mechanical and without any expression of relish.
    Does that fit Si PoLR?
    It fits in LIE, unsure about EIE.

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    Te role (wants to be seen as efficient but not if it violates his ethics), Fe leading (good at interacting with people and probably ties something's value to how much it makes him passionate). I would generally not say that he's Ni vulnerable. He has a good chance of being an EIE.

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    Why is Churchill (who did a lot of speeches and did some questionable things) not considered EIE, rather than SLE?

    Why is Elon Musk considered LIE or ILE, but not EIE?

    Why is AH almost unanimously considered EIE, but not ILE, LIE, or SLE?

    In Socionics dogma, if you think AH was irrational contrary to the consensus typing, you must type him SLE (an entirely different club), or IEI (entirely different temperament), but definitely not IEE because they have supposedly entirely opposite values ("not killing people, liking hot tubs") and that would be absurd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Why is Churchill (who did a lot of speeches and did some questionable things) not considered EIE, rather than SLE?

    Why is Elon Musk considered LIE or ILE, but not EIE?

    Why is AH almost unanimously considered EIE, but not ILE, LIE, or SLE?

    In Socionics dogma, if you think AH was irrational contrary to the consensus typing, you must type him SLE (an entirely different club), or IEI (entirely different temperament), but definitely not IEE because they have supposedly entirely opposite values ("not killing people, liking hot tubs") and that would be absurd.
    Clearly, Churchill is a colonialist, Musk is a capitalist, and Hilter is a hypnotist. That's it.

  25. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    He wanted the deaths of millions of people, and his actions resulted in the deaths of millions of people. I think he was the opposite of "respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive, weak, not aggressive, not rough". He may have given the illusion of being respectful in diplomatic interactions, but even in public speeches and private meetings, he was naturally disrespectful. I couldn't decide if he was sentimental or not - I couldn't decide what was meant the term generally. He had a sentimental appreciation of the culture and art he didn't consider degenerate, certainly. His natural attitude was to form Europe to his liking, even though though it meant the deaths of millions and large scale upheaval (not sentimental, compassionate, mannerly there). Not liking animals being killed and occasionally giving someone some sympathy doesn't make him on the whole a compassionate and helpful (as opposed to selfish) individual.
    I think he could certainly have had those character traits (respectful, timid, obedient, polite, submissive weak, not aggressive, not rough etc) all the while being responsible for what he was responsible for (ie the holocaust and WW2). I don't really see any contradiction. I think RBRS meant respectful in the sense of being respectful/polite in one on one interactions with people for example. This does not exclude he could also have been responsible for WW2 and genocide. Also, from what I understand of his personality, he was timid and shy in one on one interactions, but was energized when giving speeches. It was like an outlet. War probably was too. I don't see any contradiction.

    Also, I agree with your last statement in a vacuum but describing the damage ****** did as a form of selfishness is a bit blind imo (no offense). It misunderstands that he was (like most extremists) not possessed by self-interest directly but more by a kind of fanaticism that extends beyond the ego (or you could say, is a projection of his ego onto the world around him, for example seeing other nations as having to be conquered by the third reich is an identification of his ego with the concept of a Germanic empire, which he projected onto the world). An aggrandized ego perhaps, but not common "selfishness": the average human being is selfish, and wants to rise in ranks incrementally in order to have a position slightly above the next guy and fill their pockets a bit more than the next person; hardly does this kind of utilitarian selfishness (which I would oppose to the Christian concept of altruism) involve a desire to annex a neighbouring country.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
    Is that what Se-hidden agenda is all about? Ruling and dominating, killing and conquering? Because that's an important part of his life and he was typed both ENFj and ENTj.
    Maybe Se can be dominating for pragmatic/ethical or defensive reasons. It's the desire to accomplish a goal, or to create a system, that will accomplish what you want. It's also the understanding that to do so, you have to override the wills of other people. That's my understanding of it anyway based on one of my possible types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    What he really was above all of that is dramatic, unstable, and an extremist. Had a teenage crush for which he simped, so he severely stalked her, and eventually planned to kidnap her and kill her as he killed himself throwing themselves hugging down the danube river.
    That's fascinating. A true romantic I guess lol.

    I think that Adolf had high Ni. He seemed to get a vision of what the world could be, and what it was heading towards with the Jews. He also seemed to be goal oriented, which might indicate strategic. He seemed to be trying to get to a certain point (the creation of a western world free of Judaism).

    He was also an artist, and I wouldn't want to stereotype strong Ni as art, but it would make sense given that it seems to have creativity. Although, I wouldn't generally say that Adolf was that good at art.

    I would generally say that his society was one that valued a sort of strength of will. Strength is an element in WW2 Germany's propaganda.

    I currently support the Ni-EIE typing.

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Maybe Se can be dominating for pragmatic/ethical or defensive reasons. It's the desire to accomplish a goal, or to create a system, that will accomplish what you want. It's also the understanding that to do so, you have to override the wills of other people. That's my understanding of it anyway based on one of my possible types.
    Se is just about potential impact. Overriding the wills of others correlates more to motivation, and would indicate strong Psychosophic Will. People with Se as a quadra value see who has power and impact but don't necessarily try to conquer others, different Se valuing individuals will deal with this differently based on what priority they give to Psychosophic Will. If the priority is high (ie they have strong Psychosophic Will) they will often try to become managers, leaders, head of state, directors etc, but if it is weak, they may deal with it differently, for example by doing their thing and not imposing on others while using force to repel those who try to have control over them.

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    Introverted sensing (Si) is a function that focuses on the past, tradition, stability, and personal experience. ****** was known to be very attached to his childhood memories, especially his mother and his hometown of Linz. He also had a strong sense of German nationalism and history, and wanted to restore the glory of the German Empire.

    He was also very attached to his pets, especially his dog Blondi, whom he later had shot, whom he loved more than any human being. He had a strong sense of nostalgia and sentimentality, and often reminisced about his past.

    He was resistant to change and innovation, preferring to stick to his own beliefs and convictions. He was also meticulous and detail-oriented, often spending hours on planning and reviewing his speeches and military strategies.

    ****** was very conservative and traditional in his personal habits and preferences. He was a vegetarian, a teetotaler, and a non-smoker. He disliked modern art, music, and literature, and preferred classical and romantic styles. He also had a fondness for opera, especially Wagner’s works. He was very neat and orderly, and had a strict routine of work and rest. He was not interested in new ideas or experiences, and tended to repeat the same patterns and methods.

