I think I started to understand subtype theory and I am pleased that we are talking about the differences within the type and some other factors which affect inter relationships.

I am not to sure what subtype I am as regards to this theory. If somebody has got any idea or perceive me as one of sybtype, please, say that. I look more like ESFP and this is the way I interact with new people: I am not that shy. I can say something shocking with unemotional face so that people will think very long why I have said this, why I have said it to them and if there was any particular meaning in that. Logical types can go nuts but ethical types seems to be ok. No surprise people find difficult to understand me.

I don't know if people have to be one of the subtypes or as somebody in this thread said already: may be there are more subtypes?
I personally think about myself as thinking or + subtype. I am reasonably strong on both and and they don't bother me too much but I do like to think a lot about . I also like to analyse things ( ?). So I would say through my life I have developed my Superego block to a degree that gives me fun. What is fun for me - I call my subtype!

So we can assume that there are 3 subtypes of ISFJ: ethical, sensorical, thinking. It would be too whild to say intuitive subtype because it is a problem area. Then "three subtype theory" will kinda disagree with the original subtype theory which states that thinking supressess feeling and on the opposite. So may be there is a form of ethical thinking which is not supressed by logical thought!? And what does it mean ISFJ as etical subtype? Social humanist: butter with butter? may be ther is no just ethical or sensorical or thinking ISFJ but ethical sensorics and ethical thinking ?

Next, shall we have a look at the blocks. I believe that somehow first four functions or EGO and SUPEREGO blocks are more important for types than SUPERID and ID. Why? Ego is about reality, here and now, and Superego is more or less plan for the future -direction to improve yourself and achieve things (lighthouse). Why on earth should I look for the partner which will cover my sleepy unconscious and subcounscious?

For example, my third function is why should I look for the partner strong in , just because I would be afraid than my chair or table will fall apart and I will have nobody to repair? Or may be I am in need of extra adrenaline through taking risks and experimentations? No, I would rather go with the man who is strong in and will sit and eat on the floor. Of course, just will not be enough, he has to have a strong developed so that we could understand each ohter and not to have stupid quarrels about litle things. So I need an INTJ - ethical subtype!
My INTJ is not an idiot and he is not pushing me on my problem area. Once he did and I just had to explain him why I don't like this kind of
jokes. So may be there is no logical or intuitive subtypes of INTJ but intuitive thinking and ethical thinking subtypes of INTJ?
And if I woud be ethical sensorical and not ethical thinking subtype, may be I would be more interested in more energetic and physically strong partners like ENTJ, ESFP (which I did!). Could anybody wrap up my thoughts into a nice theory?