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Thread: Your ideal job

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    Default Your ideal job

    What do you need to feel satisfied and happy at work?

    What's the most important thing for you when choosing occupation or taking a job (money, freedom, creativity, security, admiration, respect, using manual skills or intellectual work, meeting new ppl, feeling useful, helping others etc)?

    What's your ideal job or as a way of living (It doesnt matter if its unrealistic)?
    Last edited by Faith; 04-16-2020 at 04:28 PM.

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    Haikus Dr PissBender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    What do you need to feel satisfied and happy at work?

    What's your ideal job or the way you'd like to get a way of living (It doesnt matter if its unrealistic)?
    Comfort, basically. And not feeling rushed and basically taking my time.

    My ideal job is what i do, making music, and since i'm studying Music Production I also want to produce other artists besides myself.

  3. #3
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    -Not a lot, if any people
    -No heavy lifting except extremely rarely
    -Not much noise

    Best job might be work from home

    And yeah definitely not feeling rushed

    I've talked to people who hated when work was slow. Can't understand that myself.

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    If I could turn back the clock I’d probably try to teach art at university/ further education level/ even school level. In particular, I’d like to teach printmaking. I currently work in the education sector and am slowly starting to practice more art..4 day week would be nice or at least slightly shorter days..I just find it hard to fit in practical
    stuff like cooking/exercise around work hours/ my fun weekend activities.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I don't know really- all jobs suck unless you are way high in the company maybe but even then I'd have to really police my own speech probably more than I feel comfortable with because I don't really feel like being a duplicitous whore in that sense. Or I guess I could be like Donald Trump and not care how I was coming across or how I was making other people feel- but life is always much easier if you are immoral and don't have much of a conscience lololol. My IEE cousin said before 'All jobs suck' and I'm inclined to agree with her- for me there probably isn't an ideal or dream job, but a job that sucks less compared to others. I'm not very good at operating str8 man machinery for example lol if I had to operate an excavator or bulldozer I'd probably end up killing other people or myself lol so I just don't want to do something like that, but even if I chase my "dream job" - I don't see how I can completely avoid the Te bureaucracy that I loathe. ((get a ESE secretary named Miranda that I can blame and scapegoat all my problems onto?)) That seems like how it always works anyway....

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    I enjoy being a teacher more than anything else I've done, but I would be very happy to work in a creative field (visual artist, voice actor, writer) too. I've done a lot of manual labour jobs, and I dislike them. I'll do them if I have to. I'm not bad at applying the thing to that other thing to do the stuff and make it work, but I don't enjoy those kinds of tasks for long. I'd prefer manual labour to dealing with spreadsheets though. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack every time I look at a spreadsheet. For a little while I had an accountant type job I did on the side, and it nearly made me cry every time I did it. I'm so afraid of making a mistake on some kind of important tax form or counting things wrong, or just being stupid with math. I'd quadruple check things and still not feel confident I did everything right. That kind of thing is hell on my anxiety. I'll clean an outhouse before ever dealing with that kind of thing again.

    Honestly operating heavy machinery doesn't sound unpleasant, but I just don't think I'd be good at it. I doubt it would be long before I got fired from that sort of job for being neglectful of something somehow. I wouldn't freak out like I do staring at pages of slightly different numbers though. I did very seriously consider going into the national guard or coast guard for awhile. Those kind of jobs are very romantic to me. I love the idea of search&rescue type stuff or disaster relief, and I'm big into guns. It's probably just a fantasy though. I had to gain 7 lbs to meet the minimum weight requirement for the national guard, and even that was incredibly difficult. My physicality is naturally elven. I know I can hike for a long time and endure harsh conditions, but I'm simply not strong enough to lift another person off the ground unless they're pretty small themselves. So yeah, those kind of adventurous jobs are appealing on paper, but I don't think I could ever do them.