    Extroverted thinking (Te) is a function that focuses on logic, efficiency, organization, and results. ****** was also very ambitious and goal-oriented, striving to achieve his vision of a superior race and a world domination. He was ruthless and pragmatic, willing to use any means necessary to accomplish his objectives. He valued order and hierarchy, and established a strict system of control and discipline in his party and army.

    ******’s invasion of Poland in 1939 famously triggered World War II. He wanted to expand Germany’s territory and resources, and to create a living space for the German people. ******’s was driven by a obsession with the perceived purity of the Aryan race, and his hatred of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, and other minorities. He believed that these groups were inferior and corrupting the German bloodline, and that they had to be eliminated or enslaved. He was decisive and assertive, and did not tolerate any dissent or opposition.

    Therefore, based on these arguments, one could claim that ****** was a base introverted sensing type, with extroverted thinking as a creative function. However, this is not the only possible interpretation, and other sources may disagree or provide alternative perspectives.

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    A. H. was ILE who knew how to think LSI. He was a very self-aware man who discovered how to be himself and originated a new chapter of human history.

    "That such a man could go so far toward realizing his ambitions—that is a phenomenon the world will ponder for centuries to come." - Modern introduction to Mein Kampf
    Last edited by CosmicCat; 10-31-2023 at 10:28 PM. Reason: Ignorance
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
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    Pretty much confirmed at this point that he was EIE

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    He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Donald Trump have same type
    we had Medvedev with this type some ago

    PDG voting has a nonsense. the example, how badly MBTI accented users understand e/i variants of functions

    also head of one party Zhirinovskiy
    Last edited by Sol; 10-14-2023 at 01:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Donald Trump have same type
    we had Medvedev with this type some ego
    100% correct!
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
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    Peak EIE so2 VELF

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    I asked Bing AI in Creative mode to answer the IPIP-NEO-120 (a Big Five test with 120 questions), on AH's behalf. I sorted the questions (actually statements) together by facets (so a different ordering to the test itself). I inputted them in batches of about 8 at a time. Maybe this was a bad idea, as it might affect the emphasis of the AI, and grouping the statements by facet rather than essentially a random order might mean the AI is pushed into a certain frame of mind. I suspect also it had a few crappy sources and never moved away from them.

    I noticed it became very repetitive, and the reasoning didn't always seem to be especially relevant to the question. I suppose it felt like someone unhinged with a particular tangent. But at least that did make me appreciate some of my own biases in reasoning, including long-held positions that seemed like I'd never give up on.

    The test:

    My initial prompt included:
    "Based on all biographical information about Adolf ******, determine how he would have answered these four statements, from one of five options "Inaccurate, Moderatly Inaccurate, Neither, Moderately Accurate, and Accurate. Provide your reasoning. The four statements are: 1) Trust others. 2) Believe that others have good intentions. 3) Trust what people say. 4) Distrust people."

