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Thread: Further Considerations

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    Default Further Considerations

    Also aptly titled "Cat Makes Yet Another Vain Post About His Type"

    So I know we've been through this before a few times, but once again I am plagued with doubts about my type. In light of how easy I find my relationship with my current girlfriend to be, and given that I am pretty sure she must be SEI, I feel that ITR theory would suggest I'm more likely IEE than IEI. Though I don't think ITR is the be all and end all of relationships - I don't think you *need* to marry your Dual, and I'm sure even relationships with a Conflictor can work for some people - I do think that ITR is one of the more interesting/important aspects of Socionics, so an apparent anomaly there is enough to give me some pause.

    On top of that, I think at least three or four forum members (I won't tag people this time cause it feels slightly selfish, but you know who you are) have entertained the idea that I am more probably an IEE(Fi?), and though at first I dismissed those ideas as improbable, they kind of stuck with me, and I've found myself rereading Filatova and all the basics about Information Elements, temperaments, and descriptions of IEI and IEE that other theorists have written.

    Now of course one possibility is that I've mistyped my girlfriend. However, I really don't think that's the case. It is abundantly clear that she is SF. For F, she's very emotionally expressive, uses lots of emojis in text, get's visibly disappointed when people give her "薄い" (weak) emotional reactions to the things she shares, and spends a lot of her free time out and about with friends or family. I could go on further, but I feel like you get the idea. She's clearly ethical. As for S, all of her activities are practical, grounded things. She's about to graduate med-school, she enjoys pretty intense and regular exercise, she likes skiing and ice skating in the winter, and she has basically no hobbies that would point to a preference for N. She's not really one to create stuff other than nicely written letters for birthdays and such, and the media she tends to watch of her own volition are funny TV series like Brooklyn 99 or popular stuff like Disney (particularly High School Musical lol). I suppose learning English to the degree she has could be interpreted as N, but the reasons she's learning it feel grounded enough to me to make that not stand out too much in my mind. Learning English is a matter of course here, especially for doctors, and her circle of close friends is full of English speakers so it's really no wonder. Additionally, she seems very appreciative when she receives random information. She seems unexpectedly interested in my (frequent) random information dumps where I just start lecturing about a topic because something reminded me of it suddenly. I often realize I'm doing it mid-lecture and get shy about it and trail off somehow, but she keeps encouraging me to share which is nice. She also says she really likes how much of a romantic I am (like in the classical sense of the word), and she seems to really like my creative side. It feels potentially very Ne-seeking to me. Also she seems clearly more of an introvert and not nearly aggressive enough to be SEE, so I really think SEI fits the best.

    We're not that far into our relationship, but I'm just shocked that nothing has gone wrong yet. Usually there would've been some hiccup by now, but we've literally never argued about anything yet and living with her is the most satisfied I've ever felt. This is all beginning to feel like it points away from me being IEI unless "Business" relations can actually be this good.

    I suspect also that I may have some very confused ideas about the elements that I've carried over from MBTI. Some of them seem to be nearly the opposite! For example Fe in MBTI is frequently called "Harmony" but I've gathered in my time here that "harmony" is really more the domain of Fi than anything else. I've always been convinced I was Fe because I am for sure very harmony-oriented. I don't like stirring things up, tend to hide all of my frustrations and sadness from people, and I find myself always trying to put out social fires or tensions I see growing between people in my life. I regularly council people on how to get along better and try to get them to see the other person's perspective. I'm very much oriented towards maintaining peace in relations, and even in video games I fight very hard to maintain perfect relations with every NPC. Even when their values conflict I try to navigate through the middle.

    That leads me into my second possible misunderstanding. MBTI often calls Ni "Perspectives" and that was something I related to quite strongly. As I alluded to above, I find it very easy to recognize and adapt to everyone's perspectives on the fly. I very quickly see where someone is coming from and I adjust my speech and behaviour accordingly to avoid getting on their bad side or even to curry a little favour with them. I always thought that was an Ni behaviour, but I've come to think that seems perhaps closer to how Socionics describes Ne.

