In light of all the F typings, I watched the video again. When I watched it the first time, the things that jarred me from thinking you were a pure T-type were your preference for HR over programming, the fact that you are on good terms with your family (Most LIEs and ILIs are not.), and you are wearing a red sweater, which could be LIE but still is a bit out of character for LIE. But you know, not every person is going to be a perfect representative of their type, so I went with the two types that you seem to correlate well with.

What I do clearly see is Victim, and you really do resemble both LIEs and ILIs whom I know.

But, those three things I mentioned above.......Plus, the fact that LIEs and EIEs can look a lot the fact that you said that improving the individual will improve society.... A concern for society is an EIE thing, not an LIE thing.

Yes, you could be an EIE.