    Bing AI creative mode's answers, in my ordering of the statements:
    This is a challenging task, as it requires making assumptions about Adolf ******’s personality based on limited and biased sources. However, based on the web search results from my internal tool, I will try to answer the four statements as follows:
    1. Trust others. Inaccurate. ****** was known to be paranoid and suspicious of others, especially those who he perceived as enemies or rivals. He frequently purged his own party and army of anyone who he thought was disloyal or incompetent. He also distrusted his allies, such as Italy and Japan, and often acted without consulting them123
    2. Believe that others have good intentions. Inaccurate. ****** had a cynical and pessimistic view of human nature, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil245
    3. Trust what people say. Moderately Inaccurate. ****** was not completely naive or gullible, and he often used propaganda, deception, and intimidation to manipulate others. He was aware that many people lied or exaggerated for their own interests or agendas. However, he also had a tendency to overestimate his own intelligence and judgment, and to ignore or dismiss any information that contradicted his beliefs or plans. He was prone to confirmation bias and wishful thinking, and often believed what he wanted to hear, rather than what was true or realistic267
    4. Distrust people. Accurate. As mentioned above, ****** was very distrustful of most people, and often isolated himself from them. He had few close friends or confidants, and he rarely showed any genuine affection or empathy for anyone. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also extremely paranoid and fearful of being betrayed, attacked, or assassinated. He surrounded himself with loyal and obedient followers, and eliminated anyone who he thought posed a threat to him or his regime
    5. Use others for my own ends. Accurate. ****** was notorious for using others for his own benefit, and discarding them when they were no longer useful or loyal to him. He exploited the resentment and frustration of the German people after World War I, and promised them glory and prosperity under his rule. He also used his allies, such as Italy and Japan, as pawns in his war strategy, and often sacrificed their interests for his own. He had no qualms about betraying or killing anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates123
    6. Cheat to get ahead. Accurate. ****** was not averse to cheating or lying to achieve his goals, and he often did so with great skill and cunning. He violated the Treaty of Versailles by secretly rebuilding the German military and expanding its territory. He signed non-aggression pacts with other countries, such as the Soviet Union and Poland, only to break them when it suited him. He also used propaganda, deception, and intimidation to manipulate public opinion and gain support for his policies. He often distorted or fabricated facts to justify his actions or blame his enemies245
    7. Take advantage of others. Accurate. ****** took advantage of the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others, and exploited them for his own gain. He preyed on the fears and prejudices of the German people, and incited them to hate and persecute certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he considered inferior and evil. He also took advantage of the economic and political instability of Europe in the 1930s, and seized the opportunity to expand his power and influence. He showed no mercy or compassion for the millions of people who suffered and died under his regime246
    8. Obstruct others’ plans. Accurate. ****** was determined to obstruct and destroy the plans of anyone who stood in his way or threatened his ambitions. He opposed and attacked the democratic and liberal values of the Western countries, such as France and Britain, and sought to impose his totalitarian and fascist ideology on the world. He also fought against the communist ideology of the Soviet Union, and aimed to annihilate it. He resisted and defied the efforts of the Allies to stop his aggression and end the war. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide247
    9. Love to help others. Inaccurate. ****** did not show any genuine love or compassion for others, unless they served his interests or shared his ideology. He was indifferent or hostile to the suffering and needs of millions of people, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors. He did not hesitate to sacrifice or eliminate his own followers, allies, or even relatives, if they failed or betrayed him123
    10. Am concerned about others. Inaccurate. ****** was not concerned about the welfare or well-being of others, but only about his own power and glory. He was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions. He was ruthless and cruel, and did not show any remorse or regret for the atrocities and crimes he committed or ordered124
    11. Am indifferent to the feelings of others. Accurate. ****** was indifferent to the feelings of others, and often disregarded or dismissed them as irrelevant or weak. He did not empathize or sympathize with anyone, and did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others. He was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was also insensitive and arrogant, and often mocked or insulted others125
    12. Take no time for others. Accurate. ****** did not take any time for others, unless they were useful or loyal to him. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. He was also impatient and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others125
    13. Love a good fight. Accurate. ****** was aggressive and confrontational, and enjoyed challenging and provoking others. He was not afraid of conflict or violence, and often sought to create or escalate them. He was ambitious and competitive, and wanted to dominate and defeat his enemies. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not hesitate to use any means necessary to achieve his goals123
    14. Yell at people. Accurate. ****** was notorious for his temper and his tendency to yell at people, especially those who disagreed with him or failed him. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He used yelling as a way to intimidate and manipulate others, and to assert his authority and power245
    15. Insult people. Accurate. ****** was disrespectful and contemptuous of others, and often insulted them with derogatory and hateful words. He was prejudiced and bigoted, and despised certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he considered inferior and evil. He was also arrogant and narcissistic, and believed that he was superior and infallible. He used insults as a way to dehumanize and degrade others, and to justify his actions and policies24
    16. Get back at others. Accurate. ****** was vengeful and spiteful, and never forgave or forgot any perceived slight or injury. He held grudges and resentment, and sought to exact revenge on those who opposed him or harmed him. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He used retaliation as a way to protect and defend himself, and to punish and destroy others24
    17. Believe that I am better than others. Accurate. ****** was arrogant and narcissistic, and believed that he was superior and infallible. He despised certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he considered inferior and evil. He also looked down on other countries and leaders, and wanted to dominate and subjugate them. He had a grandiose and delusional sense of his own destiny and mission123
    18. Think highly of myself. Accurate. ****** had a high and inflated self-esteem, and thought that he was a genius and a visionary. He was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He was confident and assertive, and did not doubt or question his own decisions or plans. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image123
    19. Have a high opinion of myself. Accurate. ****** had a positive and exaggerated opinion of himself, and praised his own abilities and achievements. He was proud and ambitious, and wanted to be admired and respected by others. He also had a sense of entitlement and superiority, and expected others to obey and serve him. He did not tolerate any criticism or opposition, and dismissed or attacked anyone who challenged him123
    20. Boast about my virtues. Accurate. ****** was boastful and bragging, and often claimed credit for things that he did not do or had little to do with. He exaggerated or fabricated his own virtues and accomplishments, and minimized or denied his own faults and failures. He also used propaganda and deception to create a cult of personality around himself, and to portray himself as a heroic and benevolent leader. He often compared himself to great historical figures, such as Napoleon or Frederick the Great123
    21. Sympathize with the homeless. Inaccurate. ****** did not show any sympathy or compassion for the homeless, or for anyone who he considered weak or unworthy. He believed that the homeless were a burden and a disgrace to society, and that they should be eliminated or exploited. He supported the Nazi policy of euthanasia, which killed thousands of people who were homeless, mentally ill, disabled, or otherwise deemed “unfit”12
    22. Feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself. Inaccurate. ****** did not feel any sympathy for those who were worse off than himself, but rather despised and envied them. He blamed the Jews, Slavs, Communists, and other groups for Germany’s defeat and humiliation in World War I, and for the economic and social problems that followed. He also resented the Western powers, such as France and Britain, for imposing harsh conditions on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. He sought to take revenge on them and to conquer and exploit their territories and resources342