    Other things like my love for SLEs I think can be explained via Super-ego relations. Even if I analyze my type as IEI there's still my aunt who I've always felt I got along with better than anyone else in my life. She is most definitely an SLI, and I thought I was experiencing Super-ego relations with her, but I suspect Dual makes more sense. I've always been incredibly close with her and always felt like I could really share anything and everything with her and she'd respond to it in the way I really needed.

    So yeah, that was a lot I'm afraid, but this is what I've been considering lately. Sorry if I've been posting too much about my own type, but writing about it helps me clarify my thoughts and as always I am highly appreciative of y'all's!
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    So I know we've been through this before a few times, but once again I am plagued with doubts about my type. In light of how easy I find my relationship with my current girlfriend to be, and given that I am pretty sure she must be SEI, I feel that ITR theory would suggest I'm more likely IEE than IEI.
    How did you come to that conclusion? According to Intertype Theory, anybody outside of your quadra (with the exception of "activity clubs" with people of the opposite quadra for professional work) is a hard and difficult intertype relationship. If you're convinced that your girlfriend is SEI, and you're convinced you're having an easy relationship with her, then you must be a type in alpha quadra, or, you're an SF type in gamma quadra who's temporarily synergizing to accomplish some goal. But you cannot be a delta.
    [Today 03:36 AM] anotherperson: this forum feels like the edge of the internet

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    hough I don't think ITR is the be all and end all of relationships - I don't think you *need* to marry your Dual
    yeah, ITR is just one of many factors which influences how well you get along with another person, and how interesting you find them. duals just have the highest chanceof a good, deep and sympathetic relationship, nothing more.

    She seems unexpectedly interested in my (frequent) random information dumps where I just start lecturing about a topic because something reminded me of it suddenly.
    mostly expected for superid Te - as the free spilling out of factual knowledge is mostly associated with that function. with Ne in the superid there is a more naive interest in novel, exotic or unusual things. SEI gets excited about the prospect of a new activity, idea, experience or thing - does she get childishly excited if you found an interesting new series to watch with her, for example? or if you go to an amusement park, etc.

    This is all beginning to feel like it points away from me being IEI unless "Business" relations can actually be this good.
    business relations are neutral: somewhat sympathetic and not exactly difficult - you are similar in many ways with them and can relatively easily cooperate - but they are shallow and boring. the areas where you are different are not perceived as very positive but rather as strange. the same is the case with kindred. in university I have easy conversation with ILIs, but they do not spark any real interest beyond the subject which we talk about.

    For example Fe in MBTI is frequently called "Harmony" but I've gathered in my time here that "harmony" is really more the domain of Fi than anything else
    Fe is about the expression of emotion, objective ethical labels (good, bad - ''that guy is amazing!'' ''wow, what an asshole.'' etc.) and the influence on emotional atmosphere - to make someone laugh etc. Fi is about personal sympathy/antipathy (I like/dislike), the integrity of desired relations and the distancing of undesired, and interpersonal emotional comfort (''that's hurtful to me/him/her'', ''I really appreciate what you did that day'', ''I don't want to talk to you anymore!'' etc.).

    introverts generally dislike extensive interaction with the surrounding world and thus try to limit conflict more.

    As I alluded to above, I find it very easy to recognize and adapt to everyone's perspectives on the fly. I very quickly see where someone is coming from and I adjust my speech and behaviour accordingly to avoid getting on their bad side or even to curry a little favour with them.
    it's NF behaviour. to imagine perspectives of others - Ne, yes. IEI is much less interested in this, but capable nonetheless.

    you could try to give your girlfriend a test. maybe the Talanov one?

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    Quote Originally Posted by PrelapsarianAdam View Post
    According to Intertype Theory, anybody outside of your quadra (with the exception of "activity clubs" with people of the opposite quadra for professional work) is a hard and difficult intertype relationship.
    Really? That's the first I'm hearing of that.

    Anyway, I came to that conclusion because a relationship of semi-duality is supposed to be easier than one of lookalikes
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    does she get childishly excited if you found an interesting new series to watch with her, for example? or if you go to an amusement park, etc.
    Yes! Quite recently I suggested we watch Arcane together and she seemed thrilled by that! We did watch it too btw and she loved it ^^
    She responded similarly to the suggested of ice skating (despite neither of us having done it in like a decade lol), and we had a great time relearning that together!