    The main things I want to do involve people and creativity. Currently I'm a teacher, and after this I'm mainly considering working at a Japanese embassy stateside, becoming a diplomat, doing translation or interpreting stuff, or just continuing as a teacher. I love work that primarily consists of talking to people and drinking coffee all day. I think I'd like to keep doing that lol
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    I don't have an ideal job. I do what I need for money, I don't dream of having any job in particular. I dream of having a lot of money and things but no job.
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    What I want:
    1) be able to do most of the work in my head
    2) creative outlet
    3) interact with and help people

    What I don’t want:
    1) subordination and lots of demands
    2) physical labor
    3) rigidity and strict schedules

    What I get:
    1) subordination and lots of demands
    2) physical labor
    3) rigidity and strict schedules

    I don’t even really care about the money omg

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    Loving the IEI responses..

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    My current dream job - olympic figure skating costume designer.

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    Your inner voice.
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    I feel like I kinda don't like work no matter how good it is.

    What makes it better is a sense of purpose and the ability to experiment. Lack of a sense of urgency or deadline in some cases, structure in others. I like it when I get to order people around in an emergency situation because it makes me feel like the wind, like I'm competently dodging problems and working up a combo. But yeah complicated question.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I like having creativity, freedom and autonomy, I like working with my hands and mind at the same time, being able to move around and stay active.

    I dislike rigid rules and micromanagement, though I do like deadlines and perform well with a sense of urgency.

    I don't care about the salary too much. I prefer the conditions above be met, and that I like the people where I work, and that I feel recognized and validated in my work. I'm pretty good at saving money anyways and I don't have any expenses like kids, mortage, or a car to pay off so I'll take the work that makes me happy over the one that makes me rich, given the choice.
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    ☽ the cutest type ☾ Aquamarine's Avatar
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    No job? Lol honestly I don't really want to work. I just want to stay at home while my rich husband takes care of me.
    But if I had to, a job with flexible deadlines/ work hours would be a dream. Also being able to work from wherever I feel like. Also not being subjected to dressing in business attire (it just doesnt fit who i am as a person. It always makes me feel like I'm a kid playing dress up).

    Also a job where I'm helping people (a wide audience) in some way...ideally emotionally. But not too much in person contact. I don't want to be bombarded by people.

    For me this falls into the category of some type of writing job. Author, etc.
    Last edited by Aquamarine; 02-11-2022 at 03:34 AM.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    I would have liked to have become a pilot or at least be in the backseat. That is what I was in to do when joining the Navy though it was co-ed and too much for me to deal with physically and mentally so I told them to just NPQ me. It was a really tough decision but I felt it was for the best. I think I would have made a good Naval Officer, though, otherwise, since I was not in it just for power but with the intention of being good at an exciting job and caring for the Sailors under me.

    Other than military service, my ideal job would probably have to do with creating music. But that is not really realistic.

    So I currently work for an e-learning software company as a FT tutor for college writing since English was something I always excelled in, I had the job requirements, and it was a step up from retail. Plus, I get to sit on my ass all night doing something I personally find to be easy versus busting my ass all night in retail or working changing shifts stocking meat which is an extremely demanding job physically and is very uncomfortable working in very cold temperatures.

    So this job I have so far has been the best as far as comfort goes and the fact it is a flexible company to work for but it also has the perks of being a company that has been in business for almost 30 years. So I don't have to worry about the company folding because it's some start-up nor is it a big company with huge staff, so they can't afford to treat employees like cattle.

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    To answer the question better, if it wasn't obvious enough- I've always wanted to be a writer. But the thought of professionally writing kind of makes me very insecure, I do think it's a Te polr thing in a way because it often feels like I can't be myself when I try to write "professionally" but I think, this is a stupid/false/misguided perception because lots of books are published and the people are more or less themselves completely. I think the deeper issue is maybe, I was raised to believe that any success is 'evil' and you're only a good or worthy person unless you are suffering and poor- which is fucked up, but that's kind of how I was raised in a sense and it's hard for me to shake it off.

    /Oprah begins to listen intently to my story and puts her hand underneathe her chin.