    23. Am not interested in other people’s problems. Accurate. ****** was not interested in other people’s problems, but only in his own power and glory. He was indifferent or hostile to the suffering and needs of millions of people, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors. He did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions. He was ruthless and cruel, and did not show any remorse or regret for the atrocities and crimes he committed or ordered125
    24. Try not to think about the needy. Accurate. ****** tried not to think about the needy, or to justify his indifference or hostility towards them. He believed that the needy were a result of natural selection, and that they deserved their fate. He also believed that the needy were a threat to his vision of a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”, and that they had to be eliminated or enslaved. He used propaganda and deception to create a false image of himself as a heroic and benevolent leader, and to portray his enemies as evil and subhuman126
    25. Complete tasks successfully. Moderately Accurate. ****** was able to complete some tasks successfully, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was ambitious and determined, and had some skills and talents, such as oratory, charisma, and strategy. He was able to gain popular support and loyalty, and to achieve some victories and conquests. However, he was also prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to complete his tasks or to achieve his goals. He was unable to win the war, to create his “thousand-year Reich” and his “master race”, or to escape his enemies. He ultimately committed suicide, leaving behind a legacy of death and destruction374
    26. Excel in what I do. Moderately Accurate. ****** was ambitious and determined, and had some skills and talents, such as oratory, charisma, and strategy. He was able to gain popular support and loyalty, and to achieve some victories and conquests. However, he was also prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to excel in his tasks or to achieve his goals. He was unable to win the war, to create his “thousand-year Reich” and his “master race”, or to escape his enemies. He ultimately committed suicide, leaving behind a legacy of death and destruction123
    27. Handle tasks smoothly. Inaccurate. ****** was not good at handling tasks smoothly, as he often encountered difficulties and obstacles that he could not overcome or avoid. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes245
    28. Know how to get things done. Moderately Accurate. ****** had some knowledge and experience of how to get things done, especially in the political and military spheres. He was able to use propaganda, deception, and intimidation to manipulate public opinion and gain support for his policies. He was also able to use force and violence to invade and occupy other countries and territories. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and did not hesitate to pursue them with determination and ruthlessness. However, he also lacked some essential knowledge and skills, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He often underestimated or ignored the realities and limitations of his situation, and overestimated or exaggerated his own capabilities and resources. He also failed to anticipate or respond to the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war236
    29. Like to tidy up. Inaccurate. ****** did not like to tidy up, as he was not concerned about the order or cleanliness of his surroundings. He was indifferent or hostile to the environment, and did not care about the damage or pollution that his actions caused. He was also self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions578
    30. Often forget to put things back in their proper place. Neither. There is not enough evidence to determine whether ****** often forgot to put things back in their proper place or not. However, it is possible that he was not very attentive or careful about his personal belongings, as he was more focused on his political and military affairs. He also did not have a stable or permanent residence, as he often moved from one place to another, depending on the situation and the security. He also had many servants and followers who took care of his needs and wants, and who probably arranged and organized his things for him579
    31. Leave a mess in my room. Neither. There is not enough evidence to determine whether ****** left a mess in his room or not. However, it is possible that he did not care much about the state or appearance of his room, as he was not interested in the material or aesthetic aspects of life. He was indifferent or hostile to the environment, and did not care about the damage or pollution that his actions caused. He also did not have a stable or permanent residence, as he often moved from one place to another, depending on the situation and the security. He also had many servants and followers who took care of his needs and wants, and who probably cleaned and maintained his room for him579
    32. Leave my belongings around. Neither. There is not enough evidence to determine whether ****** left his belongings around or not. However, it is possible that he did not value or respect his belongings, as he was not attached or sentimental to anything or anyone. He was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his belongings, such as clothes or cars, to suit his preferences or purposes. He also had many servants and followers who took care of his needs and wants, and who probably collected and stored his belongings for him579
    33. Keep my promises. Inaccurate. ****** did not keep his promises, but often broke them when it suited him. He violated the Treaty of Versailles by secretly rebuilding the German military and expanding its territory. He signed non-aggression pacts with other countries, such as the Soviet Union and Poland, only to break them when he invaded them. He also lied to his allies, such as Italy and Japan, and often sacrificed their interests for his own123
    34. Tell the truth. Inaccurate. ****** did not tell the truth, but often lied or distorted the facts to suit his agenda. He used propaganda, deception, and intimidation to manipulate public opinion and gain support for his policies. He also fabricated or exaggerated his own virtues and achievements, and minimized or denied his own faults and failures. He often blamed his enemies or scapegoats, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, for Germany’s problems and his own mistakes123
    35. Break rules. Accurate. ****** was not averse to breaking rules or laws, as long as they served his interests or goals. He disregarded the international treaties and agreements that limited Germany’s sovereignty and expansion. He also ignored the human rights and freedoms of millions of people, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors. He was ruthless and cruel, and did not hesitate to use any means necessary to achieve his goals, including force, violence, and genocide123
    36. Break my promises. Accurate. As mentioned above, ****** often broke his promises, both to his enemies and his allies. He was not loyal or trustworthy, but only concerned about his own power and glory. He did not respect or value the opinions or interests of others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates123
    37. Work hard. Moderately Accurate. ****** was ambitious and determined, and had some skills and talents, such as oratory, charisma, and strategy. He was able to gain popular support and loyalty, and to achieve some victories and conquests. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and did not hesitate to pursue them with determination and ruthlessness. However, he was also prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to work hard or smart enough to achieve his goals. He was unable to win the war, to create his “thousand-year Reich” and his “master race”, or to escape his enemies. He ultimately committed suicide, leaving behind a legacy of death and destruction123
    38. Do more than what’s expected of me. Moderately Accurate. ****** sometimes did more than what was expected of him, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was able to overcome many difficulties and obstacles, and to surprise and shock his enemies and allies with his bold and daring moves. He was confident and assertive, and did not doubt or question his own decisions or plans. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions. However, he also sometimes did less than what was expected of him, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide123
    39. Do just enough work to get by. Inaccurate. ****** did not do just enough work to get by, but either did too much or too little, depending on the situation and his mood. He was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”, and did not care about the realities and limitations of his situation. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology123
    40. Put little time and effort into my work. Inaccurate. ****** did not put little time and effort into his work, but either put too much or too little, depending on the situation and his mood. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. However, he was also impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not have a consistent or effective work ethic, and often wasted his time and energy on trivial or futile matters12