    Fe is about the expression of emotion, objective ethical labels (good, bad - ''that guy is amazing!'' ''wow, what an asshole.'' etc.) and the influence on emotional atmosphere - to make someone laugh etc. Fi is about personal sympathy/antipathy (I like/dislike), the integrity of desired relations and the distancing of undesired, and interpersonal emotional comfort (''that's hurtful to me/him/her'', ''I really appreciate what you did that day'', ''I don't want to talk to you anymore!'' etc.).
    This is where it can become difficult for me to distinguish. I definitely do share a lot of Fe statements, but I also think I tend to baby relationships very carefully and find myself putting interpersonal emotional comfort first, so probably Fi by your definition.

    it's NF behaviour. to imagine perspectives of others - Ne, yes. IEI is much less interested in this, but capable nonetheless.
    Yeah, I don't think there's really any question about me being NF lol

    you could try to give your girlfriend a test. maybe the Talanov one?
    I might do that sometime she doesn't seem too absorbed in studying. I feel bad giving her a 500 question test when she's this busy lol
    Even when she's not this busy though... that's a lot of relatively difficult English. I might see if I can't find a Japanese version somewhere
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrelapsarianAdam View Post
    How did you come to that conclusion? According to Intertype Theory, anybody outside of your quadra (with the exception of "activity clubs" with people of the opposite quadra for professional work) is a hard and difficult intertype relationship. If you're convinced that your girlfriend is SEI, and you're convinced you're having an easy relationship with her, then you must be a type in alpha quadra, or, you're an SF type in gamma quadra who's temporarily synergizing to accomplish some goal. But you cannot be a delta.
    Intertype theory doesn't say that at all. In fact some Intetype Relations that are in adjacent Quadras can be very easy to get into (Mirage, Semi-duality, Lookalike, Benefit). An IEI have a relationship with an SEI is not so ridiculous, but it can make deepening the relationship further a bit trying at times.
    There's lots of successful marriages/couples that have been outside of someone's given Quadra, it's just that same-Quadra ITRs are 'typically' the easiest to get started.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PrelapsarianAdam View Post
    How did you come to that conclusion? According to Intertype Theory, anybody outside of your quadra (with the exception of "activity clubs" with people of the opposite quadra for professional work) is a hard and difficult intertype relationship. If you're convinced that your girlfriend is SEI, and you're convinced you're having an easy relationship with her, then you must be a type in alpha quadra, or, you're an SF type in gamma quadra who's temporarily synergizing to accomplish some goal. But you cannot be a delta.
    semi-dual and mirage are good ITR, whereas ITR with the opposite quadra is strained
    it's unlikely for a logician to make this mistake, if they have read the theory. +1 to ethical - I still recommend uploading a typing video for opinions on this.

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    You come off too detailed in fleshing out the "dots" in connections for it to be Ne, in my eyes. You can stay Ni just fine. You have my approval for that.

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    To be honest, enjoy the relationship without questioning your identity too much. This can be the downside of personality systems like this. You guys mesh. There are some things that go way beyond just type. Sounds like you have shared interests, similar goals, compatible love languages, etc.

    In my world, I met a dual with whom I share a deep connection with but we are incompatible in areas of practical importance. Life is beyond a theory.
    Last edited by EIE H; 12-19-2022 at 01:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    Ooo I like any collage where I end up in it together with David Draiman!
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    To be honest, enjoy the relationship without questioning your identity too much. This can be the downside of personality systems like this. You guys mesh. There are some things that go way beyond just type. Sounds like you have shared interests, similar goals, compatible love languages, etc.

    In my world, I met a dual with whom I share a deep connection with but we are incompatible in areas of practical importance. Life is beyond a theory.
    Yes, I definitely agree with that! I realize and have said on here at least once or twice before that typology and ITR are not everything when it comes to relationships. I just find being in a relationship helps me understand more about myself so thought it was worth exploring from that angle
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post

    You come off too detailed in fleshing out the "dots" in connections for it to be Ne, in my eyes. You can stay Ni just fine. You have my approval for that.
    Lol well I definitely like to understand things thoroughly so you're not wrong about that! Thank you for your approval lol
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    After studying your posts, @AWellArmedCat, I am convinced that you are one of the few ESE's that got interested into Socionics. One ILI (your conflictor) I met on this forum hated the living guts out of you, and two more ILI's (also your conflictors) I met who are aware of this forum but don't go on it would have hated you too. You would make a good friend.

