I'm not sure ‘creativeness’ is a thing here.

An SEI I know can hoard conversation that literally springs from nowhere except from his musings. Someone could say ‘pass the salt’ at the table and he will begin talking about the different type of salts and how they're used in cooking. Nobody dinning will have an idea what he's talking about. Or start informing the rest of cooking appliances and how they're used depending on whether you're in Europe or in America; the same with wine -what year and region is best for what dessert and which should be avoided, what result you will get depending on the final flavor depending acidity of the wine, what fruit will look like if you dry them naturally vs an appliance, etc. A person like that will have a bigger suitcase with tricks than some other person. The same person wanted to 'teach' me how to skillfully get shots of tourist destinations I visited and avoid bad angles, some rather creative tricks he had discovered himself through experimentation and years of being a tourist because he is a sucker for family photos and vids. Nothing specifically screams Ni about what that woman does (although I'm not claiming anything about her type).