    41. Am always prepared. Inaccurate. ****** was not always prepared, as he often encountered difficulties and obstacles that he could not overcome or avoid. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes123
    42. Carry out my plans. Moderately Accurate. ****** was able to carry out some of his plans, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was able to use propaganda, deception, and intimidation to manipulate public opinion and gain support for his policies. He was also able to use force and violence to invade and occupy other countries and territories. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and did not hesitate to pursue them with determination and ruthlessness. However, he was also unable to carry out some of his plans, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide415
    43. Waste my time. Moderately Accurate. ****** sometimes wasted his time, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. However, he was also impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not have a consistent or effective work ethic, and often wasted his time and energy on trivial or futile matters415
    44. Have difficulty starting tasks. Inaccurate. ****** did not have difficulty starting tasks, as he was ambitious and determined, and had some skills and talents, such as oratory, charisma, and strategy. He was able to gain popular support and loyalty, and to achieve some victories and conquests. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and did not hesitate to pursue them with determination and ruthlessness. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions415
    45. Jump into things without thinking. Accurate. ****** often jumped into things without thinking, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes162
    46. Make rash decisions. Accurate. ****** often made rash decisions, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes162
    47. Rush into things. Accurate. ****** often rushed into things, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes162
    48. Act without thinking. Accurate. ****** often acted without thinking, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes162
    49. Make friends easily. Inaccurate. ****** did not make friends easily, as he was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others123
    50. Feel comfortable around people. Inaccurate. ****** did not feel comfortable around people, as he was paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates123
    51. Avoid contacts with others. Accurate. ****** avoided contacts with others, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He surrounded himself with loyal and obedient followers, and eliminated anyone who he thought posed a threat to him or his regime123
    52. Keep others at a distance. Accurate. ****** kept others at a distance, as he was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates123
    53. Love large parties. Inaccurate. ****** did not love large parties, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. He was also impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others123
    54. Talk to a lot of different people at parties. Inaccurate. ****** did not talk to a lot of different people at parties, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. He was also arrogant and narcissistic, and believed that he was superior and infallible. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them123
    55. Prefer to be alone. Accurate. ****** preferred to be alone, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He surrounded himself with loyal and obedient followers, and eliminated anyone who he thought posed a threat to him or his regime123
    56. Avoid crowds. Accurate. ****** avoided crowds, as he was paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates. He also feared assassination attempts, and often moved from one place to another, depending on the situation and the security123
    57. Take charge. Accurate. ****** was a dominant and ambitious personality, who wanted to be the leader and the dictator of Germany and beyond. He was assertive and confident, and did not hesitate to pursue his goals with determination and ruthlessness. He was also charismatic and manipulative, and able to captivate and influence crowds with his speeches and propaganda123
    58. Try to lead others. Accurate. ****** tried to lead others, both by inspiring and by intimidating them. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and expected others to follow and obey him. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not tolerate any dissent or opposition. He eliminated anyone who he thought posed a threat to him or his regime, even his closest associates123
    59. Take control of things. Accurate. ****** took control of things, both by force and by deception. He disregarded the international treaties and agreements that limited Germany’s sovereignty and expansion. He also ignored the human rights and freedoms of millions of people, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors. He was ruthless and cruel, and did not hesitate to use any means necessary to achieve his goals, including force, violence, and genocide123
    60. Wait for others to lead the way. Inaccurate. ****** did not wait for others to lead the way, but rather took the initiative and the risk to pursue his ambitions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes123
    61. Am always busy. Moderately Accurate. ****** was sometimes busy, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was able to gain popular support and loyalty, and to achieve some victories and conquests. He had a clear and coherent vision of his goals and plans, and did not hesitate to pursue them with determination and ruthlessness. However, he was also sometimes idle, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions456
    62. Am always on the go. Moderately Accurate. ****** was sometimes on the go, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was able to overcome many difficulties and obstacles, and to surprise and shock his enemies and allies with his bold and daring moves. He was confident and assertive, and did not doubt or question his own decisions or plans. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions. However, he was also sometimes stagnant, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide456
    63. Do a lot in my spare time. Inaccurate. ****** did not do a lot in his spare time, as he did not have much spare time or interest in anything other than his political and military ambitions. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions456
    64. Like to take it easy. Inaccurate. ****** did not like to take it easy, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology456
    65. Love excitement. Inaccurate. ****** did not love excitement, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology123
    66. Seek adventure. Moderately Accurate. ****** sometimes sought adventure, especially in the early stages of his political and military career. He was able to overcome many difficulties and obstacles, and to surprise and shock his enemies and allies with his bold and daring moves. He was confident and assertive, and did not doubt or question his own decisions or plans. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions. However, he also sometimes avoided adventure, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide123
    67. Enjoy being reckless. Accurate. ****** enjoyed being reckless, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes245
    68. Act wild and crazy. Accurate. ****** acted wild and crazy, as he was prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He often made irrational and reckless decisions, and refused to admit or correct his mistakes245
    69. Radiate joy. Inaccurate. ****** did not radiate joy, as he was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions123
    70. Have a lot of fun. Inaccurate. ****** did not have a lot of fun, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology123
    71. Love life. Inaccurate. ****** did not love life, as he was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil245
    72. Look at the bright side of life. Inaccurate. ****** did not look at the bright side of life, as he was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil245
    73. Worry about things. Accurate. ****** was a worrier, as he was paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates123
    74. Fear for the worst. Accurate. ****** feared for the worst, as he was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil143
    75. Am afraid of many things. Accurate. ****** was afraid of many things, such as losing his power and glory, being betrayed or assassinated, facing defeat or humiliation, or being exposed or ridiculed. He was paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He was also insecure and neurotic, and suffered from various physical and mental ailments, such as insomnia, tremors, headaches, and hallucinations123
    76. Get stressed out easily. Accurate. ****** got stressed out easily, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions143
    77. Get angry easily. Accurate. ****** got angry easily, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not tolerate any criticism or opposition, and dismissed or attacked anyone who challenged him. He was also notorious for his temper and his tendency to yell at people, especially those who disagreed with him or failed him13
    78. Get irritated easily. Accurate. ****** got irritated easily, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them. He was also insensitive and arrogant, and believed that he was superior and infallible13
    79. Lose my temper. Accurate. ****** lost his temper, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not tolerate any criticism or opposition, and dismissed or attacked anyone who challenged him. He was also notorious for his temper and his tendency to yell at people, especially those who disagreed with him or failed him13
    80. Am not easily annoyed. Inaccurate. ****** was easily annoyed, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them. He was also insensitive and arrogant, and believed that he was superior and infallible13
    81. Often feel blue. Accurate. ****** often felt blue, as he was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil123
    82. Dislike myself. Moderately Accurate. ****** disliked some aspects of himself, such as his physical appearance, his health, and his failures. He was insecure and neurotic, and suffered from various physical and mental ailments, such as insomnia, tremors, headaches, and hallucinations. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He also feared assassination attempts, and often moved from one place to another, depending on the situation and the security143
    83. Am often down in the dumps. Accurate. ****** was often down in the dumps, as he was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil123
    84. Feel comfortable with myself. Inaccurate. ****** did not feel comfortable with himself, as he was insecure and neurotic, and suffered from various physical and mental ailments, such as insomnia, tremors, headaches, and hallucinations. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He also feared assassination attempts, and often moved from one place to another, depending on the situation and the security143
    85. Find it difficult to approach others. Accurate. ****** found it difficult to approach others, as he was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also arrogant and narcissistic, and believed that he was superior and infallible. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them143
    86. Am afraid to draw attention to myself. Inaccurate. ****** was not afraid to draw attention to himself, as he was charismatic and manipulative, and able to captivate and influence crowds with his speeches and propaganda. He was also confident and assertive, and did not doubt or question his own decisions or plans. He was also fanatical and ruthless, and did not care about the human or environmental costs of his actions514
    87. Only feel comfortable with friends. Inaccurate. ****** did not feel comfortable with friends, as he did not have any close friends or confidants. He was self-centered and isolated, and did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates143
    88. Am not bothered by difficult social situations. Inaccurate. ****** was bothered by difficult social situations, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not listen or cooperate with others, and often acted without consulting or informing them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators123