    My advice: find an LII and hold onto him or her with your dear life. Also avoid all ILI's.

    If you want advice on how to spot an ILI: pay attention on whether they admire villain protagonists like Walter White or see themselves as antivillains. This is Se dual-seeking backed by Ni base.

    Anti-Villain - TV Tropes
    Last edited by SacredKnowing; 12-20-2022 at 02:30 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrelapsarianAdam View Post
    After studying your posts, @AWellArmedCat, I am convinced that you are one of the few ESE's that got interested into Socionics. One ILI (your conflictor) I met on this forum hated the living guts out of you, and two more ILI's (also your conflictors) I met who are aware of this forum but don't go on it would have hated you too. You would make a good friend.

    My advice: find an LII and hold onto him or her with your dear life. Also avoid all ILI's.

    If you want advice on how to spot an ILI: pay attention on whether they admire villain protagonists like Walter White or think doing evil can be cool. This is Se dual-seeking backed by Ni base.
    Lol wow! I've never heard ESE suggested for my type before. That's new! Curious what led you to thinking that.

    I'm even more curious about who hated me? There was only ever one forum member who I felt that I didn't get along with, and I'm pretty sure he self-typed as LSI
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    I'm even more curious about who hated me?

    He's banned and irrelevant to you. But people do talk behind your back about you.

    Curious what led you to thinking that.
    1. Wanting to leave your home country and go to a foreign land (even though you have no Japanese ancestry) is a very alpha quadra thing to do
    2. You value Ti logic but you're not naturally good at it; it looks like Ti dual-seeking behavior
    3. You have a naturally bon-vivant attitude toward life, like Victor Hugo. You strike me as the type of person who would enjoy listening to indie music just for the sake of listening to indie music. Naturally synergistic-vortical cognition
    [Today 03:36 AM] anotherperson: this forum feels like the edge of the internet

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    Quote Originally Posted by PrelapsarianAdam View Post
    He's banned and irrelevant to you. But people do talk behind your back about you.
    I suppose that shouldn't surprise me as everyone's bound to be disliked by some people. Still, it's weird to me that I'd rub people the wrong way since I feel I go so far out of my way to get along with everyone.

    1. Wanting to leave your home country and go to a foreign land (even though you have no Japanese ancestry) is a very alpha quadra thing to do
    Lol yeah I've always had the travel bug. I remember even as a little kid I was most fascinated by anything that wasn't from where I was. I loved receiving trinkets from family members who traveled somewhere, trying weird foreign candies, and I kept a collection of foreign currency people gave me. I'm pretty sure I still have that collection back in the States at my parents' house.
    2. You value Ti logic but you're not naturally good at it; it looks like Ti dual-seeking behavior
    Yeah I definitely wouldn't say I'm super gifted at Ti, but I do tend to feel I value it! Incidentally one of my cousins I'm really close to is LII. I tend to always feel like he has the correct opinions about stuff lol
    3. You have a naturally bon-vivant attitude toward life, like Victor Hugo. You strike me as the type of person who would enjoy listening to indie music just for the sake of listening to indie music. Naturally synergistic-vortical cognition
    Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty fond of new and unusual pleasurable experiences lol
    For the record, I mostly listen to metal, rock, and weird pagan-y fairy music. I also really like music from other countries though and just about anything "unusual". Also I liked polyphonic overtone and Mongolian throat singing before it was cool. Just saying.
    Also I guess I have a soft-spot for Lo-Fi. I like setting the atmosphere if I'm hosting guests or if I'm gonna be drawing or studying, and usually burn incense too
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Well honey, IEI and SEI do often have a lot of natural empathy and companionship for one another. Maybe you are making a too big a thing about socionics? I agree, just enjoy the relationship and don't try to put a pretty ribbon on everything so much. I don't think the world really works like that anyway tbh, like all these categories that neatly align perfectly and make sense .... something about that feels false 2 me. Like a Joel Osteen/Oprah Shadow world. Where they tell you this is now Utopia, but you know something is rotten in Denmark. It feels like lining up a bunch of dominoes, only for the biggest bad to sociopathically giggle and then push and watch as we are all knocked down. You know what I mean? Like from a way up high scale.

