Transigent, thank you very much for helping me here, I really appreciate it.

Just like loving (or hating) somebody unconditionally can cover up the weak Fi: the function doesn't need to be used, because the decision has already been made.
So in other words, it's a point of people are always trying to avoid situations where they have to use the hidden agenda, so by falling back on one decision (love or hate in this case), I never have to deal with complex situations involving Fi (which explains my fear of intimacy and moral judgment.)

So I think that there are many cases where the INTp/ISTp will love to let people know that he loves somebody (in my experience, some never shut up about it!)
Now that I've lived awhile, I completely, 100% agree with you, and I regret saying what I've said before (although I do dislike public display of my feelings, but that may just be trying to protect Fe.) I think my INFj friend is about ready to kill me, with how much I talk about love and stuff (but it's fun!) Actually, I love playing the guessing game with people about who I'm in love with at the time.

I think a more probable scenario of a Fi hidden agenda is vomiting mawkish emotions from time to time to cover-up an inadequate Fi.
I tend to use strong words like 'love' and 'believe' because it makes me feel good. Also I tend to fall in love way too quickly (where it takes my INFj friend 50 years...)

Transigent, you actually proved beyond doubt that I am an INTp! It's interesting with what you said though, because I actually have noticed these strange behaviors within myself over time. Of course, I don't know any INTps or ISTps other than myself, so it's good to have an outside observer to bring these to the forefront.

See, Transigent, you really do know what you're talking about!

(Hidden agenda Fi in action :wink: )

Your INTp friend, (Fi again)