    89. Go on binges. Accurate. ****** was prone to binge eating and drinking, especially in the later stages of his political and military career. He was addicted to various drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates, which he took to cope with his physical and mental ailments. He also consumed large amounts of sweets and pastries, which contributed to his weight gain and dental problems123
    90. Rarely overindulge. Inaccurate. ****** often overindulged, as he was addicted to various drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates, which he took to cope with his physical and mental ailments. He also consumed large amounts of sweets and pastries, which contributed to his weight gain and dental problems. He did not have a balanced or healthy diet, and often suffered from digestive disorders and stomach pains123
    91. Easily resist temptations. Inaccurate. ****** did not easily resist temptations, as he was addicted to various drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates, which he took to cope with his physical and mental ailments. He also consumed large amounts of sweets and pastries, which contributed to his weight gain and dental problems. He was also obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”, and did not care about the realities and limitations of his situation123
    92. Am able to control my cravings. Inaccurate. ****** was not able to control his cravings, as he was addicted to various drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates, which he took to cope with his physical and mental ailments. He also consumed large amounts of sweets and pastries, which contributed to his weight gain and dental problems. He was also obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”, and did not care about the realities and limitations of his situation123
    93. Panic easily. Accurate. ****** panicked easily, as he was paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also vain and concerned about his appearance and image, and often changed or discarded his plans or policies to suit his preferences or purposes. He did not trust or respect others, and often betrayed or killed anyone who opposed him or failed him, even his closest associates234
    94. Become overwhelmed by events. Accurate. ****** became overwhelmed by events, as he was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide234
    95. Feel that I’m unable to deal with things. Accurate. ****** felt that he was unable to deal with things, as he was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide234
    96. Remain calm under pressure. Inaccurate. ****** did not remain calm under pressure, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not tolerate any criticism or opposition, and dismissed or attacked anyone who challenged him. He was also notorious for his temper and his tendency to yell at people, especially those who disagreed with him or failed him234
    97. Have a vivid imagination. Inaccurate. ****** did not have a vivid imagination, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He was also cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence123
    98. Enjoy wild flights of fantasy. Inaccurate. ****** did not enjoy wild flights of fantasy, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He was also cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence123
    99. Love to daydream. Inaccurate. ****** did not love to daydream, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions123
    100. Like to get lost in thought. Inaccurate. ****** did not like to get lost in thought, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them. He was also paranoid and fearful, and believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators234
    101. Believe in the importance of art. Moderately Accurate. ****** had some interest and talent in art, as he was a painter and an architect in his youth. He also admired and collected various works of art, especially those that reflected his ideal of classical beauty and Germanic culture. However, he also despised and destroyed many other forms of art, especially those that he considered degenerate or subversive, such as modern art, jazz music, and Jewish literature. He also used art as a propaganda tool, and imposed strict censorship and control over the artistic expression and creativity of others125
    102. See beauty in things that others might not notice. Inaccurate. ****** did not see beauty in things that others might not notice, as he had a narrow and rigid view of beauty and aesthetics. He only appreciated and valued the things that conformed to his ideal of classical beauty and Germanic culture, and rejected and condemned the things that deviated from it. He also saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He did not have any empathy or compassion for the suffering and needs of others, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors254
    103. Do not like poetry. Inaccurate. ****** did like poetry, as he was fond of reading and reciting various poems, especially those that glorified war and heroism. He also admired and praised some poets, such as Friedrich Schiller, Heinrich Heine, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. However, he also disliked and banned some poems and poets, especially those that criticized or opposed his regime, such as Bertolt Brecht, Erich Kästner, and Kurt Tucholsky. He also used poetry as a propaganda tool, and encouraged the creation and dissemination of poems that praised him and his policies125
    104. Do not enjoy going to art museums. Inaccurate. ****** did enjoy going to art museums, as he was interested and knowledgeable in art, especially painting and architecture. He also admired and collected various works of art, especially those that reflected his ideal of classical beauty and Germanic culture. However, he also despised and destroyed many other works of art, especially those that he considered degenerate or subversive, such as modern art, Jewish art, and Soviet art. He also looted and confiscated many works of art from the countries and territories that he invaded and occupied, and planned to build his own art museum in his hometown of Linz125
    105. Experience my emotions intensely. Inaccurate. ****** did not experience his emotions intensely, as he was cold and detached, and rarely expressed any positive or affectionate feelings. He was secretive and guarded, and often concealed his true motives and feelings. He was also cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence123
    106. Feel others’ emotions. Inaccurate. ****** did not feel others’ emotions, as he did not have any empathy or compassion for the suffering and needs of others, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also harbored a deep hatred and resentment towards certain groups of people, such as Jews, Slavs, and Communists, whom he blamed for Germany’s problems and considered inferior and evil245
    107. Rarely notice my emotional reactions. Accurate. ****** rarely noticed his emotional reactions, as he was self-centered and isolated, and did not have any close friends or confidants. He did not socialize or interact with others, except for his official duties or propaganda purposes. He did not enjoy or appreciate any hobbies or leisure activities, and devoted most of his time and energy to his political and military ambitions123
    108. Don’t understand people who get emotional. Accurate. ****** did not understand people who got emotional, as he was arrogant and narcissistic, and believed that he was superior and infallible. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others235
    109. Prefer variety to routine. Inaccurate. ****** did not prefer variety to routine, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions123
    110. Prefer to stick with things that I know. Accurate. ****** preferred to stick with things that he knew, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions123
    111. Dislike changes. Accurate. ****** disliked changes, as he was unable to cope with the challenges and changes that occurred in the course of the war, and often made irrational and reckless decisions that worsened his situation. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions. He refused to surrender or negotiate, and ordered his followers to fight to the death or commit suicide235
    112. Am attached to conventional ways. Accurate. ****** was attached to conventional ways, as he had a narrow and rigid view of beauty and aesthetics. He only appreciated and valued the things that conformed to his ideal of classical beauty and Germanic culture, and rejected and condemned the things that deviated from it. He also imposed strict censorship and control over the artistic expression and creativity of others245
    113. Love to read challenging material. Inaccurate. ****** did not love to read challenging material, as he was not interested in learning new or different perspectives or ideas. He was narrow-minded and dogmatic, and only read the books that confirmed or supported his own views and beliefs. He also burned or banned many books that he considered dangerous or subversive, such as those written by Jews, Communists, or pacifists123
    114. Avoid philosophical discussions. Accurate. ****** avoided philosophical discussions, as he was not interested in exploring or debating the meaning or purpose of life. He was cynical and pessimistic, and believed that most people were driven by selfishness, greed, and violence. He saw the world as a Darwinian struggle for survival, in which only the strongest and most ruthless would prevail. He also imposed his own ideology and worldview on others, and did not tolerate any dissent or opposition245
    115. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. Accurate. ****** had difficulty understanding abstract ideas, as he was obsessed with his personal vision of creating a “thousand-year Reich” and a “master race”. He did not have a balanced or realistic approach to his work, and often neglected or ignored the aspects that were not of his interest or expertise, such as economics, diplomacy, and technology. He was also stubborn and intolerant, and did not listen or cooperate with others, even when they had better ideas or solutions123
    116. Am not interested in theoretical discussions. Accurate. ****** was not interested in theoretical discussions, as he was impatient and intolerant, and often lost his composure and self-control. He was also abusive and cruel, and often humiliated and threatened others. He did not respect or value the opinions or emotions of others, and often mocked or insulted them. He was also prone to overconfidence and miscalculation, and often failed to anticipate or respond to the consequences of his actions245
    117. Tend to vote for liberal political candidates. Inaccurate. ****** did not tend to vote for liberal political candidates, as he was a fascist and a totalitarian, who wanted to establish a dictatorship and eliminate democracy. He was also racist and nationalist, who wanted to create a “master race” and expand Germany’s territory and influence. He was also anti-Semitic and anti-Communist, who wanted to exterminate Jews and other “undesirable” groups and oppose the Soviet Union and other “enemy” countries245
    118. Believe that there is no absolute right or wrong. Inaccurate. ****** did not believe that there was no absolute right or wrong, as he had a rigid and dogmatic view of morality and ethics. He believed that he was right and infallible, and that his goals and plans were justified and noble. He also believed that his enemies and opponents were wrong and evil, and that they deserved to be punished and destroyed. He did not have any empathy or compassion for the suffering and needs of others, especially those whom he considered enemies or inferiors245
    119. Tend to vote for conservative political candidates. Moderately Accurate. ****** tended to vote for conservative political candidates, as he was a nationalist and a militarist, who wanted to restore Germany’s glory and power after the defeat and humiliation of World War I. He was also a traditionalist and a purist, who wanted to preserve and promote Germany’s culture and heritage. However, he was also a revolutionary and a radical, who wanted to overthrow the existing political and social order and create a new one based on his ideology and worldview245
    120. Believe that we should be tough on crime. Accurate. ****** believed that we should be tough on crime, as he was authoritarian and ruthless, who wanted to maintain law and order and enforce his policies and rules. He was also paranoid and fearful, who believed that he was surrounded by enemies and conspirators. He used force and violence to suppress and eliminate any opposition or resistance, and did not hesitate to use any means necessary to achieve his goals, including torture, imprisonment, and genocide245