    Whatever type u r, you've always been pretty nice to me- so you're cool in my book. =) And I just don't see the point of mentally masturbating and trying to construct reality to fit a categorical definition....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Well honey, IEI and SEI do often have a lot of natural empathy and companionship for one another. Maybe you are making a too big a thing about socionics? I agree, just enjoy the relationship and don't try to put a pretty ribbon on everything so much. I don't think the world really works like that anyway tbh, like all these categories that neatly align perfectly and make sense .... something about that feels false 2 me. Like a Joel Osteen/Oprah Shadow world. Where they tell you this is now Utopia, but you know something is rotten in Denmark. It feels like lining up a bunch of dominoes, only for the biggest bad to sociopathically giggle and then push and watch as we are all knocked down. You know what I mean? Like from a way up high scale.

    Whatever type u r, you've always been pretty nice to me- so you're cool in my book. =) And I just don't see the point of mentally masturbating and trying to construct reality to fit a categorical definition....
    Aww, thank you! You're always so sweet, and I like you too ^^

    And yeah, I know the system isn't perfect. I'm just exploring ideas to see if there's any more sense to be made lol
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Maybe typology doesn't fit you, but not the opposite. In other words, don't try to fit into typology.
    But if you ask me, there might be a likelihood that you are an IEE, but I put it as an alt. for now.
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    Hey dude, it was really nice to meet you in the US while you were there briefly. I specifically requested a waifu pillow but was satisfied with the figurine you got me, and I appreciated your consideration that I’d just cover the pillow with yellow stains right away anyway.

    I thought you were a cool bro and mad respect to you and your waifu, I don’t imagine why a bro like you would need to think about socionics at a time like this? I would be knocking up my waifu 24/7 if I were you.

    Business relations are good, I had a gf for years under business relations. Best waifu, highly recommend this ITR.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Quote Originally Posted by born2simp View Post
    Hey dude, it was really nice to meet you in the US while you were there briefly. I specifically requested a waifu pillow but was satisfied with the figurine you got me, and I appreciated your consideration that I’d just cover the pillow with yellow stains right away anyway.

    I thought you were a cool bro and mad respect to you and your waifu, I don’t imagine why a bro like you would need to think about socionics at a time like this? I would be knocking up my waifu 24/7 if I were you.

    Business relations are good, I had a gf for years under business relations. Best waifu, highly recommend this ITR.
    Lol it was great to meet a forum member irl! We should meet up again sometime ^^

    And lol yeah, I know I don't *need* to think about Socionics over this, but it seemed a good opportunity to expand my understanding of it. The more experiences I have with other people the better I feel I understand myself, and I enjoy the clarity this kind of shakeup tends to bring
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    My ISTp aunt seems to like the idea of me being ENFp. It made a lot of sense to her too that we would be duals. My gf seemed torn between the ENFp and INFp descriptions as to which she felt fit me more. The general feeling seems to be that I have too much energy to be an INFp or that I'm "not lazy enough" to be an INFp. My own feeling about that is that I am very lazy and prone to giving up kind of quickly on things when my inspiration for them runs out. However, as long as I remain inspired to do something then I have practically endless energy to throw at it and can usually accomplish way more than other people I may be working with. I feel my energy very much comes in waves of inspiration and I struggle mainly with consistency more than anything else. I don't form long-term habits easily. That can be good because I don't really form bad habits, but it can also be bad because sometimes I want to form a good habit and really struggle to. Now short-term habits aren't a problem. I very often fall into doing something regularly, but generally the period of time that it lasts is about a month at most. Regardless of what it is I tend to lose the vibe somehow and in order to continue I have to re-psych myself up for it or somehow get re-inspired. With a handful of things, like Japanese and drawing, I have a relatively easy time getting back into it even if I lose some inspiration. Those two things I seem to very easily find the inspiration for even if I lose it for awhile, and so I've been able to make decent headway with them. Maybe some other things too, but I'd consider my handle on Japanese and drawing to be far stronger than with most other hobbies I have. Like I could pretty easily teach either of those things, but others I may struggle with. Oh and I guess I feel similarly about typology/psych stuff. They're just things I always come back to
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Maybe forum IEEs such as @Eliza Thomason can add something
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadySatsuki View Post
    How did you come to that conclusion? According to Intertype Theory, anybody outside of your quadra (with the exception of "activity clubs" with people of the opposite quadra for professional work) is a hard and difficult intertype relationship. If you're convinced that your girlfriend is SEI, and you're convinced you're having an easy relationship with her, then you must be a type in alpha quadra, or, you're an SF type in gamma quadra who's temporarily synergizing to accomplish some goal. But you cannot be a delta.
    Semi-duality is common and often perceived as easy. Some problems can arise and Socionics adresses them. But especially if you have subtype compatibility also etc. then semi-duality can be considered one of the best. It's like almost-duality.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Semi-duality is common and often perceived as easy. Some problems can arise and Socionics adresses them. But especially if you have subtype compatibility also etc. then semi-duality can be considered one of the best. It's like almost-duality.
    not sure if it is that common, as both partners are quite different when it comes to their interests in the world. getting to know each other is easier than duality though and initial attraction is usually much stronger than duality. the problem is that both have different ideas about what they want in life, as the activating function is the vulnerable function of the other partner.

