Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
I can't stand it.

I'll use it to the ends of making the system, the process run better. But on my own, when I am not paying attention, it is one thing I greatly dislike about myself.
Yeah, this part about being an INTj sucks. I find myself betraying my real emotional state constantly in the name of trying to affect positive emotions in other so as to protect the ever sensitive Fe receptor. I'm in sales, so I'm constantly having to kiss ass when I'd rather be telling people to screw off. It's maddening, but...there's no way around it. INTjs simply do not like negative emotions...in particular anger, which I think scares us in that we fear it could turn into physical violence, as we can't predict emotional changes in people very well.

The emotional anger of ESFps and ESTps scares the shit out of me the most, and I will almost never reciprocate anger (despite feeling the same way) due to the greater importance of ensuring they don't go crazy on me and resort to physical violence (which negatively affects Si). Not coincidentally I avoid these types like the plague whenever possible as I know it is perfectly acceptable to them to resort to such actions in support of negative emotions. I'm most guilty of maintaining a cheery disposition around these types for this reason.