    A table of the statements, in my ordering, also includes which facet applies to each statement, and the correct ordering (Question No.) for each statement. Hopefully I've copied the AI responses correctly. I intend to enter the AI answers into the test, and post the results here, and then maybe comment on the statements I felt were off, and/or gave an interesting new perspective, or which possibly needs investigating further:

    Statement Question No. Facet code Facet name AI answer:
    Trust others. 4 A1 Trust Inaccurate
    Believe that others have good intentions. 34 A1 Trust Inaccurate
    Trust what people say. 64 A1 Trust Moderately Inaccurate
    Distrust people. 94 A1 Trust Accurate
    Use others for my own ends. 9 A2 Morality Accurate
    Cheat to get ahead. 39 A2 Morality Accurate
    Take advantage of others. 69 A2 Morality Accurate
    Obstruct others' plans. 99 A2 Morality Accurate
    Love to help others. 14 A3 Altruism Inaccurate
    Am concerned about others. 44 A3 Altruism Inaccurate
    Am indifferent to the feelings of others. 74 A3 Altruism Accurate
    Take no time for others. 104 A3 Altruism Accurate
    Love a good fight. 19 A4 Cooperation Accurate
    Yell at people. 49 A4 Cooperation Accurate
    Insult people. 79 A4 Cooperation Accurate
    Get back at others. 109 A4 Cooperation Accurate
    Believe that I am better than others. 24 A5 Modesty Accurate
    Think highly of myself. 54 A5 Modesty Accurate
    Have a high opinion of myself. 84 A5 Modesty Accurate
    Boast about my virtues. 114 A5 Modesty Accurate
    Sympathize with the homeless. 29 A6 Sympathy Inaccurate
    Feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself. 59 A6 Sympathy Inaccurate
    Am not interested in other people's problems. 89 A6 Sympathy Accurate
    Try not to think about the needy. 119 A6 Sympathy Accurate
    Complete tasks successfully. 5 C1 Self-efficacy Moderately Inaccurate
    Excel in what I do. 35 C1 Self-efficacy Moderately Inaccurate
    Handle tasks smoothly. 65 C1 Self-efficacy Inaccurate
    Know how to get things done. 95 C1 Self-efficacy Moderately Inaccurate
    Like to tidy up. 10 C2 Orderliness Inaccurate
    Often forget to put things back in their proper place. 40 C2 Orderliness Neither
    Leave a mess in my room. 70 C2 Orderliness Neither
    Leave my belongings around. 100 C2 Orderliness Neither
    Keep my promises. 15 C3 Dutifulness Inaccurate
    Tell the truth. 45 C3 Dutifulness Inaccurate
    Break rules. 75 C3 Dutifulness Accurate
    Break my promises. 105 C3 Dutifulness Accurate
    Work hard. 20 C4 Achievement-striving Moderately Accurate
    Do more than what's expected of me. 50 C4 Achievement-striving Moderately Accurate
    Do just enough work to get by. 80 C4 Achievement-striving Inaccurate
    Put little time and effort into my work. 110 C4 Achievement-striving Inaccurate
    Am always prepared. 25 C5 Self-discipline Inaccurate
    Carry out my plans. 55 C5 Self-discipline Moderately Accurate
    Waste my time. 85 C5 Self-discipline Moderately Accurate
    Have difficulty starting tasks. 115 C5 Self-discipline Inaccurate
    Jump into things without thinking. 30 C6 Cautiousness Accurate
    Make rash decisions. 60 C6 Cautiousness Accurate
    Rush into things. 90 C6 Cautiousness Accurate
    Act without thinking. 120 C6 Cautiousness Accurate
    Make friends easily. 2 E1 Friendliness Inaccurate
    Feel comfortable around people. 32 E1 Friendliness Inaccurate
    Avoid contacts with others. 62 E1 Friendliness Accurate
    Keep others at a distance. 92 E1 Friendliness Accurate
    Love large parties. 7 E2 Gregariousness Inaccurate
    Talk to a lot of different people at parties. 37 E2 Gregariousness Inaccurate
    Prefer to be alone. 67 E2 Gregariousness Accurate
    Avoid crowds. 97 E2 Gregariousness Accurate
    Take charge. 12 E3 Assertiveness Accurate
    Try to lead others. 42 E3 Assertiveness Accurate
    Take control of things. 72 E3 Assertiveness Accurate
    Wait for others to lead the way. 102 E3 Assertiveness Inaccurate
    Am always busy. 17 E4 Activity Level Moderately Accurate
    Am always on the go. 47 E4 Activity Level Moderately Accurate
    Do a lot in my spare time. 77 E4 Activity Level Inaccurate
    Like to take it easy. 107 E4 Activity Level Inaccurate
    Love excitement. 22 E5 Excitement-seeking Inaccurate
    Seek adventure. 52 E5 Excitement-seeking Moderately Accurate
    Enjoy being reckless. 82 E5 Excitement-seeking Accurate
    Act wild and crazy. 112 E5 Excitement-seeking Accurate
    Radiate joy. 27 E6 Cheerfulness Inaccurate
    Have a lot of fun. 57 E6 Cheerfulness Inaccurate
    Love life. 87 E6 Cheerfulness Inaccurate
    Look at the bright side of life. 117 E6 Cheerfulness Inaccurate
    Worry about things. 1 N1 Anxiety Accurate
    Fear for the worst. 31 N1 Anxiety Accurate
    Am afraid of many things. 61 N1 Anxiety Accurate
    Get stressed out easily. 91 N1 Anxiety Accurate
    Get angry easily. 6 N2 Anger Accurate
    Get irritated easily. 36 N2 Anger Accurate
    Lose my temper. 66 N2 Anger Accurate
    Am not easily annoyed. 96 N2 Anger Inaccurate
    Often feel blue. 11 N3 Depression Accurate
    Dislike myself. 41 N3 Depression Moderately Accurate
    Am often down in the dumps. 71 N3 Depression Accurate
    Feel comfortable with myself. 101 N3 Depression Inaccurate
    Find it difficult to approach others. 16 N4 Self-consciousness Accurate
    Am afraid to draw attention to myself. 46 N4 Self-consciousness Inaccurate
    Only feel comfortable with friends. 76 N4 Self-consciousness Inaccurate
    Am not bothered by difficult social situations. 106 N4 Self-consciousness Inaccurate
    Go on binges. 21 N5 Immoderation Accurate
    Rarely overindulge. 51 N5 Immoderation Inaccurate
    Easily resist temptations. 81 N5 Immoderation Inaccurate
    Am able to control my cravings. 111 N5 Immoderation Inaccurate
    Panic easily. 26 N6 Vulnerability Accurate
    Become overwhelmed by events. 56 N6 Vulnerability Accurate
    Feel that I'm unable to deal with things. 86 N6 Vulnerability Accurate
    Remain calm under pressure. 116 N6 Vulnerability Inaccurate
    Have a vivid imagination. 3 O1 Imagination Inaccurate
    Enjoy wild flights of fantasy. 33 O1 Imagination Inaccurate
    Love to daydream. 63 O1 Imagination Inaccurate
    Like to get lost in thought. 93 O1 Imagination Inaccurate
    Believe in the importance of art. 8 O2 Artistic Interests Moderately Accurate
    See beauty in things that others might not notice. 38 O2 Artistic Interests Inaccurate
    Do not like poetry. 68 O2 Artistic Interests Inaccurate
    Do not enjoy going to art museums. 98 O2 Artistic Interests Inaccurate
    Experience my emotions intensely. 13 O3 Emotionality Inaccurate
    Feel others' emotions. 43 O3 Emotionality Inaccurate
    Rarely notice my emotional reactions. 73 O3 Emotionality Accurate
    Don't understand people who get emotional. 103 O3 Emotionality Accurate
    Prefer variety to routine. 18 O4 Adventurousness Inaccurate
    Prefer to stick with things that I know. 48 O4 Adventurousness Accurate
    Dislike changes. 78 O4 Adventurousness Accurate
    Am attached to conventional ways. 108 O4 Adventurousness Accurate
    Love to read challenging material. 23 O5 Intellect Inaccurate
    Avoid philosophical discussions. 53 O5 Intellect Accurate
    Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. 83 O5 Intellect Accurate
    Am not interested in theoretical discussions. 113 O5 Intellect Accurate
    Tend to vote for liberal political candidates. 28 O6 Liberalism Inaccurate
    Believe that there is no absolute right or wrong. 58 O6 Liberalism Inaccurate
    Tend to vote for conservative political candidates. 88 O6 Liberalism Moderately Accurate
    Believe that we should be tough on crime. 118 O6 Liberalism Accurate