    AWellArmedCa's girlfriend seemed like an IEI from a photo he posted tbh, so they might be identicals that seem a bit different due to different backgrounds and cultures as Cat is quite expressive. not entirely sure on her type, but seemed INxx at least.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Fwiw you VI as a IEE and that was my original typing of you a few years ago. Your gf has a SEI thing going on.

    Btw this is not a value statement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    not sure if it is that common, as both partners are quite different when it comes to their interests in the world. getting to know each other is easier than duality though and initial attraction is usually much stronger than duality. the problem is that both have different ideas about what they want in life, as the activating function is the vulnerable function of the other partner.
    The issues with semi duals are usually found along the mutual sensing, or intuition territories. Each type can have issues stepping on each other's toes.

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    My mom just read through all the IEE DCNH descriptions and she laughed at the Harmonizing one and said that one sounded the most like me so far. She thought IEI-C sounded like herself
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Harmonizing subtypes are supposed to show strengthening of the receptive-adaptive functions (Si and Ni), and I can see how strengthening of Ni could be confusing my typing
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat
    Harmonizing subtypes are supposed to show strengthening of the receptive-adaptive functions (Si and Ni), and I can see how strengthening of Ni could be confusing my typing
    There seem to be a lot of harmonizing subtypes on this forum. I wonder why that is.

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    Lookalike relations are probably the best short term? But might not feel as good after say two
    years, that’s my impression. Still very good though. At my nan’s funeral I was chatting to a very successful female LSI who I’m pretty sure is married to her lookalike, with a kid. Whilst chatting she said something like ‘I got married too young’ and seemed a bit sad. That was a few years ago. However, I notice on social media now she seems happy and proud of her family- partner and kid. I think I’ve noticed this with lookalike couples, they have some periodic lulls in the relationship. I think lookalike is good, if you have a career you like, because any slight boredom can be ignored as you get a lot of satisfaction from your job/passion.

    also I’ve been toying with the idea that we sort of have a ‘second’ type. @AWellArmedCat I have thought that you seemed a bit ILE-ish before, (though I do think you are IEI). I wondered if I feel a bit ILEish too and this is why I like SEIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    There seem to be a lot of harmonizing subtypes on this forum. I wonder why that is.
    Most of them are just chilling on this forum.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: "The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metaphor View Post
    Most of them are just chilling on this forum.
    You mean H types like to chill, and this forum is a good place for chilling? Makes sense, lol.

    You're an N subtype, right? Why are you here, and how do you feel about chilling?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    There seem to be a lot of harmonizing subtypes on this forum. I wonder why that is.
    According to Alive it’s probably because we lack nutrients and are all midgets
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Nah, most users on this site are normie normalizers, but they seem to have left the site recently, which I don't find so bad. Not as many pointless arguments about definitions. Maybe now is the time of Harmony.

