Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
Yes, I certainly agree with that too.
Ah cool.

Let's now take Kristiina's case. She thought she was INTj, then ENTj for quite some time. In MBTI-like tests, she still gets strong results as "T" - very strong. At first she thought she was clearly a logical type. Because she's clueless? Because she is, indeed, a logical type and she's wrong now about being ENFj? But both Rick and I typed her as ENFj in person - Olga got ISTj in her test, but she uses quadra values besides her own theories.

One of the reasons why Kristiina thought she was "T" is because most of the descriptions of "F" refer either to Alpha Fe or to Fi; even the socionics descriptions of Fe have a heavy bias towards Alpha Fe over Beta Fe. So it's not suprising that an ENFj might see herself/himself as a "T" type. This may be Ashton's case too.

These are the kinds of problems that the "dichotomy" crowd has to accept are real, and not just with easy answers like "she had no clue when typing herself as T then" or "she can't be ENFj then". That's a cop-out.

@Kristiina: I hope you don't mind my using your case as example.