    Sadly I think my family was just so wrong and a person being homeless doesn't secretly give them special empathy powers- it just coldly and cruelly makes them homeless. You know? My dad had a job but didn't have a lot of money- and he would always tell me stories how he had to live with his siblings in one small room and didn't have his own room and he had a mentally retarded brother he had to take care for but being poor and downtrodden like that made him 'decent'- so it was like this deep fear my family would disown me if I was ever successful, so that's a big reason why I don't live up to my potential despite how intelligent I am. ((sorry for being cringely honest here- but this place is like free therapy so <3)) I'm like a mother fucking genius, I should have a really high paying job now in the city or something and look down on small town rural folk but I can't do that.

    and you know the whole 'People that have good careers they like are evil and wrong and should be destroyed because how dare they have a good life when so much of the world is suffering, Jesus didn't have a job except loving other people' thing etc

    And I probably do have a "victim mentality" - the problem is the person who pointed that out to me a lot was a cruel narcissistic bitch who had an offender mentality and she cruelly got off on trying to make me feel bad for being gay because she thought it was morally wrong or whatever even though she wanted to be raped by black guys.

    She's dead now but I realize Joan Rivers inspired me. EIE Jew. She's offensive and doesn't sugar coat shit but it also comes off funny and light-hearted which is kinda my style. Provocative, rude, but also with the intent of making people laugh in the Fe way. Delta-ish books like 'chicken soup for the soul' is something I would never write probably unless I was brutally making fun of it- although for many years I've lived with people who took the books very seriously and it inspired them.

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    Hm @Shazaam I guess we needed an SLE to teach us how the real
    world works..I nearly had an SLE boyfriend at uni..he became a printmaking tutor for a while afterwards and now he’s a high school art teacher…I really badly needed some guidance at uni/ graduate age..currently I work in an academic library. I’m actually going to be moving to the nice big library soon which will be a bit different. Still on a low salary but it’s enough for the moment. If I want to get a mortgage I’d have to go at least one job up (likely more..) The next job up seems ok..but I think working in the actual library is more appealing for the moment.

    I remember I considered trying to work towards getting a job in TV- any old job just so I could work in the industry. Maybe that would have been cool and better money..if I did have more money what would I do with it? Honestly, I think I’d save for retirement, illness too..and yeah more holidays/ a nice house would be nice..more comfort and freedom..but as it is I’m broke and I’ll have to make do with art and local nature and weird librarian colleagues
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    Oh also, I’m not a fan of irregular hours. Atm I have to do some evenings and occasional weekends but I don’t think I could teach in an adult college for example where they work random hours..

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    Playing music that moves people and/or inspires them to something beautiful, whether it's my own music or somebody else's executed well. Most days I feel like I'd be fine doing this for change on a street corner as long as it affects the people listening.
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    There are many things to consider ... lack of toxic coworkers is a very big one. I also look for roles that are big and impactful... it seems to fulfill some need for meaning and excitement... irrelevant, mindless drudgery is something I don't want. Respect is a nice side effect but I don't think that's my main motivation.

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    I have my ideal job right now, I can show up late and nobody notices, I can slack off in the bathroom and people barely notice, it's part time, it pays the bills, sometimes you can get sent home early and it's braindead labor. Now is it what I want 2 do for the rest of my life? No. But it works good for right now.

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    Somewhat attainable: A fully-remote, overpaid corporate accounting job where I can coast off of my prior experience/credentials and deliver satisfactory work while playing video games on company time

    In another life: Wealthy musician or fashion designer
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    I don’t have an ideal job — I don’t aspire for careerism, and I don’t want my job to be my entire identity. I just want to be able to provide for myself and do whatever I want, whenever I feel like it, without being obligated to anything.

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    My ideal job would be a software engineer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    -Not a lot, if any people
    -No heavy lifting except extremely rarely
    -Not much noise

    Best job might be work from home

    And yeah definitely not feeling rushed

    I've talked to people who hated when work was slow. Can't understand that myself.
    If you've ever worked a job and had a slow day I'm sure you would understand. It sounds weird until you're standing there, yea you are getting paid, but your doing absolutely nothing except watching the clock and 5 minutes starts to feel like an hour and a half.

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