    Surrounding myself more with shorter people over the last 2 years has improved my life quite a bit. Can't get annoyed at people when they don't initiate useless debates
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive
    Nah, most users on this site are normie normalizers, but they seem to have left the site recently, which I don't find so bad. Not as many pointless arguments about definitions. Maybe now is the time of Harmony.

    Surrounding myself more with shorter people over the last 2 years has improved my life quite a bit. Can't get annoyed at people when they don't initiate useless debates
    Normalizer = normie? The Normalizing descriptions I've seen definitely aren't sexy, but I didn't know the Gulenkistas actually considered it the subtype for boring people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Normalizer = normie? The Normalizing descriptions I've seen definitely aren't sexy, but I didn't know the Gulenkistas actually considered it the subtype for boring people.
    it's just a term that @one used that I find kinda funny. normalizing subtypes follow a lot of rules and rarely change their perspective when they have made up their mind about somthing because they have accentuated Ti, which is a very rigid function. it's also by far the most common subtype that frequently clashes with creative subtypes because C subs hate following rules almost all of the time. they perceive N subs often as unflexible drones with a stick up their ass. I personally think that due to the sheer number of normalizing subtypes I can get along with some of them, it's definitely a spectrum, but a lot of them get on my nerves very quickly. Gulenko has the opinion that his school is mainly interesting for creative subtypes, and he doesn't get along with normalizing subtypes like Jack from WSS, who pedantically still uses classical socionics.

    I think D and C subs get very easily into conlficts due to Se accentuation. N subs only argue about systems they care about, while H subs rarely get into conflicts at all. I think the intuitive accentuations of C (Ne) and H (Ni) rarely makes them followers of rigid systems at all, while D and N subs are more connected to the society they are in.

    In comparison with other subtypes, Normalizing subtype is dull, inexpressive, boring. But balanced and "thick-skinned"
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Normalizer = normie? The Normalizing descriptions I've seen definitely aren't sexy, but I didn't know the Gulenkistas actually considered it the subtype for boring people.
    Now you've seen why I've done everything I've done relating to Alive. I don't even self-type as a normalizer, but I'm one of the least normie people you'll ever meet, and being called a normie won't be tolerated. Additionally, I find Alive only considering people only as stereotypes of groups, only talking to people in the context of weird soapbox group shouts, and then turning around and saying I must be aristocratic for being rather adverse to both of these anti-individual behaviors rather rich. Alive is also a nature-worshipper and is losing his money due to crypto, and he thinks about me incessantly even when I'm not having a chuckle at his expense. Now the forum is dying, people can pay attention, at least!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    it's just a term that @one used that I find kinda funny. normalizing subtypes follow a lot of rules and rarely change their perspective when they have made up their mind about somthing because they have accentuated Ti, which is a very rigid function. it's also by far the most common subtype that frequently clashes with creative subtypes because C subs hate following rules almost all of the time. they perceive N subs often as unflexible drones with a stick up their ass. I personally think that due to the sheer number of normalizing subtypes I can get along with some of them, it's definitely a spectrum, but a lot of them get on my nerves very quickly. Gulenko has the opinion that his school is mainly interesting for creative subtypes, and he doesn't get along with normalizing subtypes like Jack from WSS, who pedantically still uses classical socionics.

    I think D and C subs get very easily into conlficts due to Se accentuation. N subs only argue about systems they care about, while H subs rarely get into conflicts at all. I think the intuitive accentuations of C (Ne) and H (Ni) rarely makes them followers of rigid systems at all, while D and N subs are more connected to the society they are in.

    In comparison with other subtypes, Normalizing subtype is dull, inexpressive, boring. But balanced and "thick-skinned"
    Gulenko is dull, inexpressive, and boring. I'm talking about the possibility of demon-possessed AIs in-depth and the most interesting thing Gulenko has ever done is drop a few sentences about torture and one about dialectical-algorthmic types being potentially shamans and psions in his cognitive styles... but he also types half the population as EIE so he doesn't even have an interesting hypothesis about the psychic thing, and he didn't go to jail for torturing people like E. A. Koetting, a famous Satanist who engages in human sacrifice, went to jail for doing meth. Gulenko is so boring, he can't even make predictions based on his types, much less do something illegal or scandalous.

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