  36. #396
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    All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.
    The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.

    The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.

    The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.

    Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.******-quotes
    I think his caliber of manipulation of Germany and its parties is N not S - it is highly strategic on the emotional fronting, making a strong F showing.

    IMO he was filled with hate and had an inability for compassion, showing psychopathy.

    Personality disorders are hard to type, there is a lot of confliction within, but shows a lot of intuitive strength barring LSI or SLE, i think Beta EIE. Unfortunately.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

  37. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I think his caliber of manipulation of Germany and its parties is N not S - it is highly strategic on the emotional fronting, making a strong F showing.

    IMO he was filled with hate and had an inability for compassion, showing psychopathy.

    Personality disorders are hard to type, there is a lot of confliction within, but shows a lot of intuitive strength barring LSI or SLE, i think Beta EIE. Unfortunately.
    I think the AI has underestimated his score on Openness to Experience on some metrics, even though it was certainly extremely low on some. It's hard to say he had an aesthetic appreciation for art because he liked some art, while on the otherhand, he did more than most to destroy art.

    (I'll try give my commentary on what the AI said some time).

  38. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I think the AI has underestimated his score on Openness to Experience on some metrics, even though it was certainly extremely low on some. It's hard to say he had an aesthetic appreciation for art because he liked some art, while on the otherhand, he did more than most to destroy art.

    (I'll try give my commentary on what the AI said some time).
    Selling ST or SF for him is going to take a gigantic shoehorn for a fit , like selling Napoleon as SEE.

    I've actually seen an ENTP frame an argument for the Myers Briggs ISFJ. Same one typed me ESTP, btw.

    I always say please, can we speak the same language at least...

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Selling ST or SF for him is going to take a gigantic shoehorn for a fit , like selling Napoleon as SEE.

    I've actually seen an ENTP frame an argument for the Myers Briggs ISFJ. Same one typed me ESTP, btw.

    I always say please, can we speak the same language at least...
    Can people explain meaningful differences between people like Adolf, Stalin/Putin, Napoleon/Churchill etc., when they type them as different types, or are they just clinging to the ghosts of old dogma and can never re-think things afresh?

    If Adolf has Beta values (I don't believe in quadras, I think SLE>LSI>IEI>EIE is most likely). I like the Clubs very much, and it's only in this community that Adolf is considered a Humanitarian. Maybe people should think about that, when the guy has been assessed by expert psychologists as somewhere between 5 and 6 standard deviations below the general population mean on the trait of Agreeableness, which is very rare indeed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Can people explain meaningful differences between people like Adolf, Stalin/Putin, Napoleon/Churchill etc., when they type them as different types, or are they just clinging to the ghosts of old dogma and can never re-think things afresh?

    If Adolf has Beta values (I don't believe in quadras, I think SLE>LSI>IEI>EIE is most likely). I like the Clubs very much, and it's only in this community that Adolf is considered a Humanitarian. Maybe people should think about that, when the guy has been assessed by expert psychologists as somewhere between 5 and 6 standard deviations below the general population mean on the trait of Agreeableness, which is very rare indeed.
    We are coming from different worlds if ISFJ or ESTP is a reasonable fit.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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